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Goo Hye Sun 구혜선


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just finished watching The Mu. one of the scenes i like was when EB was at JY's house and she was shedding tears saying that when she was in school, there were kids that kept studying and yet their grades never improved. she thought they should just memorize everything, what is so hard about it. but now she realizes that even if you really want to do something but dun have the talent you will just go around in circles and not realize your dream. i thought that part was very touching. she had been the fortunate one in school and gotten good grades easily becoz of her superb memory, but now she faces a roadblock when she finally decides to pursue her dream.

The other scene i like was when she was with YJ at the park and the topic about selfishness. i like their rapport and how they can openly discuss such matters like two old buddies who are willing to bare their hearts and their weaknesses. she called out to him before he left and asked if that's what he wants to do, remain in a family/company where he can't do what he really wants. and he just smiled back without a reply. and also the part where YJ patted her shoulder and told her the person he wanted to support isn't Gu Jak nor Hong Jae Yee. it's left unsaid who it is.

also liked the last scene when EB shows up at kang hee's house and requests to be her stand-by. the uncertain look of her face before the epi ends was acted really well.

in a way, it's interesting to see EB taking Yoo Jin's advice so readily. i guess after all YJ is the level-headed businessman, who's logical and rational when he looks at matters. quite a contrast to JY, who seems to spend his time pursuing his woman and then get drunk when he's troubled.

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hello sunnies!!! ^_^

my recap for The Musical has been delayed ;) but it's better late than never  :lol: hope that you'd still enjoy reading it!

until next time!! thanks for all the support you are giving us  :wub:

*quoted image*

@leila10 Thanks for your recap for "TheMu". That was good. I just wanna say these are my thoughts...YJ's character is too complicated for me. He has so much unresolved issues in his life. There are people that he has to consider too i.e., the company, his grandpa, his parents & of course RK too. He can't just throw away the years they have together. What did RK do wrong? She's been very patient & loyal to him. She was honest enough to open up with YJ about what she thinks & feels abt him & EB. For that I salute her! As for HJ he's just a loving & caring person for EB. HJ wants to give everything to her, "The Musical" which she's been dreaming of. What I love about HJ he's not afraid to show his feelings for her & has been upfront with her since the beginning. There's only BK that he doesn't even want to reciprocate anymore nor entertain her. BK is married & her husband will do everything to keep BK away from HJ.  BK's husband will do everything for her to continue her dreams as a musical Diva which I don't have any doubts that she loves it too. So, it's like the perfect match for everyone. hahaha.. :wub:  I love "The Musical"!!!  :wub:

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Guest cheerkoo1430281614

Thank you Sunnies for all your posts.

Eunhye and Webby~Thanks---I really feel like this epi 9 deserves thorough trans---more the summmary scene by scene. I just loved this episode. The honesty and the heart to heart that came out in this episode really moved me. Unlike many music-based that kind of bombed on small screen, THE MU could really have excelled if given the right opportunity. That is rare--THEMU production really knows.

I also love what GHS is doing with the musician and composer Lee ByungWoo. If people send in their voice singing Arirang,,,it seems like it will be made into a choir?

If you remember, GHS also used her version of Arirang in her movie, YoSool/Magic.

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Guest cheerkoo1430281614


(Quick review: GuMiHo project has a chance to restart but with a condition. The idol singer whom the investor recommends must be the lead.)

GuJak n HJ are talking at HJ’s home: Hong is really upset about the condition of getting the investment into GuMIHO project. GuJak reminds HJ that it is an obstackle that HJ made and not him. That is why they are having beer. (keke) We also find out that GuJak has received more money and he has already gone ahead in planning for the musical to take place. So, GuJak is not really thinking about Go as much as his desire to put on the best musical ever no matter what. (We find out through his phone call at HJ’s house with his Assistant Director Jang Hyuk who is looking into the biggest theatre, etc. GuJak tells everyone to keep GuMiHo project a secret.) GuJak also tells HJ that he can turn the idol singer Jesse into an actress. Even BaeGangHee had to have a start somewhere. HJ asks him if he has that much confidence when Jesse talks the way she does,,,(sort of like Diva Bimbo??) GuJak says that with 5-uk investment, he feels that he can even turn a corpse into a musical star. (keke)

Dir Han’s work place: He and the team are talking about stage setting for Count Monty project—about the ship that will be on stage and how that will look with all the actors on stage simultaneously. RaGyung is talking pix for BTS and walks out and hears the conversation of the actor from the GuMiHo project. The GuMiHo actor says that he is not doing Count Monty in order to rest and get his skin in tip top shape. The other guy is saying that he has hard time believing it and wonder is the actor found another project. The actor keeps on denying and says goodbye while saying that he will return the contract fee for Count Monty by next week. The other guy yells out, How is that you have money?

Bae’s Studio: The choreographer came to work with Bae and by mistake, he puts on DoHa song by Go. Flustered, he makes excuse that he was carrying his old bag with the old CD from previous project. Bae says calm and cool that she did not ask for any explanation. Then we also see that the same choreographer is working with the GuMiHo staff. Bae calls Go to come and see her. Bae tells Go that she can be very honest as well as feel her very best at her studio.

GuJak is looking into theatre and also the background stage settings (the highest quality)

With Bae and Go—Go says that she had hard time believing that Bae changed mind about GuMiho since Bae really wanted to do the project. But Bae says that she really wanted to sing something created by HJ. She then asks Go if she knows how long an actress can play the lead. Go says she never thought about such things. Bae says she never did at Go’s age either---Go is only 23 when she is at her best in looks and everything else.

GuJak is talking with the theatre stage setting professional. The professional is keep on saying that his company is very expensive. I guess given the way GuJak looks on the outside the professional could not believe that he can afford him?? (keke) But GuJak is getting too excited and says that money is not the issue. But the assistant dir steps in with his level headedness and asks the detail plan and the cost before making any decisions. (I am beginning to like this assistant dir ---a good guy for RaGyung???)

YJ is talking with his staff about GuMiHo project. He already knows that Hong Jay and GuJak are restarting the project. YJ is always in step or step ahead in knowing what is going on regarding his business matters. The staff says that Amour Fund has the power to legally stop GuMiHo project from starting and wonders if they should take any action at this point. But YJ says that he will have a talk with Hong Jay first.

Bae says that, at about age 35, a female actress must start to prepare herself for the fact that she can no longer play the lead any longer. Bae asks Go to leave the shelter of Hong Jay completely. Just because she earned the lead through the help of another person does not mean that she will have a guarantee for the next role. Go says that she never thought of the next role. Bae directly asks Go to come and become her stand-by. She promises Go that she will have the chance to learn all that is necessary to become a competent actress and that she and Go will learn and receive same lessons for the role. Go looks like she is in a dilemma. (In a way, whether real or not, it is a great offer.)



HJ and GJ are talking. GJ is over-excited about what Korean computer graphics can do –how it can help set the scene for their project. HJ is worried about the cost as computer graphics in CF’s are supposedly extremely expensive. GuJak is too excited to care. Gu Jak knows that HJ started this whole musical to put Go EunBi as the lead. If Go EB cannot play the role of DoHa, they may have to return the money. But GuJak is spending the investment as if the project will definitely go on. GuJak tells HJ that their expected budget is 40-uk. (I have an uncomfortable feeling that GJ’s extravagance may backfire??) GJ relieves tension by asking HJ is he has anything to eat. He is hiding something from HJ.

