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[Drama 2013] Incarnation of Money 돈의 화신

Guest nozomikizumi

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Some of the cast of IOM. credit: baidu and SBS

Kang Ji Hwan as Lee Cha Don


Hwang Jung Eum as Bok Jae In


Park Sang Min as Ji Se Kwang


Oh Yoon Ah as Eun Bi Ryeong/Angelina


Park Ji Bin as the young Lee Cha Don


Seo Shin Ae as the young Bok Jae In


Jung Eung Pyo as Lawyer Hwang


Lee Ki Young


Lee Seung Hyung


Do Ji Han as Kwon Hyeok


Son Byung Ho as the killer


source: Incarnation of Money 돈의 화신 FB

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Guest farstrep

My thoughts on Episodes 5 and 6. Apologies for the lack of quality of the pictures.

It's true what they say: When one door shuts, another opens. Although Kang Seok has been deprived of everything he has and has amnesia, all is not over. He gets another new lease of life and identity due to Jae In's mother, who has a sharp eye for potential investments.


Cha Don looks so positively outraged at the revolting and unfair accusation that you can almost see him snorting in disgust. I don't know who to feel sorry for, Cha Don for being branded a pervert even though he did not force the horrifying kiss on Jae In or Jae In for being lied to and cheated of her feelings. Nevertheless, I am impressed by that brief moment where he notices her unusable fountain pen and offers her another.

On another note, I don't get his vanity? It's great that he's a trainee prosecutor but does he have to inform the police in such a showy manner? I wonder if this side of his person is an extension of his former self as Kang Seok? But I don't remember Kang Seok as showy as this, just witty, observant and bubbly.


That puts an eerie turn on the phrase "finders keepers". I hope she hasn't dumped it at the police station because it is spoilt. Now what will the murderer do to retrieve the incriminating evidence from her?


I wonder what her reaction will be if she learns that the younger Kang Seok whom she has fawned over as a child is actually the older Cha Don. There might be relationships she has with other guys but it's quite interesting that we're shown two "relationships" of hers and both are with Cha Don. It implies that Cha Don is her one and only true man in her life?


My eyes are playing tricks on me? Ji Hoo appears to be a tad more feminine around Se Kwang? It seems she's actually respectful of him?


The serious Ji Hoo is not impressed with Cha Don's cavalier attitude towards the cases and criminals in general and deems him anything but an asset to her team. Yet, his amazing ability to recall every single case and its details and later on in the episode, his analysis of the case they're handling, say otherwise. And the way he's not embarrassed to boast it to his superior is really... all I can say is if it's not Kang Ji Hwan acting this role, I would have dearly loved to kick his butt.

It is quite interesting to note that it's the good characters in this drama who recognize Cha Don's hidden potential and are willing to give him a second chance. (I'm still on the fence on my opinion of Jae In's mum but I would like to think she's a good person for now.) The bad, self-righteous characters wouldn't even throw a look in his way.


It is hilarious to see the calm Ji Hoo call Cha Don out on his wimpy behavior in a roundabout, deadpan manner. And the amused smile on her face as she walks off... I believe we will witness more expressions and emotions from the straitlaced Ji Hoo as they continue to work together.


On another note, I wonder why Ji Hoo's competency is called into question. Despite the little discomfort she feels in the washroom, I still think she's more competent than the rest. I wonder if this ties in with the funeral scene we saw in this episode.


Is Cha Don a foreseer? Why does he keep saying things that hint at what he will be doing in the future (with respect to his own situation)?


Although I know cosmetic surgery is the fastest way to "slim down", I would rather it be an unspoken fact and not something displayed on national TV, which is watched by teenagers and young adults from all over the world. Surely, there are other healthier ways to regain your self-esteem or get rid of the inferiority complex that one suffers because of their physical image.

On another note, is it necessary for them to imitate the same scene in "200 Pounds Beauty", right down to the plastic surgeon who does the deed?


It's an irony how Cha Don works so hard at securing Se Kwang's trust and respect and to prove he's not a traitor. It reminds me of the warm and happy times they shared when Cha Don was still Kang Seok and how much trust and faith he had in his hyung and how that was shattered when he realized Se Kwang was the other lover, who might have a hand in his father's death. Is it sadistic of me if I say I can't wait to see Cha Don's reaction upon recovering his memory? Whatever we have seen of Cha Don or his capability now is merely the tip of the ice berg. I often wonder what would happen should he unleash that hidden power in him when he goes turbo? I also can't wait for Cha Don to find the incriminating evidence against Lee Kwan Soo and arrest him with his own hands.


