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Goo Hye Sun 구혜선


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Guest minjee

How can it be Hye Sun's fault? It could be a technical problem. She should not feel so bad or humiliated. I'm sure it will be fixed soon. So CD was there to support GHS? WOW! ..so nice of him. Was he wearing tux? So he saw our beautiful & elegant GHS.

Awww! So, CD was there too! Was he wearing his tux too? Then he saw our beautiful & classy GHS. I hope there's pictures of CD too.

Hi there, yes CD was there wearing tux @ the red carpet :) lots of articles on nate mention how he supports Hyesun! :) I know it's Hyesun's thread excuse Choi Daniel's pics here~~ :) I thought he looked different I didn't recognize him at first then surprised it's really HIM! maybe it's the glasses! hahaha I just missed watching "The Musical" on live stream..oh well can't wait to watch it 2moro!





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111007 The Star - Ku Hye Sun & Nam Sang Mi @ BIFF Outdoor Stage Event

Cre The-star.co.kr

[HD동영상] '복숭아나무' 구혜선 감독, "감독 하지 말라는데..."


7일 저녁 7시 30분, 부산 해운대 우동 비프빌리지에서는 영화 <복숭아나무>(감독 : 구혜선) 무대인사가 열렸다.

이날 무대인사에는 구혜선 감독과 배우 남상미가 자리해 해운대의 밤을 뜨겁게 달궜다.

팬들의 즉석 질문으로 진행된 이날 무대인사를 통해 배우 남상미는 "(구혜선) 감독님이라 촬영하면서 내내 깎듯이 모셨다"며 "현장에서 내가 연기하기 쉽게 캐릭터 연출을 해줬다"고 말했다.

이어 구혜선 감독은 "이 작품을 통해 여성들의 감성을 내세운 독특한 영화를 만들고 싶었다"며 "주변에서 감독하지 말라고 말리는데,(웃음) 감독을 하게 되서 경제적인 어려움이 따르는 건 사실이다"라고 웃으며 말했다.

또, 구감독은 "여자 감독이라서 힘든 점은 나보다 나이 많은 스태프들과의 소통이었다. 현장에서 한바탕 크게 싸우고 저녁에 맥주한잔으로 스트레스를 풀었다"고 전했다.

배우와 감독을 병행해 어려움은 없었냐는 팬들의 질문에 구감독은 "내가 직접 연기할 때 감독님 탓을 많이 했었다. 허나, 상황이 바뀌고 나니 감독의 마음을 알게되서 큰 공부가 됐다"고 말했다.

한 편, 데뷔작 <요술>에 이어 두번째 장편 메가폰을 쥔 배우겸 감독 구혜선은 이 작품을 통해 동화적으로 펼쳐지는 샴쌍둥이 이야기를 담아 관객들과 만난다. 배우 조승우-류덕환이 각기 다른 내면을 연기하는 판타지물 <복숭아나무>는 이번 16회 부산국제영화제의 비전(VISION) 부문에 출품했다.



Cre http://thestar.chosun.com/site/data/html_dir/2011/10/08/2011100800051.html

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Guest hyesun4lyf

부산영화제, 굴욕의 구혜선 복숭아나무 첫상영 불발

*quoted image*

Dear GHS, please don't cry.  It's breaking my heart.  Remember your words:

"Everything passes.  When feeling self-doubt, I pray that you deeply value yourself.  When feeling lost, I pray that you do not scold yourself.  No matter what you face, I pray you believe in yourself.  You will then be definitely happy."wub.gifwub.gif

Be strong, our brave princess.  Take comfort from the presence of few of your good friends with you  there right now.  And may you gain strength and courage from the caring thoughts and prayers of your fans from all over.  We love you no matter what.

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She will endure! I assume it would be a technical malfunction and BIFF should issue an apology. HyeSun shouldn't feel humiliated at all!! More power to her and Peach Tree!! XoXo

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..thanks to all for the succeeding updates on BIFF...i really can't get over with HS look @BIFF....she deserves all great things that can be said about her....i want a hug from her :wub:

...sue~ that's so sad to know...of all times why at this moment..i guess there's no point anymore of finding who to blame...but the BIFF committee should have ensured everything to be working up to the last moment...talk about testing..its not impossible to think that HS would have really felt devastated, humiliated at that moment...after all...this is the very first screening of PEACH TREE...someone should apologize but not HS...aigoo!

