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[Drama 2013] That Winter, The Wind Blows/Wind Blows in Winter, 그 겨울, 바람이 분다

Guest sunshine4ever

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OK Someone has to explain to me please !!!

didn't youngie know from the beginning that it was an euthanasia pill ????
i remember Oh soo telling her about it !! why is she shocked now ??

I don't get it !!! >< !

Languageszh>en YahooCEerrorneeds

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Guest Queenbbee

Finally, I took all my courage and had a gut to watch Ep.09. Undoubtedly, this ep is truly not good for your heart, your eyes and your nose. I have the feeling that if even OY turns her back to OS now, he will be tired of living for sure. If she dies, he will definitely die too. There is no way he can find an excuse as he did with HJ's death. He finally found out his reason to linger on this life. It's OY. He now wants to take care of her, comforts her, cures her illness, makes sure after his disappearance, she will be left with all good things. He is trying hard to cover the truth as long as these tasks are done not as long as he gets the money. He makes plan for his life in 28 days and the 29th day, he doesn't prepare anything. I have more feeling for OS because I haven't understand OY yet. I need more time to watch all the episodes again to understand her. I think it's also the writer's intention. The drama develops in the way focusing on OS's thinking rather than OY's. The writer might leave it mysterious to create potential climax in future. That keeps us stick with the drama till the end and keep on guessing.

Sincerely, up to now, I don't hate any character even MC, MH, SR or SW. It seems that they, each has his or her own pain. They all desperately want to be loved by someone. It's just that their ways to get love are wrong, but they are not bad people from head toe.

That thought of only 7 episodes more makes me hardly to bid a farewell to the casts. I never regret watching this drama.

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Guest Queenbbee

@little-star you might find some explanations in p223 or p221, there are a lot of friends giving reasonable explanations to this matter. Hope it helps you :D

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i wanna have a hot fake oppa like that:(( jis is so handsome. his face expression takes my breath away. how can he be that perfect :(((( not only cute but also manly. where in the world can i find a guy like him :(((( oppa. i fell in love with u. r u still available? if i'm not qualified enough then can u just date shk shi? she's the only one i think that fits u. any other women is not acceptable [-(

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Guest sunshine4ever

I was flipping through and saw High Cut magazine? Oh mine. It is for March 7th? Sad sad sad. I don't think they'll have it available right now? Probably sold out already. :( So happy the Korean fans are so generous in sharing those awesome pictures of the cast. Love the BTS pictures so much.

I am so sorry if this was posted, but here is Softy's translation of some parts of the BTS videos. I'm so thankful Softy decided to translate parts of them. :)

To watch the Good Morning SBS 37 mins BTS, please click HERE.

Good Morning 37 min BTS translated by Softy @ http://soulsrebel.wordpress.com


for the group photo outside the director said the emotion is for them to look like the four of them went to go play at a pension (Inn) and said for them to not look like they are having too much of a good time –just act like that they had a memory of having fun at one time. so JIS keeps repeating that to the others and asking the director “don’t have too much fun” “check and make sure we don’t look like we are having too good of a time.”

in between taking his poster shots alone, his staff says to cover up with the coat but JIS plays it cool and says “why cover up – it’s so annoying.”  his stylist accuses him of acting like that cuz there is a camera on him right now so since he is really freezing JIS tries to be cool about it but quickly says “then should I cover up for just a short time”  and puts the jacket on

when JIS was up on that platform his stylist extended her hand for him to help her up but he jokingly shook her hand and says “it’s good to meet you. werent you trying to say hello. come up.” she goes up and helps him put his coat on. the narrator says thanks to JIS joking around laughter doesn’t know when to leave the set. as soon as his stylist went up to put his coat on he stepped down right away. he could have just done that to begin with so she didn’t have to go up there. he laughs and gives her a helping hand down.

inside JIS and SHK do an interview. he says how they are filming the drama now. the staff is filming in the mountain and it’s cold and this winter it feels like the coldest. he thought it would be warmer today while they filmed but it’s really cold. SHK says many of the staff are suffering cuz they have to film outside almost every day. so I thought today would be warmer and came but it’s really cold. I am dressed the warmest so I cant say that I am cold right now. the narrator says “in a weather where you feel like your whole body is frozen solid” SHK is doing her poster shoot outside and doing her best till the last cut. then they show JIS wearing a suit inside and doing his poster shoot. she says how even the way he stands shows that he used to be a model. he looks like a commercial. since SHK is playing a blind person she wonders should I not stare at the camera lens. the woman playing sec wang says don’t look at the lens. SHK says last time during the graduation pic she looked at the lens. wang says that young wouldn’t be able to see the lens so don’t stare at it. we will look at the lens (her and the guy playing Young’s dad)

