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Goo Hye Sun 구혜선


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Guest susAmerica

Thanks lolli! My Korean is not 100% either. And you are not bad. Here are some editing to clarify---so that we do not get excited over possibly misleading information.

[ name='LolliDoAlittle' date='May 3 2010, 11:48 PM' post='15858358']

OMG there is so much news about Magic! I am so happy to read that many of them are positive reviews. Way to go HS!

Sue - Thanks. I have a minor case of OCD [obsessive compulsive disorder]... hehe

Cancel that. Natali beat me. Sue It seems like there is going to be an awful amount of blogs and articles to translate. If you don't mind, I'll help you translate some to lighten the load.

Posted by pink_fairy a.k.a. Sas.

Some of the stuff I'll just summarize.

The reporter was very excited to go watch Magic. She had only heard of and saw Goo Hye Sun on television.

상영관 중간쯤 구 감독님이 일찌감치 앉아 계셨는데, 우린 것도 모르고 “언제 오지?? 진짜 오긴 하는 거지?” 라며 초조해 했다. [Director Goo arrived early to the meeting and didn't know that it was us [reporters] and said, "When are they going to get here? Are they really coming?" anxiously.] = So, basically GHS did not know that reporters were there already and was wondering out loud if they were really coming. (I really believe that GHS and her team worked hard to promote her film the best way possible!!)

고대하던 영화가 시작됐다. <요술>은 예술학교를 배경으로 확 드러나지 않는 사랑을 아주 섬세하고, 아름답게 그려놓은 영화로 세 명의 주인공이 극을 이끌어 나간다. [The anticipated movie began. The movie Magic is very delicate, beautifully drawn and they use the art school as a backdrop against a invisible [not visible?] love story between three characters who carry the movie through.]

날 때부터 첼로에 재능이 있지만 사랑 앞에서는 고백도 못하는 ‘무늬만 나쁜 남자’ 정우. [since birth, he was gifted in playing the cello, but can't confess his love, a who has a habit of being bad [literal translation of 무늬만 is pattern], Jeong Woo.] =I think the reporter is saying that Jung Woo only seems bad on the outside (if you only look at the pattern, which is like the skeleton structure before making a clothing, and not the real thing—sort of,,)

엄청난 노력파, 정우의 못됨까지 이해해주는, 그러나 정우보다 먼저 지은과 키스를 하는 명진 역을 연기한 임지규 님은 <과속스캔들>의 ‘찌질남’으로 낯이 익은 배우였다. [He is a very hard worker, understands Jeong Woo's bad attitude, but he is the one who receives a kiss from Ji Eun first who plays the role of Myeong Jin, Im Ji Gyu was in <Speeding Scandal> and after he was known for his 찌질남 [literal translation split personality or maybe even small heart possibly?] acting.] ==I hear your pain about that Korean word, 찌질, because it is not in my dictionary. I think there are new words coming out in new Korean culture, like the internet language. Also there are lots of colloquial or slang-type of words that are hard to find in the dictionary. But I gathered that it’s definition is, not a manly man!

정우를 사랑or헌신, 명진을 사랑or우정. 정우와 명진 사이에서 양다리도 아닌 대체 누구를 좋아하는지 알 수 없는 누구에게도 쉽게 마음을 보이지 않는 지은. [Does she love Jeong Woo or does she love Myung Min? Between Myeong Jin and Jeong Woo she isn't playing either one of them, it's hard to tell who she likes, she's the kind of person who doesn't express her feelings easily, Ji Eun.

생각지 않고 무심히 보면 약간은 난해한, 나에게는 이해하기 어려운 영화. 그렇지만 감독의 감성이 그대로 뿜어져 나오는 영화. 나에게 <요술>은 그런 영화였다.[i watched the movie casually and with a little difficulty, this movie was hard for me to understand. But, the directors sensitivity blasted off the screen. To me, Magic was that kind of movie.] [i talked to my mom this evening about the term 나오 and pretty much the whole comment here and she said that the reporter had difficulty understanding the movie. The reporter also is claiming that though the movie was good 나오 [blast in this context like a movie blowing you away], as a viewer she could see GHS's sensitivity. I don't know that the reporter means by that though.]---> The reporter is saying that <Yo Sool> is a movie that cannot be viewed casually---basically it is a movie that you have to be prepared to think an analyze. Otherwise, it would seem abstract and difficult to understand. However, the reporter sensed what the director is meaning--the director's sense just flows out at you. <Yo Sool> is that kind of movie. GHS also said in another interview that she did not emphasize words or verbal explanation that much but on the actors' emoting.

