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Goo Hye Sun 구혜선


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Hello Sunnies.  Just want to share.  There's already a Facebook page Daughter "다우더" movie by Ku Hye Sun - 2014"

Let's spread the word around so more people are aware of GHS's movie.

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Remember the actor Gwak DoWon?
He is gaining deep respect (not just popularity) for his acting craft.
Recently, he appeared in a movie called Lawyer which might be the  most watched film of 2013--reaching million viewers.
In his recent interview, he was asked this question:

지금 사랑을 하고 있는데 사랑 이야기, 로맨스는 어떤가. You are currently in love, but would you want to try a role in a love or romance story?
사랑 이야기, 정말 좋다. 나처럼 사랑을 하고 있는 이들도 있고 사랑을 하고 싶은 이들도 있고 헤어져 가슴앓이 하고 있는 이들도 있다. 모든 사람들의 공감대가 형성되는 것이 사랑 이야기다. 도전해 보고 싶다.I would love to try a love story. There are all kinds of people--those who are in love like I am now,..or those who want to fall in love or those who are heartbroken from break-ups. To me, alll aspect of love that manifests understanding/empathy of the people is a love story. I do want to try that.

그런 로맨스 영화를 누구와 하고 싶나. With whom do you want to act in such a movie?

구혜선(?) 뜬금없는데? 이유는.  GHS? I did not expect that. What is the reason?            

실제로 봤는데 정말 하얗고 예쁘더라. 이유는 특별히 없다. 본능(?)  I met her in person. She is really white and pretty. I don't have any specific reason. Just my instinct.

(I hope I can see Lawyer the movie if possible. keke  He once tweeted to GHS's old tweet that he is a silent stalker of GHS. Continued success to actor Kwak DoWan who is planning to marry soon!! Fighting!!)

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@cheerkoo Thanks for the article, yes I remember Gwak Dowon as GHS stalker but thats on her old twitter account I wonder if he's stalking her in her new twitter account LOL

here's the article

News] Gwak Do Won wants to be Ku Hye Sun’s stalker?


Ku Hye Sun twitter, Gwak Do Won twitter capture

[Reporter Jang Joo Yun] Actor Gwak Do Won is added as Ku Hye Sun’s stalker.

On August 2nd, Ku Hye Sun posted on twitter, “stalker…hahaha” with a pix of herself and her companion Gamja. Inside the pix is Ku Hye Sun’s stalker who is her companion Gamja, who had been relentlessly monitoring Ku Hye Sun.

Actor Gwak Do Won, after seeing Ku Hye Sun’s tweet, posted on Ku Hye Sun’s twitter “Add one more~~~~^^♥” His post brought out laughter from the ‘netizens’.

At this time, Gwak DoWon is acting hard in the SBS drama, “GHOST”. He plays the ‘Kwon HyukJoo character.

Source: newspim.com

Translation: cheerkoo @ soompi

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cheerkoo said: Remember the actor Gwak DoWon?
He is gaining deep respect (not just popularity) for his acting craft.
Recently, he appeared in a movie called Lawyer which might be the  most watched film of 2013--reaching million viewers.
In his recent interview, he was asked this question:

지금 사랑을 하고 있는데 사랑 이야기, 로맨스는 어떤가. You are currently in love, but would you want to try a role in a love or romance story?
사랑 이야기, 정말 좋다. 나처럼 사랑을 하고 있는 이들도 있고 사랑을 하고 싶은 이들도 있고 헤어져 가슴앓이 하고 있는 이들도 있다. 모든 사람들의 공감대가 형성되는 것이 사랑 이야기다. 도전해 보고 싶다.I would love to try a love story. There are all kinds of people--those who are in love like I am now,..or those who want to fall in love or those who are heartbroken from break-ups. To me, alll aspect of love that manifests understanding/empathy of the people is a love story. I do want to try that.

그런 로맨스 영화를 누구와 하고 싶나. With whom do you want to act in such a movie?

구혜선(?) 뜬금없는데? 이유는.  GHS? I did not expect that. What is the reason?            

실제로 봤는데 정말 하얗고 예쁘더라. 이유는 특별히 없다. 본능(?)  I met her in person. She is really white and pretty. I don't have any specific reason. Just my instinct.

(I hope I can see Lawyer the movie if possible. keke  He once tweeted to GHS's old tweet that he is a silent stalker of GHS. Continued success to actor Kwak DoWan who is planning to marry soon!! Fighting!!)

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Sunnies from the Caribbean/Puerto Rico region can also contact me by Tweeter: @GlendaCarras. We are currently 3 persons, and we are planning to send postcards and love letters to praise and encourage our Sun for her upcoming movie. If there are silent lurkers from my region, please feel free to contact me. You are welcome!

