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Goo Hye Sun 구혜선


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Here is another photo, he is a gorgeous lad, hope is is also part of the Love web....

*quoted image*

mmm good will be great to see how they interact both because they have the same age .. jejejje

So although I have anxiety that YG has not yet confirmed pariticipacion Goo Hye Sun in the drama

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Hi there ! If you look him (Sean Richard) up on youtube there is an in depth interview he did for his last project - sorry forgot the name but the sageuk drama where he plays a doctor from America. Anyway, not only is he handsome, but soft spoken, not meek but gentle in his manner of speaking, intelligent and seems to be very humble and down to earth. Hmmm... reminds me of someone. I think they'll get along just fine :wub: It's almost Friday!!!

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Hi there !  If you look him (Sean Richard) up on youtube there is an in depth interview he did for his last project - sorry forgot the name but the sageuk drama where he plays a doctor from America.  Anyway, not only is he handsome, but soft spoken, not meek but gentle in his manner of speaking,  intelligent and seems to be very humble and down to earth.  Hmmm... reminds me of someone.  I think they'll get along just fine :wub:  It's almost Friday!!!

Yes, I agree with you and the name of the show is "Heart to Heart" :)

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Thanks to all sunnies for the updates. I also tried to look for this guy in the internet & he has quite a few about him. I think he also sang on his fanmeet around April? or his birthday? Some website includes Hye Sun in "Captain..." & some don't. So, I'm dying with anticipation.:sweatingbullets:  

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Guest hyesun4lyf

Thanks natali and hyesun4lyf for the Cosmo article.

I was going to summarize it as many of the information is not new. However, there is the way GHS says things that I felt deserves more than just summarization. Unfortunately, I won't have time to do so mayby until the weekend and, of course,  after I see THEMU....keke.

Webby, if you have the tme, please feel free.

Thanks again.

Do take your time, dear sue.  I appreciate it that you are going to do the whole article and not just a summary.  But just like a real magazine article, we don't read it at just one sitting.  We like to hold on to it for as long as we could and when that right time comes, we lounge on our couches with coffee or tea or hot cocoa browse through the photos and read at leisure the interview.  So, there really is no rush.  We just want to savor that moment when we can all understand the interview and get to know more about GHS and the depth of her personality.

Thanks Natali for being able to bring over the article.  I just couldn't do it for the life of me...blink.gif

Thanks to all fellow Sunnies who have brought over more news about GHS and her upcoming drama.  So excited about this new actor and can't wait for him to be blown over by the goodness of our baby.

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Guest cheerkoo1430281614

Thanks you guys.

There is an ariticle that goes with the pix of Please Captain crew.

cr: dhdl of DC


(I will summarize certain parts.)

SBS 드라마스페셜 '부택해요 캡틴'(가제)이 첫 대본 리딩을 마쳤다.

SBS drama's first script reading session for PLEASE CAPTAIN just finished.

국내 최초 항공 대작 드라마로 파일럿, 승무원, 관제사, 정비사 등의 이야기를 그린 '부탁해요 캡틴'은 지난 10월27일 SBS 탄현 제작세터에서

첫 대본리딩을 진행했다. This session took place on Oct 27th at the SBS's Tanhyun Production Center. The drama talks about the stories of pilot, the crew, air traffic controller, maintenance/mechanical staff. 

이날 현장에는 구혜선, 지진희, 유선, 이천희, 이하늬 등이 참석, 어려운 항공 전문용어는 물론 영어 대사까지 막힘없이 구사하며 실전을 방불케

하는 열의를 보여줬다. That day, participants include: GHS, Ji JinHee, Yoo Sun, Lee Chun Hee, Lee Hanni, etc.  The actors were able to carry out without obstacles and with much enthusiasm not only the difficult air navigation terms but also the professional English conversations.

특히 금녀의 벽을 허문 여성 조종사로 중성적 매력을 보여줄 구혜선은 귀엽고 발랄하면서도 때로는 다혈질에 패기 넘치는 모습까지 선사하며

한다진에 100% 몰입한 모습을 보여줬다. 지진희 역시 시종일관 냉철한 카리스마 김윤성 모습을 놓치지 않아 현장 배우와 스태프들의 감탄을

자아냈다는 후문이다. GHS especially was able to show the 100% character of Han DaJin at the reading. (I am paraphrasing here..) Han DaJin is a female cockpit crew member having broken through the gender barriers. From the article I gather that we will see Han DaJin as someone who may not be feminine looking or interested in feminine things. (makes sense right?) I don't know how to translate joongsung=asexual? At times Han DaJin is adorable and energetic. At the same time, Han DaJin is overly and fiercely ambitious. JiJin Hee also never stopped staying in character as the cool-headed and charismatic Kim Yoon Sung. These were the rumors that spread after the script reading session.

