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Goo Hye Sun 구혜선


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WOW WEE!!!!!!!! w00t.gifw00t.gifw00t.gif


Can't wait to see the chemistry between Hye Sun & Jiro :wub: :wub: :wub:

Thanks so much sunnies for posting these long-awaited pictures. The wait is ABSOLUTELY well worth it, gals.... :D :D :D

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Thanks smdra for the news, the content is more or less the same as yesterday's article that Jean-star translated.

In Ming Pao article, I found Jiro is actually very considerate & gentelman. He said that since he is very heavy, he was worried that he might hurt Hyesun. So he actually lift himself up and pretend to be leaning on HS. I think that very sweet of him :)




source: Sing Pao, Ming Pao, Sing Tao

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Guest titikpyh

Goo-hye-sun is totally cute...

love them in tandem... seems they have a good chemistry too..

Absolute boyfriend.... fighting...!!!

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Guest smdrma

Jiro updated his weibo



各位觀眾 為了藝術我是願意犧牲的 。。但我羞了

今天 11:23 来自


早阿 各位童鞋。我就是那個不用睡覺的 #奈特# 可是現在覺得眼皮好重。 。

今天 07:12 来自


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Thanks smdrma and meow for the latest pics of Hyesun and Jiro!! Sunnies, you are the best!!! If this isn't chemistry, then I don't know what is - they look look like a perfect match to me! And the more I read and hear about Jiro and how he treats Hyesun, the more I adore him! Sue, didn't HS plan to be in Taiwan for 3 months or so and start school in July? I wonder if HS would make a special appearance at Farenheit's Korean fan meeting - it would make sense, since I would think they'd want to promote the drama in Korea too.... but WOW, I'm loving these pics so much - can't wait to see the real thing when it airs - I can just imagine how cute their interaction will be LIVE!! Thanks again Sunnies!!! :w00t:

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Guest smdrma




【絕對達令】汪東城秀6塊肌、公狗腰 具惠善四目相交不害羞












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Guest minjee

OMG OMG OMG OMG!!! Finally a new page on the thread and lots of updates and even BETTER the pics!! At first I thought it was photoshopped but WAAAAAAH!! it makes it even more and more exciting that they release the pics! Hyesun looks cute with nerdy glasses and pink sweater~~ I hope they try to dress her girly and more feminine in the drama~~ so far it looks good! it's also adorable how Jiro felt embarass/conscious with his body~~ but he has a great bod and what a gentleman! *bows head* ! I'm happy it was Jiro!! :D thanks for all the updates SUNNIES! this definitely made my DAY!!! :D

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Guest ching22194

They both look good together and i prefer Jiro than WZ, before i used to like him but now i loved him because he's nice, gentleman and most of all he makes AD possible. :) It's really frustrating to read news about actors dropping out of the drama, they're supposed to be professional and commit themselves to make the drama as great as possible.

Well anyways i have questions: Is AD a Taiwan or Korean Production and what is the main language they'll use?

Thanks.. :)

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Guest cheerkoo1430281614

Thanks smdrma and meow for the latest pics of Hyesun and Jiro!! Sunnies, you are the best!!! If this isn't chemistry, then I don't know what is - they look look like a perfect match to me! And the more I read and hear about Jiro and how he treats Hyesun, the more I adore him! Sue, didn't HS plan to be in Taiwan for 3 months or so and start school in July? I wonder if HS would make a special appearance at Farenheit's Korean fan meeting - it would make sense, since I would think they'd want to promote the drama in Korea too.... but WOW, I'm loving these pics so much - can't wait to see the real thing when it airs - I can just imagine how cute their interaction will be LIVE!! Thanks again Sunnies!!! :w00t:

Hi kgrl43!

Actually I miscalculated.

Someone who went to college in Korea long time ago told me that Korean colleges break down their academid year into 2 semesters each lasting about 4 months. It starts in March to end of June, Then Two months off for July and August. 2nd semester starts in September to December. Winter break for Jan and Feb. Then cycle repeats in March. Maybe smdram can clarify about collge in Korea if she can. So GHS will be free when she returns from AD in summer. But then, she has to edit her PEACH TREE?? Then promote AD as well as Peach Tree??? Busy,,,Busy!!!

I was puzzled when I read a DC member's post that Fahrenheit will hold a fan meeting in early June in Korea. Maybe GTV is trying to finish filming by end of May? Is that possible? AD only started filming in late April. Right?? I wonder how many episodes AD is going for? Puzzling...

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Guest smdrma




credit : CN weibo


마로니에 공원

우연히 본 구혜선과 다니엘~

credit : cyworld


credit : twitter

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Hi kgrl43!

