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[Drama 2013] That Winter, The Wind Blows/Wind Blows in Winter, 그 겨울, 바람이 분다

Guest sunshine4ever

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thay said: For me,it's a Happy Ending..because from the sentence that OY said where she said Sec.Wang told her that he was there from 6 months ago indicate that OS is indeed alive. The blurry scene I guess only to make viewers wants to know who is the guy standing in front of OY since the last scene before the scene in the cafe is the scene where OS got stabbed by JS. And about the flower that JS and HS want to bring, we can see that in the cafe,the lamb's ear flowers are THERE. So, maybe since OS misses and loves OY so much,he always put the flower in the cafe in order to remind him of her since he's too scared that if OY meet him,she will not like him..

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I know this might not end the whole did-he-or-didnt-he-die argument.. but I googled what lamb's ears mean. and it means.. ears of lambs. :-B.............I kid. Anyway, I initially thought upon reading the translation that HS was talking about meat. I swear! If I hadn't read the "ear" thing.. I'd have wondered ..why are they bringing Soo lamb's meat.. I didn't know it was a favorite to begin with. ;)) To those who are wondering whether I'm messing with you.. nope I'm not.. I really thought it was lamb's meat at first coz I really had no idea about the flower's name that Y did like. I must have either forgotten about it or not cared enough about its name. 
So I googled again.. and

Lamb's-Ears means support

I don't if this will end all the speculations about whether OS has died or not.. but I just thought to let everyone know. ;))

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Guest lalanf28

look everyone who has negative thinking about the ending,,,  it's happy ending guys,, not soo or young's imagination,, if u read softy recap,, just look soo and young conversation,, how come the imagination can create such a conversation like the scene in the cafe.. young said to soo ,, i heard from sec wang you have been in here for 6 months and it's one of prove that show the development of their life....

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Guest yellowumbrella

hahahahahahahah..I'm actually laughing reading all the post..i think this conversation - about whether OS or OY is died or alive or if the last scene is all OY's imagination - will last for days..LOL..writer Noh is very clever for doing this to us..

now lets just do voting..for those who believe OS is died raise your red pants..LOL :))

hahahahahahahah..I'm actually laughing reading all the post..i think this conversation - about whether OS or OY is died or alive or if the last scene is all OY's imagination - will last for days..LOL..writer Noh is very clever for doing this to us..

now lets just do voting..for those who believe OS is died raise your red pants..LOL :))

Count me in lol! I always root for melodramas to end with a sad ending so for me i wantthis! Haha

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just to throw in my 2cents worth
(1) OS died- for obvious reasons, one will not simply visit someone with flowers for no apparent reason. - judging from how he collapsed on the roof, i don't think there is any way he could have lived. (i mean look at JIS's face!)
(2) OY's operation is a success and she regained her eyesight- the screen titles says something about "next spring" or something so we can see she is definitely alive and kicking- at the cafe when she talked to the blind boy, notice how her eyeball actually moved to look at the boy. previously when she was blind, her eyeball never moves. instead when she wants to "look" at someone, she turns her head to face that person. 
(3) Why JS and HS are still together despite JS killing OS- in a way, OS gave them the chance to be together- if JS had not kill OS, HS and his family would have been dead - for this, i can imagine HS forgiving JS. for he did it not out of selfish reasons (not for himself but everyone else at stake) and the only reason why they can be together now is because JS made a choice.
(4) OS and OY meeting - This is tough but I will go with it is OY's imagination- the blur focus on OS is an indication of that. - I like to see it as OY imagining how the meeting with OS will be like. recall how they talked about when they meet again and they will talk and when she can see him again etc. the final scene feels as though she is imagining how meeting him will be like. - It seems like she is a regular customer there so maybe each time she goes there, she imagines a different scenario of meeting OS. "Today" (i.e. this ep) this is how she imagined meeting him will be like. 
on hindsight, the ending goes well with the theme that Writer Noh has been pursuing and the themes she has wrote in. 
(1) Recall how OY imagined OS saying "why do all fairytales have a sad ending?" - therefore it is plausible that in this line of thought, OY would have imagined a happy ending for her and OS. Thus, i believe that the ending scene is her imagining the possibilities. 
(2) Hope of living- eps 14 and 15 were criticized by many for being a downer because after seemingly instilling in oY the hope of living, she committed suicide. however, after watching ep 16, i think i understood what Writer Noh is trying to say:
we live in the hope of/anticipation of something. We don't just live for the sake of wanting to live. It's the anticipation of the possibilities in life that drives us to live. 
Which brings back to ep 2 when OS had his grand talk about "living just because he is breathing". Although he seemingly found a reason to live (i.e OY) halfway through the drama, in ep 16, that changed. 
OY alone is no longer a sufficient reason for him to live; it's the possibilities that he and OY can have that kept him going. That's why when he is dying, the voiceover was that of OY telling him "when we meet again". 
In ep 16, that long conversation OS and OY had before they bade goodbye (with one hard kiss, and three soft kisses) was the key to the whole ep.
They are crying not because of separating but because of the POSSIBILITIES that they could have afterwards. 
Haven we always wondered about the "what could have beens"? and the "what if". 
It's this possibilities that drive us to look forward to the next day and it is also these "what if" that makes us have regrets, because we didn't hold on tight to what we had. 
In a sense, Writer Noh is telling us to think of the possibilities that life can bring. think about them and let them give you the strength to carry on (as seen in OY and OS imagined meeting again). but at the same time, don't let these possibilities become your "what if" or regrets. (for OY, although she is thinking of the possibilities that they have, it is ironic that they are actually "what ifs" because OS is dead and in reality, they can never meet again).
so yup, long post. 
But the ride has been fun. :D

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watching the kisses of these 2 makes me happy
but suddenly i feel sad cuz from now on, i will not be able to see them every Wed n Thurs. i'm not ready to say goodbye [-(
i dont care whether it's a HE or not. the important thing is that i got to see the kisses and the happiness on OS-OY face. that's enough
seeing them kissing each other and the sweetness makes me want them to date for real T~T
they look so good together. but yes, drama is drama, life is life. though i ship them hard but i still wish them the best even if they dont date for real

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yes. keep them coming. TWTWB has ended but healthy discussions over the finale episode keep on coming. :D
waiting for the full [even raw] episode... :-w

jjeennyy19 said: Everyone's busy thinking if it's a happy ending or not..If Oh Soo is dead or alive...No one brings flowers to visit a friend alive so hmmmm?????
But what's occupying a larger portion of my mind is....JIS is known as one of the awesome kisser in Kdrama and after watching SHK in WW with all the kissing scene............I've got higher expectation!!!!!!!!!!!!!So why? why? why?
The thread is moving like a spead of light..I don't know anymore which page I should go back... :-O

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Guest ziimblu

Indeed, one is a better writer (or a better artist), if the artwork / sculpture, screenplay, novel, painting or music, provokes emotions rather than silence them...or encourages debates and healthy exchanges...when the piece stays dynamic, long after the curtains closed!

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Guest ohayyo

lynie said: I think he's alive because if OS died I dont think JS and HS would still be together.  I think as much as HS likes JS I don't think she's the kind of person who would forgive someone just like that.  Remember how much she tortured OS for the death of her sister.

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