영화를 보고 난후 GV 시간 [After watching the movie, Guest Visiting time]

당최 무슨 소리인지도 모르는 전문용어들까지 나오며 질문하는 사람들, 질문모두를 완벽히 이해하시며 일일이 답하시는 감독님과 임배우님.[People who gathered that didn't know were talking about asked technical questions and the director and IJG who sympathized with the questions and answered them all] =She is so respectful—she dismisses no one! I also find Lim Ji Gyu to be such strong, manly person in real life and who is so humble and respectful of others as well. AS another blogger said in another translation, s/he sensed that the director and actor became close and really got along while working,,,,

Only!! 질문은 뒷전인체 우리는 자체발광이었던 구혜선 감독님과 임지규 배우님의 얼굴을 놓칠 수가 없어 마구 셔터를 눌러댔다. [We sat in the back asking questions and couldn't help but notice the light eliminating the faces of GHS and IJG and took mug shots.]=The reporters did not even pay too much attention to the questioners because they were busy taking photo shots of radiant and illuminating GHS and LJG in front of them.

구 감독님, 임 배우님과 인터뷰 [Director Goo, IG nim interview]

모두들 파워블로거이신듯. 매니저님으로 보이시는 분이 한 사람당 한 개씩의 질문만 하라고 한 것 같은데, 그분이 시야에서 사라지자 마자 질문이 폭포수다.[Everyone seems power block [like a blockade/ people trying to keep their spot to ask questions]]Reporters are saying that many of the questioners and audience seem to be power-bloggers who had tons of questions. Even though the manager asked that they limit one question per person, they continued to flood GHS with questions as soon as the manager disappeared for a while.

연기, 그림, 작곡, 감독까지. 궁극적인 최종 꿈이 무엇인지 궁금하다.

구혜선: 비빔밥.(웃음) 영화같이 사는 게 목표 [Acting, Artist, Composer, and a director. I wonder what her ultimate dream is. Goo Hye Sun: Bibimbhap (Laughter) My goal is to live like a movie [along side a movie] I remember GHS once said that what she does is like BiBimBap which is a Korean rice dish with all types of separately prepared vegetables and meat that you mix all together with a special spicy sauce. She also said that each separately prepared dish may taste good by itself but it is even better when mixed well together---sort of like her separate preparations such as book, art, music , writing, etc. But she ultimately chose to mix them all together like BiBimBap and direct instead. I love eating BiBimBap but hate preparing it as it requires so much attention and care and time! I could see what GHS means…She just loves using analogies and symbolisms,,,

다음 차기작은? [What are your future plans?]

구혜 선: 드라마가 예정되어 있다, 영화로는 ‘뱀파이어’를 소재로 해보고 싶다. <박쥐>와는 또 다른. [Goo Hye Sun: I am scheduled to be in a drama, I would like to play a vampire in a movie different than a bat.]=Yes, I think GHS already has said yes to a certain, unknown drama as her next project. Then she says that for her next movie, she wants to make a movie that involves ‘vampires’. But she says that it will not be like the movie, <Bat>, which was a well-praised Korean movie from last year—I think.

Overall, it seems like she liked the movie, but it was hard to follow. I guess it's like her movie the Cheerful Caretaker. At times it's difficult to understand the characters and what is happening unless you ponder about it. I'm excited to watch this movie because I'm sure it's one of those movies that you'll never forget because of how much you pondered about the characters and what happened... some what like Atonement or the Hours.

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Guest minjee

More pics @ JIFF Magic Screening 050110




친절한 구혜선.

인형같아요. 작아요. 말랐어요. 손도 작고 부드러워요. 손에 꽈배기 설탕 좀 묻혀줬어요.


제목 : 망할놈의 바람개비


cr: http://djuna.cine21.com/bbs/view.php?id=main&no=215997

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Guest webby

구혜선 장편영화 '요술' 전주영화제서 호평

Goo Hye Sun's movie 'Magic' wins good feedback at Jeon Ju Movie Festival

티브이데일리 원문 기사전송 2010-05-04 21:21


[티브이데일리=김지현 기자] 배우 구혜선이 메가폰을 잡은 장편영화 '요술'이 제11회 전주국제영화제에서 관객들의 박수를 받았다.