Actually I miscalculated.

Someone who went to college in Korea long time ago told me that Korean colleges break down their academid year into 2 semesters each lasting about 4 months. It starts in March to end of June, Then Two months off for July and August. 2nd semester starts in September to December. Winter break for Jan and Feb. Then cycle repeats in March. Maybe smdram can clarify about collge in Korea if she can. So GHS will be free when she returns from AD in summer. But then, she has to edit her PEACH TREE?? Then promote AD as well as Peach Tree??? Busy,,,Busy!!!

I was puzzled when I read a DC member's post that Fahrenheit will hold a fan meeting in early June in Korea. Maybe GTV is trying to finish filming by end of May? Is that possible? AD only started filming in late April. Right?? I wonder how many episodes AD is going for? Puzzling...


Sorry to cut your post SUE i read it will be on JUNE 6..I think they are fixing JIRO'S SCHED because just like recently they had a concert in SHANGHAI LAST MAY 11 HONGKONG MAY 12 and the last was MAY 14 in BEIJING..as i've read from an article they only start filming this month of may..

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Guest smdrma

Hye sun's twitter pics

애교. 한번 부려봅니다. ㅎㅎ http://yfrog.com/gy3upscj




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Guest smdrma

구혜선, 대만스타 왕동성과 '절대그이'촬영 중 "민망해"

TV리포트 기사전송 2011-05-18 13:52


[TV리포트 남승원 인턴기자] 구혜선이 대만 드라마 '절대 그이'를 찍던 중 민망한 장면이 연출됐다.

대만 인기 그룹 '비륜해'의 멤버인 왕둥청과 한국판 '꽃보다 남자' 여주인공 구혜선이 '절대그이'를 찍던 중 왕이 촬영때문에 전라에 가까운 노출을 보인 것. '절대 그이'에서 기계인간역을 맡은 왕은 전라에 가까운 노출로 초콜릿 복근을 보일 뿐 아니라, 하의마저 살색의 레깅스를 입어 중요부분만 겨우 가렸다. 그는 웃으면서 '꼭 기저귀를 입은 것 같다. 다른사람들이 안봤으면 좋겠다'라고 전했다.

촬영당시 왕은 상의에 실오라기 하나 걸치지 않은 모습으로 구혜선 위에 엎드렸다. 두사람 몸은 가깝게 붙었으며 얼굴과 얼굴이 서로 맞닿아 야릇한 장면이 연출됐다. 그는 매우 어색해 하면서 연신 '미안하다'고 말했다.

그는 '내가 무거워서 구혜선이 아플까 걱정이다. 그래서 카메라 각도에 안나오게 몸을 띄웠다. 하지만 카메라로 보면 구혜선 몸위에 붙어 있는 것처럼 보인다'고 말했다. 하지만 정작 구혜선은 "왕둥청 몸이 좋다"고 말해 대범한 모습을 보였다.

한편 구혜선이 주연하는 '절대그이'는 대만에서 제작되는 와타세 유우 원작 일본 만화 '절대그이'의 대만판 드라마이며 구혜선은 현지에서 본격적인 촬영에 돌입했다.

사진=대만드라마 '절대그이' 스틸컷

남승원 인턴기자 qqq7740@tvreport.co.kr


구혜선 봄맞이 셀카사진 공개 ‘동안의 정석’

뉴스엔 기사전송 2011-05-18 14:08


구혜선 봄맞이 셀카사진 공개 ‘동안의 정석’

[뉴스엔 최영아 기자]

배우 구혜선이 화사한 셀카사진을 공개했다.

구혜선은 5월 18일 오후 트위터에 "애교 한번 부려봅니다"는 글과 함께 셀카사진을 올렸다.

사진 속 구혜선은 붉은 색 옷을 입고 귀여운 미소를 지어 보이고 있다. 특유의 새하얀 피부와 까만 눈동자가 인상적이다. 사진을 접한 네티즌들은 "사랑스럽네요", "저랑 동갑인데 이렇게 다를수가..", "제 가슴에 불을 지르시네요" 등 다양한 반응을 나타냈다.

구혜선은 얼마전 서태지, 이지아 이혼과 관련돼있다는 루머에 휩싸여 곤욕을 치르기도 했다. 트위터에 "우리 모두가 마음으로 도와야하지 않나 생각해 봅니다. 그들의 인생입니다. 오로지 그들의 것임을 인정해야지요"라는 글을 올려 해명했었다. (사진=구혜선 트위터)

최영아 youngah@newsen.com


구혜선, 우윳빛깔 피부 과시한 셀카 공개

OSEN 기사전송 2011-05-18 13:49


[OSEN=황미현 인턴기자] 연기자 구혜선이 우윳빛 아기 피부를 과시한 셀카를 공개해 눈길을 끈다.

