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[Official] ChaeKi/Burning Toast Couple Thread [Song Joong Ki & Moon Chae Won]


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Guest charmingtail

Moon2Won said: AWWWWWWWWWWWW why is everybody so depressed? Are we having the Chaeki blues?!?!?!
Am I the only optimistic one here?!?!?! HAHA. I swear if one of them announce their relationship to another person, even then I'm going to be like, I'll wait for the break up =)) God, I am such a bad fan.
Well let me remind you guys, as our queen said, "If you wait, the person is bound to come."So Chaekis, we should just wait, and I'm confident that our Chaeki couple will end up together. I don't even know why I am so sure about this. Call it a nagging feeling or an intuition, but I have faith in this couple. They are just too perfect for each other. 
Oh @anoosha you don't have to worry about whether they are keeping in contact or not. I am 100% sure they are. Anything they say verbally about one another in interviews, we can't trust 100%. However, the way they respond to one another post-NG, is definitely suspicious. I am talking about the video interviews, which we got very few of, MCW's reaction in the Blue Dragon Awards Handprint Ceremony and Song Joongki's reaction to the Best Couple Award. For now we just have to wait until the KBS drama awards for any real Chaeki interaction. 
I just have one more day until my semester is over. And then I will come and spread the Chaeki cheer here. So Chaekis don't lose the faith. Some things just cannot be faked.
tumblr_md24t63aCA1qhcznwo1_250.giftumblr_md24t63aCA1qhcznwo2_250.giftumblr_md24t63aCA1qhcznwo3_250.gif tumblr_md24t63aCA1qhcznwo4_250.giftumblr_md24t63aCA1qhcznwo5_250.gif tumblr_md24t63aCA1qhcznwo6_250.gif*I will post these forever and ever and nobody can stop me.* * Looks over shoulder. No dad Phew*

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Guest yoonghyuun

anoosha said: Is it possible for them to walk the RC of KBS award together? ;;)  I think Chae Won and PSH walked a red carpet together when they were nominated for The Princess Man,Didn't they? 

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Annyeong Toasties! I posted my small holiday present over at NG Thread but I also want to share something here.

While Nice Guy was still airing, I was reminded of this quote from one of my favorite novels:
“He’s more myself than I am. Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same.”
-- Emily Bronte, 'Wuthering Heights'

This says a lot because it's very rare for me to feel the same way about a fictional story as I do about Wuthering Heights. The love between the main couple in that book is very passionate but dysfunctional, they were not even likeable characters but it's one of those novels that I go back to again and again and still discover something new to love and appreciate.

It's the same way with
Nice Guy. It's not perfect by any means but when I watch it, I'm swept away in a make-believe world that makes me feel so much. And despite my delusional tendencies, these days I've come to a realization that no matter what happens in the future between SJK and MCW, in my heart I will always feel grateful towards these two because they gave me a fictional couple who's love for each other has touched me in the loveliest of ways....

I wish each and every one of you the brightest and toastiest Christmas!!! I am most likely not going to be around much at soompi but I'm a frequent visitor over at Koala's Playground. I hope you guys will say hello if we "bump" into each other around the interwebs. 
:x >:D< :-*

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Btw, Toasts.. since my modem/router has been fixed (FINALLY!) I can spazz to MCW Thread to look at those Hi res photos of her <3and open some video or audio stuffs ;))But then I watched Sung Si Kyung's MV. I know already that she starred in his MV (and I guess it's her only one right?) but I never really watch the MV, only the first half of the video. Personally I'm a fan of Sung Si Kyung's very softy soft voice and he looks nerdy cute anyway. So I dare myself to watch the whole MV and I go:tumblr_m32f78pDz81rqrr67o1_500.giftumblr_ma0jd474aj1r3ovdbo1_400.gif
I don't bother continue watching after the part where she laid in bed with black lingerie. WHY they don't give us such lovey dovey scenes in NG??? And by the way the MV made my CHaeki heart jealous. I thought my love for Sung Sikyung will spare my jealousy but NOPE. Nay. No. Can't.Shipper heart is not ready.
"I will not stop shipping Chaeki unless either end up marrying other people or having better chemistry with other actors"
Yep. I cross that one. Precious Moon Chaewon can only have lovey dovey scenes with Nice Guy Song Joongki and vice versa. :))

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you know guys i just thought last night why Chaeki couple always related one to each other...i think God created them to become a couple or maybe soulmate..this is what we call of coincidence..of our chaeki couple:

1. Both of them become the part of KBS drama my fair lady, song joong ki became the cameo in that drama and moon chae won play as supporting artist..

2. Both of them met at KBS drama awards last year at popularity awards..

3. Chae won always has a good relationship with her female co-star while joong ki has a good relationship with his male co-star

4. Moon Geun Young is chae won best friend and we had already know that geun young studying at sungkyunkwan university where joong ki studying as same well.

5. Both of them related with yoo ah in..yoo ah in is joong ki friend's and chae won's co-workers in chamisul cf.

6. both of them choose the same favorite scene from nice guy.. Amori Kiss scene..

7. both of them want to win best couple awards this year...

8. Both of them want to get married before 38's..

9. Joong ki ideal woman is someone who's so lively and cheerful and it's really refers to chae  won..

10. Chae won is like the man who has single eyelids..it's song joong ki right....

So..is this all the COINCIDENCE....sorry if my english is not really good....

