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Goo Hye Sun 구혜선


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Very well said  shanzay01. Thank you for that statement regarding our pretty KHS.  Nevewr mind for those looser.
shanzay01 said:
i am really very proud to be fan of koo and i am even more proud be part of such amazing fan group >:D>:D< i am saying it with sincerity, you people are really amazing =D> =D>  i saw few names of sunnies in rice wreath who contributed are from this thread so thank you i know she was so happy about it  that's why she tweeted :) you people make my koo happy so thank you for that a Big hug to all of you ^:)^:)^
And about those losers and there stupid comments honestly now i not care about it like koo and it not affect me any more :-@ :-@  i know whatever koo do they will never praise her they are lost souls i guess i will be worried the day when they start praising her :D  to me she was looking so hot and mesmerizing 8-> 8-> and most important thing koo was happy so this makes me happy :D
now just praying hard for good rating of Blood and over all success of drama and Koo [-O< [-O<
Blood fighting!!!!
PS Thank you for all updates and for translations :)

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OMG Have you guys seen the video of her walking on stage?  So sexy !  Perfect S-shape! Gorgeous! I don't know what the fuss is about her dress not fitting well!You can see she looks great and sexy at the stage from this video.

credit David Lee
Sunnies are amazing! Love all the show of support for our girl from so many countries! Thank You, Sunnies!Jordan fans, your love for GHS is loud and clear! Awesome! :)
Not many actresses of her level will act with rookie as her male lead . Just like in BOF, she took on the role even though her costars are rookies.
gayu312 said: Woahhhhh! Surely drama is going to be super hit!! Highlight video sooo soo good! Surely its way beyond our expectations! "Blood" highlight video 6 mins and 34 secs https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=668316773276964&id=100002959430163&_rdr credits : DC GHS
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Thanks So Much LauraA for the HT link.I enjoyed it very much.I feel so sorry that I don't have the time to translate it at this time.
But, I would imagine it was easy to get what is happening when GHS showcased her dogs. Right?She disciplines them really well. They listen to her commands very well. Did you see how both Bhap and Gamja stopped eating when GHS told them to wait? And when she told them to eat> keke That was funny.
GHS says that she lives in a big house with her family but each person is responsible for how they live. So she has her own portable gas for cooking in her room. She does most of her own cooking. She lives with 6 dogs in her room. Wow!! How does she get a break from them? Her family eat together certain times but everybody is busy with one's own lives. The other 4 pets are 2 dogs and 2 cats and they stay in other family members' rooms. She looks into internet so that she save on the cost of dog food, etc. She always looks into one plus one sales, etc.  She tends to reform her own clothes so that Gamja has something to wear. she and Gamja wear same size clothes. haha She bathes, walks and grooms her dogs by herself. WOW!! Her dogs are always so well groomed!! That is a lot of work!! She really must be good at time management. When she wakes up, there is a ton of poop from her dogs and she uses a shovel to clean it up. hahaha
Did you see her dogs' eyes when GHS was asking them who messed up her couch? They were all giving her that "I didn't do it" looks...keke GHS says that she made her room so that it fits the dogs and not her..so she says that she acutally lives in a "dog house". (GHS made few jokes that made the people laugh.)
I noticed that she does not use loud voice to her dogs...yet they listen!! She told everybody that Gamja is so gentle but on the video, we could see that he is very playful.
GHS said that she has dated secretly..but she really did not want to reveal that it was with a celebrity. All the MC's are really good at getting information out. I think GHS said that she usually dates in the house. She did say that because she tends to give her all for a relationshiop, it is ok with her to date publicly, but the guy she went out with gave her a strong impression that he did not want to reveal. She felt that in such situations, the relationshiop usually ends up breaking. 
JJH is really into making things with his hands and he was actually a photographer before he became an actor. We saw some of his projects! Wow!! GHS also could have said that she makes jewelries and etc. but she kept very quiet....she is again very humble and I saw that she was not going to take away any limelight from the other guests. 
AJH really gives off an appearance of being elegant. GHS said that he is very relatable.. Then she had nothing else to say...so AJH asked her if "that is all?" and made her and everybody else crackup. Because AJH is the lead of the drama, he feels the need to energize everybody, so he greets people with big hellow and gestures. GHS brought that up. It made people laugh. JJH said that AJH even gave him a big sign of heart and he mumbled to himself what is wrong with that kid. So, the MC's taught JJH a smaller way to send back heart with fingers. keke Although he is portrayed as addicted to cooking, he says that he enjoys cooking but he hates doing the dishes so he rarely gets motivated to cook. But, he says that he even went to a cooking school. Did you see him make the salmon dish?? Wow, looks delicious. That salad also looked so appetizing. He says he makes a sauce with a bit of soy sauce to dip his salmon and salad and it is delicious....he mixes mayonnaise with a tenth of soy sauce. (I would like to try that. He does not use a lot of seasoning on the fish....just a bit of salt and pepper. He also bought that concoction that he punctures into the lemon and sprays it on his fish to take away the fish smell. He also has tha candle on the table along with thte fisn because that candle is especially made for taking away the smell from cooking...he really thinks of everything. He seems very close to his mother. They went shopping for dishes yesterday---he does enjoy every aspect of cooking except for the washing part. keke
He was very vague about dating. At first he sort of said that he is dating now...but then he took it all back. He says he does not ride cars, he dose not go to movies, etc....
At the end, MC's decided to give Korean beef set to the guest who is most "Martian-like". (I know in the past GHS  did not like to be called 4-D and wondered how she would deal with this question...) JJH talked about seeing ghosts few times...while he was a photographer. Very scary----GHS does not like scary stories....keke
Then they asked GHS....she really did not want to say it...but MC alraedy had information. GHS supposedly created her own alphabets once....GHS said that when she was in elementary school and she kept her diary, she did not want anybody to rind out what she was writing or what was in her mind. So, she had her own codes for Korean alphabets. You saw on the show how she writes her name with her codes...it is very unique..She says that this information made news many years ago and people were half amazed and half thought her crazy....they would call her as Goo-Jong-King. (You must understand that a Korean king named Se-Jong created the Korean alphabets. Do you see how they are constantly making fun of GHS??? Because she said that she admires Leonardo DaVinci one time, people created another name for her...Goo-O-Nardo. Remember?? But, you know what?? Her own codes for each Korean alphabet looked very impressive to me. To create such things at such young age...that is impressive. )
MC also brought out that GHS is known as Robot...they would call her as Goo-Bot. That name was given to her from BOF scene when she went skiiing for the first time in her life. Her pose while skiiing was very similar to the Robot and therfore Goo-Bot. She said that the PD just pushed her downt he slope and she was scared to death and yet she had to act so she was smiling...but her body was rigid with fear.
Then, the idol SulHyun said that she tends to pinch her members' butt to make them laugh and relax. Somehow they found out that GHS use dot do X-chim...which is the karate kick between the butts.  With all that information about GHS,,,they decided to give the best Martian award to GHS!! 
IN the beginning of the show,,,MC YOo and Park said that there was some anxiety about his guests today...whether they would be interesting or not---I would imagine that that is why Gwang Hee was there as a guest as well as an idol that day. Kwang Hee says that he does not like to come out in Happy Together becuase he does not like to wear bath robes but they keep on calling him. to appear in HT...he is definitely funny guy!! He now regrets that he did not go into acting whereas his other idol memebers are making hits with dramas....he suddenly asked GHS to use him  in her movies....keke
[my 2 cents----GHS seemed more open today and seemed more accepting (??) of all the names that were given to her...I am sure it was not very pleasant long time ago...when she was much younger to be called names that would put her in the category of being weird and Martian-like. 
I hope that our GHS-ssi embraces it and enjoy it....One way of looking at it could be crazy or weird,,,but the other side is her own wonderful uniqueness, brilliance and charm!! Go Girl!!]
BLOOD Fighting!!