구혜선은 18일 자신의 트위터에 “애교. 한번 부려봅니다”라는 글과 자신의 사진 한 장을 게재했다.

사진 속 구혜선은 빨간 옷을 입고 귀여운 표정을 지어보이고 있다.

사진을 본 네티즌은 “사랑스럽다”,“어쩜 이렇게 동안이냐“등의 반응을 보였다.

한편 구혜선은 지난 서태지와의 스캔들에 트위터를 통한 해명글을 올려 화제가 된 바 있다.


<사진> 구혜선 트위터


구혜선, 화사한 일상 사진 공개 ‘우윳빛깔 피부’동아일보 기사전송 2011-05-18 14:33



연기자 구혜선이 일상 사진을 공개했다.

구혜선은 18일 자신의 트위터에 "애교. 한번 부려봅니다"라는 글과 함께 셀카를 공개해 맑은 피부를 과시했다.

또 구혜선은 강아지 '감자'와 함께 찍은 사진도 공개했다. 그는 이제 3개월 된 애완견 '감자'의 몸무게가 10kg을 넘어섰다고 적으며 걱정하기도 했다.

이 글을 본 누리꾼들 sdli***은 "10kg 감자 캤다는 걸로 잠시 오해 했네요"라고 적으며 웃음을 자아냈다. 누리꾼 rys***은 "둘다 예쁘네요. 갑자기 강아지 키우고 싶다"라고 적으며 부러워 했다.

한편, 구혜선은 지난 4월 서태지와의 연인설 루머를 해명하는 글을 자신의 트위터에 남기기도 했다.

사진출처|구혜선 트위터

동아닷컴 온라인뉴스팀 기사제보 star@donga.com


'애교 부린' 구혜선, '원조 동안미녀' 인증

스타뉴스| 기사입력 2011-05-18 15:00

[머니투데이 스타뉴스 진주 인턴기자]


구혜선ⓒ구혜선 트위터

배우 구혜선(26)이 청순한 애교 사진을 공개, 동안 외모를 자랑했다.

구혜선은 18일 오후 2시께 자신의 트위터에 "애교, 한번 부려봅니다"라며 사진을 올렸다.

사진에는 깜찍한 표정을 지어 팬들에게 애교를 부리는 구혜선의 모습이 담겼다. 특히 학생처럼 보이는 단발머리는 그녀의 동안을 더욱 돋보이게 한다.

이를 접한 팬들은 "오랜만에 셀프 카메라 반갑네요" "역시 원조 얼굴 짱다운 사진 각도다"등의 반응을 보였다.

한편 구혜선은 올해 방송예정인 대만 GTV 드라마 '절대달령'에 여주인공으로 출연한다.


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Hyesun tweet twice today! :D the selca was so beautiful~ :wub:

Thanks smdrma for all the news :)

Penny Xie posted on his weibo with a pic of him & Jiro. according to his tweet, he is still  with AD and plays the second lead


Penny Xie: Knight~ I become so white/ pale (refer to his skin)! kawayi_org.gifZong Shi & Knight are happy to see each other! laugh.gif

N.B. Zong Shi is the name of second male lead in comic book

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Guest cheerkoo1430281614


Thank you Sunnies and to smdrma and meow13 for updates on GHS!

I have much to translate, but gotta go to work for now.

I will translate and/or summarize later. But not much different than what has been translated already.

I am a bit puzzled by Potato's pix. If GHS is showing that  he is already over 10 kilo,,,does that mean she took him to Taiwan with her? OR she got the report from home??

I am glad to hear the confirmation that actor Penny is still with AD! Thank God for that.

GHS's second tweet basically says that. "I am just trying to act cute." Many reporters posted her tweets and people are commenting very positively. I am so glad to know that GHS's activity in Taiwan if being advertised in the news now. Hooray!

Also, please keep on voting. GHS is still ranked numver 1 but you never know...Right??


See ya all later!!:)

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Guest smdrma







뚜레쥬르 광고 촬영 ( 1000번째 가게 편)

메인 모델 : 조인성 , 구혜선

- 2008년

credit : cyworld

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Guest Jean-Star

[quote name='meow13' date='17 May 2011 - 03:53 AM' timestamp='1305604405' post='17138385'

In Ming Pao article, I found Jiro is actually very considerate & gentelman. He said that since he is very heavy, he was worried that he might hurt Hyesun. So he actually lift himself up and pretend to be leaning on HS. I think that very sweet of him :)

*quoted image*

source: Sing Pao, Ming Pao, Sing Tao

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