..meow, nat, yonghwa, jee, nat for bringing in those updates on BIFF Outdoor Events...looked like HS has recovered from what happened on the red carpet...she's wearing another simple suit again...but nevertheless...she is still shining prettily...all that cute smiles warms my heart always to see how successful and kind-hearted she is up to now...hope there will be another screening for peach tree ^_^

...dahlia~hello sis, happy weekend...thanks to your tweets to me...i still miss our spazzing moments :wub:








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Feel very pity for Hye Sun on what happened for the first screening of Peach Tree at BIFF. Hopefully she didn't get much pressured. I'm certain the bad thing won't lessen her will power in gaining the status of established director in the future.

Personally I'm very happy to know that Choi Daniel also came to the event to show his full support for Hye Sun. That's what friends are for. So far , I really like his chemistry with Hye sun in The musical. It moves in slow pace but for sure blast with fire.

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Guest cheerkoo1430281614

Hello Sunnies!

Is there any word about PEACH TREE? I hope everything is fixed...excl.gif

As soon as I came home, I rushed to THEMU. Just finished watching it.

A bad mother am I..:D ..

But, WOW, I loved the 6th episode...But, .It was so short!!! tears.giftears.giftears.gif

If I could, I will try to summarize the scenes later,,,much later....

Very addictive drama and so realistic.

There was a post in DC by someone who want to watch THEMU but her family want to watch 2 other competing prog that are very popular. So, this poster watches it after downloading it. But she finds OkJH's acting unbearable and also finds it difficult to swallow a married woman going after another man...

I understand,,,,But, that is what makes a drama and I find it so realistic and I do like everybody's acting in THEMU...they all seem very natural to me--They are all likable in many ways----because even the "evil" characters are driven by their own feelings of love....

See ya later...

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just finished The mu epi 6 and i've never seen any put together a 7-sided-relationship in a single episode so brilliantly. That was what captivated me throughout the entire epi. i kinda like go eunbi and yoo jin together. they seem so similar. even if they don't work out, they could def be siblings.

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Guest cheerkoo1430281614

Webby! I agree with you 100%

Here is summary of part 1--


Part 1 of 4

After Ragyung(RG) gets hurt, EB quickly goes to her aid along with Assistant Dir. Somehow, YooJin(YJ) is a step slow. DirHan tells everybody to go inside and calm down for now. EB takes charge and treats RG. She directs people to get what she needs to treat RG and calls her sunbae for the nearest hospital. She gets a name of a hospital 15 min away and has another sunbae who works there. Asst Dir gets the car. When RG thanks the AssisDir (AD), we see something in YJ’s eyes and he tells Dir Han that AD is very quick and nimble. RG say sorry to DirHan but he says she has nothing to be sorry about. (All good characters!!) EB tells DirHan to get some type of ointment and tells GooJak (GJ) to get clean towel and ice. Everybody obeys. She tells RG that she needs to cool off the burn again with cold water in the mean time. Hong Jay (HJ) looks on at EB with a smile of feeling proud of her.

Right after EB leaves in car, Bae GH (Bae) comes to HJ and say that she really is a medical student and that she would fit well as a pediatrician. Then she wants to meet with HJ to talk about the musical in her room as it is a very appropriate thing to do for an actress and the composer. He tells her that he will meet her after getting the material ready. Goo Jak and Dir Han watch their interaction. Even so, Bae is not concerned. (Tension!!)

At the hospital, the sunbae physician praises EB for her pre-treatment of RG before coming to hospital even though she had been in a long leave. He tells EB that when she took a leave from school, a professor even called him about it. The physician asks YJ if EB is good in musical. EB expresses her discomfort and whining for such a question. The physician tells YJ that if EB is not extremely good at the musical, he would appreciate it is they kick her out. He adds that all the medical professors at the university were very impressed and had high hopes for EB. EB is very embarrassed. Then the doctor says that treatment went well due to good pre-treatment and that he will give her some sedative as she was shocked by the incident and asks the others to leave so that the patient can rest. YJ holds her hand and tells her to rest but takes his hand off more quickly than perhaps RG might have wanted. The AD is more caring and even lowers the bed for her and gives her his cell phone so that she can make calls for anything she may need. He even notices that her sweater is damaged and later buys her a new sweater. He leaves YJ with EB and leaves the hospital to buy the cloth for RG.

EB and YJ: EB brings a drink for YJ saying that he must have been shocked. He praises her ability as being in the level of a medical resident and not just a medical student. He recognized that she was also a brilliant student. EB shows her embarrassments and pride at the same time through her laughter and admits that she did study well.