Bae tells Go that she needs to start from the bottom. Even though Count Monty is just one project, Go will learn a great deal about being an actress. Go wants Bae to tell her the reason for this proposal. Bae wonders if reason is important. Go directly asks if Bae is making this proposal because she really is doing it for Go’s sake or if Bae wants to keep Go apart from HongJ. Bae says that her reason does not matter. What matters is what Go decides to do for herself. Bae says that later, Hong can change his mind about Go as well. Bae says that all her previous 4 stand-bys are now working as leads in plays. Go says that she knows that Hong can change his mind but then so does Bae. Bae says that is the reality. If her ability is not up to par, Go can be cut from the role as well. Bae strongly says that this is an opportunity for Go to develop herself. Go says that she would like to try another method for now. She thanks Bae for thinking of her. Bae directly asks if Go is preparing a project with Hong. Go merely tells Bae that she wishes success for Monty.

Go is about to leave and the maid comes out with the garbage. She sees the milk cartons. I am not sure what must be going through Go’s mind as she looks at all the milk cartons with her writings of good day for Bae. But then she bows deeply as she has done before to Bae as she leaves.

RG and her coworkers. RG is given the project of wealthy couple’s wedding even though her coworker is usually In charge for wedding matters. But the boss gives RG the job so that while working on the project , RG can also look into ideas for her own wedding. The coworker who lost her project to RG asks if RG is really getting married. So the short haired coworker tries to pacify the situation by trying to shut the other woman.

We see frustrated HJ and Go driving very fast together. I feel like the director cut a big scene here. Why!!!

We see GuJak at the studio with the idol singer Jesse. GuJak is trying to influence Jesse to accept Go into the project by saying that Jesse cannot perform all the musical shows. The investor really dotes on Jesse. Jesse does not want Go to act as lead next to her. She wants someone her level. Gu says that production cost will increase if same level person comes into the project. GuJak is also trying to negotiate down Go’s role—not as a double cast with equal footing but as an alternate.—to play Jesse’s role when Jesse is too tired as she most likely cannot do all 8 performances a week. But the investor says that GuJak must listen to whatever Jesses wants as he has paid enough for the project.

At HJ’s home,,,Hong is angry at Go for so easily saying that she wants to quit DoHa role. Go knows that if Jesse is out of the project, there is no money for the project. Hong says that he wrote and did everything for Go and that it makes no sense for him if Go leaves. Go asks him whether he thinks about the other staff like his friend Gu Jak and all the other staff. Hong is sarcastic to Go by saying that she must feel good that she is acting so nice. Here, Go also gets bit angry at him for saying that to her. Hong says that he discovered and recognized her talent. But Go asks why and how did he discover her. Go says that she did not totally accept his recognition of her talent from the beginning. Hong is shocked that she did not believe him from the beginning. Go says that she knows that she cannot sing high or too low. But she saw that he seems to like her. She felt that she is like his toy even for a short time. Because she knew that he was interested in her, she decided to go along because of her own unquenchable fire of ambition that she could not douse or kill. That is why Go says that she is not proud enough to insist that she has an equal say in the GuMiHo project as the idol singer. (Woah!! I thought GHS acted so well in this scene—I loved it---I really admire how how GHS chooses her acting projects—in Cosmo interview, she says that THEMU is the one project that she totally chose on her own. I loved the harsh honesty in the script for Go’s role!! This drama is so REALITY-based that it is amazing. Yet it is not boring but so interesting and refreshing. In a way, Go was saying that she really was acting for herself and on her behalf when she did not totally reject some of the friendly advances as well as what she considered his undeserving flattery of her singing ability.)

Go says that when she was at school, she would look at all the students who would study hard to the point of many nose-bleeds and yet still have poor results. At that time, she thought that all they had to do was just memorize and could not understand why they could not do well. Now she feels embarrassed at the realization that, no matter how hard one tries, if one does not have the talent or the ability, an opportunity hardly or ever come by. Hong is moved by what Go is saying and still holds on to her. But Go tells him to let her go as she does not have the courage to turn to look at him.

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Guest cheerkoo1430281614


Go tells Hong not to look down on GuJak’s staff . Hong just called them untalented bunch. They usually end up playing only the chorus In musicals. She tells him that he has the ability to make their dreams a reality. He says that he will listen to her.

Coming out of Hong’s house, Go is very depressed and in despair. “If you feel that you are dealt an unfair hand, then just make your life a success. (I think this is a sarcasm—Go does not believe in this saying at that moment any more.) This is your fate. You just merely had a Cinderella dream. That is all”. Then she runs into Yoo Jin.

Gu Jak and richard simmons Dir. They have been spending money to secure necessary things for the musical even though the problem of Go and Jesse has not been resolved. Both are worried that the whole thing may not work out if Jesse leaves the project. They have asked for 5 more uk from the investor and already spent most of it.

Yoo and Go are at the park watching the dancers. Yoo says that the dancers look happy. But, Go shows that she still is angry with Yoo and does not trust what he thinks. She says, I would think you see them as pitiful. Yoo: I guess you got me pegged? Go: Yes, I think I am right about you. You would think that those dancers are doing something that are unprofitable, unrealistic and totally self-serving for self-pleasure. Yoo is not fighing Go at all but accepting everything she says about him. Yoo: I guess I am that kind of person. GO continues to be sarcastic and says that he had to have known himself. Yoo admits that he would have thought that way until not too long ago. Go asks if he is now different.

We go back to Hong who is drunk on the couch. Hong is remembering what Go asked him to do. She wants him to think about and make the dreams of the staff come true. Hong mumbles, you are giving me a very difficult homework to do. Why can I just think about you only….

Back to Go and Yoo: Yoo also is very honest to Go. Yoo-he realizes that no matter what, he made a decision that is best for him (about choosing to let go of Gumiho project) He may have made excuses about the Amour Fund and his tough family background, but, in the end, he made the decision that is best for him. Go agrees that all people in general ultimately make decisions that are best for them. Even if they sound like they are so nice and so considerate of others, they are saying it to make themselves feel more comfortable. In a way, that is being selfish too. (Go was basically analyzing her own action towards Hong before she left his house. Is this an idea of realist or negativist?? This drama has some philosophical aspect as well….right??) Yoo: I guest it was most selfish of me to do what is best for me and yet still hoped for some understanding. Go: because you could not help but to make that decision? Yoo: No,,,that I wanted someone to understand that I truly wanted to make GuMiHo happen with my own power. That was my truth. You are all preparing to make it happen. Right? Go is stunned. Do they know that I can stop the show legally? Go: Can You? Yoo: Don’t you think that I can? Go: I am sure you can. Are you going to stop it? Yoo: Even more than wanting to produce Gumiho myself, I wanted to cheer for someone even more. I wanted to hear someone sing on the GuMIho stage as soon as possible even more. These were my very selfish thoughts and they prevent me from banning it. Go: I have been thinking about this for a while now. But you really have a knack for saying something simple into something very difficult. So, you are saying that you are not going to legally ban Gumiho. When Yoo confirms it, she thanks him. Yoo smiled as if he was sad that Go did not truly understand where he was coming from. (Basically Go did not hear Yoo’s confession that she is the reason that he is not taking any legal action.) Yoo asks if he will at least get an invitation to the musical? She says if she can, she will. If not, she will even buy the tickets with her own money and send it to him. Yoo asks if anything is the matter. She smiles and says no. She says he came to see Hong Ja so he should go now. He says that it was enough that he said to Go EB. He says that it is not Hong J or GuJ that he is cheering for. He pats her shoulder and tells her to be strong. (This is the exact gesture and statement that he wanted to say to Go at the workshop but he could not. Yoo is becoming looser in the drama. My thought is that Hong Jay who is the free spirit may end up doing more for the good of the musical staff and crew –that is he would become more self-sacrificing? And Yoo Jin who is so rigid and moralistic and workaholic may loosen up and think about his needs more?????) Then as Yoo walks away, Go calls after him,,,,Hey, even if it is truly from your heart and it is what you really want, you cannot because of the family and the company?? (At the end of the conversation, it seems like Go understood him even more….There is something so deep and wonderful and soothing about Go and Yoo’s relationship. Almost like soul-mates.)