in that scene when Soo takes Young shopping where she says their company’s clothes is the best and asks if Soo is good looking, they filmed that scene with one take and got an okay sign. they sit and rehears their lines and JIS tells the guy in the hat that they memorized it all and wont get any mistakes. JIS stands up and starts picking lint off his coat. he says aloud “kids let’s take the lint off. I have an image to maintain to look good. who am I talking to – where are all my kids (his staff of stylists)” so people nearby laugh.

at the press conference SHK says: when I first heard that JIS got the role I felt relieved cuz I can lean on him (count on him). that’s what I felt first. since he is someone who is good looking and acts really well I always thought we should have met on some project but never did – now that we are more mature and got to meet on such a great project – it so great. we haven’t filmed for a long time yet, but we did a little bit. our chemistry matches well and while acting he is very good to me so I am having a really fun time filming. from here on for the remaining time I am really expecting/anticipating a lot.

This part was left out, but it came out on another video so I am going to insert it here since it was the first part of his answer. JIS: being able to film with a such a good actress – as an actor there is no way it’s not a big honor and something that makes me feel good. from my position, to speak honestly – i thought I just need to do well (cuz she is going to do a great job).

JIS: I have a lot of things that I am grateful to Hae Kyo shi. while working on this project cuz the character was difficult, at those times when I couldn’t figure him out – watching how Hye Kyo shi acts and listening to the lines/dialogue and in that moment there were a lot of times it helped me figure things out. so that’s why I am so grateful and from here on too please take good care of me. he says that to her so she smiles and bows to him.

for that scene when they are running on the beach during the sunset the narrator says they are a beautiful couple that hurts your eyes (cuz of their beauty) and they look really great together. the director called out “action cue” so HK ran but JIS didn’t so she looks back at him accusingly. he just cracks up laughing. he says “there is no other acting in this world that is so embarrassing than this.” narrator says even when they just walk it’s like a commercial shoot.  while they put some coats on to warm up the director asks them do you want to see (what we filmed so far) but both of them say no thanks cuz it’s too embarrassing. JIS: later on you are going to add music to this right cuz without music we look like fools. he tells his stylist my feet are frozen. next he is about to film a shot where he picks up snow to roll into a ball. as soon as he hears the cut sign, he quickly drops the snow and his stylists run over to put heat packs on his hands and he cries “it hurts. I am crying” in a baby voice. narrator says during weather where it’s cold just to stand they had to run around on the beach so of course their bodies were frozen. it took over 2 hrs to film this “perfect impressive scene” so the narrator says there was a good effect to the two of you suffering.

the narrator talks about SHK’s portrayal of a blind person. the acting that she does as her hands follow the wall as she walks, how she puts on lipstick, and holds an arm – she is getting great scores for doing such a perfect job acting like a blind person. SHK says how she went and met a lot of blind people, spoke a lot with them, and studied a lot on it. before she met them she had some stereotypes and misconceptions. the biggest homework for her and the most important is to break all those stereotypes and misconceptions about  the blind that many people have.  so that people will think that the blind are the same as everyone and change their views on them. when SHK portrayed being blind articles poured in about it.

for the scene in the mall where those kids knock over her drink and the kid’s mom knocks Young down they rehearsed that scene and she told the kid to pull on her hand. the kid pretends to cry for real so she says someone will think I hit you.

for the important scene in the fountain SHK and JIS are both nervous. when she slips into the fountain pool, as soon she hears “cut” she gets up and tries to get out. but director wont let her.  she says “what do you want me to do. what is this – giving me a bath.” then it’s JIS’s scene when he goes into the pool and kneels by her side. they actually filmed that scene when she takes his arm outside of the pool so she doesn’t remain wet the whole time. showing how much she tries at all times– how beautiful that is – SHK. after the scene JIS stands to the side and claps cuz she did a great job.