HJ comes to GooJak’s room but DirHan was there with GJ. HJ says that he wanted to go to Bae with GooJak. But DirHan asks HJ to go alone and start as he has something to discuss with GJ. But it turns out that DirHan was asking GJ about his army life. GJ asks him why he is interested in his army story. Dir Han says that since they are working together, he wanted to get to know him better. GJ makes him laugh but (it appears that DirHan’s actions are kind of strange for a husband. Bae and DirHan’s marriage definitely seems a very complicated and loveless marriage of business….so sad for them.) When you see Dir Han laugh hard at GJ’s army story, it almost looks like he is crying…(did you see that? @16:00?)HJ and Bae—Bae acts cool as a cucumber towards HJ’s hesitation to come into her room.

At the hospital bet EB and YJ—EB is telling YJ that she wanted to become a doctor to help her grandmother. YJ asks if her grandmother is still very sick. EB says that she is not really that sick. She is actually very energetic and even drives very well. She recounts a time when HJ came to her hometown. She was late to the train station. So her grandmother drove her to the station and EB says that she never knew that her grandmother can drive so fast like that. EB talks very energetically and kind of tomboyish-like and very down to earth. It makes YJ laugh. YJ says , you mean as fast as a bullet? EB says yes and says that at this time her grandmother is her biggest supporter. Then YJ looks at her long so EB asks him what the matter is. He slowly and hesitatingly asks her about her mother—whether she passed away early. EB also slowly responds saying that her mother one day suddenly disappeared. But EB kind of laugh about it as if it does not matter to her or it is how she deals with it. (Her laughter at a painful situation reminds me of how Dir Han was laughing so hard at GJ's army story when his wife is about to meet an old lover in their own room---the torture he may be feeling....) The EB says that since then her grandmother raised her. So YJ finds out something painful about EB’s past (that he kind of identifies with. I am sure he feels abandoned by his parents too. There is a common theme among all the lead characters…Bae feels abandoned, HJ feels the same and YJ and EB also experience abandonment from their primary caretakers.)

EB’s grandmother and YJ’s dad: He fixes the virus in her computer. He tells her that her granddaughter’s home page site is a dangerous site for the virus. She asks him if they are going to stay permanently here. He is not sure yet. She says to him that the time between parents and children are limited and wouldn’t it be better to let him know to prevent resentment later. The father responds that he is ready to deal with resentment that may come his way. But he really does not want his son to lose the opportunity to develop and foster his ability and talents. EB’s grandmother asks him would he lose that opportunity if he knows about his mother and stays by her side. He says yes. EB’s grandmother expresses what a terrible situation. The father says that YJ grew up in a family where such terrible things happened constantly.

YJ and EB—he asks her if she forgave her mother even though she just walked away suddenly. EB says that she cannot say she forgave but that she decided to look at her mother differently. She decided to think that her mother most likely tolerated and dealt with her situation/life as long as she could possibly tolerate. Even though my mother had her mother and her own daughter next to her, she still decided to leave. That means that my mom had to really try her hardest to deal with her life to her maximum limit. Then one day, she could bear no longer and just left. I think that is how I decided to think about it. He says EB must be a good person. EB catches on that YJ also has a story of his own with his parents and asks him if he and his parents are not in good terms. Then, YJ has a flashback about how his parents called him to tell him about their life changing decision. YJ angrily tells his father that they had to at least wait until his study is finished. YJ asks his mother to get on the phone. The mother takes the phone away from her husband and tells YJ to not to think of anything until his study is completed. YJ tells the mother to make his father change his mind about leaving everything because the repercussion from the grandfather would be too much. But YJ’s mother tearfully says that YJ is an adult and she asks for his forgiveness then she hangs up on her son. When YJ tried to call her back, the phone was disconnected. (So, YJ like EB was left very suddenly without any type of explanation by his own parents….they have something to commiserate about. Maybe one day we will also find out why EB’s mother left so suddenly.) To EB’s question, YJ says that he does recognize that people who call themselves his parents do exist and live. (Woah----what pain he must have felt to decide to think that way about his parents.) EB looks at him suspiciously.