유선, 이천희, 이하늬 등도 자신들의 캐릭터를 완벽하게 파악해 분위기를 이끌었다.Yoo Sun, Lee ChunHee and Lee Hani also showed the total understanding of their characters throughout the reading.

제작사 이야기365 측은 "첫 리딩임에도 배우들 모두 열정 가득한 모습으로 최고의 팀워크를 보여줘서 현장 스태프들이 모두 놀랐다. 앞으로 우리

드라마의 분위기와 성공도를 미리 본 것 같아 다들 만족하고 있다. 국내 최초 항공 드라마인 만큼 많은 기대와 관심 부탁드린다"고 전했다. The producer stated that the location staff were all amazed at the passion and focus of all the actors despite the fact that it was only the first script reading session. He felt as if he was able to forsee the success of the drama already given the cooperative and professional teamwork atmosphere. The production team hopes for much interest and anticipation from the viewers.

한편 열정과 패기로 똘똘 뭉친 여성 부조종사가 파일럿으로 성장하는 내용을 그린 SBS '부탁해요 캡틴'은 '뿌리깊은 나무' 후속으로 2012년 1월4일

첫 방송된다. The drama will on air Jan 4th and it is the story of the passion and ambition of an assistant pilot becoming a pilot.


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Hello Sunnie :D

@ dewimoar & cheerkoo ~~~ Thanks a lot to both of you for bringing the pix and translation about "Please Captain"  :) Wow ! I'm very very happy and relieved because finally our dear Hye Sun is really confirmed in the drama.. kekeke :D We can now relax and at peace  :sweatingbullets: . For the meantime let us all enjoy first "THE MUSICAL"  while waiting for the other drama and movie of Hye Sun... :)

Thanks to other sunnies for the rest of the updates. :)

This is really a nice day/evening to all of us Sunnies :wub:

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Cool~ Finally it is confirmed Hye Sun is IN "Please Captain" :)

Thanks dewimoar & sue for the pic & translation! :D

Photos from 1st script reading for new SBS TV series


Photographs of the first script reading for an upcoming SBS TV series have been revealed.

A press release by the show's promoter The J Story on Friday unveiled  photos of the main cast Ku Hye-sun, Ji Jin-hee, Lee Chun-hee, Yoo Sun  and Honey Lee taking part in the session for aviation drama "Please,  Captain" (translated title) held in Seoul on October 27.

An official with production company Eyagi 365 said in the statement,  "The production staff was really surprised to see how in tune the actors  were with their characters and we have high expectations for the  series."

"Please, Captain," helmed by Joo Dong-min and written by scenarist Jung  Na-myung, tells the story of pilots, flight attendants and crew members  that work at an airport.

The show is set to take over the Wednesday and Thursday night primetime  lineup starting January 4 after current series "Deep Rooted Tree"  finishes its run.

Cre http://10.asiae.co.k...102809313108305


cre http://news.nate.com.../20111028n10771

가장 큰 아리랑… 전 지구가 무대



TV조선 개국 이벤트 '아리랑 판타지' 위해 뭉친 이병우·구혜선

"나를 버리고 가시는 님은, 십 리도 못  가서 발병난다~" 22일 오후 서울 강남의 한 녹음 스튜디오. 기타리스트 겸 영화음악가 이병우(46)의 어쿠스틱 기타 연주에 맞춰  배우 구혜선(27)이 낭랑한 목소리로 '아리랑'을 부르고 있었다.

두 사람은 이날 '초고(超高)난이도 작전'을  수행하기 위해 첫 만남을 가졌다. 작전명은 '아리랑 판타지'. 12월 전파를 내보내는 방송사 'TV조선'이 개국을 기념해 마련한  이벤트로 지구촌 사람들이 하나가 돼 아리랑 합창곡을 만드는 쉽지 않은 작전이다. 전 세계 사람들이 직접 아리랑을 부른  UCC동영상을 올리면 그것을 한데 모아 아름답고 장엄한 '사이버 합창곡'으로 만들게 된다.