Kim bum says the mood maker on set is JIS sunbaenim. JIS stands to the side and nods in agreement. JIS: you saw it accurately. Kim Bum says cuz the weather is so cold it’s hard to control your body and expressions, but he (JIS) tries his best to make it easier. cuz the story gets so depressing on set for real it could feel like that too but JIS sunbaenim always – as soon as they yell “cut” he makes the mood bright again so he is the mood maker. JIS: it makes me think if someone was looking it seems like I wasn’t focusing on acting so I suddenly feel uneasy.

for the shooting scene, JIS has great form when he shoots, but he misses so the director says you need to go to the army again. JIS: it’s a different gun than the one I used. when they film the scene he sort of smirks cuz he actually hit the target. when they yell cut he quickly says I hit it. why didn’t it fall down.  without knowing it I hit it and smiled cuz I was happy. they shoot the scene where he helps Young shoot. JIS ad libs “wah – you are daebak” he motions for the person next to him to see too. everyone laughs cuz of his ad lib. then in the next take when Young asks did I hit it, he asks did you go to the army? narrator says JIS has sense and has a lot of ad libs prepared

for the scene where JIS had to be hit with water balloons, the narrator says “he hung in there through the whole thing without an NG and finished the shoot. after it’s over they wipe down his face. he repeats twice that he is ruined (his image -probably cuz he looked so silly out there). then he goes back to SHK and says his lines “my dongsang can see for sure.” she offers to wipe the water off his face, but he says it’s ok and pushes her hand away like his character was supposed to do. off camera he jokes why is this woman like this when I said I didn’t want her to. he says that’s what his character should have said.

during the press conference SHK says it’s been 5 yrs since I did a drama. in between i kept working and kept standing in front of a camera so for the first shooting it wasnt that awkward. for the first time filming (this) it felt like I’ve been going there a lot – it’s not easy to have that kind of feeling and i am continuing to feel that and my heart feels at ease.

JIS says it’s been a long time since I got a project to do – it’s been 4 or 5 yrs. everyone knows I had to go the army like all men do. as you can see i dont have anything heavy about me (meaning in real life he is known for being happy and upbeat) - the character I am protraying too – I’m trying not to make him seem so heavy -I am doing my best to portray him well.

for the scene by the lake when Young goes in the water and Soo has to go get her, some divers went in first to test how deep it gets so JIS watched that and looked worried. cuz one wrong step and he is waist deep in freezing water. the director instructs JIS to run in and get about waist high at least. so JIS says I will just cross it then and it makes those men laugh.

the children are there to film the young version scene – where they have the picnic by the lake so JIS goes over to the kids and ask if they ate – you didnt eat. let’s go and eat- you have to eat first and then do it (the scene). the woman says the kids ate bread. while they film the picnic scene JIS goes over to them during the break and asks do you like the way you acted. if you dont like it then do it again. it’s ok. he asks the girl can I eat one (cracker) and says pyong to her. the narrator says JIS is not shy with the kid actors. he kept sneaking the food prepared for the picnic and put them in his mouth. he says to the boy  it’s hot so you have to drink slowly. he kept eating too much so the girl on his staff tells him “oppa they have to use the food for the scene – the kids only ate two each.” so JIS looks guilty and says I was hungry and he finally moves away from the food.

for the scene where Soo has to slap Young on the cheek before they shoot it JIS asks her in banmal – is it ok? I have to slap you on the cheek. is it ok? she says it’s ok you can hit me. someone asks if she gets hit on the cheek does she tend to swell up and turn red but SHK says I dont know cuz I havent got slapped much.  I did the hitting – I’ve always done the hitting on dramas so I havent been hit. the director says something so JIS laughs and says you sound like you’ve been hit a lot so you are talking (from experience).

the actress playing sec wang says it’s the first time working with JIS and says good things about him like even though it’s their first time meeting and working together it’s not uncomfortable. when he comes on set the film set becomes brighter -mood is uplifted-he tells lots of funny stories well and even though he is busy with his own role

the guy playing Moo Chul says JIS’s visual is good (meaning he is good looking) and from my perspective he is young. when he talks to people he always has manners. his passion for the project. I still dont know what his negative sides are – he must have them. Oh Soo has charm but the real JIS has hundred times more charm/attractive qualities.

the girl playing Hee sun describes JIS’s looks like his height and face. she says how he is the mood maker. each word he says is fun. cuz I havent acted much when I come on set I am frozen and nervous but thanks to oppa I can adjust quickly and was able to get close quickly with the other unnis and oppas.

for the scene when Soo has to go back for his cell phone and coat, JIS made a mistake and forgot to take his coat after switching it out for JS’s. so JIS jokes: my acting was lacking. I should have done well. when I was in my prime (back when he did all those dramas)  I did well. it’s not easy.