Bae and HJ—talking about music together—about editing, conducting, etc…. She reminds him of their dream. She says that she did not forget anything about it. He says what he remembers is that she is the one who abandoned their dream. Bae says that he is the one who left her. But HJ says that she is the one who decided not to leave with him. She says that following her choice, he also made a decision. She says that making choice does not necessarily have to do with what the heart feels. She says that her feelings for him never changed. That she never gave up on him.

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Guest eunhye05

Wow! That episode was just Wow! Are we sure this is only 16 episodes? So much is happening and everything's getting really complicated! This isn't just a 5 way love web. It's a 7 way love web!

AssitantDir ---> RaKyung ---> YooJin ---> EunBi <--- HongJae <--- KangHee <--- DirHan

This is getting really interesting and complex! I can't wait to know what's in store for us next!

Anyways, here's my thoughts/reactions: 


- EunBi to the rescue! Whooot Whooot! Bravo! :D Just another thing for HJ and YJ to be amazed by her! 

- Did KH send HJ to her room in the hopes of getting something from him? lol. She's really one evil seductress! 

What did she tell him? One things for sure, he turned her down -- this further aggravates Miss Diva and thus I fear for EunBi! Why can't KH just stick to DirHan. Also, really?! another hot hot kissing scene between KH and HJ - even if it was just DirHan's hallucinations I wish we'd see something similar soon for EunBi and HJ. lol. just my frustration! I hope they dont save their first kiss till episode 16! waaah!

- Speaking of DirHan ---- I can't for the life of me decipher his conversations on the phone! I know it's english but...errr...hahaha. Somethings brewing...is it good or bad?

- Poor RK. I really feel for her right now. Even if I also want to see YJ and EB develop my heart aches for her. Good thing they're giving her AssitantDir for the meantime. He's sweet at least.

- Im enjoying this different side of YJ. I love how easily he's opening up to EB and their conversations are just so natural and cute to watch. I loved the whole "getting to know each other" moment of their even if I didn't understand a single thing. lol. They just looks so cute!

- What did KH say to EB at the bench!? I'm dying to know that long manipulative conversation and why EB got so worked up after. Why did she keep avoiding poor HJ and what was he trying to get through to her? :( 

- I found the dancing scene really fun though. I was really going crazy hoping she'd fall into his arms or they'd surprise us with a random hug or kiss. lol. Owel. Wishful thinking. haha

- Can I also take a moment to say "DIE YooJin's Cousin DIE!" I had him with a passion and with what he's planning. Even if I  don't know what he's scheming about he just annoys me on screen I wanted to press forward when I was watching it LIVE! I fear for the future episodes and what crazy thing he plans to do.

- KH, RK and DirHan are very perseptive tonight especially between their love interests who aren't paying them much attention as of the moment. haha. I love all the camera angles capturing everyones expressions. This show is filmed beautifully! 

- So we know EB got herself drunk...and I totally didnt expect YJ to bring her to her room and comfort her. I was getting all giddy with him being there and just being her shoulder to cry on. What did she tell him while crying? Was it related to her feelings for HJ?

- Then what did HJ and YJ talk about after by the door! Did he tell her to stop playing with EB's feelings? (I'm just guessing along! I have no idea what's happening now)

- What's also going on with this new proposal?! with the foreigner, Dir Han and HJ?! 

- At last HJ and EB make up. What was their conversation about? I still ship them though but it's taking so looong! Boo!

- Lastly, what did YJ tell EB before the episode ended! Another cliffhanger but this time I can't even guess what's instore next episode!

Recappers/translators to the rescue!!! :D :D :D


I loved this episode. It is indeed an emotional rollecoaster of sorts. It's also very well directed and filmed. Now how do we get it out into the world that this is definitely a show everyone should be watching?!?! It's just a really good drama and I'm not biased it just is. I've already seen a lot and nothing compares to this.

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Good day Sunnies, :D

Wow... many many TQs to all for the latest updates, pics and vids of our doll princess. :)

Our doll princess really surprises us all at the BIFF opening ceremony, she's just gorgeous. :wub:

I'm hoping everything goes well with Peach Tree today.

Can anyone help to translate this.

BIFF 김선아 - 구혜선 - 류현경 '로맨틱한 러블리 드레스


로맨틱한 감성 을 녹인 사랑스럽고 큐트한 드레스 를 선택한 김선아, 구혜선, 류현경 의 스타일링 을 집어 봤다.