Then we see Yoo driving. He stops at RaGyung’s number but scrolls down to where we see GoEB’s name and then his parents names. He calls his mother’s number, but his mother’s number is not working. So he calls his father to ask why his mother’s number does not work and if she is there he can talk with her. His father tells him that she went on a trip to think about things. Yoo asks why she would leave without phone roaming set up and if there are any problems. Suddenly a loud noise is heard and Yoo’s father says he has to go. Yoo’s mother has caused commotion and ends up fainting. At the same time, Yoo nearly gets into an auto accident.

Yoo’s mother’s condition is getting worse. And, Yoo’s grandfather has known about the situation from the beginning. It is possible that Yoo’s grandfather demanded that Yoo stop all contact with his parents because he did not want Yoo to know about his mother’s condition. The staff reports that Yoo’s mother does not seem to recognize her own husband and that she is more dependent on the next door old lady. The grandfather says to himself: Look at him now. He was so stubborn about it in the beginning. (It is the grandfather who is so manipulative and does not seem to show much sympathy and understanding for what his own son may be going through.)

RG is visiting the Wedding place. She sees the bride waiting room.

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Guest cheerkoo1430281614


Go tells Hong not to look down on GuJak’s staff . Hong just called them untalented bunch. They usually end up playing only the chorus In musicals. She tells him that he has the ability to make their dreams a reality. He says that he will listen to her.

Coming out of Hong’s house, Go is very depressed and in despair. “If you feel that you are dealt an unfair hand, then just make your life a success. (I think this is a sarcasm—Go does not believe in this saying at that moment any more.) This is your fate. You just merely had a Cinderella dream. That is all”. Then she runs into Yoo Jin.

Gu Jak and richard simmons Dir. They have been spending money to secure necessary things for the musical even though the problem of Go and Jesse has not been resolved. Both are worried that the whole thing may not work out if Jesse leaves the project. They have asked for 5 more uk from the investor and already spent most of it.

Yoo and Go are at the park watching the dancers. Yoo says that the dancers look happy. But, Go shows that she still is angry with Yoo and does not trust what he thinks. She says, I would think you see them as pitiful. Yoo: I guess you got me pegged? Go: Yes, I think I am right about you. You would think that those dancers are doing something that are unprofitable, unrealistic and totally self-serving for self-pleasure. Yoo is not fighing Go at all but accepting everything she says about him. Yoo: I guess I am that kind of person. GO continues to be sarcastic and says that he had to have known himself. Yoo admits that he would have thought that way until not too long ago. Go asks if he is now different.

We go back to Hong who is drunk on the couch. Hong is remembering what Go asked him to do. She wants him to think about and make the dreams of the staff come true. Hong mumbles, you are giving me a very difficult homework to do. Why can I just think about you only….

Back to Go and Yoo: Yoo also is very honest to Go. Yoo-he realizes that no matter what, he made a decision that is best for him (about choosing to let go of Gumiho project) He may have made excuses about the Amour Fund and his tough family background, but, in the end, he made the decision that is best for him. Go agrees that all people in general ultimately make decisions that are best for them. Even if they sound like they are so nice and so considerate of others, they are saying it to make themselves feel more comfortable. In a way, that is being selfish too. (Go was basically analyzing her own action towards Hong before she left his house. Is this an idea of realist or negativist?? This drama has some philosophical aspect as well….right??) Yoo: I guest it was most selfish of me to do what is best for me and yet still hoped for some understanding. Go: because you could not help but to make that decision? Yoo: No,,,that I wanted someone to understand that I truly wanted to make GuMiHo happen with my own power. That was my truth. You are all preparing to make it happen. Right? Go is stunned. Do they know that I can stop the show legally? Go: Can You? Yoo: Don’t you think that I can? Go: I am sure you can. Are you going to stop it? Yoo: Even more than wanting to produce Gumiho myself, I wanted to cheer for someone even more. I wanted to hear someone sing on the GuMIho stage as soon as possible even more. These were my very selfish thoughts and they prevent me from banning it. Go: I have been thinking about this for a while now. But you really have a knack for saying something simple into something very difficult. So, you are saying that you are not going to legally ban Gumiho. When Yoo confirms it, she thanks him. Yoo smiled as if he was sad that Go did not truly understand where he was coming from. (Basically Go did not hear Yoo’s confession that she is the reason that he is not taking any legal action.) Yoo asks if he will at least get an invitation to the musical? She says if she can, she will. If not, she will even buy the tickets with her own money and send it to him. Yoo asks if anything is the matter. She smiles and says no. She says he came to see Hong Ja so he should go now. He says that it was enough that he said to Go EB. He says that it is not Hong J or GuJ that he is cheering for. He pats her shoulder and tells her to be strong. (This is the exact gesture and statement that he wanted to say to Go at the workshop but he could not. Yoo is becoming looser in the drama. My thought is that Hong Jay who is the free spirit may end up doing more for the good of the musical staff and crew –that is he would become more self-sacrificing? And Yoo Jin who is so rigid and moralistic and workaholic may loosen up and think about his needs more?????) Then as Yoo walks away, Go calls after him,,,,Hey, even if it is truly from your heart and it is what you really want, you cannot because of the family and the company?? (At the end of the conversation, it seems like Go understood him even more….There is something so deep and wonderful and soothing about Go and Yoo’s relationship. Almost like soul-mates.)

Then we see Yoo driving. He stops at RaGyung’s number but scrolls down to where we see GoEB’s name and then his parents names. He calls his mother’s number, but his mother’s number is not working. So he calls his father to ask why his mother’s number does not work and if she is there he can talk with her. His father tells him that she went on a trip to think about things. Yoo asks why she would leave without phone roaming set up and if there are any problems. Suddenly a loud noise is heard and Yoo’s father says he has to go. Yoo’s mother has caused commotion and ends up fainting. At the same time, Yoo nearly gets into an auto accident.

Yoo’s mother’s condition is getting worse. And, Yoo’s grandfather has known about the situation from the beginning. It is possible that Yoo’s grandfather demanded that Yoo stop all contact with his parents because he did not want Yoo to know about his mother’s condition. The staff reports that Yoo’s mother does not seem to recognize her own husband and that she is more dependent on the next door old lady. The grandfather says to himself: Look at him now. He was so stubborn about it in the beginning. (It is the grandfather who is so manipulative and does not seem to show much sympathy and understanding for what his own son may be going through.)

RG is visiting the Wedding place. She sees the bride waiting room.


The bride consultant says that RG and Yoo’s wedding-to-be is something that many wedding consultants are hoping to work with. She says that she can give them much benefit if the couple decides to choose their facility. Then RG and AssDir meet. He calls her saying that she could get her car ticketed unless she comes out as soon as possible. He professed to the traffic cops that he has met someone who is like an angel and most beautiful to him. RG takes him to a restaurant to thank him. At the restaurant, he chooses coffee instead of meal for saving her from being ticketed. He would rather meet her 10 more times than have one meal with her. She agrees to do it. He is very happy. He makes her laugh. He does not hesitate to say that she is very pretty, her smile is pretty, that he likes her. When she tried to tell him about her fiancé, he does not let her talk about him. He says that he is not a stalker but came by her car by pure accident. He was so happy to see her car that he was hanging around it when the cops were coming. It is the first time that RG is laughing and smiling. RG also does not lie to him. She says that she is a bit uncomfortable with him. But that does not stop him from saying what he feels. He also tells her that he likes her a lot. He has the Hong Jay’s free spirit.

The shoe store scene: (Woah, did you notice the background music at the shoe store? One of GHS’s favorite music—Sunday Morning by Maroon 5. She was trying to play that song on the guitar when she was filming for BOF in Macau—do you remember??) Sa BokJa is helping a customer whose feet became ruined due to 12 years of working on shoes that the company wanted her to wear for 12 hours a day standing up. Go EB also took off her shoes. Sa wanted to know if Go also wanted to see if her foot had problem. Then, Go remembers Yoo and what she said to him at the end. Go;;;To wear shoes that you don’t want,,,it must be very painful. Then we see Go sending text. To whom?

