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[Official] ChaeKi/Burning Toast Couple Thread [Song Joong Ki & Moon Chae Won]


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Guest akatorrieallens

@JinRose I am betting on both. They ended up because of their priorities and the time they have. haha. BUT LIKE I ALWAYS SAID...THEY ARE ENDGAME!

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Good thing our management finally decided to suspend our work at 3pm. So I'm now at home (but still working :() anyway....
I just love reading your views chingus! @JinRose reality-wise, I have to agree with the first one. There's no denying that they really shared a mutual affection during NG, but then again, they might have ended it, or set it aside for the time being because of their priorities. That's why I have always imagined them reuniting a few years from now when their mutual priority is LOVE. :xP.S. Yeah, if it really happened, probably CW unnie decided it first. (aw, poor SJK oppa! anyway TRUE LOVE WAITS :D)
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Guest akatorrieallens

@JinRose No need to say sorry maybe I was the one who did not understand it clearer. Haha. Well, I am putting it this way...maybe they are really in love and then they parted ways because each has priorities to do but they decided to come back to each other when things are already fine like SJK is already out of his military service and Chae Won is ready to get married.  =))

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I accidentally hit the post button... =)) But Whatever CHAEKI's circumstances may be... I will hopefully and earnestly believe onto my delusion coz it's the only reason I'm still here... Hihihihi... I'll just settle myself to surprises and will find the maze unfold on its own.. I just hope it goes thru my own road of conceptions over misconceptions but I really love your insights @JinRose chingu... :) and will absolutely submit to the hypothesis of CHAEKI's ENDGAME by @akatorrieallens

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Guest raquel cristi1430293174

Sadness.. [-( it feels like somebody's pinched my heart just for the thought that they need to part ways bec of each other's priorities.. :( But as for my own dilusion,yeah..they sure settled both feelings toward each other during/ after NG..yeah,each has every priority - JK for the mlitry enlistment BUT the mjor reason for this is to enhance?/improve? His manliness for chaewon (wtch ng bts jk coudn't carry cw..lol!),to be worthy enuf; CW to her career which is her forever dream even gve up her studies.and find it difficult to hv a public relationship. In some ways 'mine' would differ to this aspect - as to theirl decision of parting ways,they PROMISE each othr tht by the time JK fnshd the enlistment, & CW missing him so much now ready to do evrythng whatever it would tke - she'll now follow her true hppiness..would run rushly to each other's arms and eventually get married :x

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This is one reason why I love this thread, your insights (and delusions) keep my Chaeki heart burning! =))
So as my contribution, let me share with you Chapter 6 of my ff I ONLY WANT YOU:x :x :xAsianfanfics link here :DWinglin link here :D
@hani167 here it is chingu, hope it'll somehow satisfy your craving :))
Enjoy reading! I'd really love to hear your thoughts :D

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I'll share my thoughts on this if you don't mind...

I will always be a shipper of ChaeKi simply because the beauty of their chemistry was so captivating.

I think @JinRose has a point (version I) - CW seems to me like an actor who is absolutely, 300% into her job, and her love and passion for it overflows the screen every time she's in it. On the other hand, she's a normal human being, wanting to be in a relationship.

So it makes sense to think that they agreed that until JK came back from the army, CW would concentrate on her work and THEN, they would revisit the idea... leaving it open-ended as everything in life is uncertain (except for death and taxes LOL).

I do have faith though (ok faith is the wrong word. More like optimism). They are both young, and have nothing but days ahead to realize and confirm they are made for each other. If it's meant to be, I'm sure they will find a way. The ground has been laid. And it's true that once there was fire, ashes remain... :x

But yes, for me, late Autumn will always bring me back to the place where I came across the beauty of ChaeKi. Who knows? Aomori might exist after all! :x

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I am actually for the idea that ChaeKi put things off until SJK is done with his mandatory service. Two years is quite a long time and since ChaeKi haven't met for long, I'm sure SJK wasn't about to put MCW in the situation to have her wait for him. For now she's continuing to live life as is, enjoying herself and enjoying the one thing she's most passionate about and right now it's work. Love, at the moment, is the least of her worries. And SJK, of course he's serving his duty as a loyal citizen for his country. As far as ChaeKi goes, we'll have to wait and see if they'll flourish into something much more when SJK officially returns. Only time can tell. :)

To all toasts from the Philliphines, I heard about the horrible typhoon. I pray that you and your loved ones are safe!