튜튜 스커트를 연상시키는 독특한 드레스를 선택한 김선아. 튜튜 스커트 를 연상 시키는 독특한 드레스 를 선택한 김선아. 가슴 바로 밑에 있는 리본 디테일은 다리가 길어 보이는 효과를 연출했다. 가슴 바로 밑에 있는 리본 디테일 은 다리 가 길어 보이는 효과 를 연출 했다.

하지만, 안타깝게도 매혹적인 다리라인은 보이지 않아 아쉬운 룩을 완성했다. 하지만, 안타깝게 도 매혹 적인 다리 라인 은 보이지 않아 아쉬운 룩을 완성 했다.

다음 레드카펫에선 멋스러운 보디라인을 볼 수 있는 드레스를 선택하길 권한다. 다음 레드 카펫 에선 멋스러운 보디라인 을 볼 수 있는 드레스 를 선택 하길 권한다.

군더더기 없이 깔끔한 미니 드레스로 본래의 러블리한 이미지를 연출한 구혜선. 군더더기 없이 깔끔한 미니 드레스 로 본래 의 러블 리한 이미지 를 연출한 구혜선.

화이트 카라와 누드톤 컬러의 드레스가 잘 어울린다. 화이트 카라 와 누드톤 컬러 의 드레스 가 잘 어울린다. 드레스와 같은 톤의 슈즈를 매치해 통일감있는 룩을 완성했다. 드레스 와 같은 톤의 슈즈 를 매치해 통일감 있는 룩을 완성 했다.

노출이 전혀 없는 화이트 드레스를 레드카펫 룩으로 선택한 류현경. 노출 이 전혀 없는 화이트 드레스 를 레드 카펫 룩으로 선택한 류현경.

어깨의 장식된 퍼프소매가 러블리한 느낌이 든다. 어깨 의 장식된 퍼프소매 가 러블 리한 느낌 이 든다.

하지만, 어정쩡한 치마 길이가 문제! 하지만, 어정쩡한 치마 길이 가 문제! 미니 드레스였다면 늘씬한 보디라인과 러블리한 느낌을 강조할 수 있었을 듯. 미니 드레스 였다면 늘씬한 보디라인 과 러블 리한 느낌 을 강조할 수 있었 을 듯.

또한, 옆으로 넘긴 헤어스타일은 사랑스러운 룩과는 어울리지 않는다. 또한, 옆으로 넘긴 헤어스타일 은 사랑스러운 룩과는 어울리지 않는다.

리뷰스타 인기기사


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- Lastly, what did YJ tell EB before the episode ended! Another cliffhanger but this time I can't even guess what's instore next episode!



i don't remember the exact conversation. but he kinda asked eunbi what if there was some problem and they couldn't proceed with the gumiho production. he didn't tell her straight out that there is a problem but asking in a roundabout way. and of course eunbi's response is the 'u're not kidding, are u?' kinda look.

can u imagine yoojin waiting out and coming all the way just to ask eunbi that when he didn't even think of needing to be more caring to ra kyung when she was in the hospital. what a contrast huh? just shows you how sometimes men move according to their heart without knowing it's their heart leading them. also i guess the part when YJ laughed out loud with EB at the hospital must be something he has never done for years and prob something RK has never ever seen him doing. Of course it's poor Dir Han who finally felt he needed to do something to stop Hong jae yi and Bae Kang hee from interacting too often (perhaps?) and this may cause a holdup in the gumiho production. now we see how bae kang hee, yoo jin who might be on the same side now coz they will prob try their best to make sure the gumiho production works out, each with their own interest at heart.

HS needs to feed herself more. i remember when i saw her, her legs looked stick thin, and that was back in oct/nov 2009, when she was supposedly weightier. So she must be super duper thin now. So is 'fly again' confirmed?

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Those obstacle just would make our girl stronger than ever, Fighting Director Ku!!!

Gahhh....very busy till' sunday, so i still couldn't watch The Musical >.<..what a torture! Anyway, Thanks for the updates Sunnies :)


The news regarding YAI birthday :P

유아인, 부산에서 26번째 생일 ‘축가는 구혜선’


배우 유아인이 부산에서 구혜선의 축가를 들으며 생일을 보냈다.

유아인 매니저는 7일 트위터에 '오늘 생일 축하는 게스트 구혜선씨가 노래 불러주셨습니다. 하하 즐거운 부산의 밤'이라는 글과 함께 사진을 올렸다.

유아인은 지난 6일 26번째 생일을 맞았다. 제 16회 부산국제영화제 참석차 부산에 내려가 생일을 보낸 것. 파란색 후드티를 뒤집어 쓴 채 케익을 자르는 모습은 26세가 아닌 고등학생을 보는 듯하다.