Bae is practicing for Monty. But the foreign director stops her because she moved too much and he says that her step is too big under that emotional circumstance. The crew at Monty project is saying that Bae would not take that kind of direction from anybody. But surprising everyone, Bae obeys and restarts the practice. At that time, we hear that Yoo gets text on his phone…..so he is the person Go sent text to. Immediately after getting the text, he calls Rep Jung who produces some type of performance. Must be musicals.

Go watches the musical. It looks funny and sad. The guy in turban sings: “find yourself in this stupid world of ours…” It is raining and Go comes out after seeing the musical. Hong called Sa and found out that Go went to see a musical. He finds out that she is depressed these days and does not allow Sa to talk about Gumiho project at all. Hong goes and waits for her at the musical. He steps out of the car, sees something and then goes back into his seat. He saw YOo Jin behind Go. (I wonder if Yoo saw the musical with Go?? Was he waiting outside until she came out?? Hmmmm!!) Yoo: So were you able to get some peace of mind that you wanted? Go, I decided to send you text to see if you could possibly get the tickets in the nick of time. Yoo—so, an investor can come handy at times? Go—yes Thank you very much. You see, there are days when it just has to be the soy bean paste soup or nothing will do. Or it just has to be that hot cup of coffee otherwise you feel like your problem just will not get solved. Yoo: You mean this musical is that kind of musical? Go—Yes, this is the musical that I needed on days like that. Yoo—then I am kind of thankful too. Go—Why? Yoo—because you asked me to get the ticket when it is so important to you. It is Hong’s musical so you could have gotten that ticket through that side as well. Go does not say anything. She says she can take the bus home. But Yoo says that he feels that he is in that state where he really needs that hot cup of coffee. Won’t you return the favor? She readily agrees. He takes her under the shelter of her coat and they both run together in the rain..(I love that scene!!)

At Manolin: Yoo:Can I ask why you needed that musical? Is it because you are actress? Go—it is more that I am not an actress. Yoo—I see that stress can be tough even as an experienced actress. Go—really? Yoo—Everybody worried whether Bae would take such insulting direction. But she repeated it as many as 10 times. (WE see Bae practicing very hard.) BAe’s name did not get easily made. Go agrees. Yoo says that that is why. Go asks what do you mean? Yoo says that maybe she can think of it as a hard process in order to shine on stage one day. Go says she wishes that she is able to have such a high-level stress. Yoo says, if things are difficult, there is always another way to return. He tells her that he knows that Bae offered her the role of stand by. He thinks that could be a good thing as well. Go is thinking.

Then we see Guja triying hard to make Jesse understand the need for GoEB. But he comes out to meet GoEB who recognize that he could not win over Jesse. So it is so funny Go takes Gu to foot massage place and they both get the massage. She tells Gu that she is doing it for herself. Gu complains that they are having this difficult conversation in a place that is so painful. She felt that both she and he are about to walk the road where their feet will really hurt . (love this analogy!!) Go tells him that she wll not be able to see him for a while so she wants him to get ready . So he asks her what is her plan.

Gu brings over Jesse to Hong’s house. Jesses now cooperates that Go is not in the pix. Jay cannot tolerate the situation. He feels that there is no place that Go can go at this point. Then Gu tells him where Eb went….(we know where Hong is driving to…right??)

Next preview: Hong asks Bae if she does not want him to be happy. She says that is not it. She just cannot acknowledge that there can be another person next to him. Go asks Hong if the love will end when the musical wil end. Go says I have returned,,Please take good care of me.

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Guest eunhye05

Thank you so much Cheerkoo for always always delivering the detailed summary/translations for us. Looks like watching it raw with no understanding of Korean causes one to go off the plot. I was laughing at my initial comments and reactions as some of them were really off. lol. But then at least we get a non-korean speakers pov. hehe, Thank God you and webby are there to help us understand.

Thank you Webby as well for your summary! 

Thank you Leila for your recap.

Thank you Meow for being on top of everything and bringing over the latest pics and info on Hye Sun. I went over to DC and found a few more pics of todays event. 

She's eating chicken! I miss seeing her all into her food like during BOF days. :)


Credit: http://www.issuedail...111029153611027

And here's some more action shots! Someone should do a GIF of these. She's sooooo cute!


Credit: http://sports.news.n.../20111029n05949




Credit: http://sports.news.n.../20111029n05458


credit: http://sports.news.n.../20111029n05992

Also, I realized now that her cryptic tweet on Thursday was probably referring to the Please, Captain script reading which took place on the 27th as well. Maybe she was so ecstatic about it and couldnt hold it in yet she didnt want to give away anything so she just tweeted ".....!" i hope she tweets about the baseball event too. She's finally making more appearances. Next stop please go on variety shows too! :D I hope she'll make an appearance somewhere like Strong Heart or 1night2days... wasn't she supposed to before? after winning a poll? 

Ok I shall now go and rewatch The Mu with Sue's translations side by side!

Happy Weekend Sunnies! I LOVE YOU ALL! :D Hye Sun Fighting!

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Guest cheerkoo1430281614

FYI: I added a summary for a scene bet Hong and Go---somehow it got erased before. I highlighted it in blue.

There might be few little bits that I forgot to summarize---but it will soon be translated on video.

Please remember to rewatch the translated THMU also from mysoju.com. As well as from other sites. I actually make look at this episode few times---I really liked the pithy conversations esp between Yoo and Go. I think Go is starting to open her heart to Yoo as an understanding friend....I am not sure it is more than that yet...But many DC members think that ultimately Go will end up with Hong as he is the main male star....keke

Even though Bae may seem cold, I kind of loved her approach about developing one's career--she was very real and logical but true.

Everubody in THEMU seems like more like human--good and bad all coming out making them multi-dimentsional--even Go---the writer really knows how to develop characters so well.

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Can anyone help to provide the lilnk where I can watch TM episode 9? The previous link that I had now doesn't work anymore, it says it only allows streaming in mainland China, I am so sad I can't watch TM :tears:

By the way, much appreciation to meow, natali, webby, sue and everyone here for sharing all the news, updates, pics of GHS especially webby and sue for all the translations. Really happy to hear that her new drama, Please captain is taking off finally! :D

Wishing all of you a wonderful weekend. Enjoy your time with your family and loved ones :wub:

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I think GHS become some sort of twitter trending today. I don't have the data about it, but I notice there are about 200 postings about her on twitter in only an hour. I don't know what is the topic all about because it was all on hangook. I don't understand anything. But it started after the picture of her pitching the ball on base ball game came out. Maybe the tweeps who tweets about her were watching her in the field.

Thanks all for all the pics and also sharing The Musical recaps. I'll watch it from my soju :).

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Guest lisante

It's all about her and her dried squid. :rolleyes: http://djuna.cine21.com/xe/board/3085659

I think GHS become some sort of twitter trending today. I don't have the data about it, but I notice there are about 200 postings about her on twitter in only an hour.

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xuexi, here is The MU ep9 raw vid


TM E09

and you can check out this channel TSKSCN | 106 on youtube, they should be uploading the new c-sub vid every Monday


here is a longer clip of the baseball game with Hyesun entrance with the mascot


111029 Ku Hye Sun throws the opening pitch

Cre Daum

Ku Hye Sun shows bright smile and shy look at Korean series game 4, “the cute first ball”


Ku Hye Sun, an actress and a director, went out to throw the first ball, with her unique cute smile on her face.

Ku Hye Sun appeared in 2011 Lotte Card Professional Baseball to throw the first ball for the 4th game of Korean series between Samsung Lions and SK Wyverns. She is from Incheon and graduated from Bu Pyung girls’ high school.

