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Goo Hye Sun 구혜선


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Nice gift i got from GHS for THANKSGIVING ..i slept last night listening to her so soothing voice.. good thing i didn't know the lyrics yet or i forgot already from SIG song..it's quite a sad song on a cold winter day.. i'll just listen to it with my christmas songs..

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ZamZam said:--> Thanks ZamZam!! Happy Thanksgiving to all who celebrate!! Just finished cooking the turkey and taking a short break now...keke

구혜선, ‘행복했을까’ MV 직접 연출 ‘팔방미인~’GHS directed herself in her own song, "Would We Have Been Happy" MV

[enews24 이진호 기자] 가수 겸 배우 구혜선이 자신의 5번째 디지털 싱글 ‘행복했을까’의 음원 발표와 함께 본인이 직접 연출한 뮤직비디오를 공개해 화제다. [eNews24 Reporter Lee JinHo]   GHS released her 5th digiital single along with her MV that she directed, starring herself.

YG엔터테인먼트는 28일 공식 유튜브와 음원사이트를 통해 구혜선의 디싱 ‘행복했을까’ 뮤직비디오를 공개했다. 공개된 뮤직비디오에는 민들레 꽃밭에서 펼쳐지는 꽃과 나비의 향연과 울릉도의 아름다운 경치를 몽환적이고 아름다운 영상으로 담았다.YG released GHS's song through YTube. Her MV captures and unfolds a beautiful view of Ulleungdo with a dreamy  garden of dandelions and  a feast of butterflies.

특히 ‘THE BUTTERFLY EFFECT(나비효과)’라는 부제로 직접 연출한 이번 영상에서 하얀 원피스를 입은 구혜선이 물 속으로 빠져드는 장면이 압도적이다. 이는 지난 9월에 열린 ‘장애인 영화제’의 트레일러를 만들 당시 촬영한 수중 장면으로, 4M 깊이의 수족관에 4KG의 납을 다리에 매달고 촬영을 감행했던 장면이기도 하다.Under the title of "Butterfly Effect", the images of GHS in a white one-piece dress as well as her falling into the water is overwhelming. Her falling into the water is part of the trailer that GHS made for the Movie Festival of/by the Disabled. She made that scene by falling into an aquarium that is 4 meters deep and by tying her legs to a 4 kilogram of lead.

신곡 ‘행복했을까’는 지난 7월 발표한 ‘그건 너’에 이어 다섯번째로 발표하는 곡으로, 이별 뒤에 후회와 허탈감을 담은 노래다. ‘우리가 지내온 시간이 모두 하늘에 기억이 될까. 그때 내가 너에게 사랑한다 말하지 않았다면 우리는 행복했을까’ 등 구혜선만의 시각으로 본 이별에 대한 생각을 겨울 감성 가득한 따뜻한 발라드로 표현해 두 귀를 사로잡는다.She released "That Is You" in July and "Would We Have Been Happy" is her 5th digital single. It is a song that contains regret and emptiness after a break-up. "~Would the time that we spent together just become Heaven's memory?  Would we have been happy if only I did not say I love you back then?~"
It is GHS's own impression of a break-up that brings up feeling of winter with her warm ballad. The song gets your attention.

지난 4월 발매한 서인국의 싱글앨범 ‘웃다 울다’의 수록곡 중 ‘행복했을까’의 작사 작곡에 참여한 구혜선이 자신의 곡을 여자 버전으로 재해석한 곡이기도 하다. 피아노 선율에 맞춰 담담하게 회상하듯 노래하는 구혜선 특유의 애절함이 묻어나는 보컬이 매력적이다. This song is contained within SIG's album, Laughing and Crying, which was released in Aprill. GHS has made a female version of her song. GHS sings to the piano melody as if she is reflecting, with a voice that bring our the bitter-sweet theme. It is very captivating.

특히 가수가 아님에도 불구하고 화려한 기교 없이 나직이 부르는 아름다운 음색이 계절과 잘 어우러지며 아름답다는 호평을 얻고 있다.She may not be a professional singer but she uses no technical aid. Softly singing voice is lovely and so very fitting with the wintry season. People are praising it as a lovely song.