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i finished watching happy together even though i dont understand but then i enjoy it........thanks @cheerkoo‌ for the translation .........its amazing to know that ghs is really an INTeLLIGENT person at the same time very funny .........now i know why lots of men admire her ...........she can do anything very humble and down to earth .......for me if ghs have a boyfriend now he is very lucky man bec you learn a lot from her start to cooking household chore ,playing a piano ,painting ,singing,composing a song,directing,,playing a guitar,making a book,crafting,sewing........and the most trivia for me is she make her own alphabet what an amazing person very smart to think of that thing to make a CODE wow :-O =D> =D> ...........so meaning is possible that she make a code with his bf the guy is really a lucky man if ever she have a bf wow .......if ghs go to wgm for sure theres lot of men lining to her door step :)) im really happy that she is starting to open up .....and wow also to know that she teach her/his dogs she never yell but then the dogs follow her what an amazing person she will be a good mother someday i hope she can guest in 1night2days so that we can know her a little bit more how she wake up in the morning :D ................im just laughing to ahn jae hyun he is very soft the way he move :)) i hope he is not gay sorry im joking :D honestly they have a good chemistry iam praying to be successful bec they deserve it all of them are great in potraying their own character .....looking forward to the twist of the story especially in romance :x .......fighting blood!

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@cheerkoo sis..thanks a lot for the translations..I really enjoyed the show! Koo's pets amazing discipline! once she tells them not to eat they dont eat!

Also koo's pet's facial expressions are amazing like her. .For me her dogs look more humans and i really like it when she told herself as omma for her dogs when she said "omma is tired..Just say who did it?"

Ji jin hee - Ahn Jae Hyun "heart" sign was amazing fun! Funny that JJH sent that small heart to AJH..ha ha..Good show it was!

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[Preview] 블러드 - Blood 6mins Highlight

cr fatmauysal@YT via https://twitter.com/Blood_KDrama

class="content-title"Goo Hye Sun Talks About Her Pet Addiction on “Happy Together” goohyesun.jpg

Actress Goo Hye Sun has discussed her passion for raising pets.

On the February 12 “Martian Special” of KBS 2TV program “Happy Together,” the actress revealed that she is  a “pet addict,” having a total of ten cats and dogs. “I have eight dogs and two cats at home,” she revealed to the shock of the other members. “I don’t raise all of them, though. Of the ten, six are my responsibility. They each have their own rooms and eat their food separately.”