On that day, Ku Hye Sun appeared on the ground wearing SK Wyverns’ baseball cap and uniform and threw the first ball strongly toward the catcher, Jung Sang ho. However, the distance between her and the catcher was little far and the ball couldn’t reach the glove of the catcher, Jung Sang Ho.

After throwing the first ball, Ku Hye Sun left the ground waving her hands at the audiences with a shy smile on her face, perhaps being embarrassed.

Ku Hye Sun is currently playing the role of Ko Eun Bi in SBS TV The Musical on every Friday.

Source: TV Report

Cre http://en.korea.com/?p=291939

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Guest hyesun4lyf

Thanks meow13 and to all the other Sunnies who updated this thread with GHS' current activity.  Her weekend baseball activity was so much fun to watch.  It's a nice change and break from her more serious projects.

To webby and sue for the recaps, our deep gratitude.  Having you here on this thread make such a difference for us, non-Korean speakers. <3

@sue...We see frustrated HJ and Go driving very fast together. I feel like the director cut a big scene here. Why!!!

I wondered about this scene too.  It seemed like a scene was cut before it and it could probably have been that pop idol refusing to cooperate with EB hence HJY was driving furiously at this scene.  Then their next scene together was HJY venting his anger and frustration at GEB.


Have a happy weekend everyone!

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DC posted tweets from a Sports Seoul reporter (@jingooj) saying

구혜선씨는 끝까지 남아서 SK 응원하는군요....

Goo Hye Sun-sshi stayed right through the end of the game to support SK...

@ulsansunny 구혜선이 개념 연예인이라는 이야기는 들었는데요..정말 그런가 봅니다..ㅎㅎ

I've heard people say that GHS is an entertainer that has a good concept (has good sense).. really seems like it's true.. haha.


One of the news capturing the pic of her chewing squid has a lot of replies on nate. People mostly commented on how pretty and cute she is even if she's chewing squid. Her easy-going nature different from the image of actresses is well-received by both males and females. haha.. i think the guys esp liked it that she seemed to enjoy the game while munching on snacks which some commented is the best thing to do while watching the match.

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Thanks to those who brought it over!

Sue kindly sent me the corrections for the Cosmopolitan interview, so I'm erasing the old and updating it with Sue's input. I love the way she translated and worded it. So please read it again. With the added corrections, you'll be able to understand the article better ^^.


구혜선은 이렇게 말했다.

This is what GHS said.

꿈을 현실로 이룬 이의 표정은 이런 걸까? 구혜선은 남들은 하나라도 겨우 이뤄내면 다행일 법한 일들을 눈 깜짝할 사이, 동시다발적으로 척척 해내고 있었다. 그러면서도 모든 것을 초탈한 양 맑고 순수한 미소를 머금고는 조곤조곤 또 다른 꿈에 관한 이야기를 꺼내기 시작했다.

Is this the expression of a person when she has achieved her dreams in reality? When others barely achieve even one of their dreams, GHS readily/easily achieves them in a bundle. After all that, her expression seems that of a lamb that transcended while bearing a clear and genuine smile. Then, softly, she starts to bring out a different dream.

<더 뮤지컬> 잘 보고 있어요. 오랜만에 연기하니까 어때요?

I'm enjoying watching 'The Musical'. How does it feel like to be acting again after a long time?

사실 그 전에 대만에서 드라마를 한 편 찍긴 했어요. 국내 드라마는 오랜만이죠. 일단은 저보다 부모님이 좋아하세요. <꽃보다 남자> 이후로 너무 안나와서 좀 아쉬우셨나 보더라고요. 아직도 제가 TV에 나오면 신기해하고 좋아하세요.

Actually, before this, I filmed a drama in Taiwan. But it has been a long time since I've been in a korean drama. Firstly, my parents seem to enjoy it more than me. My parents felt it's a pity that I haven't appeared much after 'Boys Over Flowers'. Currently, they still find it fascinating to see me appear on television and like it very much.

<더 뮤지컬>이라는 드라마가 구혜선 씨의 재능을 모두 보여주는 것 같아요. 노래, 연기, 춤, 밝은 성격까지. 당신이 가진 장점을 골고루 표출하게 해준다는 생각이 들더라고요. 그래서 이 작품을 선택했나요?

'The Musical' seems to be a drama to showcase your many talents, such as singing, acting, dancing and even your cheerful personality. I felt that the drama enables you to evenly display your strengths. Is that the underlying reason why you chose this project?

하하. 그렇진 않아요. 사실 <꽃보다 남자> 때까지만 해도 다른 누군가의 권유로 작품을 하게 된 적이 많았고 저 스스로 작품을 선택했던 적은 별로 없었어요. 그래서 맞지 않는 옷을 입을 때도 있었고. 그런데 이번 작품은 제가 직접 선택했어요. 요즘 막장 드라마가 너무 많은데 저는 좀 희망이 있고 꿈이 있는 드라마를 하고 싶었거든요. <더 뮤지컬>이 바로 제가 원했던 그런 밝고 희망적인 메시지를 담고 있었어요. 그래서 끌렸죠.

Haha. Not really. Actually, up til 'Boys Over Flowers', there were many times that I took on projects becoz people advised me to, and it was rare that I took on a project on my own. That is why, at times, the clothing did not fit me properly.(is she saying this figuratively? then it may mean the projects did not fit her real self---Webby, I agree with you—but I think she meant it both concretely and figuratively. That is GHS’s sense.). However, this time, I chose the project totally on my own. Recently there are so many makjang dramas. (I am not sure what makjang means—but what is certain is that GHS is not that interested in it.) However, I wanted to be in a drama that contains hopes and dreams. And, THE MUSICAL had that exact bright and hopeful message I was looking for. That is why I was drawn to it.

뮤지컬을 소재로 한 드라마니만큼 중간중간 노래 부르는 신이 굉장히 많더라고요. 실력이 수준급이던데, 직접 부른 것 맞나요?

Since the drama is about musicals, there are a lot of scenes where you have to sing. I find that you sound like a professional, did you personally sing it?

네. 거의 다 라이브인데 전체 신 중에서 두 개 정도는 녹음을 했어요. 긴장이 많이 돼서 감독님 허락 하에 복분자주를 몇 잔 마시고 불렀는데 나중에 편집하고 보니까 술 마신 게 너무 티가 나서 안 되겠더라고요. 그래서 녹음해서 다시 넣었죠.

Yes. The bulk of it was sung live. Amongst all the scenes, only around 2 of them were recorded (post-recording). I was very nervous so I asked the director for permission to drink a few cups of 복분자 wine before I sang. However, when the scene later went through editing, it was too obvious that I had drunk alcohol (when she sang) so it wouldn't do. Therefore, I had to record the singing part again.

뮤 지컬은 처음인데 어 려움은 없어요?

Since it's the first time you're involved in a musical, aren't there any difficulties?

실제 뮤지컬이 아니고 드라마니까 그렇게 부담이 크진 않아요. 그리고 제가 연기하는 고은비라는 캐릭터가 타고난 실력은 없는데 최다니엘 씨 혼자 ‘아니다, 얘는 가능성이 있다’ 이렇게 믿어주는 식이라서 다행이죠. 그래도 힘들긴 힘들어요. 원래 노래하던 사람이 아니다 보니 실력도 부족하고요.

It's not really a musical but a drama, so the burden wasn't that great. Moreover, Go Eun Bi isn't a naturally gifted singer. It's only Choi Daniel’s character who says 'no, there's a possibility for her' and believes in her which is fortunate for her. However, that said, it was still difficult. Since I am not a professional singer, my skill is inadequate.

최다니 엘 씨 피 아노 연주는 물 론 대역이죠?

Choi Daniel used a stand-in for the piano playing scenes, right?

