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Goo Hye Sun 구혜선


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Guest cheerkoo1430281614

Thanks everyone for all your posts and reminders about the voting!

I am with you all. Let us support GHS as hard as we can.

Meow13 and vanessa!! Wow and wow!!

Thanks so much for the updates about AB!!

So adorable.

I sped through the manga of AB and so I do not remember the cosplay part....keke...looking forward to it.

Wow 53 marathon hours of promoting AB!!

Are they also going to Singapore or not??

Daebok and Daebok to AB!!!!!!

Thanks Sunnies!!!!

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Guest bethq

I normally don't post but I thought I'd share this with you all especially with the non-Korean/Asian in this forum. I ordered The Musical & Please Take Care of Us Captain DVD's from mallkee.com. In the past, I purchased my Korean Drama DVD's from a very nice Korean DVD Store here in Santa Clara, California.

Unfortunately, the store closed sometime back due to the bad economy as well as the latest technology that makes it easier (just about) for everyone to see it online, etc. The English subtitles were so awful - it was so painful to read as 95% of it did not make sense. It was not even funny! It gve me a headache! I was so disappointed not counting the $35 I paid for it. There are three languages for the subtitles (2 Chinese & one English). Maybe the Chinese subtitles are good. So if anyone one wants these, you're more than welcome to have it (for free). Does anyone know of a reputable site to order? I understand YA Entertainment have excellent English subtitles but it does not have TM & PCAP. I'm a huge fan of Ku Hye Sun & I have most of her DVD's,. I do watch first online (DramaFever is my choice - I'm a Premium member - using Google TV!) but I like having the DVD's - it's like a keepsake/souvenir. I don't mind paying a good amount as long as I get a good product. I get to watch it over & over. My favorite one is Pure In Heart. I lost count of how many times I've watched this.

BTW, my usual source of info is this forum, DramaBeans (though I sense that this site is not quite pro-KHS) & HanCinema, Any other sites you can recommend?

Oh...and another thing....what is Daebak? I read that a lot.

Much obliged to everyone.. Thank you.

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120405 YG Family are now Officially Verified on Twitter!


Congratulations YGent artists on Twitter!

*Note: A verified Twitter account is an account that Twitter has confirmed to be the real person. It makes it easier for fans to make sure they are following who they think they are, and to help keep them safe on the internet.

Credit for Caps: @WeLoveChaerin & MzKyu@YGLadies

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bethq, daebak means awesome :)

Tons of good news! I am very happy for hye-sun :) She looks real cute cosplaying with Jiro. Ahhhhh the anticipation for AB is getting more intense. I am praying it becomes a big hit not just in Taiwan but across Asia too.

Nice to know that YG artist are now verified in Twitter!

Sunnies in SG and Taiwan, I am excited for all of you. You will get to see her upclose! Please share your stories once you get to experience to see her in the flesh. I would love to see her in person too.. sooner I hope :D Enjoy the fan meet!

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Guest j-j-forever

J-J-forever, I am so excited for you.Get your beauty sleep, so you will look your best! kekeke.  Lucky Singaporean fans!! And, also Taiwanese fans, soon they get to see Jiro and Hye Sun. Do come back and tell us all about your meet and greet and don't leave out any details! LOL

Thanks to Meow for the constant updates and Sunnies for the comments, which I enjoyed reading. Do you think Hye Sun will leaving soon for Taiwan? Hope to get to see some snapshots of her and some fan accounts. She has been rather quiet lately. Really miss her and her twits a lot.


Thanks S_sun and Eunhye! and to all the Sunnies here esp Meow who brought that promotion over here, I wouldn't know she's coming here if it's not in this thread, I may not always contribute or write anything here but every single day, I always check this page, it's my Homepage! I'm just a silent lurker but always present.....

And literally as you said I need a beauty sleep, but as soon as I close my eyes, it wants to pop as all the excitement is running in my veins and shivers down my spine hahaha...This is like a dream come true, I would even go to Korea for her but it's hard for her to catch in Korea as she is not too visible even in her Cafe as most of the Sunnies went to KOrea but did not catch her as she is a super busy gal...