the actress who plays sec wang: as you know from watching the drama – I love Young a lot - I love her very much so I manage her and control the people around her. it’s that kind of role. until the end I will try to kick Oh Soo out from next to Young. I will try to find out if he is the real brother or not. even if he was the real brother i wouldnt leave him next to Young’s side. I will try to plan something I think.

the actor who plays Moo chul introduces himself. he describes his character’s job and what he is doing to Soo. I am his ally but I could end up being his ally or his enemy - when you watch the show you will know.

the girl who plays Hee sun introduces herself. how people are thinking she is doing well in acting. she worried about the country accent she used. when I saw the show it came out better than I worried about. people are thinking I am doing ok so half of me is proud and other half is shy. I have to work harder. you dont know which way Hee sun will jump. I dont think Hee sun will betray (soo) -she wont – she probably wont.

during the mountain hike scene when he carried SHK on his back, maybe cuz of the cold, he sort of snaps his question at the director “do we need to just shoot one cut? just shoot one cut!” SHK laughs so he does too as they go back to position again. even though he was supposed to look like he was having a hard time carrying her when he got to the camera he posed. he sort of looked like a runway model doing the pose at the end of the walk except he is on a snowly mountain doing this with a woman on his back. good thing she is petite and light. when they were preparing for the next scene, he asks his stylist “my front bangs arent too straight right? if it’s too straight I come out looking too cute.” He makes a cute face after saying that. for the scene when he has to put earmuffs he couldnt take it off cuz it might mess up her hair so he lets her take the muffs off. he asks the director if her hair looks ok, but she says very quickly in banmal ”I gave up on it (looking good)” so the men all laugh.

the same press conference scene from before comes on again. this is some poor editing if you ask me.

the narrator says JIS and SHK’s acting looks natural – the two close actors even while waiting to film they kid around often. as soon as the camera starts to roll they fall into their acting. the two actors who made it warm when the harsh winter wind was blowing.

during the snowball fight she hits him and knocks him down. she asks did you get hit? Soo: I got hit.  the narrator says Soo doesnt go easy on his dongsang -for a short time they forget about the hard time filming and joke around with the snow and have fun. then SHK nails him with a big chunk of snow so he reminds her yelling “you are a kid who can’t see!”after they finish shooting JIS yells “director the snow hurts.” narrator says it was hard but they had fun and finished filming well.

JIS: i am meeting you after a long time – I should have met you sooner. I think it took a long time so that I could meet you on this project. as much as you expect/anticipate -for the sake of making a good project I am trying very hard. I will work hard to film and make (this) to receive your love. I will work hard on the set – i will please ask for a lot of interest and expectation. thank you.

SHK: as much as a lot of staff and actors are suffering in the cold, I expect a good project will come out. JIS who is next to me and I will work hard to film.

JIS: SBS drama special “That winter, the wind blows,”

they both say: please view a lot.

JIS: please be sure to.


Taken from: http://soulsrebel.wordpress.com/2013/03/07/that-winter-the-wind-blows-e9/#more-33281

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I just re-watched ep.9 with subs, 
so SW owns the building? but under her sisters name, wow! she must be a con-artist too! hahahah I think she wants OY to be still alive because OY has all the rights to the properties , arent she trying to steal the money secretly and she is using the fiancee for her personal interest? 
it seems that the secret's are revealing one by one, SW is just puzzling me, 
and for MC I think he wants to protect OS from PResident KIm, coz he knows that he himself is sick where he can only live in a short period. although MC looks scary outside but he still cares for OS somehow unlike SW she looks nice outside but deep inside she is scary...

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Guest sunshine4ever

Post 1 update: I added the URL for Good Morning SBS the 37 mins BTS in post 1. You can find it under video. I'll link to the translation of the BTS also and if I find updates from Softy, I'll post new ones for you and then edit the old post because I'll link it to post 1.

Not too sure if this High Cut scan was posted...but I think this is new...


Some fans created this:


credits to DC

Here is a video of the TWTWB paintings. (Really cool art, check it out.)

video credits to Rong Wang and thanks to Wiwi
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Guest baima22

queenbbee said: Finally, I took all my courage and had a gut to watch Ep.09. Undoubtedly, this ep is truly not good for your heart, your eyes and your nose. I have the feeling that if even OY turns her back to OS now, he will be tired of living for sure. If she dies, he will definitely die too. There is no way he can find an excuse as he did with HJ's death. He finally found out his reason to linger on this life. It's OY. He now wants to take care of her, comforts her, cures her illness, makes sure after his disappearance, she will be left with all good things. He is trying hard to cover the truth as long as these tasks are done not as long as he gets the money. He makes plan for his life in 28 days and the 29th day, he doesn't prepare anything. I have more feeling for OS because I haven't understand OY yet. I need more time to watch all the episodes again to understand her. I think it's also the writer's intention. The drama develops in the way focusing on OS's thinking rather than OY's. The writer might leave it mysterious to create potential climax in future. That keeps us stick with the drama till the end and keep on guessing.