네티즌들은 '구혜선씨가 축하곡까지 불러주고… 계탔네요' '조촐한 생일 파티에 화려한 게스트' '마냥 신난 표정이네요' 등의 반응을 보였다.

유아인은 20일 김윤석과 찍은 영화 '완득이' 개봉을 앞두고 있다.



Webby, i think is confirmed for HS

구혜선, 파일럿으로 안방 컴백


배우 구혜선이 파일럿으로 돌아온다.

구혜선은 내년 1월 방송 예정인 sbs 드라마 ‘플라이 어게인(극본 정나명·연출 주동민)’에서 부기장 한다진 역을 맡았다.

‘플라이 어게인’은 열정과 패기를 가진 부조종사가 조정사로 성장하는 내용을 그린 드라마로 극 중 구혜선은 파일럿인 아버지를 따라 조종사를 꿈꾸고, 이를 이루기 위해 온갖 시련을 씩씩하게 극복하는 캔디 같은 역할이다. 전작인 ‘꽃보다 남자’와 ‘더 뮤지컬’ 등의 작품에서 보여준 구혜선의 트레이드마크인 밝고 쾌활한 캐릭터와 비슷하다는 점에서 방송 전부터 관심이 모아진다.

그는 올 여름 출연제의를 받고 검토하다 최근 출연을 확정짓고 드라마와 관련된 준비에 돌입한다. 현재 참여하고 있는 대만 gtv 드라마 ‘절대달령’의 촬영이 끝나면 11월초부터 파일럿 훈련을 받을 예정이다.

이정연 기자 annjoy@donga.com 트위터@mangoostar


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Guest eunhye05


i don't remember the exact conversation. but he kinda asked eunbi what if there was some problem and they couldn't proceed with the gumiho production. he didn't tell her straight out that there is a problem but asking in a roundabout way. and of course eunbi's response is the 'u're not kidding, are u?' kinda look.

can u imagine yoojin waiting out and coming all the way just to ask eunbi that when he didn't even think of needing to be more caring to ra kyung when she was in the hospital. what a contrast huh? just shows you how sometimes men move according to their heart without knowing it's their heart leading them. also i guess the part when YJ laughed out loud with EB at the hospital must be something he has never done for years and prob something RK has never ever seen him doing. Of course it's poor Dir Han who finally felt he needed to do something to stop Hong jae yi and Bae Kang hee from interacting too often (perhaps?) and this may cause a holdup in the gumiho production. now we see how bae kang hee, yoo jin who might be on the same side now coz they will prob try their best to make sure the gumiho production works out, each with their own interest at heart.

HS needs to feed herself more. i remember when i saw her, her legs looked stick thin, and that was back in oct/nov 2009, when she was supposedly weightier. So she must be super duper thin now. So is 'fly again' confirmed?

Thanks so much Webby for explaining the ending! Oh My! Another unexpected ending! I wonder how they'll resolve this. It's getting crazier! But you're right he is being sweeter or more considerate towards our EB more than RK! Awwww.. 

I actually thought HS gained weight already. She doesn't look thin in her BIFF pictures. Just normal slim. :) Maybe its her stretchy skinny jeans that make her look even skinnier. :) Isn't Fly Again confirmed already. I remember it being all over the news back then that all 3 cast members have confirmed and there was a first sit down script reading. We never got back to hearing about the lead male role though. I wonder who they'll pick! Hopefully someone older than HS this time! :)

Thanks also to Cheerkoo for the speedy recapping! You are an angel! I can say that a million times on! :D

With regards to the malfunction at BIFF. Hope beyond Hope that everything goes well now. PeachTree DAEBAK! I'm glad GHS at least has her friends there for support. I myself wouldnt know what to do given the situation. Im sure she handled it gracefully. :)

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Guest cheerkoo1430281614

Thanks you guys for all your posts!!

I agree with all of you!

here is the next part...

