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♥ MinSul ♥ Official Thread ♥ SHINEE'S MINHO AND F(x) SULLI. [Part 1]

Guest DolceNera_24

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do you see only Sulli bow to someone? according to fan account,  at the ending of Ingigayo yesterday, when one xo fan told sulli to go away, Sulli just bowed and said "I'm sorry" to her. but all of the people around her (xo fan) started to give her the dirty look and shouted abuse to her(she was almost kicked out of the place)


GEEK editor, Kim Do-Hoon tweeted:

once f(x) appear on the television, why these damn guys and those damn bit**** gathered and said "Sulli danced half-heartedly, learn how to dance again and there's no restrained move," one day I'll surely make a gore action movie of which main lead is an idol, and revenges ones who post rubbish and malicious comments.

he sounds very furious at nasty netizens who non-stop bashing Sulli.

as someone who is in a same age with sulli, i think she is so strong and wise handling all these hate towards her..if i were in her position, i guess i couldn't even flash a single smile..this makes me adore her even more, SULLI FIGHTING!!!

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Guest Kaye Bee

i don't get it... what and why are they bashing our dear Sulli for? looks? friends? character? psh.

That means just one thing Sulli dear, you're on top of them.so they keep pulling you down! Don't stoop down to their level. Just give em your prettiest smile! ;) This too shall pass :)

Bashers, Haters, Antis....lalalalalalalalala....

moving on....

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Guest nilmemories

Well, I have to say that EXO's fans - some fans I guess, are really something... EXO, Super Junior and f(x) are under the same company. They must have a close relationship and support each other. But those fans are just trouble-makers. Recently they have said bad things about Sulli and Ryeowook. Is it the right way to support your idols, dude?
I'm happy that Shawols and f(x)'s fans act in a very good manner. Be smart, polite and supportive!!! 

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Guest azra1430292364

Im very proud of sulli not let her emotion take control, even bowed to that stupid xo fan.. But i kinda sad, I almost cried when I read @peach20kr translation about the inkigayo situation.. Hope sulli will stay strong and always cheerfull...

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Guest parkhyerin

Just saw this tweet...

“I think Choi Minho is a playboy but obviously Sulli is so special to him :')”

Wahahahaha idk why I'm laughing so hard to this....to the word 'playboy' . Do u agree? Waaahahaha =))

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Guest bemjerry13

parkhyerin said: Just saw this tweet...
“I think Choi Minho is a playboy but obviously Sulli is so special to him :')”
Wahahahaha idk why I'm laughing so hard to this....to the word 'playboy' . Do u agree? Waaahahaha =))

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Guest parkhyerin

@bemjerry13 Yeah I'm agree. I still don't get it why some people think minho's playboy. Yes, he's kinda caring to all people,even with every girls,he is so nice to everyone,til some people misunderstanding it. Like my bf told me about his opinion, minho is the type of a guy who really care a lot, as if a girl see it or treated like that,she will misunderstanding it. But minho towards sulli..seems like sulli got a special caring and treatment from minho. And my bf also said Minho's the one who more transparent to shows his feeling towards sulli. Plus the fan account posted by peach20kr unni about Jealousy minho when sulli talked to only Hyunwoo makes me jump around. Haha Minho do l-o-v-e her that way.

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Guest jhologs

More than shipping our OTP, this thread has given me new friends. Friends that I know will stay whether MinSul becomes real or not. This friendship has for sure gone over and beyond the boundary of being superficial ... (as our dear @zee mentioned a while back, MinSul connects people!) 
Belated Happy Anniversary TTBY Family!!! (Hoooray!!!!)
I may not have sent my greetings on time but don't worry because me, @chocwenz and @happychu were busy celebrating at the exact location where Papa Minho will be proposing to Mama Sulli in the not so distant future ... 


How awesome can it be right?!? Of all the 365 days in one year, we really had to meet on 15/Aug, geeez, talk about fate. Same as how the stars will align for our very dear MinSul when the right time comes ... 

I'm soooooo happy to be a part of this ship ... Let's continue our journey together!!!