So I'll be really ready for this, I ask my husband to come with me so he can take all the photos and videos using this heavy SLR for high quality and so that even if GHS is far, atleast we can have a better shot, but he refuses because he assume it will be a big crowd, So therefore I will be a fan and a photographer at the same time, I would also like to take a video, OMG I'm a small girl but I would do everything just to see her! I would even bring my huge tripod to set that up...Oh geez I'm crazy over her (really a FAN GIRL thing)

Hopefully, I can still convince hubby, anyways he is a fan of GHS too so a little more persuasion might do the trick....

Sunnies thanks to you all! Wish me luck so I can contribute here in our lovely page, our haven! OMG I'm panting just thinking of her coming here...life changing... the tension is incredible....

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Hello Sunnies :)

@jj forever im so happy for you and jealous at the same tim :) im really hoping you can meet GHS and Jiro good luck Sis cant wait for your update :)

@bethq welcome to the thread :) please do come once in a while and spazz with us. regarding videos I really dont know where to get them, I have them download to my computer from different website with English sub I was using Megaupload but now that's closed :(

@drmjs so happy we passed PSH but next person is too far but its ok I think we can do it, in Yahoo she's still number 1 so far so lets keep it that way Sunnies :)

Im so excited for AB cant wait 3 more days :)

Have a great evening Sunnies :)

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Hello Sunnies, have a blessed Friday :)

Thanks everyone for the latest updates on our princess.

Heartest Congratulation Hyesun-sii on your twitter account verified :D:wub:

drmjs, i'm so so happy we passed PSH now HS is at 12th level. The next person JGS is a bit far but if we could try why not right? Keep up the momentum Sunnies.

Btw any news or photos of HS in Taiwan for AB promo and press conference. I'm hoping she wear feminine dress :)

Oh, I can't wait for AB on aired. :lol:

Here's a vid made by our sister, enjoy watching Sunnies.


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Yes! Magazine


found this tweet this morning

구혜선이랑 같이 공항. 호오우. 진짜말랐다. 인형이네 ㅇ_ㅇ

@Liebe_Farbe 06 Apr 2012 08:47am

seems he/she saw Hyesun in airport. So I think she's already arrived in Taiwan

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Guest cheerkoo1430281614


Thanks so much for updates!

Especially to meow13!!!

Someone did see GHS at the airport before 9AM, as meow13 posted above. That person is leaving in the same plane with GHS. Lucky!! Says GHS is really thin and is a doll.

Daebok~I also use it alot ever since I heard Kim Bum wish Daebok to another star's movie/drama that is about to open.

I think it means Awesone Big Hit.....

AB, Fighting and Daebok!!

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Hyesun arrived in Taiwan around noon time!




Just a brief summary of the news:

Ku  Hye Sun arrived in Taiwan at noon time on April 6 to prepare for the  3-day promotion of Absolute Boyfriend. Upon arrival, she & her staff  went to KIKI Restaurant for Sichuan cuisine. She likes spicy food and  went to this restaurant as that's referred by staff. She also took away  some business cards of this restaurant, seems she's interested in the  card design.

Ku  also heard about the scenery of palm tree road at Taiwan University.  Thus she went there to take some photos as reference for her own  project. Though it's not a public schedule, some passersby recognized  her and stated that she's cute. She also responded with a smile.

In  regards to the premiere of Absolute Boyfriend this Sunday, she said,  'I'm glad to be in Taiwan again for promotion of the drama. I miss the  time when filming the drama and also the places I've visited.'

She  will start the drama promotion on Saturday with a press conference,  followed by a meet & greet event in Kaohsiung. She is pleased that  she could meet Jiro Wang, Perry Xie & the casts again.  She hopes the promotional events would go smoothly.

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Thanks for the update meow! Hye-sun looks so fresh and pretty :D I wish for the success of all her promotional activities and I hope AB gets high ratings and it would be a complete success!

I was thrilled to know that AB rights was already purchased by a large network here in the Philippines.

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Guest cheerkoo1430281614

hello Sunnies~

Thanks meow13 for your post above.