This is the scene that makes Episode 6 memorable. Just as Ji Hoo and Jae In's mum take risks with him and give him another chance, Cha Don takes his chance with the psychiatric patient by volunteering to go to her instead when she refuses to see them. In the few minutes, you can see the indescribable chemistry and tenderness oozing through their simple interaction - the normally dramatic Cha Don speaking gently to her, treating and bandaging her wound tenderly and it speaks volumes of their unbreakable bond. They might not be privy to their real relationship but they already feel that instant connection that only people whose hearts are one would have.


It is symbolic that Cha Don's first adult meeting with his real mother involves bandaging her injured hand - an act of healing and protection. His mother has gone through a lot of suffering in her life and is wounded in the psychological sense but Cha Don's entry into her life is going to be the medicine that heals her, the bandage that protects her from the germs and bacteria in the world outside her ward.


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Guest farstrep

pechumori said:

@farstrep, JI's mother already warned her to stop drooling over CD. Regarding CD bragging about his father's wealth....yeah, well, if only he knew how true that is. About the nail polish when he held JI's hands, what he saw were the fat fingers and not the nails. And the family,,,yes, CD as the only son was well loved both by his parents, and he in turn love them both. The five people who conspired against him just for greed's sake have no concern whatsoever of how many sins they were willing to make and how many innocent lives they were going to destroy just to get their hands on the money.

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@farstrep, they really made use of the same actor to play that role to remind the viewers of the film, "200 Pound Beauty" and yes, several scenes were copied as well. Don't know if this would come as a spoiler to you, but may have noticed it somehow that as far as relationships go this is how it is for the characters involved: Jae In likes Cha Don who likes Ji Hoo who's interested in Se Kwang. I wouldn't tell you anymore beyond that for now. It was truly a heartwarming scene shared by the mother and son and both actors played the scene quite well.

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i think the real father of Jae in is Hwang ( dead prosecutor in episode 9) , and why all women in the drama are interested in Se Kwang , only one women: the poor Jae in is interested to CD who's in love with another women !!! i think SK will be interested in Jae in this time . i'm afraid that CD will be in the case of Hwang oh my god ( because Hwang called CD before the death) , it so complicated this time , who will believe him this time ( i think only Jae in) !!!!! 

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Hello to the few people who read this forum ! 
I started watching this drama 3 days ago and I just caught up to ep 9 today so I decided to check out the forum...I'm so surprised! Is this drama so underrated? I find it a very intriguing mix of comedy and action/suspense. Although offcourse some things -like the courtroom trial of the mayor's assistant- are a bit exagerated for entertainment value, I find this show to be quite winning.
Since so few people seem to comment/watch this show, I will list the things which I find winning about it, in the hopes that others can get inspired to like it:
- this show combines very funny parts with quite believable angsty parts- most characters are quite unique and complex, with several characteristics, no single character is good or bad- it shows a big part of the life of our characters, not just a few monthsplot poins never get overused and we can barely see where we are heading with the script ( which happens so rarely with dramas).  ( here I don't mean the actual ending which will most likely have our OTP together and our hero avenge his parents)- KJH is perfect for this role, I can't imagine how it would be with somebody else-it never tries to make excuses for it's characters, letting them stand in front of us with their qualities and defects bare to see - after all the fun and angst, it still manages to make us ponder about the central theme of the drama, money 

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Guest doanlan


sometimes, I wondar if CD is smart or not ??? it looks like he lived for longtimes in a poor life e at orphanage so now

when he has opportunity to make money, he recieve anything....... it's a poor way like his father did !

it's not like SK, he's really a shark, he doesn't want catching a small shrimp but a lobster; he buys credits, lands and in future to become politician !

even Angelina, she's really a business woman, stupid only in love but very smart in business.

if Gae In  & Cha Don don't change their habit, they will be not..... or  never be a match for SK & his team.

Hope that CD will find his real identity before SK , if not ................

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Guest farstrep

@pechumori: I don't mind spoilers. :P This drama has been an unexpected gem and so rich in terms of character and plot that it's a joy to watch. I'm catching up with the latest episodes! Yay!

Again, apologies for the LQ pictures. Some of my thoughts on Episodes 7 and 8:


Of all people, his mum is the one who brings out the tenderness and sensitivity in Cha Don. I like that.


I don't know which feels worse. To think you're going crazy because you suddenly see your child in another person or to be aware you're crazy for thinking of the impossible.


Just as the murderer can't recognize Jae In after her plastic surgery, Cha Don doesn't realize the girl that has attracted his attention is the same chubby girl he tried to woo in the past. He has a soft spot for pretty girls, doesn't he? But I would prefer if he reserves a softer spot for Ji Hoo. LOL at his reaction when Ji Hoo mercilessly pulls his ear and drags him out of the pub.