Please don't mind my typing like I am talking....maybe they don't make much sense...sorry about that...ke


part2 of 4

EB and YJ—YJ says that his parents are in DaeGoo. EB says that is her place of birth. She asks him how are they making a living there. Yj say he is painting as his father’s original dream was to become a painter.  EB says, so since then, because of that reason, you never once went to visit them?  YJ nods. EB asks why? YJ-because my grandfather, the Chairman told me not to. EB—why would grandfather do that? YJ—I’m not sure..Then YJ has another flashback—His grandfather is talking to him: Even if your father decides to return, I will not see him. He abandoned me so it is natural that I do the same to him (somewhat immature and cold grandfather…huh! But here is that same theme again---people feeling hurt and abandoned by people they loved and depended on…..) Grandfather: Just because I disowned my son does not meant that I should do the same to my own grandson. Do you think you can promise me that you will stay by my side? YJ—father will return if you give him some time. Grandfather—very angry—do you know how many employees your father was responsible for? 10,000. If you think about their families, the number is over 40,000. Running a business means committing to that responsibility ..But if you decide to stay by my side, I will pay for your education and help you to work within the Group. But, there is a condition. You cannot see your father.  EB looks at YJ strangely and YJ smiles at her expression.  YJ: you may be thinking what kind of family talks like that or you may be thinking that I am lying.. EB:; is this really true? YJ—mmm, it was the deal with my grandfather. EB—Deal? Are you saying that family members are playing some kind of poker? YJ nearly had his drink go down the wrong pipe at her question.  (EB is so lovable and speaks as is..love her character!!) EB—couldn’t you just secretly see your parents and just not tell your grandfather?  YJ laughs. YJ—you mean like lying about taking a leave of absence from school? EB’s expression is so cute here..(I just love EB character for making YJ talk about painful subjects in a refreshingly funny way…they do look like siblings talking as Webby said…keke—somewhat different than EB and her mentor and career-saver HongJay.) EB—When you talk like that,,,I sound like someone who has serious moral problems morally. YJ—seem like? Both laugh. RG witnesses her fiancé laughing (Oh, she must feel abandoned too at that moment…) The physician says that RG can be discharged now.  And the AssiDir brought her a red sweater—saying that he could not find anything better as they are in countryside. RG witnesses the friendly nonverbal interchange bet EB and YJ at that moment.  (then the song by Beige comes on—about needing to let go of her man…)

Bae is continuing to tell HJ that he is lying if he says that he forgot about her and that their relationship is such that they cannot forget about each other at all. HJ says that it is Bae who ended such a relationship. Bae says that they can start again and HJ just stares at her.  She says that since she never ended it is up to him to restart. Bae—the reason that you returned is..HJ—because I have resolved my feelings for you. Bae—When the memory is there and yet you insist that everything is over with your head, then, is it really resolved?? (HJ’s expression tells me that he is struggling with his head and heart about Bae—as he told EB about making her decision about her future with heart as opposed to head when he went to find her in DaeGoo.  What do you guys think??) He lets go of Bae’s hand to the great fear in BAe’s face…HJ—When you let go of my hand, all I could think about for several months is how could she do that to me..But, now I think I know. It can be resolved.  She is still trying to motivate him to see her ways. HJ starts to say---regarding EB, I….Then BAe tries to kiss him but HJ raises his leg to block her. He says that he does not want to come to a point where he has to push her away physically. So he wants her to stop. She asks him if he can push away and he says he thinks he can now. HJ meets DirHan in the hallway. He comes to his room and imagines his wife and HJ engaged in passionate kiss….(boy what torture he weaves as he deceived his own self about Bae and him.)

Then, he calls someone called Frank about the musical Count Monty—saying that he re-thought about Frank’s  offer and finds it hard to refuse it…(So it seems that to protect his marriage, Dir Han is trying to entice his wife away from the Chung Dangdong GuMIHO project??? This is so realistic in this business, right??  One day you think THEMU will get an air time and then it falls apart so suddenly—we the Sunnies all experienced it too—right?? Keke)

Then we see that both HJ and Bae are calling EB at the same time right after their confrontation—EB is put on the spot to solve their personal problem and feelings---(hey! Wiat a minute…wasn’t GHS also kind of put in this type of similar situation in real life bet Suh TaeJi and Lee Jiah??? OMG—this is so weird!!..keke) But Bae gets EB first. Bae wants to see EB when she comes back. Bae somehow knew that HJ would also be trying to contact EB by the look of Bae watching HJ’s room window.  In the car, the AD tells EB in a nice way that it is bad manner to be talking so long on the phone while so many people are in the car. EB says that it is hard to disconnect the phone when it is Bae sunbae. YJ says that EB must not be scared of her anymore as she is talking so comfortably with her. EB says that she was scared of her. But since Bae has been so kind to her since they came to the workshop, it has gotten better. Then  phone call comes from HJ but she ends the conversation saying that she will call later. (Definetely, EB’s idol is Bae, not HJ—keke) HJ texts EB saying that he wants to talk with her once she gets in. EB feels the pressure---did you see her expression in the car?? (I wonder what her real feelings for HJ is---I think she likes him as he did so much for her…but it does not seem much more than that???)

