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Goo Hye Sun 구혜선


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Guest phanlinh_111

Long time no post here. Anyone miss me? hehe :rolleyes:

Thank all Sunniers for many many many updates. Love her very beautiful legs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :wub:

I upload the video that eunhye05 said though the clip is not good. :wacko:

Enjoy! :)

My link

Anyway like this pic too :w00t:


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Thanks for all the updates, pics & vids. Lots to catch up :)

Thanks jee for the AD wrap up party photos & sue for the news. Jiro was not there since he had a birthday fanmeet in Hong Kong on that day, so he was not able to attend. I will translate the news on the wrap up party later ;)

a gif of beautiful hyesun today


cre Dispatch

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Wooow few pictures ... At last the long awaited day .. even if he wanted to see Goo Hye Sun noona a dress .. it was just beautiful ... wearing those beautiful legs :wub:

thanks everyone sunnies !!! are best !!!! :w00t:

more pics !!!!



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Guest cheerkoo1430281614

goddessku posted this article and inside that article is a vid clip from the press conference of good quality.

We could also hear GHS singing while DC plays piano.



[HD동영상] '더뮤지컬' 구혜선, "여성스런 최다니엘 나랑 잘 통해"

(HD video clip) THEMU GHS says that she got along well with Daniel Choi who has feminine side.

top_023.gif| 기사입력 2011-08-30 18:34 btn_original_text.gif

30일 오후, 서울 학동역 부근 컨벤션 헤리츠 6층에서는 SBS 새미니시리즈 <더 뮤지컬>(극본 : 김희재, 연출 : 김경용) 제작발표회가 열렸다. 이날 발표회에는 김경용 PD를 비롯, 배우 구혜선, 최다니엘, 박기웅, 기은세 등이 참석했다. --names those who attended the press conf,

이날 기자간담회를 통해 구혜선은 최다니엘과의 연기 호흡에 대해 "최다니엘이 사실 수다 떠는 것을 좋아한다. 그래서 남자라기보다는 좀 여성스럽다. 그래서 굉장히 우정을 깊이 나눈 기분이다"라고 전했다. 이에 옆에 있던 최다니엘이 "난 카메라 앞에서 긴장을 많이 하는 편이어서 그 방편으로 수다를 떠는 것 같다. 하지만 난 남자가 맞다"고 응수했다.  GHS says that Choi Dan is someone she would consider more feminine than manly because he loves to talk. She says that is why she developed musch friendship with him through the drama. DanC says in resposne that he tends to get nervous in front of camera so he deals with it by talking a lot but that he is a man. (I remember GHS said that about Lee MinHo as well....that because he also likes to talk, she considers him more womanly than manly. I personally think GHS has to stop saying that about her male co-workers--I am sure they don't like it!! I still love you GHS but I think you may offend your coworkers and, even worse, their undying fans!!!....But now I know when you say a guy is "manly" or not--it has to do with whether he is talkative or not...I would think it would be more comfortable to be around someone who talks more openly....I hope Choi Dan was not offended that much....:wub: )

또, 이 작품이 사전제작 된 이유에 대해 구혜선은 "사전 제작 드라마가 합의하에 재촬영도 가능하고 좀 더 기간을 두고 완성도 있는 작품을 만들어가는 것은 좋은데, 우리나라 드라마 현실에 익숙한 우리들에게 사실 어려운 점도 많다. 바로바로 피드백을 받는 것이 아니라, 이게 맞게 연기를 하는건지 고민도 많이되고 걱정도 많이 됐다"고 속내를 털어놨다.  GHS said that there are good and bad pots about filming a drama before it is aired. She feels good that there is time to fix things and to re-film but she worries because she is aware of how Korean Ent industry works---not having the immediate feedbacks from the audience is what worries her.

