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Goo Hye Sun 구혜선


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Guest susAmerica

Thanks dewimoar and hart118911! I wonder if this GHS pix is of her from the drama or a bts pix??? I cannot wait for more pix from THE MUSICAL!! Let's check up on DC often to see if ghinmuhriwheenhalee had a good sleep...keke

name='dewimoar' date='13 November 2010 - 03:53 PM' timestamp='1289681597' post='16652980']

from : 긴머리휘날리=ghinmuhriwheenhalee@DC


Bigger Version


나는 더뮤지컬 스틸기사 긴머리휘날리횽이야...I am THE MUSICAL's 'still' technician and am a member called ghinmuhriwheenhalee(=long-hair-blowing-in-the-wind).

어제 재밌게 촬영하고...I had much fun filming yesterday...

떡 정전일것 같아서 쿠갤에 한번 들어와 봤는데....I thought there will be barely any life in here and decided to come and visit....

이건 뭐...정전이 아니라.. 오일파동 수준인데..ㅎ But, what is this..instead of no life,,seems like ?5-days of upheaval level..hoho

뭐 그건 그렇고...Ok, so that is that...

쿠 근황 궁금해 할 것 같고해서..I thought you might be wondering about Koo's recent state of affairs...

세시간전에 촬영한 신상짤 한장 들고 왔어....so, I brought over her pix while filming three hours ago.

지금은 새벽이라 맛뵈기고...It is dawn now so I just wanted to give you a taste...

잠좀자고 정신 말짱해질때.. 풀세트 들고 온다....I need to sleep a bit so that my head clears,,,then I will bring over the full set...

기둘리....just wait...

대짤이야 클릭하면 커져....It is a big pix,,if you click on it, it will enlarge...

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Guest susAmerica

Hey there webby!!! Hope you are well.

Most likely I just happen to be here first to translate. Thanks.

cr: http://gall.dcinside.com/list.php?id=guhyesun&no=117512&page=1&bbs=


This blogger is the relative of Goo HyeJung's husband. GHJ was married last year on November 29th. Finally, this blogger felt safe to post some pix from the wedding. We sort of have seen one of the pix before. But in the blog is a very clear pix.

The blogger says the second photo is with a father--GHS's Dad, perhaps??

The third one is GHS with the blogger whose face is hidden. He says that he is also getting ready to apply to college and congratulates GHS for entering SGGU. He says that GHS submitted her portfolio as part of admission process. He also says that GHS was extrememly beautiful in person and, thinking about the wedding day, makes him filled with tears...

(sorry I never can bring over blogger's things.)

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http://gall.dcinside.com/list.php?id=guhyesun&no=117515 by Goddessku

090905 Over The Rainbow Concert

in the waiting room


Source : 혜정씨 친구 미니홈피

(miss her long wavy hair)







cr: http://gall.dcinside.com/list.php?id=guhyesun&no=117512&page=1&bbs=


This blogger is the relative of Goo HyeJung's husband. GHJ was married last year on November 29th. Finally, this blogger felt safe to post some pix from the wedding. We sort of have seen one of the pix before. But in the blog is a very clear pix.

The blogger says the second photo is with a father--GHS's Dad, perhaps??

The third one is GHS with the blogger whose face is hidden. He says that he is also getting ready to apply to college and congratulates GHS for entering SGGU. He says that GHS submitted her portfolio as part of admission process. He also says that GHS was extrememly beautiful in person and, thinking about the wedding day, makes him filled with tears...

(sorry I never can bring over blogger's things.)

sue let me bring over the pics :D





Ock Joo Hyun Twitter Update


드라마대본보다가도 낼부터 대본 못들고하는 AIDA생각에 맘이 조급해짐.근데 졸려죽겠음..촬영스케줄때문에 세시간밖에 못잤는데 난생 처음 자면서 땀에 흠뻑젖어서 일어났음.여름도아닌데 왜 이런현상이생기는거져?


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more pics from The Musical shooting








횽 지금까지 잦다...

거의 폭풍기절해 있었어....

기다리 던 갤러들에겐 미안~

새벽에 약속한 풀세트야....

쿠갤엔 횽 아는 사람들 없겠지만...

횽... 약속한건  반드시 지켜...ㅋㅋ

사진은 쉬는 시간에 촬영한 사진이야....

쿠 현장에서 청포도 사탕 먹으면서 즐겁게  촬영하고있고...

배우들과도 재밌게.. 잘 지내고 있어....

헬스하며 내공키워 장풍도 쏘고..ㅎ

자주는  못오겠지만....

재밌는 사진 촬영하면 또 올께....

다음에 왔을때도 정전이면 나 그냥 간다.....

즐갤들하 고.....