이병우는 기타 반주와  음악감독을, 구혜선은 참여 네티즌들이 같은 음정과 박자를 유지하도록 가이드 동영상에서 '숙련된 조교' 역할을 맡았다. 22일 만난  두 사람에게 참여한 계기를 물었더니 같은 대답을 했다. "기획 의도와 파트너, 모두 마음에 들었어요."

"제가 원래  결단력이 없어서 별명도 '나중에'예요. 그런데 이번엔 고민 없이 수락했죠. '무지(無知)를 당할 게 뭐가 있겠냐'는 엉뚱한  자신감이 솟더라고요. 게다가 오늘 천생 예술가인 혜선씨를 보니까 새로운 에너지가 솟네요. 하하."(이병우)

"당연히 확 마음에 닿는 작업이죠. 그런데 왜 하필 제 목소리가 기준이 되는 걸까 궁금했어요. 하지만 이 선생님이 음악감독을 하신다는데… 그냥 해야죠. 하하. 인상이 정말 산타클로스처럼 푸근하세요."(구혜선)

첫 만남인데도 녹음과 동영상 촬영은 척척 끝났다. 문제는 앞으로다. 노랫말도 선율도 낯설 세계인들에게 아리랑을 부르도록 돕는 것은 쉽지 않을 터. 두 사람에게 '아리랑'은 어떤 의미일까?

이 병우는 "우리나라의 주제가"라고 했고, 구혜선은 "이보다 슬프고 더 애잔한 노래는 없을 것"이라 했다. 그러면서도 둘은  '변화무쌍함'을 매력으로 꼽았다. 느리면 느린 대로, 빠르면 빠른 대로, 저마다 들리는 '맛'이 제각각이라는 것이다.

두 사람에게는 공통점이 많다. 자기분야에서 프로로 인정받으며 영역을 넓혔다. 이병우는 기타리스트에서 출발해 작곡가와 영화음악가로 우뚝 섰고, 구혜선은 연기자면서 문학·영화연출·그림 등 다양한 분야에 도전해 역량을 인정받았다.

이 병우는 이번 프로젝트에 대해 "돌 하나 얹어놓는 것처럼 간단해 보이지만, 그 돌 하나가 아니면 될 수 없는 일"이라고 했다.  "입으로 음식을 섭취하며 미각을 느끼고 영양분을 공급받는 것처럼 귀를 통해서 전해오는 울림들이 뇌를 통해 정신적 영양분을 줍니다.  그 기쁨을 공유하고 싶어요."

다음은 구혜선의 얘기. "힘든 분들에게는 '뭔가 하고 있다는 느낌'만으로도 이겨내는 데 큰 도움이 됩니다. 참여감은 훌륭한 치유제거든요. 그것도 보통노래가 아닌 아리랑이잖아요."

Cre http://news.nate.com.../20111028n01425

Happy Friday! Happy The Musical Day! B)

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This session took place on Oct 27th at the SBS’s Tanhyun Production Center. The drama talks about the stories of pilot, the crew, air traffic controller, maintenance/mechanical staff.

That day, participants include: GHS, Ji JinHee, Yoo Sun, Lee Chun Hee, Lee Hanni, etc. The actors were able to carry out without obstacles and with much enthusiasm not only the difficult air navigation terms but also the professional English conversations.

Yoo Sun, Lee ChunHee and Lee Hani also showed the total understanding of their characters throughout the reading.

The drama will on air Jan 4th and it is the story of the passion and ambition of an assistant pilot becoming a pilot.

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Many thanks to Meow, Dewimoar, and Sue for the article on Captain's 1st script reading. Wow.... are those all actors sitting on that table? Seems to be quite a big cast, and I'm thrilled to bits that our Hyesun is the main female lead in a production of this magnitude!! It' s been awhile, the last one being The King and I in terms of the huge cast and the grand scale of the drama itself. She's really due.... And it makes me happy to hear that the actors, at this 1st reading, worked well together and that HS was able to get into her character so convincingly. I knew she could do it, but I love to hear other people praise her as well, especially since it seems that she will have to converse in English and learn all kinds of aviation terminology which can't be easy, right? :D She looks beautiful too in this photo, which really shows off her fair skin. I can't help but think that maybe the news of her participation was not broadcasted so aggressively to give her current drama, The Musical, a chance to gain some momentum and not have to compete with Captain, which has already garnered so much interest. After all, both are SBS dramas and I'm sure they would like to see TM succeed as well. Just a thought. No matter what though, I still love TM and am glad that I'll be able to slowly, week by week, get to savor each episode and see its conclusion before Captain begins in January. :P Thank you for this exciting news which really made my day!!!!!