Actress Goo Hye Sun movie project 'Magic' won applause at the 11th Jeon Ju Movie Festival.

영 화 '요술'은 지난 1일 제11회 전주국제영화제 기간 중 최초 공개됐다. 구혜선은 시사회 후 감독으로서 주연배우 임지규와 함께 관객과의 대화에 참석했다.

'Magic' received its first screening on May 1st at the 11th Jeon ju movie fest. Goo Hye Sun appeared after the screening as a director alongside actor Im Ji Gyu and had a conversation with the audience.

구혜선은 "영화제에 상영돼 뿌듯하다"며 "청춘남녀의 잔인하지만 아름다운 이야기를 하고 싶었다. 대중이 받아들이기 힘든 소재일 수도 있지만 과감하게 선택해 연출했다"고 말했다.

Goo Hye Sun said she wanted to show a cruel yet beautiful story about young people.(... i don't understand some parts)

관객들은 '웰메이드 청춘 영화다' '구혜선의 스타성 때문에 영화가 주목 받는다고 생각했지만 중간에 눈물이 날 만큼 완성도가 높았다'며 작품에 대한 만족감을 나타냈다.

Audience call it a "well-made youth movie". Although Goo Hye Sun would have attracted more attention due to her star status, some couldn't help be moved to tears in the movie and call it satisfying.

'요술'은 예술학교를 배경으로 벌어지는 젊은 음악가들의 음악에 대한 열정과 경쟁, 그리고 그들의 미묘한 삼각관계를 그린 작품이다. 6월 24일 개봉 예정.

'Magic' is a story about the friendship and competition between young musicians with the art school as the backdrop. It also contains an amusing 3-sided relationship. It will open June 24th.

[티브이데일리=김지현 기자 win@tvdaily.co.kr]

source: http://news.nate.com/view/20100504n21796

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Guest susAmerica

Thanks webby! Great translation! I am so overwhelmed that an official news reported so ppositively of Magic!! :D

[name='webby' date='May 4 2010, 10:43 AM' post='15860538']

구혜선 장편영화 '요술' 전주영화제서 호평

Goo Hye Sun's movie 'Magic' wins good feedback at Jeon Ju Movie Festival

티브이데일리 원문 기사전송 2010-05-04 21:21


[티브이데일리=김지현 기자] 배우 구혜선이 메가폰을 잡은 장편영화 '요술'이 제11회 전주국제영화제에서 관객들의 박수를 받았다.

Actress Goo Hye Sun movie project 'Magic' won applause at the 11th Jeon Ju Movie Festival.

영 화 '요술'은 지난 1일 제11회 전주국제영화제 기간 중 최초 공개됐다. 구혜선은 시사회 후 감독으로서 주연배우 임지규와 함께 관객과의 대화에 참석했다.

'Magic' received its first screening on May 1st at the 11th Jeon ju movie fest. Goo Hye Sun appeared after the screening as a director alongside actor Im Ji Gyu and had a conversation with the audience.

구혜선은 "영화제에 상영돼 뿌듯하다"며 "청춘남녀의 잔인하지만 아름다운 이야기를 하고 싶었다. 대중이 받아들이기 힘든 소재일 수도 있지만 과감하게 선택해 연출했다"고 말했다.

Goo Hye Sun said she wanted to show a cruel yet beautiful story about young people.(... i don't understand some parts)--->GHS said that she was overwhelmed (happy) during screening. She also said that she knows that some of the materials may be hard to grasp, but she decided to be bold and make it that way anyway.

관객들은 '웰메이드 청춘 영화다' '구혜선의 스타성 때문에 영화가 주목 받는다고 생각했지만 중간에 눈물이 날 만큼 완성도가 높았다'며 작품에 대한 만족감을 나타냈다.

Audience call it a "well-made youth movie". Although Goo Hye Sun would have attracted more attention due to her star status, some couldn't help be moved to tears in the movie and call it satisfying.

'요술'은 예술학교를 배경으로 벌어지는 젊은 음악가들의 음악에 대한 열정과 경쟁, 그리고 그들의 미묘한 삼각관계를 그린 작품이다. 6월 24일 개봉 예정.

'Magic' is a story about the friendship and competition between young musicians with the art school as the backdrop. It also contains an amusing 3-sided relationship. It will open June 24th.