Although plastic surgery has successfully altered Jae In's physical appearance, she needs to work at changing her mindset as well. She comes across as being too conscious of herself in this episode, probably because she's still trying to reconcile the reality of her stunning beauty with the "plump girl" who is still residing in her heart.


I love this scene to bits, only because they are all working as a team, trying to figure out the words Se Kwang was saying to Lee. But of course, any scene with Cha Don will always end in hilarity and soon, his team mates are coming up with inane suggestions, which frustrate him to no end and he yells at them with his usual dramatic ferocity.


Oh, this scene is so cute. Jae In expects the same "loving" attention and praise every man has lavished on her after her plastic surgery. However, all Cha Don can marvel at is the advancement of plastic surgery in Korea.

Despite the flashes of brilliance he displays from time to time, he can be quite tactless and insensitive with respect to human interactions and sure enough, he antagonizes Jae In with his thoughtless remarks. I think the absence of motherly love after his amnesia has halted his emotional development somewhat. Ji Hoo has to step in to clean up his mess and seek Jae In's understanding and cooperation in solving the case. Oh no! Ji Hoo is acting more and more like a mother figure to Cha Don every day.



This simple allegory best summarizes the explanation for the general public's detest of those corrupted villains who have obtained their wealth and power through unscrupulous means. This thought suddenly occurred to me: Now that these villains have successfully climbed to the upper echelon of society and enjoyed an excellent reputation, will their fall be all the more harder, that is, if they should be exposed for their wrongdoings in the end?


This is a brilliant stroke by the writer, incorporating Jae In's plastic surgery so effortlessly into the trial to discredit her testimony. I suppose one would do anything to win the trial, even if it means dragging up a part of another's past that she wants buried.


The way Cha Don steps up to the plate and takes responsibility for the mistake impresses me to no end. Even though it's not his fault and he risks a zero grade for his training, he still does it, all because he wants to protect Ji Hoo's job. I can't believe this is the same insensitive jerk who exposed Jae In's plastic surgery for all the customers in the cafe to hear.


Ji Hoo is a tougher nut to crack than I thought. Even when the ever so zealous Cha Don waves his white flag, Ji Hoo firmly believes there's no such thing as a perfect crime and persists in finding the elusive piece of evidence they might have missed in their investigation. Hey, isn't that what Cha Don said in Episode 6? She's totally using his line. :P

On another note, I'm so glad Se Kwang threw him out of his team. Se Kwang is a grey area of morality while the novice Cha Don is a sponge who can swing either way - right or wrong. But because Ji Hoo is the better mentor with her strong sense of conviction and ethics, she has led Cha Don on the right path - to fight for and persist in justice and not sacrifice any innocent person in the process. This is all the more critical because of the moral conflict I am certain he is going to experience once he recovers his memory and realizes what those villains have done to his family. Can he still stand firm by his values and not take matters into his own hands?

Perhaps I am giving Ji Hoo too much credit but one should never overlook the importance of a good mentor.


I'm still in two minds over this shrewd opportunistic lady but I love her little musing. It's compassion that causes Cha Don to review his mother's case again and get her the parole she sorely needs. I believe this would open another can of worms for the villains. I wonder how the villains are going to resolve this, especially now that they are all connected to one another in more ways than one. If one goes down, all go down.


Um.. this is an unexpected female bonding session. I would never have thought Ji Hoo would let her hair down like this. Never. But it makes her more human, so I suppose that's great? Although I would discourage everyone from using food as a stress reliever.


This lady always makes sure she's on the winning end, doesn't she? Charging Cha Don for her generous donations to the orphanage? Aigoo! Now what will happen to our newly crowned prosecutor?

"From time to time
I might think of you
Though you are an impartial person
Your love was so passionate
I can't possibly forget those memories
At times I'll probably miss you
Looking at the full moon
Recalling the promise we made that day
I will regret the past.
Putting a mountain between us
Far, far away
We parted for good
Putting a sea between us
Our hearts were far apart
Still, at times, I might think of you
Because you are an impartial person.

I don't know why but I feel this song is describing Cha Don.


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"From time to time             i love this song , thanks very much
I might think of you
Though you are an impartial person
Your love was so passionate
I can't possibly forget those memories
At times I'll probably miss you
Looking at the full moon
Recalling the promise we made that day
I will regret the past.
Putting a mountain between us
Far, far away
We parted for good
Putting a sea between us
Our hearts were far apart
Still, at times, I might think of you
Because you are an impartial person.

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Guest younhafan

Hi, I wanted to share the OST of the drama. found this in Youtube with English sub, love the singer voice.  "On Days for You" By Jang Jae In

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