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Guest CarolineKIM

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Anyone still play on Scania?

My lvl 47 Sin is on there ---> Psii I usually just roam around Ch 7 or FM or something to make money

And to answer your question about hackers.. It's cause people are dumb enough to give out their pw's to "friends" and then wonder why their stuff is missing.. I've never given out my pw and have gotten so many threats, but they can't do jack shiet without your user name or pw.. So just keep it to yourself :]

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Guest Jangoon

damn i want to sell my account but i dont think its worth 200 cuz u prolly spent 6 months getting it to level 100.. lol work for 6 months and u can get more then that -.- but im not selling my account so dont warn me!!

im lvl 89 dragon knight of windia.. quit a while ago.. man went to friends house and he wanted to try out my legit knight and he hacks and always gets banned before reaching 3rd job lawl!.. (I quit cuz i couldnt find any priests/my guildmates quit/ hackers suck!) and i was playing for like 2 minutes at white giant wolves and then a blue screamer dropped.. i was like WTF?! lol

dat made me feel like playing again haha but i gave like 90% of my money to my friends before i quit

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I started to play again because my friends started to play...I've been asking them to play with me a year ago but they didn't...and now they are playing, it's more fun! =]

I am lvling very slowly...on Mardia.

Anybody on Mardia?

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Guest koumi

I started to play again because my friends started to play...I've been asking them to play with me a year ago but they didn't...and now they are playing, it's more fun! =]

I am lvling very slowly...on Mardia.

Anybody on Mardia?

:( aww I wish I played on Mardi but I just recently reached DK status so I'm staying at broa. What class are you going for? Are you going for archer again?

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:( aww I wish I played on Mardi but I just recently reached DK status so I'm staying at broa. What class are you going for? Are you going for archer again?


I just got my second job as a crossbowman....I changed from archer to crossbow...

I just like archer...o_o

I also just started a magician so who knows...

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Guest AzNdAyDrEaMeR

Does anybody play on Windia or Khaini?

I have a Lv 45 Sin on Windia

I have a Lv 43 Cleric on Khaini

I wonder if I should keep playing or not because it kills so much time on playing a video game that never ends.

Any suggestions guys+girls?

I find myself since Summer Break started playing about 10 hours a day because I have nothing better to do since summer school starts in two weeks.

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Guest YUMii

OMG i used to play this!

but i quit cuz i was wasting mai life xD

i dun even have it on mai comp anymore

i was ... lvl 40 cleric on scania


haha i promised myself to get to lvl 50.. didnt work

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Guest Mandu

I had a level 53 cleric in Scania.. and the game got boring.. =/ My friend wanted me to play again but most of the time I'll log on just talk to some friends..heheh.

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Guest chier

I'm on Scania :D

Lvl 71 Priest and a lvl 111 Priest.

My ign is Tyfuze / Mintsta respectively.

o_o Always up for a party at squids on the lvl111.

>:( I hope Leafre comes out soon.

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Guest koumi

I'm on Scania :D

Lvl 71 Priest and a lvl 111 Priest.

My ign is Tyfuze / Mintsta respectively.

o_o Always up for a party at squids on the lvl111.

>:( I hope Leafre comes out soon.

O_o Why are you training two priests?

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Guest xl0lxl0lx

I started to play again because my friends started to play...I've been asking them to play with me a year ago but they didn't...and now they are playing, it's more fun! =]

I am lvling very slowly...on Mardia.

Anybody on Mardia?

i <3 soompi, but omg it's the source of all by addictions :ph34r: spent $45 on the game, so far....

lol, have not been on soompi much for a month now because i'm so addicted to maplestory that all my pc time goes to that game

my sister is a total addict too now, and my friend is scared to start cuz she may not be able to stop haha

i'm just really into the cute accessories, and so in love with the facial expressions

well neways... i'm on mardia ;) my ign is xl0x0lx (L's and zeroes) lvl 43 i/l wiz, still pretty clueless about everything tho lol. u prob find me at lpq

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Guest danchooox

I'm so addicted to this game -___- I've given nexon $50 already and I'm sure I'll give them more! I play in Scania on weekends if there's no studying to do. Anyone wanna train with me at Jr. Yetis?

IGN: Carolity

Server: Scania

Level 57 Huntress


I`ll train with chaaaa. :D

Omg, I used 50 bucks too on nexon, too. .___. ;

My ign is o0yuni0o. Except I`ve been opqing you a lot lately. lol.


--* edit

OMGSH the server check is pissing me off.

I want to level my sin. rawrrrrrrr .

I heard it`s gonna be 24 hours.

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Guest ilikeeggs

Maple story rocks! i play bellochan warrior lvl 24. even though maple story is fun it can get bored in a month or two if u play it every day. yet it is still like the best online game that is free. and it's korean! :D

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