Sincerely, up to now, I don't hate any character even MC, MH, SR or SW. It seems that they, each has his or her own pain. They all desperately want to be loved by someone. It's just that their ways to get love are wrong, but they are not bad people from head toe.

That thought of only 7 episodes more makes me hardly to bid a farewell to the casts. I never regret watching this drama.

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hey guys!
I came back as soon  as I went home and of course I feel better compared to last night. I was really in a dramatic mood when I finished ep 9 and especially when I saw OS's pain, being treated coldy by OY. the way his look, his quiet sorrow, not being able to express his own true feelings. I'm sure if OY knew the real OS, she would forgive him right now even if he acted as a fake brother to her. in fact, I'm a bit embaressed as an adult because I get affected too much just because of a drama but what can I do?? I cannot stop it! 
as the thread is moving too quickly, I skimmed the pages and one thing stands out for me. many of you asked and wondered why OY got angry that much just because of a pill. I think the ones who think like that watched the ep without sub and got confused. if you let me, I wanna put my two cents. first of all, it's betrayal from the point of OY's view. her brother lied to her. also, she felt OS's panic and heard the noise OS's emptying the pill. you put yourself into her place! she cannot see anything, doesn't believe anyone so far, she desperately wants to believe her oppa, and something turns out really strange. she's celever and she notices the ground. I think it (the pill incident) was just the biggest reason fro her behavs. after that, she experience some flashbacks, and remembers the conversation about the will, her wish to die, her oppa's promise to her that she can believe in him. many details. many people betrayed her so far and she's used to it and she has a tendency to be shutdown in order to protect herself. I suppose everyone of us would fear if we feel some danger even if it's about our family.
as I said before, the pill was the biggest reason but not the only one. the secretary told her the past event that she caught OS in OY's room when they were out and also talked about her suspicion about OS by giving more details. it was like salt on the wound, and she remembered the cafe convo and immediately thought her dear oppa is really after money.
yesterday I've told but I wanna repeat it. I completely understand OY however I mostly feel sorry and pitty for OS. even though he came that house because of money, but now he's the only person who gets hurt mostly. he loves OY, he cannot tell the truth, he cannot want money. maybe his life is on the knife's edge but he doesn't even give a richard simmons and still think of OY and her health. ohhh, my poor Oh Soo :(((
I won't forget when OY wanted him to get out and drew back from his kiss. his reaction, his being sorry and desperate was so touching and hurtful. I wanted to die in that moment. one more scene when he came to save her, his looking, his hands bleeding but never pay attention to it. and lastly,  he was speecless when OY asked why he didn't kill her when it is too easy. just tears dropped down. oohhh!! I should stop here.
I think I cannot bare men tears  compared to women's and feel myself too hearbroken when they cry.
now, I only wish the other episodes would be on screen at one time in a night because waiting has just became a torture.
love everyone and meow^______^

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Guest kawaiiyuki

I just dropped by to say that i just started to watch this drama. I'm currently on episode 4. It's great. At first i wasn't too sure about it because it was Melodrama. But when I started to watch this drama i remembered that SHK does awesome in melo-y type dramas and I love her with all her leading men but i think JIS is my favorite so far.
I'm kinda of sad that this drama is only 16 episode long but if they can tell and awesome story with parts that don't drag i'm totally fine with that.

I think all the characters have secrets. I like that no character is 100 % good or bad. Everyone has something that motivates them. Even SW who made OY lie to her father (which isn't right) did it because she wanted to be part of the family. She wanted OY to need someone to rely on that way she can stay in the family. She's really a lonely person too if she's so desperate in making a child go blind in order to stay with the family.
But i love how OS was about to catch on to SW's actions.

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Guest sunshine4ever

Hi everyone, sorry, forgot to tell you I added Softy's website so if you for some reasons get lost next week and don't bookmark Softy's site, you can always go to post 1 for it.

@lyra_brillantez, thanks for reposting the captures again of the scene that Oh Soo cried. Hehe. Guess Jo In Sung's crying hasn't changed much even though he had grown so mature now. :) Oh Soo's crying reminded me a lot of JIS's character in What Happened in Bali.