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@toasts Just remember what Chaewonnie said that "she will not give up on love". So as wuri-Joongki whom we all know as a loyal and faithful man (his last rel last for 5years am I right?) These two are perfect for each other! 
 They maybe not together now but I'm pretty sure they decided to part ways not because they already ended it but because they have to for a reason that wuri-Joongki needs to fulfill his duty for his country. Imagine to wait for 2years for your love is a torture and I think wuri-Joongki don't want that for Chaewonnie, that's why Chaewonnie was too focused on her work (based on her answer at her interview).
Don't worry @toast as long as we don't hear news about them having a relationship with other people we still remain here in our ship and keep on sailing! ;) :x :x :\">

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ONLY TIME CAN TELL INDEED authornim...!and btw... as a FILIPINO I would like to: Thank you for the PRAYER and it's the best gift YOU and I could give to the VICTIMS of the Typhoon Yolanda! whoah!.. 
Sorry for this Off topic but;My deepest sympathy and empathy to all the Typhoon victim in the Visayas, to my Fellow Filipino @Toasts esp. in this region, may the Good lord ease and cast all your physical pains away and carry the emotional burden away from your sanity... "Pagpalain nawa at Patnubayan kayo ng Maykapal" You are all included to my prayers, esp. for your fastest recovery.... despite any Calamities let's just all continue the positive Vibe of hearty union towards our nation, Mabuhay Pilipinas at let's still imbibe the spirit of OPTIMISM and spread our nation's theme..... "IT'S MORE FUN IN THE PHILIPPINES" inspite the tragedy and national issues let's all spread FUN in the best way that we could! GOD BLESS MY BELOVED PHILIPPINES! *sighs*

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@camzy authornim : I was so relieved for a little while with the 2 red lines news.b08.gif?t=20130921
                               Well said , when you begin a journey of revenge, start by digging two graves: one for your enemy,
                               and one for yourself.

Imagine that eun gi  and maru reaction on your new chapter :

tumblr_mc3v0mANtz1rc7jx3o1_250.gif          tumblr_muwtnu6pE61sjl9t1o2_500.gif

Well maru, you did a good job hmm.gif~~    :):D  B-)   don't giving her second thought and there you goooo~~ two evil red lines >:)
Best prayer to all the citizen of

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Happy Saturday @toasts!

Thanks to everyone who read my update, hope it somehow filled up your Chaeki hearts! ♥

Thank you for your prayers, thank God our place was not affected by the typhoon. But let's continue praying for those in the Visayas and other affected areas. :)

@hani167 those images were daebak! =)) he surely did a good job there =))

@riendonghae chingu! Hope it was worth the wait. Haha :D

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annyeong, toasties!! it's been a while but I'm happy the ship is still sailing!! :x :-* >:D<

@SJKMCW my dear, I really really really like the first chapter!! omooo guess you keep your promise that it'll be a rom-com chaeki ff.
can't wait for the next!! update soon juseyooo!!
@camzy omo, yeeay you updated! thank you, chingu! I will read it right about now!!
for all the other @authornims where have you been? are you all busy in RL? :( :(

ehem! anyway... it's inappropriate if I keep hunting for the authornims when I didn't even give my retribution as one of the toasts!! :D
so here it is, my new chapter. I hope you like it. v^^v
                                          ASIANFANFICS -- WINGLIN -- WATTPAD
*edit: I can now put my new chapter to watty. For those who might haven't read it, please read if  you don't mind :)

now... I can freely hunting again!! mwahahaha prepare yourselves, girls!

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Hi @toasts I am back!!! Hurray!!

I miss my work here. Being a ff hunter. Lol =)) =)) =)) and im m8ssing chaeki a lot...

@Chow chingu we should be hunting for now... right? Right? Lol. :) :)

Calling all the authornims... :))

@SJKMCW @batty22 @riendonghae @shintin @Leilanie @ping @akatorriallens @bloodiamond @limanh and to all authornims...

Lets lets continue to sail this ship... ohhhhaaaa!!!! Take care... :) :*

Note: to all of your insights. @coastalbreeze @JinRose @SJKMCW I so love you all. Hihihi.. thanks for all the insights... :* :* :*

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Guest akatorrieallens

Hello Shippers...got some minis. The first one...hope you'll like it. :)

The Brother and the Brother-In-Law

“You are Moon Chae Won, right?” the reception officer of the military camp where Chae Won’s brother resides asked Chae Won. She nodded politely. “You are so beautiful. Are you here to visit Song Joong Ki?!” she asked again. She smiled and told to herself “Yes, I’d love to see him.” She replied by saying, “My brother is also here.”