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gelisa said: Sunnies from the Caribbean/Puerto Rico region can also contact me by Tweeter: @GlendaCarras. We are currently 3 persons, and we are planning to send postcards and love letters to praise and encourage our Sun for her upcoming movie. If there are silent lurkers from my region, please feel free to contact me. You are welcome!

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I saw your recommendation for the drama, You Who Came From The Stars....love the storyline! Made me reminisce about one of my favorite movies, ET also...keke Thanks for the recommendation. I love the way the big brother act---WOW--so eerie and he is just a perfect casting for that role...!!! I hope he gets an award for acting a psychopath so perfectly well.

No news about GHS that I can see....but I am sure she is working like a dog...sorry Gamja!!..keke
Fighting to Director GHS-ssi!!!

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Guest Dayna Bornes

Hello everyone! I talked with the girls from Panama and Peru and we have decided to make a video with pictures of us with a poster with love and support phrases.  Also we think take us photographs in locations representative of our countries, so that she feels the love from the other side of the world. We will need your help to share the video so that Koo Hye Sun can see it :) 

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A funny NN5 moment~~ keke
Some tweeter posted it so I am re-posting it.
for laughs...

We all know that Lee SeungGi now dates SNSD's Yoona reportedly since September of last year....I wonder if GHS connected them together???   kekek.....I am just kidding...

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A funny NN5 moment~~ keke

Some tweeter posted it so I am re-posting it.

for laughs...


We all know that Lee SeungGi now dates SNSD's Yoona reportedly since September of last year....I wonder if GHS connected them together???   kekek.....I am just kidding...

Hahaha... my first thought also. GHS must be smiling upon hearing the news. Yoona & SeungGi are both her friends. :)

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gayu312 said: Sisters shall we change our thread's name with GHS 's current event??? Movie directing and acting ..casting in process..something like that..Like how other threads update their idols name with their current events? ?

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icon_mobile_F.gif 독서리뷰_<탱고>구혜선.2009 spc.gifculture essay
2014/01/20 01:01

This is a blogger who recently read GHS's book, Tango.
I will translate as fast as I can.
(I guess I cannot bring over the copied Korean text.)

20140119 독서리뷰_<탱고구혜선 2009 =book review of <Tango> by GHS, 2009

탱고보다는 구혜선 =GHS over Tango”  (this blogger is clever!! Keke)

작년에 라디오에서(아마도 정엽푸른밤구혜선이 나와 인터뷰를 한적이있다그리고 '그건너라는 신곡을 들었다구혜선이라는 사람이 진짜 멋있는 사람이구나 라는 것을 알았다많이 공부하고 깨달음을 얻은 사람에게서 느껴지는 사색을 느낄  있었다. '그건너' 라는 노래는 그녀다웠고 좋았다.  Last year, most likely through Jung Yub’s radio program Blue Night, GHS came out as a guest. Then, I heard the new song, “That is You”.  Since then, I realized what a cool/ great person GHS is. I sense in GHS a very highly-learned and deeply introspective person. The song, “That is You” really felt like GHS and I like it.

배우 구혜선이 내가 좋아하는 부류의 사람이었다니더이상 그녀는 꽃보다 남자의 금잔 디가 아니라 배순탁작가김혜리기자허지웅처럼 똑똑하고 소신있는 사람들과 비슷한 부류로 느껴졌다자연스럽게 그녀의 그림을 검색해봤고 보통이 아니구나 느꼈다오히려 배우출신이라는 선입견이 그녀의 작품을 곧이 곧대로 보지 못하게 만드는 느낌이다한마디로 잘한다                                                                                    I did not realize until now that actress GHS is a type of person whom I really like. She is no longer just BOF’s Geum Jandi. She is in the same class people like writer Bae SunTak, reporter Kim Haeri and Huh JiWoong whom I consider to have the intelligence and the integrity.  So, naturally, I searched the internet about her drawings.  They are really good—more than average. Actually I felt that her drawings may not be seen properly because of the bias that she is an actress. Simply, she is really good.

그로부터 일년  그녀가 2009년에 썼던 소설인 '탱고' 읽었다설마 글도 잘쓸까네티즌   하도  좋아서 기대를 안했다오히려 나도 어느정도 선입견을 가지고 봤다조금이라도 '허세끼' 느껴지면 '그럼 그렇치'라고 말하려던 참이었다결론부터 말하자면 오랜만에  내용이 궁금하고 술술넘어가는 소설을 봤다.  A year later, I read her 2009 novel, “Tango”.  I started her book with skepticism. I doubted whether she could be as good a writer. “Netizens” (=Korean internet posters and browsers) gave her book a poor rating so I did not expect much at all. In reality, I started her book with a certain bias. I was going to call it out if I feel even a little bit of bluff or bravado in her writing. In short, it has been a long time since I read a novel that I could not put down.