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anoosha said:

Something to warm our ChaeKi's burning toast's heart.  :x

((( '착한남자'에서 문채원과 호흡을 맞춘 송중기는 문채원보다 1 살 많은 오빠다. 심각한 분위기가 그려지던 드라마의 전개와 달리 서로에게 장난을 치는 두 사람의 모습이 포착된 현장 사 진이 공개돼 화제를 모으기도 했다. 문채원이 본 송중기는 어 떤 사람이었을까.

"촬영을 하면서 상의를 많이 했어요. 친해지긴 했지만, 말을 놓는 데는 시간이 걸렸죠. 언제 말을 놔야 할 지 모르겠더라고 요. (송)중기 오빠는 말을 계속 놓으라고 했는데.(웃음) 이후 에도 계속 상의를 하고 또 오빠가 배려를 많이 해주셔서 오랜 만에 또래랑 찍으니 즐겁다는 생각이 들었어요. 장난이요? 오히려 장난은 제가 더 많이 쳤던 것 같아요. 저도 이렇게 까불 어본 게 처음이예요." )))


SJK, who colloborated with MCW in NG, is 1 year older oppa to CW. Different from the heavy atmosphere created in the drama, pictures/BTS photos were revealed catching the two playing pranks on each other on the set. This became a hot topic. What kind of person is SJK in MCW's eyes?

"During filming, we discussed alot. Even though we became closer, but it took a while for me to drop formal speech. I didn't know when I should drop the formals. (?) I continued to talk to JK oppa without the formal speech (laugh) After that, we continued to discuss things, and again I received many concerns from oppa. It has been a while since I thought that filming with people around my age could be so fun. Pranks? Rather, I think I was the one doing most of the pranks. It's also the first time for me to be so hyper(??)."


Thanks to @mulberry9 for posting the interview and Thanks to @raine_evenstar  for translating this part.  >:D

Chae Wonie never disappointing us,,hahha thanks to @mulberry9 and @raine_evenstar to the interview and the translation..

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anoosha said:


ummm She doesn't even call SJK,Joong Ki oppa in this interview.She calls him Song Joong Ki. It kinda made me sad. [-(

Dec 31 needs to come faster and SJK needs to sit in the audience not being the MC of the award.This lack of interactions between them is making my burning toasts heart growing colder and colder.

I really am in the weird state of feeling What If they really have forgotten about each other and they are not even in contact. ~X( I'm gonna kill someone.

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No that's not Chae Won.Chae Won was wearing a brown leather coat with grey t-shirt.  B-)

Did Song Joong Ki also go with them to the bar and Karaoke after the Afterparty ended? I thought it was only Lee Yo Bi with PD-nim and some of the crew along with Chae Won who partied till 6 a.m. Considering SJK had a signing event the next day,I think he probably didn't continue to party along with them.But I could be totally wrong.  

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This is a bit random, but have you toasts seen Sistar's Bora's obsession over Song Joongki? =)) I don't blame her (he is the newest "trend/brand"), but she is staking her claim! Ahahaha. Chaewon's got some competition (with like the entire nation of S. Korea lol! Plus international fans ahahah) Bora has liked him since before her debut, and she has a huge poster of him in Sistar's apt. She refused to take it down even when Leeteuk asked her to (since he played the "dad" and Sistars were "moms", and then there was Mr. Song Joongki hanging on the wall. How do they explain this to their baby?? :)) Someone said she even has another one in her room...fangirl ahaha) And then recently on another interview, she lost rock-paper-scissors to Dasom, and Dasom chose someone else over SJK, but at the end Bora still managed to paste his picture at the top ahahah. She also posed in a picture holding his picture not too long ago. And in another show yesterday, she had a little face-off with another celebrity over SJK. XD Fangirl at its best! (If you google "Sistar Bora..." the top one is "and Song Joongki" ahahah. But I don't think they've ever even met! She wants to meet him though. She even asked others to set her up with SJK *dying* <3 )

This reminds me of Lee Seunggi's confessions to Moon Chaewon.Choosing her over his female lead (HHJ <3) twice, telling her he "loves her to death" on Strong Heart, and then being cheesy with her at the awards (and she's so funny! "This script is shameless" ahaha)

Obviously they're both irresistible and gorgeous people with hundreds of love confessions. Imagine the day they go public with their relationship (I MEAN, hypothetically. I'm not saying that they're in a secret relationship right now... :-\" ). Can you hear the apocalypse of broken hearts coming? :))

KBS awards, come soon! <3 I really really hope they'll walk down the red carpet together! (but it's not that likely unless they come at the same time or one of them waits for the other.) I hope we'll get lots of fancams of them being cute to each other! I can just imagine SJK putting his finger on his lips silencing the fans right now ahahahaha. <3

Sorry for the ramble, toasts. <3 I'm just so excited cos I'm done with finals! >:D< Now I can make ChaeKi edits and manips and write fanfics and create saeguk videos all I want! :))

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my christmas wishlist?
i'm gonna make it quick because it's already past 3am here in the morning~ and i'm still lurking here :))
(it's ok if it's a lil late maybe on kbs drama awards?) :D

・chaeki walk to red carpet together
・chaeki sitting next to each other
・chaeki sing "really" ost or SJK sing it to MCW (giving her a surprise or something)
・chaeki win the "BEST COUPLE AWARD"
・chaeki news :x oh chaeki cf and photoshoots and interviews

8-> i feel so selfish but who cares? i'm a toast B-)

good night toasts :-h MOa/rNING :D

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