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Guest CarolineKIM

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Guest skimchee

Just Curious how old are you guys?

idk i feel so old playing this game <_<

i used to play a lott back in the days

when a lot of my age friends played (:

now its just here and there, i`m getting

kinda bored of it -______________-::

but yeah it was pretty addicting for a

while !

and what do you guys think about the

whole marriage thing? i personally think

its REALLY stupid `cause the fact that

most of the players are around 10-14

years old ><; ughh it makes me sickk

to see them running around "looking for

a bf/gf" lalala its kinda weird i think :)

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Guest sugarrrxxx

I used to play on it a lot,. but i got a new computer

and it takes AAAGGGEEESSS for it to load.

also i got very bored of it :|

the highest level i've been was 27;a range person

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Guest Baboxbaka

Have lots of acc/chars cause I dont have room on my main. =P Doesnt play as often anymore cause its getting boring when your friends quit and such. x__X

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Guest w4termelon

I go on once a blue moon.

my ex's friend is using my account now anyway. my main is a 51bandit in Windia btw ^^

i really dont like NCL. tho, the music is pretty nice . so upbeat =]

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Guest BabyK

Heeeey! I have a question for you people. And I know most of you guys like to $BUY$ the items on Maplestory XD

Umm... If you live in the USA where do you go to buy the Nexon Cash Cards? I really want to buy some new threads for my character >D

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Guest BabyK

^Seriously? Target ONLY? o__o

ehh... can't get paypal o_o Mom would think something VERY suspecious :ph34r:

What price ranges do the Nexon cards come in?

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Guest Eddokun

^i am not sure about other places but target for sure has them I think you can look on their website to see which stores carry them

the nexon cards you can buy is either 10 bucks or 25 bucks i believe (or 20 I am not really sure? im more positive toward the 25 though)

if you charge through paypal you can get 5 bucks also

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Guest The-Kid

I just became an ice/lightning mage on my character TheBHK ! =D

It was so fun doing the job advancement 'cause I went on a journey with my friends =P

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Guest omgishviviandoodoo

i'm currently level 89 ;o .

the level 88 mage overall looks so fat]:

whats sad is that.. i dunno how to do the 3rd job skills of an I/L. so i'm pretty sure i messed it up by now. :]

hm.. has anyone seen the maplestory thingy on fox? i found it amusing when i watched it. o_o''

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Guest sikhye

I gave away my lvl 86 DK, but I've decided to play again. xD I have a level 11 magician now. :P

Anyone know what Maple Story site is the most reliable for guides/info? (Is it still Sleepywood.net? >_>)

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Guest koumi

I gave away my lvl 86 DK, but I've decided to play again. xD I have a level 11 magician now. :P

Anyone know what Maple Story site is the most reliable for guides/info? (Is it still Sleepywood.net? >_>)

sleepywood.net still has the best guides for classes builts. You can try basil, mapletip and hiddenstreet for their guides as well. But honestly sw.net still have the best guides.

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Guest SSONG.



but now i want to be level 88 priest so i can wear that dress ._.

bera server.

orangexgirl, level 70 priest.

orangeyyy, level 46 hunter.

eiffelxtower, level 47 sin.

xdanluvsjenx, level 40 spearman.

spiritxbebe, level 30 hunter

Yeahhh maple story has this like, serious addiction to it o_o

You can go for like 10 hours and you'll still wanna play more XD

I play in beraa!

orangiee - level 58 hunter :]

addd meeeee if you're bored. i'll probably spam your buddy chat XD


how's everyone liking NLC o_o?

I'm adding you guys just to let you know who the heck added you =P xD

iMxSusan - Lvl 80 Chief Bandit =O

Add me if you're in Bera =D

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Guest skimchee

^i am not sure about other places but target for sure has them I think you can look on their website to see which stores carry them

the nexon cards you can buy is either 10 bucks or 25 bucks i believe (or 20 I am not really sure? im more positive toward the 25 though)

if you charge through paypal you can get 5 bucks also

yeapp its $10 & $25 through target nexon cards

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Guest The-Kid

i'm currently level 89 ;o .

the level 88 mage overall looks so fat]:

whats sad is that.. i dunno how to do the 3rd job skills of an I/L. so i'm pretty sure i messed it up by now. :]

hm.. has anyone seen the maplestory thingy on fox? i found it amusing when i watched it. o_o''

Hahaha. I saw that the other day. The girl that was talking looked like a character outta Maple with like a green metro xD

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lolsss, i didn't think this many people still play ms ;O

i used to be an 'ms freak'. keke it got boring so i quit for awhile.

i go on when im bored, or to just say hi to people(:

but woww, i guess there is still some people who think it ISNT boring o_o

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Guest AMIbunny

wow I miss Maplestory =/ me and most of my MS friends stopped playing so its not fun anymore... i'm a level 71 Priest...and i have messed up stats! LOL. Gosh..i really miss this game. i dont even know whats going on anymore @_@

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Guest PatrickWolf

Can someone help me out.

I'm Thinking of swiching to a new server can anyone tell me which one is like good?

like in terms of hackers. and stuff.

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