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[Drama 2013] Queen of Ambition / Yawang 야왕

Guest annieice

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Guest fantast1k1

What if BDK looses a lot of money on the horse riding resort because of a dead body surfacing at the property and also pressure from Soo Jung's environmental agency? If Baek Hak company looses its credibility, money and reputation, this will be the reason DH will seek greener pastures---target a soon to be Presidential candidate perhaps? Its only Episode 6, there's still a lot of things that can happen. The writing is soo good that I can't figure out what's going to happen next.^:)^

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Guest Arawni1430292037

@Ayachou & @Cat1177

I'll answer to you both at the same time because matters you brought up are essentially the same or at least entwined.

Somehow I've missed these clear hints of DK being Do Hoon's mother, but as said, it is plausible so let's say so. She does clearly love him but even with this information I would say that she loves him TOO much. Even for a mother. She's too possessive. So I'll go with my first interpretation then, that because she cannot to be his mother officially and so cannot "claim" such love from him that mothers usually receive, it has twisted her relationship with him up to a point. Older sister is important but nearly as important as a mother is.

What comes to DK's reaction to Da Hae being the girl friend, I have to disagree with you two a bit. I don't think DK would've been happy with any other nice girl. She's a possessive mother and such mother are NEVER happy with their son's choice no matter how wonderful the girl is because it means that the mother is not the first woman in her son's life anymore. And this is even more dire for DK because a mother could still expect her son to fill his obligations to her (and we know that there are a lot of them in Korean culture), but DK can't as she is "only" the older sister. Of course DK would want to meet BDH's girlfriend but it doesn't mean she will like the idea.

There's a moment in ep. 5 that very clearly illustrates my point. When they are sitting in the restaurant room and discussing BDH's girlfriend, he says that "she is the woman I like most." You can clearly see how DK's face falls hearing this. SHE wants to be the woman he likes most, the most important woman to him. So no matter who would this woman "he likes most" to be, she would have a hard time swallowing the fact that there is another woman competing for BDH's affections that so fat have been all being monopolized by DK.

However, I do agree with you in that DK would not have reacted even nearly as bad if girlfriend had been somebody else than DH. She might not have been a fan of the gf, but would've acted nice and so on. But in the case of DH, she totally flipped and went all emotional instead of being cold and calculating as she usually is. Well, emotional in her way, not yelling or anything, of course.

As for DH, I didn't mean to victimize her or to imply that all that happened was DK's fault. Yes, DK set things in motion by firing DH, but DH is a grown up adult fully capable of making decisions and so she bears the responsibility of her own actions. No matter what has happened to her in the past, she still has a freedom of choice. She could've chosen another path but she didn't. And as such, she is the one to hold responsible, naturally. She is a victim, for sure, but she is also a perpetrator. So in another words, she's a three dimensional character. I like that.

Also, I like how things move in this drama. Every action is like a ball that sets another ball in motion. Even though I said that DH has a free will, in a way that could be contested, too as she acted exactly like she was predisposed to act considering her personality and experiences. Did she really have a choice there? Then again, same goes for DK. She did exactly what a person like her with her past would've done. How much of a choice in life do we really have? Are we prisoners of ourselves, always doing what we are programmed to do by our personalities that are shaped in womb and in our childhood?

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^probably not as he's too young to be one, even 5 years from their current setting, he's still barely 30. but it is him in the palace and his hand on Dahae's shoulder. i wondered about this too; or it might not mean anything as they shot this for the opening credits/teaser before...

interesting episode tomorrow. looks like Dohun and his aunt finds out some things about Dahae.

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Guest arangsatto

im watching episode 1 now but I'm confused how can HR recognized DH that have been separated for 7 years i mean they are so different in looks.

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Guest yoyo_yoyo

 Yunho & Soo Ae Yawang shooting in Sangam Dong! 


More here ^^

credit: chungjin2002

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Guest wutmuvi

Wow!! In Ep.7...... I'm speechless?? A heart aching scene toward the end......Oh my! Oh my!!! KSW is the best portraying HR's character,  liked a lost soul. :(

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Guest fantast1k1

@noboyukijohnson-I also thought they were books but it looks more like the yellow pages...TB probably told HR to look for his family. On the teaser for tomorrow's episode, the hospital scene, BDH crying and smiling, Is DH pregnant? I really wish I understand Korean ;))

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Guest rainboww1430292066

Really pity but I become more and more dislike BDH for some reason. I think he is a smart person but for now, look like he will change to a toy on Da Hae's hand. At least he must know how much his sister care and loving him.

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