하 하하. 그렇긴 한데 굉장히 노력을 많이 하세요. 어느 정도는 직접 연주할 수 있을 정도로 연습을 많이 해 오시더라고요. 손가락도 정말 예쁘고.

Hahaha. Yes but he worked extremely hard. He practiced so hard that he could actually play some parts himself. His fingers (or fingering on the piano) are really pretty.

드라마 초반에 고은비가 그런 말을 하잖아요. “저는 노래하고 춤출 때 꼭 번개를 맞은 기분이에요.” 그 대사를 듣는데 꼭 구혜선 씨 본인의 실제 속마음을 얘기하는 것처럼 느껴지더라고요. 그렇게 번개 맞은 기분으로 일하게 되는 순간이 있나요?

During the first half of the drama, Go Eun Bi said "I feel as if I'm struck by lightning when I sing and dance." When I heard that line, I felt that it was you saying it from the bottom of your heart. Have you ever felt that way when you are working?

아무래도 감독으로서 영화를 만들 때 그런 기분을 느끼는 것 같아요. 어느 순간 운 좋게 연기자가 돼서 정말 편하게 인생을 살아왔지만 연기를 하면서도 늘 무엇인지 모를 목마름이 있었거든요. 그래서 쉴 때마다 틈틈이 음악하고 그림 그리는 작업을 이어왔죠. 그러다 영화를 만들고 싶다고 막연한 꿈을 꾸게 됐고 결국 뛰어들게 된 거예요. 그리고 그때, 정말 처음으로 그 번개맞은 기분을 느꼈어요. 연기, 연출 다 재미있는 작업이지만 가장 나다울 때는 연출할 때인 것 같아요.

I must say I feel that way when I'm making a movie as a director. I feel lucky that somehow and suddenly I became an actress and have led a comfortable life, However I still had the feeling of an unquenched thirst when I'm acting. Therefore when I had the time, I would make my music and draw. As I continued that way, I started to have a vague notion of wanting to make a movie and eventually dashed for it. When I did that, I truly felt as if I was struck by a thunderbolt for the very first time. Acting and directing are both interesting careers, but I feel the most like myself when i'm directing.

브 라운관 안에서의 배 우 구혜선은 언 제나 당차고 순 수하고 어떤 어 려움에도 굴하지 않 는 모습이에요. 그 런데 소설, 영 화, 음악을 하 는 드라마 밖 에서의 구혜선은 좀 진지하고 예술적인 느낌이죠. 실제 본인이 어떤 부분에 더 가깝다고 생각해요?

The actress GHS on TV is always firm and genuine and won't succumb when facing difficulties. The GHS we see outside dramas is an author, director and writes her music, giving off a serious/earnest as well as an artsy feeling. Which side do you find yourself leaning more towards actually?

글쎄요, 잘 모르겠어요. 예전에는 ‘나는 이래요’ 이렇게 표현할 수 있었는데 요즘에는 정의 내릴 수가 없겠더라고요. 그날그날에 따라 다른 것 같고. 두 가지 면이 모두 있는 것 같아요.

I don't know. I used to say 'that's how I am' last time, however recently, I can't define it. It seems to change according to the days. I seem to have both sides to me.

2년 전 코스모와의 인터뷰에서 영화감독이 꿈이라고 수줍게 운을 띄웠죠. 그런데 그 꿈을 너무도 빨리 이뤘네요. <요술>에 이어서 <복숭아나무>라 는 두 번 째 장편 영 화도 찍었고 이 작품이 이번 부산국제영화제 상영작 리스트에 올랐고요. 막상 꿈을 이루니 어때요?

You shyly mentioned that you'll be launching your dream as a director when you had an interview with Cosmopolitan two years ago. Don't you think you've achieved this dream in such a short span of time? You've directed the movie 'Magic' and then 'Peach Tree' and the latter was also invited to BIFF this year. How does it feel like to have actually achieved your dream?

하하. 그렇죠. 당시만 해도 영화감독이 굉장히 멀게만 느껴졌던 꿈이었는데 어느새 현실이 됐네요. 그런데 벌써 많이 익숙해졌어요. 현장에서 저는 정말 그냥 현장 사람이에요.

Haha. Seems like that. During that time, the dream of being a movie director seems so far away. however, it has already become a reality. However, I've adapted to it a lot. When i'm at the film site, I feel like just one of the staff.

꿈이 현실이 되고 나면 생각했던 것만큼 행복하지 않다는 걸 깨달을 수도 있잖아요. 막상 이루고 나니 별것 아니었다거나, 내 길이 아니구나 하는 생각이 들 수도 있고요.

After achieving one's dream, it's still possible that one finds it not as fulfilling as anticipated, just like after achieving something, it doesn't feel like much, or it is not the right path for me.

물 론 항상 신나고 행복한 건 아니에요. 영화라는 작업이 쉽지만은 않더라고요. 현장에 있다 보면 ‘외롭구나, 고독하구나’ 하는 생각이 들 때도 많고. 영화 찍을 땐 밥도 거의 안 넘어가고 굉장히 힘들어요. 그런데 한편으로는 그 스트레스 받는 맛에 한다는 생각도 들어요. 좀 변태 심리 같긴 한데, 어쨌든 꽤 익숙해졌고, 즐기고 있어요.

Of course, I am not excited and happy all the time. I realized that making movies is not easy. Often I would think, 'it's lonely, i feel solitary' while working on the movie location. While filming a movie, I almost always do not have the appetite to easily digest my food. So, it is extremely difficult for me. Yet, on the other hand, I often think that I rather enjoy that stress. I know, it may sound a bit weird and abnormal. But, I've gotten quite used to it and enjoy the process.

소 문을 듣자 하 니 영화 촬 영 현장에서는 여 배우 맞나 싶 을 정도로 털 털하게 다닌다던데.

I've heard rumors that you're very easy-going and free in the filming location, to the extent that people start questioning whether you're an actress.

정말 그래요. 옷도 만날 똑같은 것만 입고 다녀요.

That's really true. I even wear the same clothes every time.

뭐, 만날 똑같은 거 입어도 너무 예쁘니까. 자신감 아니에요?

Well, it's because you're pretty even if you keep wearing the same thing. Isn't that a sign of your confidence?

아우, 아니죠. 정말 현장에서 제가 제일 거지같이 하고 다녀요. 너무 심했는지 하루는 스태프 중 한 친구가 대놓고 말하더라고요. 도대체 왜 이렇게 옷을 안 갈아입느냐고. 제발 옷 좀 갈아입으라고. “어차피 더러워질 건데 뭐하러 갈아 입어?” 했더니 그 친구가 그러더라고요. “아니, 그럼 어차피 더러워질 건데 왜 씻어요?” 하하. 이상하게 현장에서는 전혀 꾸미지 않게 되더라고요.

Not at all. I'm really the most shabby-looking on the movie set. I must have over-done it because, one day, a staff approached me and asked me why I don't change my clothes and pleaded me to change it. I replied, “ it's going to get dirty anyway so why change”. Then, that staff friend had a good comeback for me:”So, it's going to get dirty anyway so, why wash it.” Haha. Strangely, I don’t think about my appearance at all on film locations.

오직 영화에만 몰입하느라 그런 거 아닌가요? 하하. 그런 각고의 노력 끝에 만든 <복숭아나무>, 만족하나요?

Isn't that because you're totally immersed in the movie? haha. are you satisfied with 'Peach Tree' after all the hard work?

네, 저는요. 정말 하고 싶은 대로 다 해본 것 같아요. 처음에는 돌려서 말했어요. 빨간 게 좋다, 파란 게 좋다, 확실히 말해야 되는데 “불그스름하게 해주세요” 하는 거죠. 그러면 스태프들은 ‘도대체 어떻게 하라는 거지?’ 하고 당황하더라고요. 그래서 이제는 “아니요, 빨간색으로 해주세요”라고 확실하게 말해요. 기분 나쁠 때는 나쁘다고 솔직하게 얘기하고. 영화 찍을 때 스태프들과 꽤 자주 다퉈요. 남자 스태프들하고는 싸울수록 더 친해지더라고요.