[티브이데일리=김지현 기자 win@tvdaily.co.kr]

source: http://news.nate.com/view/20100504n21796

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Guest susAmerica

Thanks minjee for the pix and the comments underneath~~kind of fun. Reposted the pic for more clarity.

You guys don't think the fan smeared the sugar on GHS's hand for spite, do you? Maybe she knew that GHS likes candies? Maybe she was eating candy and could not wipe it before wanting to shake GHS' hands? Anyway~kind of funny.

[ name='minjee' date='May 4 2010, 10:25 AM' post='15860476']

More pics @ JIFF Magic Screening 050110


숨막힙니까=You find it hard to breathe?---I wonder to whom this is addressed?


친절한 구혜선.

인형같아요. 작아요. 말랐어요. 손도 작고 부드러워요. 손에 꽈배기 설탕 좀 묻혀줬어요.=Kind GHS. Just like a doll. Small. She became thin. Her hands are small and soft. I smeared some ?ggwa-bae-gi=candy? sugar on her hand.


제목 : 망할놈의 바람개비 =Title: That awful and useless bha-ram-gae-bi=the wind- toy that you see near GHS's car window--maybe it got in the way? YES, I see it now~ the toy got in the way of getting the full view of GHS's face in the photo~we only see the toy mostly. hahaha


cr: http://djuna.cine21.com/bbs/view.php?id=main&no=215997

Thanks minjee! Love these comments along with pictures.

[name='minjee' date='May 4 2010, 09:26 AM' post='15860276']

전주에서 베일 벗은 신인 감독 구혜선 '요술' 뜨거운 찬사 이어져!=New Director GHS's <YoSoo> unveiled at JeonJu followed by heated/passionate praise




cr: DC, http://news.anihan.com/?document_srl=82750

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Guest webby

i'm so happy about the positive reviews, esp those coming from reporters. Just hope it would have opened sooner instead of June 24th.

HS uploaded on twitter 8 mins ago, her playing guitar and singing;


of all the times i've heard her sing, this is the best!

the tweet that goes with it:

봄냄새 나는 날인데요. 느낌을 따라만든 곡입니다. 옆에서 함께 연주해주신분은 '최인영' 음악감독님입니다. 즐거운 시간되시기를...

"It's a day where i can smell spring. I made the song according to this feeling. The person playing alongside me is 'choi In young' the music director. have a good time.."

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i'm so happy about the positive reviews, esp those coming from reporters. Just hope it would have opened sooner instead of June 24th.

HS uploaded on twitter 8 mins ago, her playing guitar and singing;


of all the times i've heard her sing, this is the best!

the tweet that goes with it:

봄냄새 나는 날인데요. 느낌을 따라만든 곡입니다. 옆에서 함께 연주해주신분은 '최인영' 음악감독님입니다. 즐거운 시간되시기를...

"It's a day where i can smell spring. I made the song according to this feeling. The person playing alongside me is 'choi In young' the music director. have a good time.."

webby, the guy looks familiar.. isn't he or could he be the lead vocalist of the korean band NELL?? hahahaha.. they look alike for me.. nice song.. i love it :D hye sun looks happy and inspired!! how can someone make a song out of the blue, there must be something that gives her inspiration now!! what a talented girl she is :wub:

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Guest jennyalfeche

hello sunnies, thanks for the translations, new info about hyesun... the positive reviews sure have overwhelmed her. we all know it's coming... and now i'm really excited to watch it myself (magic).

meow, thanks for those vids...

sue, vamps? that would be exciting! :lol: hyesun the vamp? lol she'll be fit the role fabulously, any role anyway... :D

thanks to the rest who contributed another wonderful updates of hyesun, lolli,sas,jee,

webby love the vid where hyesun was doing the guitar and singing B) cool and lovely

tracie, joarjess, mha, hart, izz, billie, love, nasha, and to the rest of the sunnies~

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Guest susAmerica

Thank you webby for GHS tweet.

I also forgot to thank meow 13 for BOF BTS of KHJ and many other sunnies who keep on making this thread alive and well!!

OMG, after all that hard work of promoting her movie, she goes and create a song.

I love the melody, the simplicity and good feeling of the song.

I will romanize the lyrics and tell you the meaning.

Initally GHS tells Choi In young that they have to act natural and laugh and he agrees.

She tells him in the middle that the light went out (in the recording device)

At the end she says she messed up (maybe with her chords)

The place that they perfom look like Cafe Manolin in the Gallery. Do you recognize it?