Moon Chae Won waited for her brother until he arrived at the visiting area. She was still looking to somewhere else. She was searching for him too. Her man, Song Joong Ki. Her brother snorted, “Am I the one you are visiting or you are here for somebody else?” He made a sad puppy face to her sister. He looked upset. Chae Won laughed and she  brushed her brother’s hair. “Hmmm…! He is jealous. I miss your thick hair Baby Bro,” she smiled at her brother. “Don’t call me that way. I am already in the military, Noona,” her brother said. She kept on smiling at him and handed him a box of his favorite chocolates. “Wow! You’re the best Noona,” he exclaimed. He then started eating the chocolates when he spoke while eating that sent Chae Won smiling.”Do not talk when your mouth is full,” she said.  “I asked our team leader to come here. I told to him that my ugly sister is coming and probably bring some goodies. He was so nice to say that he will follow me here. Oh! Here he is!” he looked behind Chae Won. She was staring happily at his younger brother, “My baby bro is not a baby anymore,” she thought. Then seeing his brother looked behind her, she turned back to see the other person she wanted to see. She was surprised to see the team leader. She was so happy to see him. There was the smiling Song Joong Ki. “Team Leader Song, meet my ugly sister,” Chae Won’s brother teased her. “You want to know my greatest wish, Junior Officer Moon?” Joong Ki asked Chae Won’s brother. “Yes, sir”, he answered politely. “My greatest wish is to marry an ugly girl,” Joong Ki also teased Chae Won. Chae Won raised her eyebrows and stated, “I promised I will not visit you guys anymore!” She was about to stand and leave when Joong Ki blocked her way and smiled at her. He also gave her a begging look to stay. She smiled back at him. She wanted to hugged him right there.

Then Joong Ki said, “I really want to hug you now but you know it’s hard in situation like this.” Moon Chae Won nodded, “To now that you also want to do it is very fine with me,” she said smilingly.  Her brother snorted again, “These chocolates are sweet and yeah, so are you.” 

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Guest akatorrieallens

Another Mini. Hihi. :)


“Chae Won Noona, let’s rehearse our scene,” Joo Won asked Chae Won. “Sure,I’ll just get my script,” she agreed. “We can share my script, if you want,” Joo Won suggested. “No. Thank you. I think it will be easier if we hold different sets of scripts,” Chae Won explained and Joo Won nodded in agreement.

 “We are to rehearse your confession scene,” Joo Won informed her. “Okay, I supposed to say ‘I also need someone to lean on’ right?” she asked. “Yes,” Joo Won said shortly. “ Let’s do this!” she said positively. She can deliver it well but she knew that she needed to put more affection on it. “Is that okay, Joo Won? I feel that there’s missing,” she said. “I think I can help you,” Joo Won answered. He got his phone and googled for Song Joong Ki’s photo. Moon Chae Won was laughing. “Try one more, noona,” Joo Won encouraged her. She remembered the time Song Joong Ki confessed his love for her and how she confessed her love back.

Prior to the confession, she clearly remembered when Song Joong Ki asked her to do some rehearsals with him like Joo Won. “Chae Won, let’s rehearse our scene,” Joong Ki asked. She also agreed to him and told to him that she will get her script but Joong Ki held her hand and made her sit beside him. She loved it when they shared each other scripts together. She was reading her lines when Song Joong Ki held her head and placed them on his shoulder. She felt comfortable in that position. She was about to ask him why he did that but Joong Ki already answered by saying, “This will be part of our scene. Let’s also rehearse it. Just don’t sleep for real.” He smiled.

Then she was able to do the scene properly. She was looking at Joo Won but her eyes only saw Song Joong Ki. She was thinking about him while confessing the love of Dr. Cha Yeon Seo for Park Si-On.

“Cut! Chae Won, that was awesome. Very good,” the GD director commented. Chae Won smiled at Joo Won and mouthed, “Thanks!” Joo Won smiled back.
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Seems like our authornims are inspired today! I hope to see more updates coming (haha like chingu @riendonghae i can freely hunt for now because i just updated my ff LOL :)) )

@akatorrieallens thanks for the back-to-back minis! So cute! :D now i want to watch GD so i could imagine that scene :P

@riendonghae left my comment on your aff! Wee good job, hope to read the next chap soon! Hihi ;))

Hope everyone had a great great great day just like i did :D Let's continue to ship and spread the Chaeki love! :D

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Anyeonghasaeyo @toasts :-h

I got inspired today to do some fankomiks/ fk (komiks=manga.. Though my work is not the same as manga. :P )

I tried before to write a Novel but unfortunately I failed, so as writing an ff will not work for me as well. I decided to make some fk which I think I'm really good at. (geez.. I'm too confident! :P )

So here it is.. I hope you like it. ;)


For now, it is only one photo/ page but don't worry I'll share my other work later. :)

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