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Guest bubblysunnie

Hi Sunnies!!  Finally it is confirmed!  Our lovely GHS is part of Captain.  A lot of blessings are coming to GHS which we are thankful for.  smile.gif  As the saying goes: "When it rains, it pours!"  


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Guest eunhye05

Thank you everyone for making my day! So much news and stuff to look forward to! The Cosmo article, confirmation of Please Captain (HaDaJin Fighting!), Chosun BTS and of course The Musical! :D I'm a Happy Camper! Best part is that I got to stay in this Friday night and managed to watch the episode live. No regrets coz it was just such a great episode!  I cant wait for the recaps and subs  since it was heavy on the dialogue!

I couldnt hold in my reactions so here's my play by play on The Musical Episode 9.

Comments and reactions.

EunBi & KangHee - chat in Studio. EB doesnt seem as excited to see KH. Its more like she wasnt happy to be there... i dont think she idolizes KH as much anymore.GOODJOB EB! Im so proud she didnt get the standby role (or so I thought since that's what it looked like). :D Hah! Take that KH! U desperate, manipulative, jealous diva you! Heartbreaking moment --> KH actually kept all those milk cartons EB wrote on and when EB turned her down she threw them out for EB to see. MEGA OUCH! Such a meanie! Stay strong EB! Fighting!

The Popstar & the investor creep me out. There's too much touchy feely. Aigoo! Aigoo! Ewwww! Why can't we do without her! she's annoying!

EB & HJ - Why did EB get all emotional and teary eyed! What was she being so stubborn about! :( She cried her eyes out and yet stayed firm! (all i could think of during this scene though was - GHS has such big pretty eyes. It's so stunning you can't concentrate) But did she just technically break up with HJ. YJ to the rescue! I did not expect that!

HJ - poor HJ. He's doing everything for her... what else can he do!? I want to just go onscreen and giving him much attention. EB you should know better!

YJ & EB - do i shift my OTP for this couple in the meantime? haha. I like them too! Frankly, i really dont mind which of the two EB ends up with. :D

YJ's Mom - Oh dear. :( She's getting worse! This is so terrible. And...now we have the typical part in Kdramas. YuJin's grandpa has everything under survelliance. We're about to hit the rocks people.

I love DirJung! he's adorable. Can he have RK instead. She needs someone cheerful and carefree in her life.

Can someone explain that scene in the shoe shop. Was she reminded of something? Her mom perhaps? seeing that we're now comparing feet?! Waaah!

And our EB is back to watching her Musicals again. Back to square one...And what was YJ doing outside the theatre? Was he stalking her?! Cute! But poor HJ!

Now...They're at CAFE MANOLIN! :D  I'm squealing with delight at this scene right now! Her gallery finally got it's air time! Where's BHAP? Where's GAMJA? Weeee! I was there last time I visited Seoul! Even one of her paintings got it's airtime! Love this! Ok what were they discussing I got distracted?  lol

What is GJ trying to convince the idol about (unsuccessfully) ? Her face alone is just so annoying. lol.

The EB - GJ scene was funny! HE FINALLY TAKES A SHOWER and gets a SPA treatment! Thank you EB Thank You! He was beginning to smell off of the screen as he hadnt changed his outfit since day 1 and looked like a dirty tramp!

Oh mehn! EB just went back and accepted the Standby role! WTH?!

The Preview is crazy-- KH is crying and it looks like EB and HJ have patched things up? WAAAAAH! I neeeeed the next episode now!!!!

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Finally! We all can breathe now.  :D  We have pictures to prove it that Hye Sun is definitely a big part of "Captain.." This is exciting! We will be having a double dose of GHS in this drama per week. Yhey! :lol:  Now, I can concentrate on "The Musical", pls. don't forget to pass by the site. It needs lots of love.:wub: Thank you Sunnies for all these. You're the best!!!...before I forget, how come Richard Dulake is not present in the script reading event? His name is not mentioned at all? hmmm another changes again? This drama is really something...

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Hello everyone! i finally had the courage to post here..hehehe.. just want to thank all the Sunnies here that works hard to update us with everything connected with Hye Sun.. i'm so glad she's on a roll with TM, AD, PT, and Captain early next year.. and oh, her birthday coming pretty soon..kyaaahhhhhhhh.. hope she'll have a meaningful celebration.

FIGHTING Sunnies!!:D

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