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Guest ravissant

Aww!  @jhologs that's great that you were able to meet up w/ chocwenz & happychu!  I can just imagine how fun you guys had hanging out.   :-bd

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Guest mikkymoi

peach20kr said:


do you see only Sulli bow to someone? according to fan account,  at the ending of Ingigayo yesterday, when one xo fan told sulli to go away, Sulli just bowed and said "I'm sorry" to her. but all of the people around her (xo fan) started to give her the dirty look and shouted abuse to her(she was almost kicked out of the place)


GEEK editor, Kim Do-Hoon tweeted:

once f(x) appear on the television, why these damn guys and those damn bit**** gathered and said "Sulli danced half-heartedly, learn how to dance again and there's no restrained move," one day I'll surely make a gore action movie of which main lead is an idol, and revenges ones who post rubbish and malicious comments.

he sounds very furious at nasty netizens who non-stop bashing Sulli.

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Guest Fika Hoogendyk

I understand why Amber, Victoria, Luna, and Krystal choose Sulli as the tougher person than it looks. Although there are haters who try to push her down but she always keep smile and even bow to those exo fans. I even almost never see Sulli's sad face in front of public besides she has all of the people (including Minho :) ) who really loves her pure-kind-hearted. I agree with @nilmemories that Shalows and f(x)'s fans are having a good manner and even support each other. I think that's what more important right? Especially for Minho and Sulli who can still be together whether they are in a real relationship or just brother/sister relationship, without any crazy fans that will try to ruin them. And also be careful guys with what you say about exo fans. They can always give an eyes for this thread so please just act just like our Sulli does to exo fans. Sulli ah, keep smile and fighting! We always support you :)

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I was back reading and have noticed that we new namja (@Johnnie Beato) in the house (WELCOME THE THREAD and lots of Filipino crewmates here) and @fangirl15 has asked if there are any other namjas here. As correctly said by @zee and @craziedayzie we do have namjas here. In fact we encourage and would like namjas to post too so we can see the POV of a boy in terms of analyzing and observing the demeanor of Minho towards Sulli.  ;) Speaking of namja's here are the namja's that I know off that has posted and even exchanged their ideas in this thread at some point. They are @theboyfromthemoon from Singapore @mirza380 from Malaysia the youngest (if my memory serves me right) who in fact was having fun with fellow namja @gujilgujil during the early stage of this thread. Then comes our known namja author @milkandtoast who happens to be the BROTHER of fellow crewmate @giezpark from Indonesia. Another known namja author and resident graphic designer artist @maxstepp who by the way made and won the Minsul logo project from the Philippines. Just now i learned that @mirza380 is the SON of @yannajasni who has been with this thread for quite some time now too. 
By the way, Good Luck to your upcoming PMR, @yannajasni said you have been "offline" lately due to your exams preparations. GAMBATTE NE!!! 
Imagine that, brothers & sisters, mother & son are crewmates of the Minsul thread. WAAHHH!!! That is just AMAZING!!!!
@gujilgujil no worry about not submitting any work for the TTBY Anniversary, its good enough you were able to drop by despite your preparations for college (uni). @maxstepp i know your soo busy with school work and activities, but i am hoping that before the Minsul thread anniversary (in October) you will give me the request I asked from you. Okay?!! as for the @theboyfromthemoon @milkandtoast i hope you still lurk here once in a while and post again someday. ;)

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Since i am already in the topic of families here, Let me also give a BIG THUMBS UP to the FANMOMS IN THE HOUSE.

Despite their busy schedules whether as a full time mom or working momsthey never fail to share their insights, news, rants/raves about our beloved MINSUL.FANMOMS IN THE HOUSE@stekatta, @peach20kr @Timnat2010, @foxiscully, @fizaz @yannajasni @fangirl15 @glade0912
p.s.to those FANMOMS out there that I have missed shout-outs to you too.:-bd :x >:D<
MInsul is surely a stress reliever and buster to everybody from fanmoms, noona's, ahjummas, dongsaengs and namja's alike.

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