최다니엘은 "사전제작 드라마의 장점도 있지만 단점도 있다. 난 연기를 할때 한번 감이 왔을 때 확 몰입해서 몰아쳐야 하는 면이 있다. 기간이 길어지면 아무래도 그런 감정의 몰입도가 약해지는 부분이 생기는 것 같다"며 "이 작품을 찍으면서 현장분위기는 정말 좋았는데 배우들이 각자 불안한 부분이 있었던 건 사실"이라고 말했다.Choi Dan also says that there are good and bad points to filming in advance. He tends to work better if he can concentrate on a scene with all his emotions in tact. As the filming went long, it weakened his concentrated emotions. But he says that everybody got along very well however, each actors experienced some individual stress and anxiety due to filming extensions.

이 작품에서 가장 기억에 남는 장면이 뭐냐고 묻자, 최다니엘과 구혜선은 '평창!'이라고 입을 모았다. 그 이유에 대해 구혜선은 "평창서 찍은 씬이 다같이 워크샵을 간 장면이었는데, 그때 최다니엘씨랑 같이 춤을 추는 장면이 있었다. 다같이 춤을 추고 있는데 실상 저는 최다니엘씨랑 진지한 대화를 나눠야 했다. 그게 아이러니하면서 지금은 기억에 가장 남는 장면이 됐다"고. Both ChoiD and GHS were asked what scene was most memorable to them. Choi D says that he has something in mind and asked GHS to say it at the same time to see if they are in agreement--this part I took from the video----both shouted out at the same time that "Pyung Chang"--that is the place that they had to stay all weekend maybe several weekends to film. GHS says it was a scene where both GHS and Choi were dancing together and they had to talk seriously at the same time.

<BR clear=all>2011083001093_1.jpg

최다니엘은 "춤추며 진지한 대화를 한 부분도 있지만, 시기적으로 가을이었기에 여름 촬영분이 길어져서 여름 옷을 입고 가을에 즐겁게 춤을 췄다. 초겨울까지 여름옷을 입고, 여름에는 긴팔을 입어야 하고 이런 점들이 힘들기도 하고 기억에 남았다"고 덧붙였다. Choi Dan says that dance was memorable too but he remembers the fact that they had to wear clothes for different seasons--they had to wear summer clothing in the middle of winter. He says they were both hard and memorable.

한편, 뮤지컬 무대를 둘러싼 주인공들의 지칠 줄 모르는 사랑과 열정의 이야기를 담은 드라마 <더 뮤지컬>은 총 16부작으로 오는 9월 2일(금) 밤 9시 55분 SBS를 통해 첫방송된다.

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Here is the article that goes with farewell party at AD: Thanks meow13.

【絕對達令】LONG STAY結束 具惠善不捨落淚

Absolute Darling – Long Stay ends, Ku Hye Sun bids farewell with tears




Praises Robot Boyfriend Jiro, but prefers imperfect boyfriend in reality

Pack-up for returning to Korea, luggage is filled with pineapple cake & beef jerky

民視、八大偶像劇「絕對達令」殺青,韓國女星具惠善也結束4個月在台灣的LONG STAY,日前殺青酒上,包括謝坤達、夏如芝及修杰楷等演員群們送上一張大卡片,讓一直是笑臉迎人的具惠善,感動落淚,還與翻譯抱著哭。對自己落淚,具惠善直喊:「好丟臉!」夏如芝則說:「聽韓方工作人員說,具惠善是不容易在大家面前哭的女生。」來台四個月的拍攝時間,具惠善和演員群、工作人員培養深厚友誼,讓她在離開前依依不捨,和大家約好戲上檔宣傳時,一定會再來台灣。

Absolute Darling, idol drama of FTV & GTV, finished filming. Korean actress Ku Hye Sun also finished her 4-months of long stay in Taiwan. On the wrap-up party, actors including Penny Xie, Cherry Xia, Shiou, etc. presented her a giant farewell card, which made Ku Kye Sun, who always wears a smile, moved to tears and cried with her translator. Ku Hye Sun expressed about crying, “I was embarrassed!” Cherry Xia said, “heard from the Korean staff that Ku Hye Sun is not a girl who cry in front of others easily” During the 4 months of filming, Ku Hye Sun has developed friendships with the actors & crews, she feels missing them before she left. She promised to go back to Taiwan for promotion of the drama.