GHS always comes prepared....love that!!

GHS's peach colored lipstick reminded me of Peach Tree. I wonder how that is going! God bless Peach Tree!!!

I saw this in baidu: seems like an interview of GHS in Taiwan.

Can someone summarize a bit? I tried google trans but it did not make that much sense to me.


cr: http://tieba.baidu.c...64279859?pn=808



Q. 身兼多种不同的身份,演员、歌手、画家、编剧、导演,最喜欢那种身份?为什麼?A. 只要是份内可以做到的事情,我都非常的享受。

Q. 如何让自己在繁忙的工作之中,仍旧保有创作时间?平常的休闲活动是甚麼?A. 的确需要做好时间分配。如果有空档的话,就会做能够揣摩灵感的事情。平常喜欢跟狗狗一起休息、玩乐;也会画画、听音乐、写东西、吃美食。

Q. 如果生活中真的有像奈特这麼完美的『机器情人』出现,你会想要拥有一个吗?A. 会啊!喜欢会为对方著想、体谅别人、心胸宽大,并且对自己的原则非常清楚的人。

Q. 『绝对达令—奈特』与自己理想中的伴侣形象是否相似?如果有,是哪些点呢?A. 有某些部分满相似的。我喜欢像奈特一般亲切、纯真、有耐心的部分。

Q. 在台湾工作,觉得与在韩国工作时最大的不同点是甚麼?A. 在工作的时间上,有一点点差异。还有就是语言不同罗。

Q. 有没有非常想去的台湾景点?除了珍奶以外,喜欢哪些台湾的美食?A. 之前和飞轮海拍摄观光局旅游短片时,有到过一个温泉拍摄,想要再去一次。喜欢的食物还有小笼包。


Q. 当导演与当演员,对你来说最大的分别,以及有趣之处在哪?这两者能为你的不同身份,带来相互的助益吗?或是,这两者你分的很开呢?A. 我会非常认真去诠释导演和演员这两个身份,所以很难去选择某一项。这两个角色间有很深的关系,互相影响,很难去区分。

Q. 最喜欢的装扮方式?A. 喜欢简单、舒适、符合季节材质的装扮。

A. Leonardo da Vinci (里奥纳多‧ 达文西),我非常尊敬他。他的画风会让人对「人物」,产生更深入的研究与了解。

Q. 在现在这一秒,如果能不论身分、工作、或是一切现实层面的事物,你最想做的一件事?A. 很喜欢现在做的事情,没有想过其他的。

Q. 在各种不同的身分间,你最希望哪一项成为你的终身事业?A. 结婚。

Q. 请对MSN的读者们,说一件你最想告诉他们的事。A. 即将播出绝对达令了,希望大家喜欢,请多支持。

Q. 如果重来一次,除了具惠善这个身分之外,你会选择什麼样的人生?A. 我喜欢现在的人生。现在就是自己。我觉得要完成现在的任务比较重要,从来没想过别的人生或别的生活。

Q. 如果你只是一个观众,会想对具惠善这个人说什麼?

A. 我会无言的支持。




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SUE i google translated that article it really is hard to understand but on that interview there was a question if i understand it right WHAT WOULD BE HER LIFELONG CAREER and her answer was MARRIED HEHEHE i hope it is not that soon..it is hard to miss her..everyone got giddy when MEOW twitted those pics because we haven't heard from her for awile hahaha i can't imagine how we will be if she get married soon..well anyway she never said she have a boyfriend so i don't think it will be soon enough..

Im so happy how GTV is promoting AD and how happy she is in TAIWAN..IM SO HAPPY THEY ARE REALLY GIVING HER IN TAIWAN THE UTMOST IMPORTANCE SHE DESERVES..Her aura is so different from the last pic that she twitted us..at least even if SHE will be so busy it looks like it is a mixture of a break and work while she is in TAIWAN..I hOPE HER HAPPINESS IN TAIWAN is a sign that AD'S rating will be very good..