And here are some captures of his crying that looked very much like Jung Jae Min to me.

capture credits to DC

At the very beginning of this drama's shootings, I heard someone said that Oh Soo might be very similar to Jung Jae Min and was concerned that Oh Soo will just be another Jung Jae Min for Jo In Sung. At that point in time I really wasn't concerned too much about it and even now I felt like Oh Soo is anything, but Jung Jae Min. ^^ Keke. They have similar playboy type background, but they're totally and completely different characters. Oh Soo has a very different background and so much different from Jae Min. So glad Insung oppa's involved in this drama. I have never attempted to call any character with the word "oppa", but gosh I'm so swept up by Oh Soo the way Oh Young is....want to call him Oh Soo oppa too. ^^

queenbbee said: Finally, I took all my courage and had a gut to watch Ep.09. Undoubtedly, this ep is truly not good for your heart, your eyes and your nose. I have the feeling that if even OY turns her back to OS now, he will be tired of living for sure. If she dies, he will definitely die too. There is no way he can find an excuse as he did with HJ's death. He finally found out his reason to linger on this life. It's OY. He now wants to take care of her, comforts her, cures her illness, makes sure after his disappearance, she will be left with all good things. He is trying hard to cover the truth as long as these tasks are done not as long as he gets the money. He makes plan for his life in 28 days and the 29th day, he doesn't prepare anything. I have more feeling for OS because I haven't understand OY yet. I need more time to watch all the episodes again to understand her. I think it's also the writer's intention. The drama develops in the way focusing on OS's thinking rather than OY's. The writer might leave it mysterious to create potential climax in future. That keeps us stick with the drama till the end and keep on guessing.

Sincerely, up to now, I don't hate any character even MC, MH, SR or SW. It seems that they, each has his or her own pain. They all desperately want to be loved by someone. It's just that their ways to get love are wrong, but they are not bad people from head toe.

That thought of only 7 episodes more makes me hardly to bid a farewell to the casts. I never regret watching this drama.

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just finished ep 8.
sweetness overload i agree much on this point.
We really see OS's progress since we first saw him in ep 1 isn't it? From a confident, arrogant, heck-the-world man, to a protective, caring, sensitive brother/lover to OY. I esp liked how he is so natural with OY now. It is becoming an instinct for him to look out for her. Reflect back to ep 2 when he was disinterestedly and callously calling after OY's the first time he came to the house. Now, he coos "Young-ie ah". Also, its the little details that show his meticulous instincts towards OY such as when they are on the way to the ballroom for OY's speech, OS just instinctively looks out for obstacles and says "there are steps in in front". It's a simple gesture but it goes to show how far he has progressed. 
I am starting to like MC a lot. I really don't think he is as evil as he seems. SOmehow, the way he speaks to Sora on the phone when he was at the basketball court disturbs me. He was cautioning her to be careful dealing with President Kim??!! It is not in his character to do something like this (considering also that he wants OS dead). So i think we will be seeing some changes in him. 
As for SW, she is still a mystery really. Thats all that can be said. 
As for the issues on OY's death wishes etc, I think this is kinda like a trademark of writer Noh. In Padam Padam, the characters always ponder over deep and philosophical questions as such. She doesn't provide clear directions on why it is so or what the purpose is. It's up to the viewers to ponder and to come up with conclusions. Somehow, she makes it work such that by the time the drama ends, we CAN understand why is the character as such. 

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Guest kikay14

I have read all your thoughts about episode 9.  I feel the same way like all of you do, damn this show, it's a heartbreaker!  You guys already said what I'm about to say and so far I'm speechless at the moment but have to gather my thoughts first.
@sunshine4ever  Softie's recap for the bts is already finished, hihi.
@lyrabrillantez  that's an awesome post!  At first I'm kinda distracted at the amount of close up shots, hence some complaints about the directing for I somehow feel disconnected at the sudden shift of cameras...but you made me realize one thing that I haven't noticed before...you're right about the symbolisms the director wants to convey to the viewers if we scrutinize all the details.
I'm a bit annoyed at OY's character here but SHK is just so awesome!  Kudos to JIS too, he's so compelling and fascinating to watch!  
since we've been serious at the time being, can I ask @tessieroo to break the ice and watch  JIS' buns captured (sorry don't know how to post it here hihi) when he is about to see OY's presents for him?  =)) >:)  I'm sorry pretty, but I miss you here when the discussion is so serious.

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