In Absolute Darling, there were lots of nude scenes of Jiro. Regarding this, Ku Hye Sun said, “We know that Jiro should have been exercising regularly. He would also exercise right before filming.” Being a professional actress, she didn’t feel embarrassed when filming, Ku Hye Sun said, “I think Jiro is very confident about his body figure.” When asked about the most impressive scene, Ku Hye Sun said, “That would be the appearance scene of Night. Since this is the first time to film this kind of storyline, I didn’t know how I should react, thus this scene becomes the most impressive one.” Jiro was absent from the wrap-up party since he had other schedule in Hong Kong on that day. Ku Hye Sun said, “We have talked about this before, and we promised to meet again during the promotion of the drama.”<br style=""> <br style="">


Penny Xie & Shiou also praised Jiro about his body figure. Penny said that he saw Jiro’s nude scene since he filmed for the first time. “At the end I called him ‘nude star’” He thinks Jiro has good figure and it’s benefit for audiences who can see that in the drama. Shiou expressed that he haven’t seen the nude scene of Jiro yet, “But even he’s with his clothes on, I can see that he has well-toned, sculptured body figure, which is the type that I admire.”


Ku Hye Sun has a perfect robot boyfriend in the drama, in reality she said, “I have dreamt about my perfect lover. But I believe a man with a bit of flaws would be more charming.” When talked about the type of man she admires, Ku Hye Sun said, “thoughtful and yet not too complicated. Someone who can give me space to work, and most importantly, should not be too perfect.”


Penny Xie & Ku Hye Sun were friends since childhood in the drama, and had lots of scenes working together. When asked how they communicated with language barrier, Penny said “we always can’t communicate, but then I found my body language was quite good. She knows what I mean with just a gesture.” He raised an example of a scene at swimming pool. Since Ku Hye Sun ad filmed for a day wearing goggles, the muscles around her eyes were concave. Thus I pointed around my eyes, cameraman immediately showed her the monitor. Then she knew that she has to be aware of that. The right meaning can be conveyed even without language.”


Before going back to Korea, Ku Hye Sun bought a lot of Taiwanese native products for her family & friends, “I have bought pineapple cake, beef jerky” Staff highly recommended Kaoliang rice wine, Ku Hye Sun said, “Dad loves to drink, so I will buy that as well.” Most disappointed was that her favorite Bubble Tea could not be brought to Korea, “I should be missing Bubble Tea since I could not drink that when I’m back in Korea.”


There is one more pix from Farewell party at


(cr DC's goddessku)

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Guest minjee

i reupload SSTV vid The Musical Press Conference


thanks nat for posting the vids ASAP! :D :D :D I love the long preview where Hyesun sings while Daniel plays the piano~~ :D I'm also anticipating the OST of this drama I'm sure it'll be awesome! :P

Screencaps @ THE MU presscon





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Guest J.E.R.Q.

I'm a silent lurker,and a fan...

wow.i envy hyesun's legs and flawless skin.......the skin toned is so perfect,I love it....

thanks for all the updates and videos,I was too excited even at work I can't resists to

check it out.....Sunnies you're the best...

Can't wait for the musical on my small screen...:)

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Guest francia1980

I can't still get over from what happening yesterday.

I'm still in cloud 9..

GHS unnie just made my day..

two more days to wait , ...

FRIDAY is  my favorite day now.... FIGHTING...

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Guest cheerkoo1430281614

여신쿠/goddessku posted many news about GHS at DC~~Thank you so much!!!


She posted many Taiwan articles about GHS including her farewell party for AD.

(meow13, if you don't mind, would you please check them out and see if there are any other information that we could have?? Thanks so much.)

Oh!! And I saw that 딱딱한심장 obviously visited our forum, giving referral to soompi, and has translated some of what meow13 has translated about GHS's interview in Taiwan news about her leaving Taiwan after long stay.

She also posted Chinese articles---I see a pix in one article of GHS and Choi Daniel.


Articles from Hong Kong!


and Japan!



goddessku posted many blogs and news that Jo Seung Woo will also make a cameo appearance in THE MUSICAL. They say to anticipate how he will make the cameo! Not only that there will be cameos by many other musical lead stars from various musical shows occurring in Korea. So much to see and enjoy in THE MUSICAL!!  (I wonder if JSW only recently decided to make a cameo or if this is old news....I have to check it out later by checking out each source.)