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Hello Sunnies! Just one more day to go~ Absolute Boyfriend daebak! :w00t:

Apart from Sichuan restaurant & Taiwan University, Hyesun also visited Shilin night market in the evening, here are some pics taken by the lucky fans who met her there :lol:



Cre HeequeenTing @ twitter


she really loves Bubble Tea! :lol:





Cre weibo & as tagged

sue,  thanks for the post. here is the interview translation. It's an interesting one! ^_^







Source: http://fashion.msn.c...le/1204030001/1

And I found out that Absolute Boyfriend will air in Hong Kong too! It will start on April 9  on NOW TV ch.106. I haven't subscribed to this cable TV though. -_-

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Thank you so much for these pictures and articles Meow and Sue! HS looks so radiant and happy! I can't remember the last time I've seen her like this - as if the world is pretty much perfect for her right now and she wouldn't change a thing - as she says in her interview. Love her airport outfit, her light hair color and peach lipstick really brightens her face - and seeing her smile makes me happy too. And I hear you prettywiz - I will also miss her terribly when she marries, but you know, being the way she is, I don't think she'll retire completely. She loves her work and I can see her working even after marriage.

Can't wait for the debut of AB - so grateful that Taiwan is giving it so much love and hype. I think we're in for a real treat Sunnies! AB FIGHTING!!!! GHS FIGHTING!!!! :D Happy weekend to you all! P.S. I thought she looked adorable in her white catwoman outfit - keke ;)

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Guest S_sun

Hello Sunnies,

I am so happy. It is raining HYe Sun and AB galore! What a treat!  Thanks to Natali, Vanessa, Sue and Meow for tidbits of HS. Sukreen, love the vid. She will be always our Super girl.

Many, many THANKS to Meow for bringing us the news, updates and most important the translations. From the interview, she sounds so happy and satisfied with her life. She is really in love and looking ahead to a married life. Now we are really curious who the guy is , who is making her happy. He is patient, kind and considerate! kekeke

She looks so adorable. She still loves food , which is great because she has lost weight again. Can't wait for the promotional events. Hope she wears a pretty dress!

Welcome to this thread, bethq. I am sorry I can't help you. I get mine from Yesasia and it usually takes quite a while before they get the dvds for recent dramas/movies. In the meantime I just watch repeats at the usual sites. Please visit us again and post comments. I was a lurker for many years until this year, I decided to post and it has been fun . Sunnies here are very welcoming.

Thanks, Sunnies for all your lovely posts and keep voting, right, drmjs?(I am watching JJH in He who can't marry at dramafever. He is so funny,but not as manly and handsome as in PCAP! It is quite a good rom-com.)

AB daebak! GHS fighting! Happy Easter to those who celebrate it.

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:wub:  Hello Sunnies! Thanks meow for the updates & translations of Hye Sun's interview. Thanks Sue & prettywiz for posting GHS' Taiwan promotion ..:rolleyes:  I'm excited with AB. 

I'm wondering if our lady has a serious man in her life right now. Everytime she's interviewed there's always a mention about marriage. Since after PCAP she has expressed wanting to get married. I guess working with married lead partners makes you become one. hahaha..Oh I wish not too soon? tongue2.gif   Sorry, I have ambivalent feelings about it. On the other hand I want her to be happy too...whatever makes her happy, I'm game! LORD, pls. take care of her always. 

:rolleyes: :wub:  Happy Easter everyone! (no offense to those who don't celebrate the event)

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Guest cheerkoo1430281614


Thanks so much for the interview translation.

I happen to go to your blog before coming here and read it there!!!

Love your blog!

GHS does sound comfortable, peaceful and quietly confident!

So down to earth and no unnecessary frills!

Thanks to EACH and ALL Sunnies for all your lovely thoughts---love and enjoy reading them!!!

What is GHS doing sitting in front of what looks like a ?moat? of small swimming fish? Does she get to eat them? keke Would love some cultural enlightenment about Taiwan's night market!!!

Thanks in advance.

In the last pix, GHS seems to be holding the chicken hat~~haha~~makes me think about Pure Heart of 19 where Liang GukHwa wore a red chicken hat to sell seasoned eggs on the busy road...keke..Is that night market too? She seems to be just enjoying herself as part of the crowd.

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