Yes, I feel satisfied for myself. I really feel that I've done everything the way I wanted to do. In the beginning, I used to be vague with what I want. Instead of clearly saying either I like red or I like blue, I would say, 'please use the reddish one'. That would in turn confuse the staff because he would not have a clear idea of what I want. Now, I am clear and say,"No, please use the red one." When I am upset, I am now frank about it. The staff and I argue quite often while filming the movie. I find that I become closer to male staff the more I fight with them.

<요 술> 보고 나 서 꽤 난 해한 영화라는 생 각이 들었거든요. 영 화를 보고 나 서 머릿속에 물 음표가 남는. <복 숭아나무>는 어 떤가요?

I felt that the movie 'Magic' was a hard movie to understand. I was left with so many question marks after watching the movie. How is it with 'Peach Tree'?

이제까지는 만드는 저조차 어려울 정도로 난해한 부분이 많았죠. 그런데 이번에는 정말 쉽게 만들었어요. 생각이 달라졌거든요. 영화를 통해서 내가 하고 싶은 시도를 해보는 것도 중요하지만 관객과 소통하는 것도 중요하다는 생각이 들더라고요. 그래서 예전에는 동그라미에 점만 찍어놓고 ‘이거 꽃이에요!’ 했다면 지금은 최대한 꽃에 가까운 모습으로 표현하려고 노력하죠.

Even I found many aspects (referring to MAGIC) difficult to understand. However, this time, I made the movie more easily. The way I think has changed. Although it's important to try experimenting with what I want through a movie, it's just as important to communicate well with the audience. The old me may have drawn a circle with a dot to represent a flower. The new me would try hardest to make the flower as close to the real thing as possible.

캐스팅도 꽤 화려하던데, 이 연기파 배우들을 다 어떻게 섭외했어요?

You have quite a cast. How did you enlist these seasoned actors?

아, 영화 하면서 한 번에 전부 캐스팅한 건 정말 처음이었어요. <복숭아나무> 시나리오를 쓰기 전에 사실 음악을 먼저 만들었거든요. 그래서 배우분들을 찾아가서 영화 시나리오랑 제가 만든 ‘복숭아나무’라는 음악을 함께 보여드렸죠. 그런데 너무 감사하게도 세 분 모두 그 자리에서 하겠다고 하셨어요. 조승우 씨, 류덕환 씨, 남상미 씨, 이렇게 차례대로 오케이를 했죠.

Ah, this is the first time I've managed to cast all the actors in a row. Before I wrote the <PEACH TREE> script, I finished the music. So I took both the script and the music for PEACH TREE to the actors. I'm very grateful that all 3 of them agreed to join in the project. Jo Seung Woo, Ryu Deok Hwan and Nam Sang Mi agreed respectively.

배 우들의 연기에는 만 족했나요? ‘아, 차 라리 내가 연 기할걸’ 이런 생 각 들 때 도 있지 않 았나요?

Are you satisfied with their acting? Did you ever think 'ah, it would be better if I acted myself'?

어우, 전혀 없어요. 제 작품은 배우가 완성해주는 부분이 더 많아요. 제가 한 것보다. 다른 건 몰라도 연기에 대해서는 절대 터치 안 해요. “그냥 알아서 하세요” 하는 거죠.

That thought never crossed my mind. The actors themselves more often complete and perfect my movie projects. I never touch or interfere with the acting portion. I just want them to “do it the way you think most fitting".

그럼 제일 많이 터치하는 부분은 어떤 거예요?

Then what are the aspects you 'touch' on the most?

연기 빼고 다요. 하하하. 아, 그거 안 된다고, 그거 치우라고 막 터치하죠. 굉장히 디테일하게 챙겨요. 특히 음악에 관해서는 거의 제 뜻대로 끌고 나가요. <복숭아나무> 같은 경우에도 OST 10곡 중에서 8곡을 제가 만든 곡으로 넣을 정도로 제가 추구하는 느낌을 그대로 반영하려고 하죠. 미술도 소품팀 가서 하나하나 디렉션 주고.

Everything except acting. hahaha.I would say things like 'that won't do', 'remove that', I am extremely detailed to the tee. When it comes to anything related to music, I push for my intention all the way to the end. Out of the 10 songs in the Peach Tree OST, I wrote 8 of them so that the music will mirror the feelings I want to express in the movie. I am also detailed in my direction and selection for each piece of art and article that will appear in the movie.

작가든 감 독이든 작품이 쌓 이면 쌓일수록 다 양한 이야기를 담 아내겠지만 모든 작 품에서 공통적으로 관 통하는 정서나 반 복되는 소재를 발 견하게 되더라고요. 의 식적으로 등장시킨 것 일 수도 있 고 무의식적으로 나 타난 것일 수 도 있겠지만. 그 런데 당신의 작 품에서도 그런 걸 발견했어요. 영화 <유쾌한 도우미>와 <요술>에서도 그렇고 소설 <탱고>에서도 그렇고, 모두 죽음을 다룬다는 거죠. 특별한 의도가 있나요?

Be it as a writer or a director, as the list of projects one produces increases, the content of the stories also increases in variety. However, there is oftentimes a subject matter that appears repeatedly and transpire across one's various projects. Such a thing could have happened intentionally or unintentionally. I've discovered the same thing in your projects. You dealt with death in 'Cheerful Caretaker', 'Magic' and also in your novel 'Tango'. Is there a particular reason for that?

아, 그러고 보니까 진짜 그러네요. <복숭아나무>에서도 죽거든요.

Ah, now that you mentioned it, it seems that way. It also happened in 'Peach Tree'.

특별히 의도한 건 아니었나 보네요.

So there wasn't any particular reason for it?

네, 전혀 의도한 건 아니어서. 글쎄요, 왜 그랬을까요? 아마 그런 게 아닐까 싶어요. 죽지 않고서는 인생에 대한 답을 못 내리니까. 이 인생을 끝내려면 정말로 끝이 나야 한다고 생각하는 것 같아요. 왜 한국 드라마 보면 ‘결혼하면 해피엔딩’이다 그런 공식이 있잖아요. 그런데 사실 그건 모르는 거죠. 진짜 그 인물이 결혼해서 끝까지 행복한지는. 그래서 저는 정말 완벽한 마침표를 찍으려고 죽이는 것 같아요. 죽음이라는 것에 특별히 호기심이 있거나 한 건 아닌데, 어떤 메시지를 전달할 때 가장 큰 효과를 발휘할 수 있는 소재가 죽음이 아닌가 싶어요. 죽지 않으면 깨닫지 못하는 부분도 많고요.

You're right. It wasn't my conscious intention. Mmm,,I wonder why I did that? Maybe I did it that way because, to me, life’s answers would be hard to attain without death. I must be thinking that, in order to end life, there has to be an end or finality. Korean dramas usually have weddings to signify happy endings to a story. Somehow that is the general consensus. However, nobody knows whether the couple will really have happy life after the marriage to the end. So, I guess I kill my characters to have that perfect exclamation point or finality at the end. It is not that I have any particular curiosity about death. However, I think that death amplifies the effect and brings the message across the best. There are also many parts that we wouldn't realize without death.

<요 술>을 보 면 천재적인 첼 로 연주 실 력을 타고나진 않 았지만 끝없이 노 력하는 친구를 향 해 이런 말 을 하죠. “너 는 네가 원 하는 걸 모 두 가질 수 있다고 생각하니? 노력해도 안 되는 사람이 있어”라고. 그 대사를 들으면서 가슴 한구석이 슬프게 저리기도 했지만 한편으로 많이 공감했어요. 어떻게 보면 성공이란 천부적인 능력을 갖춰야 가능하다는 생각이 들어서요. 본인은 천재형, 노력형 중 어디에 더 가깝다고 생각해요?