She and Choi In Young can get a drummer and keyboarder and form an Inde band!! Don't you all think so?

I really wonder about that. Soon or later, GHS seems to make all her dreams come true!

Is she ambidexterous? I know she writes with right hand but she is holding her guitar as if she is a lefty, right?

And, she really practiced on that guitar very hard~~sounds really good.

(1) seng gaak hae bo myun nahn mu ri ga na bbeun gut ghat ah.

If I think about it, I am kind of dumb.

(2) nuh reul it neun bhang bub do mo reu go sah rhang ae bbah juh.

I don't know how to forget you but I am still falling in love.

(1) repeat

(3) sah rah gah myun i ju jil ggah nahn ddo sah rhang ae bbah juh

maybe I will forget as I live (as time passes), but I am again falling in love..

(4) woo~woo~ nahn nuh reul i jul soo ub suh

I cannot forget you.

(4) repeat

then you repeat twice in this order: 1, 2, 1, 3, 4, 4

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Guest chivisale

Hi Sunnies!!

I want to ask you a favor. I need all the pictures of GHS in high school that you have, please. Is for some fanfic :P

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Guest webby

(1) seng gaak hae bo myun nahn mu ri ga na bbeun gut ghat ah.

If I think about it, I am kind of dumb.

(2) nuh reul it neun bhang bub do mo reu go sah rhang ae bbah juh.

I don't know how to forget you but I am still falling in love.

(1) repeat

(3) sah rah gah myun i ju jil ggah nahn ddo sah rhang ae bbah juh

maybe I will forget as I live (as time passes), but I am again falling in love..

(4) woo~woo~ nahn nuh reul i jul soo ub suh

I cannot forget you.

(4) repeat

then you repeat twice in this order: 1, 2, 1, 3, 4, 4

sue, yeah, it's a left handed guitar. initially i was wondering if they shot it from a mirror but that would be kinda hard. and yes, it's indeed the gallery part of cafe manolin. I didn't even notice it until you pointed that out!

both of them are playing left handed guitars then.. lol.. i tot it's not very common. Some people although lefties still train on a right handed guitar.

leila10, nell's lead vocalist's name is not choi in young, so i think they are not the same person.

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Guest minjee

thanks sue, lolli & webby :D I got excited when I saw her twitter update because we finally get to see her play the guitar :) She also uploaded it on her minihomphy also! I liked the painting that was behind Hyesun in the vid u can tell they are @ Cafe Manolin :P She must be really into playing the guitar now ^^ I thought the song "우리 사랑하지만" that she recently updated on her cyworld playlist had a beautiful guitar arrangement. I agree with sue, she can already form a band haha! :D Can someone upload it to YT? :) I've found the video also posted on DC :D thanks in advance!


방금 만든 곡인데요.

제목은 '머리가 나빠(?)'입니다.

(사장님. 음반 내주세요 ㅋ)

옆에서 기타를 함께 해주신 분은 '최인영'음악감독님이시구요.

'요술' 대박을 기원합니다.

즐거운 시간 되시길..^^

LINK: 요술 대박기원 즉흥곡 Goo Hye Sun & Choi In Young (최인영) - "머리가 나빠"

Hi Sunnies!!

I want to ask you a favor. I need all the pictures of GHS in high school that you have, please. Is for some fanfic :P

as requested here's some highschool pics of Hyesun :)







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Thanks sue for editing my translation. My Korean isn't exactly perfect ;). Better at speaking than reading.

But just to clarify something, in this statement, Goo Hye Sun does say that she wants to be in a movie as a vampire; not direct one. 구혜 선: 드라마가 예정되어 있다, 영화로는 ‘뱀파이어’를 소재로 해보고 싶다. <박쥐>와는 또 다른. But the other blogger does say that she wants to direct one. The reason why I came to the conclusion that she wanted to play the role of a vampire was because of this term 소재 which means material. Goo Hye Sun: I have another drama planned, movie wise a vampire material [literally speaking]. So I guess it can be taken both ways, but in this context along with her comment about being a drama, reading it sounded as if she wanted to be a movie as a vampire because that is what 소재 would mean in this context, but it seems like I did overlook and forgot the fact that she is a director also forgot that she did want to direct again eventually.

Sas - thanks for posting GHS's fancam at the JIFF.

Have a great day Sunnies!

I see you minjee! 안녕!!