I remember there used to be only one Production company called FilmBook that produced THE MUSICAL.

I was surprised that a new company name--DVS--- was mentioned in one of the articles that I translated here. IN this articles that goddessku posted, DVS invested 10-uk-won to THE MUSICAL. On top of that THE MU has already been sold to Japan export as well. I will look at DVS article more carefully and return.

디브이에스, 드라마 '더 뮤지컬' 10억원 투자

top_008.gif| 기사입력 2011-08-31 13:55



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Guest minjee

wow that is great news sue! thanks for sharing I hope THE MU will get more sponsors too :D and how it's already been sold in Japan is also great! Hyesun's hallyu star power. I saw some articles on INNOLIFE (japanese site) about THE MU too! :)



credits:더 많은 사진은 http://fmpenter.com/1265 인데

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Guest minjee

The casts is so cuteeeeee in this video ,esp Hyesun eonni :lol:



Thank you so much Sunnies in here & DC for the updates ^_^. Best wishes for The Musical! Fighting \(^o^)/

oh wow! you've found the official SBS YT channel! thanks so much and the video was cute! :D I wonder if this channel will always be uploading the previews of THE MU! :D thanks again!!!

THE MU cast cute & funny screencaps









I love this clip, they look so fun, close and adorable, and how the girls are being silly behind the guys~~ :D


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..oh my, oh my...seeing HS beaming with so much happiness...she is so PERFECT for me...as always...she awed us with her simplicity yet full of class beauty...no one can really measure up to her flawless creamy white skin....my heart is leaping for joy seeing all her pics and videos...I AM SO PROUD :rolleyes:

...love her heels... :lol: wish i can wear those kinds...they are KILLER HEELS....

...sue...thanks for all updates...very very happy to know that THE MU is in most news these days...top search in many sites....many have been so curious and having very good write ups on the casts...makes us more excited... :)

...minjee...thanks for bringing here the screencaps..dewimoar..for the video link...i love this clip as well...love to see them close and having fun...the 2 girls esp HS' expression...so funny...happy friends...2 thumbs up for me ^_^

...to all other sunnies who have shared all those updates on THE MU press con...BIG THANKS!..

2 days to go...FIGHTING SUNNIES!

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Thanks for all the pics & vid & updates. :)

Thanks sue for the links of Taiwan articles on AD


from this article from UDN, it as more info about Hyesun

It says Hyesun's assistant had problem to acclimatize an had to visit doctor everyday when they first visited Taiwan. Thus Hyesun decided to cook Korean food for her assisant. As revealed by AD crew, hyesun has to film the drama during daytime. She would asked a helper to buy Korean ingredients for her to cook. Her assistant feel uneady at the beginning, but Hyesun told her assistant that they had no right to get sick when working overseas, so it doesn't matter who do the cooking. all the crew were impressed & touched by Hyesun

The other articles from Taiwan, Hong Kong are more or less the same as the one I previously translated, so I won't repeat them here

A few fancam of The MU press con capturing the trailer & highlight videos

Fancam 1


fancam 2


fancam 3


cre http://blog.naver.com/ya8462/40137928227

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Guest eunhye05

WOW! Thanks everyone! I can't wait for the HD of that trailer from the fancams Meow posted. It looks so promising! Gaaaaah I can't wait for Friday!Once again Thanks for all the updates and translations guys! Super grateful to you guys! We really really appreciate it. :D :D :D

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I am so looking forward to the Musical and Goo Hye Sun back on-screen. she looks so stunning and she is so white, whiter than white :wub:  The Musical looks very promising and even though I don't care for ratings I hope it does well.

Friday is near yeahhhh

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Hello Sunnies :)

Thanks everybody for all the pictures, screenshot, translation, youtube links I really appreciate them all :)

The Musical 2 more days I cant wait :) I took a day off on friday so I can watch live streaming LOL

Have a great day sunnies GHS and the Musical cant wait to see you :)

here's another link for The Musical, not sure if it was already posted

credit to mediainnews

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