In the movie 'Magic' there was this line directed to the person who worked really hard but wasn't born a gifted cellist, 'Do you think you'd be able to achieve all that you want? There are people who don't make it no matter how dilligent they are.' Listening to the lines, a corner of my heart sinks with it and yet I also have to admit that that's true. I think one has to have the talent in order to be successful. Which one do you think you more closely resemble, a prodigy or a hard-worker?

하 하, 글쎄요. 저는 딱히 재능이 있는 것도 아니고 노력도 안 하는 것 같아요. 그런 것보다는 그냥 잠깐 미쳐요. 잠깐. 뭔지 모르겠는데 그분이 오셔가지고 아이디어가 떠오르면 그냥 막 해야겠는 거예요. 가야겠다는 생각이 들면 가야 하고.

Haha. I don't know. I cannot exactly say that I have a talent and I don’t think that I try really hard either. Instead, I think I experience a temporary insanity. I don’t know what it is but when it comes to me and idea starts to bubble up, I just have to follow it and do it. If I get the urge to move, I have to go.

그게 천재 아 닌가요?

Isn't that what genius is?

천재라 부를 만큼 번쩍은 아닌 것 같고, 그냥 떠오르는 걸 해야 직성이 풀리는 그런 거죠.

It's not enough of a 'flash' to call it genius. I just have to follow and do what rises in my mind and only then I feel the satisfaction of a release.

하지만 그 ‘번쩍’ 하는 순간이 아무에게나 오는 건 아니죠. 한 가지 분야만도 아니고 영화, 작곡, 미술, 연기, 소설… 도대체 잘하는 게 한두 가지가 아니니, 참 신기해요. 도대체 그 어마어마한 에너지의 원동력은 무엇인가요?

However, that 'flashing' moment doesn't just happen to anyone. You're not just working in one or two areas, but you're covering movies, song-writing, arts, acting and writing novels, it's truly unbelievable. What is the driving force behind such tremendous energy?

아무래도 우울하고 슬프고 그럴 때 영감이 떠오르는 것 같아요. 상처가 힘이 된다는 느낌. 연애를 하거나 무언가로 인해 행복할 때는 집중이 잘 안 되죠. 그런데 실연당했거나 힘들 때 글도 잘 써지고 크리에이티브한 생각도 많이 떠올라요.

Inevitably, I seem to get the inspiration when I'm melancholic and sad. I feel as if my wound becomes the source of my strength and energy. If I am dating or happy for some reason, I find that I cannot concentrate very well. If I am broken hearted or things are very difficult for me, I am able to write well and many creative thoughts flow out.

젊은 나이에 많은 걸 이루고 있는 모습이 같은 여자로서 참 멋지다는 생각이 들어요. 다른 이들에게는 꿈인 일을 이미 많이 이뤘지만 지금 이 순간 당신은 또 다른 꿈을 꾸고 있겠죠. 구혜선 씨의 다음 꿈은 어떤 건가요?

As a same female, I find you so admirable and cool to accomplish so much at such a young age. To others, you have already implemented your dreams, but I would think that you must have other dreams? What are some of your other dreams?

음, 참사랑을 해보는 거?

Erm, to experience true(genuine) love?

의외의 답 변이네요. 영화나 예 술 얘기를 할 줄 알았는데!

It's an answer I did not expect. I thought you'd mention something about movies or arts!

얼마 전에 그런 질문을 받았어요. “너 영화 왜 하니?”, “너 왜 태어났니?”라는. 처음으로 생각해봤어요. 그러게, 내가 왜 영화를 하고 있을까? 그리고 내가 왜 태어났을까? 결론은 사랑하고 싶어서, 사랑을 알고 싶어서인 것 같더라고요. 어릴 때부터 저는 받기만 하면서 살아왔고 주더라도 늘 재면서 주는 사람이었거든요. 그런데 이제는 진짜 무조건적인 참사랑을 하고 싶다는 생각을 해요. 그게 꼭 남자와의 사랑만은 아니고 여러 가지 모양이 있을 수 있겠죠. 진짜 사랑이 뭔지 알고 나면 좀 두려움이 없어지지 않을까요? 지금 경험하고 있는데도 모르고 있는 걸 수도 있지만요.

Not long ago, someone asked me: "why do you make movies?', 'why do you think you are born?' That was the first time I thought about those questions. I wondered why was I making movies. Why was I born? My conclusion seems to be that I want to love and I want to know what love is. Since I was young, I only received and I only gave out in measures (meaning out totally). However, now, I really want to experience unconditional true love. I am not saying it has to be the kind of love with a man. I believe that love has many shapes. I want to know whether some of the fears will subside if I find out what true love is. It is possible that I may be experiencing the true love now without knowing.

그러고 보니 이상형이 궁금해지네요. 웬만한 남자는 안 될 것 같고, 당신처럼 완벽하고 다재다능한 사람이어야 마음을 잡을 수 있을 것 같은데.

Seeing that you mention it, I'm curious about your ideal type. I would not think a regular guy would do. I think only someone who is perfect and multi-talented like you can capture your heart.

하하. 그렇지 않아요. 그냥 딱 반하는 순간이 있어요. 그 남자의 순수한 면을 봤을 때. 왜 생각지도 못한 부분에서 굉장히 쑥스러워하거나 감사하거나 그런 모습을 보게 될 때 있잖아요. 어떻게 보면 바보 같다는 생각이 들 정도로.

Haha. I don’t think so. There is a specific moment when I am taken by a person. It is the moment when I discover the pure and genuine side of the man. You know, it is when you witness the man feel so embarrassed or grateful for something that you never expected. You know what I mean? When I would spot that aspect of him, he would almost look foolish even.

헉. 또 의 외인데요. 이렇게 똑 똑한 당신과 어 리숙한 남자, 그 림이 안 그 려져요.

Ho. I didn't expect that either. I cannot imagine you being so smart to fall for a not so smart guy.

물론 그렇다고 진짜 바보스럽고 백치 같은 사람을 말하는 건 아니에요. 하하. 저는 남에게 피해 주는 걸 정말 싫어하는데 백치가 주는 피해가 되게 많잖아요. 본인은 모르고 남에게 피해를 주고. 그런 바보가 아니라 뭔가 자기 주관이 뚜렷하고, 갑자기 한순간에 무너지는 사람이 있어요.

Of course, I am not saying that he is actually foolish and ignorant. Haha I really hate it when I may hurt or harm other people. I sometimes feel that we end up hurting others too often because we are ignorant. I am not talking about such ignorant person who unknowingly hurt other people. I am talking about people with clear and intact ego but who crumbles totally at one moment.

드라마나 영화에서 그 이상형에 가까운 캐릭터를 꼽는다면요?

Is there any character in a drama or movie that closely resembles your ideal?

아, 드라마 <베토벤 바이러스>의 김명민 씨 같은 남자예요. 되게 완벽한 것 같고 꼬장도 있고 그런데 갑자기 키우던 강아지 토벤이가 아프니까 그때 무너지더라고요. 평소에는 완벽하고 빈틈없어 보이지만 사랑하는 존재 앞에서는 한없이 무너질 수 있는 사람, 그런 사람을 만나 참사랑을 하게 된다면 더없이 행복하겠죠?

Ah! He resembles the Kim MyungMin’s character in the drama, 'Beethoven Virus', He seems to be perfect and even very stern and stubborn. However, he falls apart when his dog Thoven became ill. In general, the man may appear perfect and seems to lack nothing, but, in the face of love, he can endlessly fall apart. If I can meet such a person and fall in love, then I might be supremely happy.

Cre http://cosmopolitan....050100&aid=9711

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