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Guest webby

구혜 선: 드라마가 예정되어 있다, 영화로는 ‘뱀파이어’를 소재로 해보고 싶다. <박쥐>와는 또 다른. But the other blogger does say that she wants to direct one. The reason why I came to the conclusion that she wanted to play the role of a vampire was because of this term 소재 which means material. Goo Hye Sun: I have another drama planned, movie wise a vampire material [literally speaking]. So I guess it can be taken both ways, but in this context along with her comment about being a drama, reading it sounded as if she wanted to be a movie as a vampire because that is what 소재 would mean in this context, but it seems like I did overlook and forgot the fact that she is a director also forgot that she did want to direct again eventually.

sorry for cutting your post lolli. GHS's thread has jumped so far due to the recent news i might not have tracked the previous post fully, but here for <박쥐> (Bat), they are referring to the movie called -- <Thirst> (yeah, i know why did they change the name when it comes to english), but i thought it would be good to point it out for those who know the movie starring song kang ho and kim ok bin. I'm sorry if someone has already mentioned it before. so she's saying that already she's interested in a vampire movie, it will be different from the movie "thirst".

She said that, in order to move your activities that are in the hobby mode out forward to ‘the communication’ mode, the first thing that you must do is, simply, ask. As I returned home, I wondered if I asked the right questions of her. Whether she meant it or not, she said she will see me next time. I am already anticipating for the next time that I may have the chance to meet her again. Written by Bek Bae Seung]

wow, I love this interview. It gave me goosebumps reading it. I also liked the part where she said she'd remove the light if it kept the actors from opening their eyes, eventhough the lighting men wanted the lighting that way. I have to say these questions in the GV session are full of depth, prodding and revealing, sooo much better than the usual interviews we get.

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Guest Chio-Mexico

my most sincere thanks to all the of Forum, that post and do the hard work to keep them on the slope of this girl extraordinary that we have the fortune to follow, each time I am a admiradora.

I am very happy for the good comments that retrieved his feature film as Director of "Magic".

Thank you


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Thanks everyone!!

I love the sweet sound of Hyesuns's music and her voice was so relaxing and soothing..I closed my eyes while listening to it.very very nice :) I hope from here on we'll be pampered by Hyesuns display of her enormous talents! God Bless twitter

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Guest susAmerica

Thank you minjee!!

Wow she learned so fast!! I really admire her :D

Hi doramera,

This has nothing to do with GHS but,

I just noticed that you have pic of Oh My Lady on your post.

I sometimes have watched that drama. I never knew that Choi Si Won can act. He is very believable. :D

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Guest susAmerica

Thanks sue for editing my translation. My Korean isn't exactly perfect ;). Better at speaking than reading.

But just to clarify something, in this statement, Goo Hye Sun does say that she wants to be in a movie as a vampire; not direct one. 구혜 선: 드라마가 예정되어 있다, 영화로는 ‘뱀파이어’를 소재로 해보고 싶다. <박쥐>와는 또 다른. But the other blogger does say that she wants to direct one. The reason why I came to the conclusion that she wanted to play the role of a vampire was because of this term 소재 which means material. Goo Hye Sun: I have another drama planned, movie wise a vampire material [literally speaking]. So I guess it can be taken both ways, but in this context along with her comment about being a drama, reading it sounded as if she wanted to be a movie as a vampire because that is what 소재 would mean in this context, but it seems like I did overlook and forgot the fact that she is a director also forgot that she did want to direct again eventually.

Sas - thanks for posting GHS's fancam at the JIFF.

Have a great day Sunnies!

I see you minjee! 안녕!!

Hi lollie

You may very well be right. I just may have read GHS's statement in a different way than you did. Korean language can be vague at times. What really interested me about her statement is that GHS seems to be saying that she may have a drama in mind already. It could be Gumiho drama, althought there were two dramas with that title, playing at different broadcasting stations one month apart from each other. This is good that we are checking up on the correctness of the information that we hear and read. Thanks lolli :)

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Good evening sunnies :):)

THis thread is been busy I havent been here for couple of days and so much update im so happy :):)

Sue, LolliDoAlittle, thanks for the translations really appreciate it. :):)

Sas,minjee thanks for the GHS pictures :):)

Congratulations to GHS movie Magic im so proud of her, I really hope the movie do well in korea, please sunnies support her since we cant watch it here overseas :(

Big wave to all the sunnies you guys have a great day, again thanks for the updates love you all :)

GHS love always♥♥♥

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