At the bar with YJ’s cousin—he is wining and dining the investors and badmouthing his cousin YJ to them. He is telling them how can YJ think about investing over 50-uk won when he plans to use a newcomer for the show. The investors say they understand it is BAe who will be the lead. Another investor says that YJ has been working and doing so well that there must be a reason for his decision. With that, YJ’s cousin changes subject and tells the bar hostesses to pour drinks and to hug the investors. He is realizing that his job will not be that easy.

After EB leaves them, RG tells YJ that he seems to be talking more comfortably to EB. YJ smiles. She says that she was worried that he seemed to not like her but now she feels relieved. (she is lying---isn’t she!!) YJ says that he had some misunderstanding about her before. (They are so kind to each other but seem so lonely in each other’s company. RG seems to have to work too hard to make it work…Don’t you think??)

EB gets another call from Bae and she tells her that she is very coming very soon to their promised location to meet. Then she again gets another call from HJ but she ignores that call. (Boy we see the pressure that must be building in EB to be stuck In the middle. Remember Sa BokJa’s prediction through the Go-Stop Game analogy? She says that the middle one always crumbles when two somethings get together????  EB is about to crumble soon….??) Bae and EB meet at the same location where HJ and EB met.

Bae asks if EB came to this spot yesterday with HJ…Bae says this is the kind of scenary that HJ would like. EB looks very uncomfortable. EB: We were talking about the musical and then we had to talk about something else..Bae—because of me? EB looked shocked. (she was so cute here—she was playing with her hoodi tie string out of nervousness and she kind of ties herself too hard as if she choked herself at Bae’s confrontational question about herself and HJ….Don’t you think? it made me laugh…GHS really has a good comical timing…keke) Bae laughs and says EB cannot lie very well at all. Bae calls EB seriously and EB responds like an obedient soldier to her commander.

The workshop people are getting ready for a party?? (Wow –this whole drama happens in one night!!) The AD says that he wants to get some soju—maybe about 100 bottles…GJ tells him to get 200 bottles…keke. GJ sees Bae walking and invites her to join the party where they will have fun with games and things. She agrees to join in.

EB is alone at the same location pondering. She gets a phone call I believe from HJ but she ignores again. She then plays with piano on her phone and plays the same melody that she and HJ played with.  Then we see EB having a flashback of her conversation with Bae;;; Bae—I love Hong Jay. I was engaged and had the date set for marriage. But HJ is like a hurricane. You know what I am talking about. Right? When he feels love, he does not care what anybody says or thinks,,he does not care whether it is late at night or dawn etc. Then EB has many flashbacks about HJ and how he was with her,,,(perhaps she realizes that he did all those things for her because of love for her…??) Bae continues to say that HJ loved her only and loved her ?? career??and  only made songs for her…he would say that she inspired him. His music was the best and I could not get my head straight. So she was going to go after him but Dir Han stopped her.  EB tells her that she does not need to be told about these things.  Bae;;she has to because EB is the person for whom he feels conflicted inside. She also tells her that she still loves HJ and that he also cannot change his mind about her.  But he keeps on using EB as an excuse to block that feeling. But I don’t want to hate you. I would prefer for you and me to be good sunbae and hoobae (opposite of sunbae) and for EB and HJ to just remain as composer and actress. Can you just leave me and Jay alone? EB is totally stressed (it is so cute to watch her being stressed!! Keke) Then phone call comes for SA Bok Ja to tell her to come to the party.


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i feel so sad hearing what happen to her in BIFF about her movie that have some technical problem but it wasn't her fault ,but i gave my salut to her for being apologize to the audience even it wasn't her fault and make her like it was a humiliate but it was Goo Hye Sun ,a humble person that always thingking bout other people feeling than her feeling. i know she feel upset to but GHS was a strong woman and i know she can through it. the more pressure that she have Goo Hye SUn became a stronger person than before. GHS fighting ^^

hope all the people that involved with this event get fix that so the world can see GHS's master piece again , and hope in 2nd time PEach Tree will doing well and success for it.

glad that Daniel and YAI also there to give GHS support coz they're were friend .


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