탱고' 굉장히 자전적인 이야기다그녀가 20 중반에 썼다고 하는데 20 중반에 들어선 내가 하는 고민이 그녀의 고민과 비슷해서 하나 하나 공감이 갔다 잡지에서 "무라카미 하루키는 우리가 느끼는데 감지하지 못하는 그런 생각을 묘사하는데 탁월한 재능이 있다그래서 훌륭하다." 내용의 기사를 본적이 있다한마디로 육감을 글로 표현할  아는 것이다. (감히그녀와 하루키를 비교를  순없겠지만 적어도 내겐 '탱고'  문장은 그동안 고민하고 답답해 했던 감정을 말해주는 것이었다
“Tango” seems to be extremely biographical.  She said that she wrote it in her mid 20’s (We Sunnies know that GHS wrote it while filming BOF and she was in her mid-20’s back then.) and I am now in my mid-20’s.  One by one, I identified with most of the stressors that she talked about in the book.  I am reminded of a magazine article on the author, Murakami Haruki: “What makes him great is that he has the rare talent of being able to describe what we all sense yet cannot express.” In a word, he knows how to write about the 6th sense.  Although I (dare) not compare her with Haruki, <Tango> enabled me to release and give words to emotions that have been bottled up and suffocating me for a while.

순수하기 때문에 헤메는거다"  책의 주제를 말해주면서 자주 등장하는 말이다학교 졸업과 동시에 여러가지 복잡다난한 상황들 때문에 혹은 아직 일어나지 않은 상황들 때문에 헤메고 있었는데나의 마음을 위로해 줬다    '사람은 누구나  헤메고 현실을 보게되는 시기를 마주한다' 흔한 이야기를하지만 문체는 뻔하지 않았다아쉬운 점이 없는 것은 아니다  제목 '탱고' 책의 주제와 일치하는지류이치 사카모토의 노래가사는 굳이  들어가 있는건지 등의 의문들었다그럼에도 불구하고 글이 쉽게 읽히고 거기에   여운을 주는 것만으로도 내게 '탱고' 훌륭한 소설이다감수성이 예민하고 현실과 이상순수를 고민하는 20  후반 여자 들이 읽기에 좋은 소설이다한마디로 그녀를 닮은 사람들을 위한 책같다

“Because  we are pure (naïve? simple?), we wander (suffer, stress over).” This is the book’s theme and this statement appears few times in the book. Soon after graduation, I stressed over difficult and complicated situations as well as over situations that may yet to occur. The book comforted me.

“All people suffer and at certain period in our lives, we come face to face with the reality.” There is nothing new about that statement and her?literary style? is not crystal clear. I have to say there are few negative things about her book. I wondered why the book title is “Tango” and how and if it corresponds with the theme of the book. I also wondered why Ryuich Sakamoto’s song lyrics had to appear in the book. Even so, I still consider <Tango> a great book because it reads with such ease and it leaves behind in me such deep feelings and thoughts.  It is a novel ideal for women in their 20’s –so sensitively written and more than just reality. To put it simply, I feel like it is a book for people who are similar to her.

누구나 살면서 한번 쯤은 '책을 내고싶다음악을 만들고 싶다.' 생각을 하지만 그냥 입방정에서 끝나는 경우가 많다생각을 실천으로 옮기기 위해서는 엄청난 노력이 필요하다는 것을 누가 모르겠는가이렇게 보면 그녀는 타고난 재능보다는 뒤에서 노력을 많이 하는 사람 같아서 정감이 간다지금은 뭇매를 맞는다고 해도 언젠가 분명히 빛을 볼거라고 생각한다 닮고싶은 사람이다.   P.S.  At one time or other, we all wish we could publish a book and/or release a song. But, most of us end up just talking about it. Nobody will deny that it takes amazing amount of effort to move our thoughts into real action. When I realize this, I feel even more affection for her.  It is not just that she may be born with the talents but that she is a person who really puts in a lot of effort behind the scene where nobody can see. Even though she may be ? 뭇매=beaten and criticized, I feel certain that she will one day get the praise that she deserves. I really want to resemble her.

모바일에서 작성된 글입니다. (Blogger posted her writing through her mobile phone.)

블로그앱에서 보기 구혜선, 탱고, 구혜선일러스트픽션, 소설추천=Read it at the blog; GHS: Tango; GHS's Illustrated fiction; Book Recommendation

(I feel like, one by one, people are seeing the light in our GHS-ssi. We Sunnies have been witnessing it for a long time already!! She really is a work of art herself!!)

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