Surprised by Goo Hye Sun’s revelation, the MCs responded, “You must need a big house to have that many pets. Do you live in a stand-alone house? It must be around 200 pyung (7,000 square meters).” Slightly embarrassed, the actress admitted that while her house was quite large, the area that she lived in was small.

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hi everyone ,. ..........soulhyun said that she is addicted in eating they have in commonin the past interview of ghs time of bof she said that she eat a lot every hour (corect me if im wrong) but she never gain weight and alcohol is her friend .................................... and add to that i read somewhere here that tablo said that ghs cooked a lot if the visitors is 5 she will cooked for 10 something like that i dont know what year is that maybe 2006 or 2007 i dont know and i know ghs is really good in making food she eat anything :)) all the things that his co star addicted to is ghs also its really funny how they have lots in common..........for now on i will always post in here bec i really like ghs u will learn lots of things to her and to add she is very witty or smart to give an answer to the question she want to puzzle you so that you will think to the answer ................in regards to LMH i remember he said why ghs never give her a food bec he brought 3times (corect me) to the set of bof but ghs never brought anything ghs said she have no time making or cooking a food :)) in my observation ghs is not an easy girl and wow to that she is not easy to get :)) ..........................i hope she will show more in the variety show same when she was young so that we can know her a little bit more ............I'm laughing when JJH teling a story of a Ghost GHS is really afraid :)) and I'm laughing also in regards in spanking a butt i remember ghs have the mannerism that she spank the butt of his friend :)) :)) bec i watched the interview of lee donghae he said when ghs greet him she spank his butt and he said ghs gave a bracelet to him so meaning GHS have the habit in making a bracelet and give to his/her friends ............thanks for the space guys....

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sorry guys i can help it i'm very curious sorry for invading the privacy of ghs i just i cant help myself thinking #:-S :-w im addicted to her :)) ..............im thinking her partner in pure 19 sorry that only my opinion bec he went to military but the age is not swak bec she said younger to her is it song jae rim no im just kidding im only joking bec i watched the WGM and very strange that his personality is common to the discription of her younger years in the past interview were she like a guys that is manly, very straight forward, and when he done silver ring and bracelet that have skull and also he is good in writing a poem letter we know ghs loves making poem love letters when i watched it I thinking ghs im just like this :-O 8-X OMG is it coinsidence ........

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Fans send Goo Hye Sun gifts to support her upcoming drama 'Blood'

Actress Goo Hye Sun has thanked her fans for the gifts they sent in support of her upcoming drama 'Blood'.


On February 11, Goo Hye Sun took to her Twitter and wrote, "Thank you...!" and uploaded a picture showing the various gifts that her fans sent her. The picture was taken at the press conference for 'Blood' as fans sent it to the event to cheer on their favorite actress.

In other news, Goo Hye Sun's drama 'Blood' will premiere on the 16th.

source :


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As we have all experienced time and again....our GHS-ssi is again put on the chopping board of being cut up by criticisms...I am not going to refer to any articles here.DC fans are very upset too.But,,,after being her fan for so many years...I think I am ok with it...it is the reality that is common to all of us.People are complaining of GHS's acting through teasers--at first they worreid that AJH is too inexperienced but GHS is the one being criticized...they complain of her voice, etc.What I don't understand through the teasers is the contradiction that the writers and directors have placed on her. We were expecting a very competent doctor but AJH character puts her down for incompetence and kicks her out of the OR. Such contradiction can bring onconfusion for me and how we are suppose to look at Yoo Rita!! I really hate too many teasers before the actual drama starts!! My own opinion.
People are also complaining that GHS is a liar again..they are saying that she lives in 3-pyung house and now they find out that she lives in a one family home....that she lied...etc. GHS never said that she lives in a 3-pyung house. She said that she is thinking about living in a small house and wonders if a husband and child would fit in there. She may live in a one family home (and she never said it was 200 pyung---they take what the MC's said and because GHS never said yes or no, they said it must be true...I hate that!!) but she lives in a smallest room in the house and she is taking care of herself. 
The thing is that we do not know what is the real truth about her financial or family situaiton. She needs her own privacy not just for her but for her family and friends, etc. She is very mindful of that. When she said she was thinking about living in 3-pyung, I think she was thinking out loud...what a big change for her that she had to move her space to such a small area with all her pets...she could have given up her pets as some people do...but she did not...she is loyal to her loves. She once told her that she gave her all to her movies...she does not do something half-hearted....she really gives everything to it...even if it means giving up many comforts and etc. 
GHS-ssi!! Let it go and just focus on what is important...YOO Rita!!! Make her come alive!! We suport you and Yoo Rita!!Always!!!Fighitng GHS-ssi!!!

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Hope it is ok to post this..... Several years ago she was on this show that had a celebrity baseball team...Oh Ji HO and others were on the team. I believe she brought a lunch box for Kim joon and stayed to watch the game. I know he went for his ms and is out now. She had to pick between oh ji ho and joon and she picked joon. I really enjoyed watching her in that show.

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