한편 구혜선은 영화 ‘복숭아나무’ 이후 약 1년만에 영화 ‘다우더(제작:구혜선필름,예스프로덕션)’로 메가폰을 잡는다. 영화 ‘다우더’는 강압적인 체벌을 하는 엄마와 고통받는 딸의 갈등을 다룬 심리극으로, 연출과 시나리오, 배우 1인 3역 도전을 예고해 이목을 집중시키고 있다. 오랜만에 배우로 돌아온다는 소식에 팬들의 기대감이 한껏 높아지고 있다.Since making Peach Tree a year ago, GHS will soon be directing a new movie, Daughter (Produced by GHS Film and Yes Production) . Daughter is a psychological drama about an aggressively punitive mother and the daughter. GHS is  taking up three roles for the movie as its actress, a script-writer and a director. Fans are eagerly looking forward to seeing GHS returning as an actress.

이진호 기자 zhenhao@enews24.net
[Copyright ⓒ Asia No.1 연예뉴스 enews24.net 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]

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HyeSun updated on twitter

translation: Were we happy

행복했을까 MV중. 꽃밭은 민들레가 아니라 마늘이예요.마늘 꽃향이 가득한 울릉도 분지에서 촬영하였습니다.ㅎㅎㅎ

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Google Translation : MV did in happiness. Garlic is'm not a dandelion flower garden garlic flavor-filled flower picture was taken in the Ulleung Basin. Heh heh heh 
Translation by bing:(more clearer) : Would happiness MV. The flower garden is the dandelion, but it's full of garlic and Garlic flowers taken from ulleung basin incense. heh heh heh

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finally the MV of Were We Happy is out and Love it so much. HS's voice are soft and her voice has improvement a lot i guess. she may be not a professional singer but she sing very beautifull and when the male voice blend with her voice it's so awe me so much. i love Seo In Guk version and very much like HS's version, hope In guk and Hyesun will collaborate a duet for this song someday #justMyWish.

the mv is so simple but very beautifull view, the dandellion and the butterfly are so represent the lyric so much, i love all the part of the mv . it's better than Marry Me and It's You MV.

and the comment are positive too eventhough the dislike not less but all viewers said positive comment that this song and the MV are better than before and HS has improved a lot and they're like HS version for this song.

Thank You HS for your lovely voice and Thanx to YG for promote her 5th single, Good luck in everything you do HS-ssi. Koo Hye Sun jjang ^.^

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Hi sunnies..did u all read the comments on her video in youtube?as @gayu312 said its mostly positive and encouraging :-) glad to see that her video is also appreciated.. :-)

And yes i also noticed that the articles this year on our hyesun are getting better in soompi news compared to 2012..thanx soompi writers keep up the good work.. ;-)

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Guest thuggie

Thank you for posting about Hye Sun.  She is my favorite Korean actress and the more I learn about her, the more I admire her.  She is like Audrey Hepburn...so beautiful but always helping with charities and not focusing on only their looks.

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Another Sunnie joining us here.!
@thuggie, a warm welcome! Yes she is a beauty inside and out. She is totally inspiring!
 Please visit here often to share your love for our girl. :)

Sunnies, are you all enjoying her song, Happy? It is addictive. I can't stop listening to it. I have it on the Loop! kkk

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Guest Rose Milanes-Alcantara

Thanks for all the updates everyone! I love watching her MV... Want to know more about her new coming movie. Hope all the casts will reveal soon. Good moning/night all sunnies :)

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So many people here at GHS's thread!!
Welcome and Welcome!!
Here are few pages of bloggers:

GHS who pitched for the baseball game and stayed to watch the game and to eat some food and chew on squid legs.

GHS and SIG versions of Would We Have Been Happy?
SIG's voice is amazing and GHS really knows how to cast the right person to deliver her music and also for her movies.
GHS also knows how to deliver her theme of her song...I love how she delivers the ending of her song that she just released---it is so final and almost sound like a warning to the old partner that there can NEVER be US anymore!! She delivered that better than SIG's version.

(that is interesting....the website address from Daum are not showing up in this post...sorry Sunnies...)

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