-대짤이야.. 가로사진은 클릭하면 커진다...-

(퍼가도 되고 프레스컷으로 써도  되지만.. 출처는 밝혀... 프레스컷 출처는 필름북, 프레스컷 이외에 출처는 구혜선갤이고..)

cre DC

Hyesun is so cute, was she pretending to be a street fighter this time? :lol:

Happy Sunday everyone~

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방금버거킹에서 구혜선봤어요!!!!! 싸인도받았음 ㅠㅠㅠ 얼굴완전작음


청담동버거킹이요 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ


그냥 회색코트에 단발머리요 ㅋㅋ 근데 얼굴진짜작아요 ㅋㅋ




부럽지 내이름써져있음 ㅋㅋㅋ 아이폰에싸인하면서 최첨단이래 구혜선은 갤스쓰더라


이거 구혜선 사진은 못찍는데서 <U>http://yfrog.com/muvrohj</U>


버거킹에인형이앉아있네? 밀가루네밀가루...ㅋㅋㅋㅋ구혜선언니...ㅋㅋ <U>http://yfrog.com/9dnh1wj</U>




요정도는 해야 여배우죠. 크하하하핫 http://twitpic.com/36ssjt

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Guest first_snow

Ku HyeSun - 23rd Tokyo International Film Festival (TIFF) - Interview

To be more accurate, this interview originally is in Japanese and was translated by 喜び合う from Baidu Ku HyeSun Bar. I will now translate the Chinese to English.

Q: This time, as a movie director, Ms. Ku HyeSun was invited to participate in TIFF with your movie YooSul. How do you feel?

A: It's my pleasure to attend this event, I feel very happy. This is the first movie directed by me, I wanted to know how viewers think about my movie. It's a great opportunity for me to participate in TIFF.

Q: As a director, which part of the movie did you spend most of the time in doing it?

A: The theme of the movie is about music, hence I spent a lot of time in choosing the appropriate music. Next, is about the actors performance, to allow the story to flow smoothly, during the film editing, the clips must not be too fragment.

Q: Why did you choose YooSul as your movie title?

A: From what you know, YooSul is a poem that written by poet Han YongHwan. I personally like this poem very much, when you read the poem, you thought you understand the idea behind the poem, however there's something that you can't fully understand. The idea and concept presented by the poem is very similar to the movie, therefore I chose YooSul as the title of the movie.

Q: Which is the most difficult part when you direct the movie?

A: This is a low budget movie, so I faced difficulties when planning it. In addition, I can't give any commitment to the actors and staff, I feel very bad because of that.

Q: For the main characters in the movie, why do you set them as a student?

A: Actually there isn't any special reason behind it, I wanted to make a connection between three of them, so I set them as a student.

Q: The movie gives us a fantasy feel, it allows the viewers to think. The timing background and the age of the main characters are not explained in the movie, all of these are your ideas?

A: Yes, I wanted to create a space for the viewers to put in their thoughts. On the other side, if I explained the background of the movie clearly, it will affect the flow of the story, hence I did not put in these elements. To present the story clearly, the explanation part of the story will become longer, as a result, the movie will be endless (laughter). So I omitted the explanation part.

Q: There's one scene impressed me a lot which is JiEun barefoot walking on the snow. Do you like this scene?

A: Yes, I like this scene a lot too. She worked very hard for this (laughter). On the day of shooting, miraculously start snowing. The scene is so beautiful, hence I like it very much.

Q: I feel very sad because of the three main characters in the movie can't realise their love. Did you experience in love triangle before?

A: I experienced this when I was young (laughter). My friend and I coincidentally falling for the same guy. I think I'm not the only one who experienced this before, perhaps everyone has this experience right!

Q: In the movie, there isn't a proper ending for the relationship of the three main characters. Why is it not explained at the end of the movie?

A: Of course, the relationship between three of them has become subtle and mysterious. JiEun did not show her feelings to any one of them. However, the two of them created their own relationship naturally. JiEun treated them as her friend and love them as a friend; she innocently thought that it was something which is very blessed if three of them work out on music together. However, she did not think that their relationship will have a change, she suffered a lot because of the change.

Q: If you are in the JiEun's position, how are you going to solve the problem?

A: In between the two people, if I like one of them, I will tell them. However, I think, JiEun did not take them as people that can develop a love relationship.

Q: While JiEun and two of them (MyungJin and JinWoo) performed, there's labeling of '1' and '2' on the manuscript. Why is it so?

A: For JiEun and MyungJin, the numbers might represent something. However, actually there isn't any special meaning behind the numbers, it's just a normal labeling for sequence of the manuscript

Q: Traditional folk melody 'Arirang' is included in the movie, why did you choose 'Arirang'?

A: At first I did not plan to use 'Arirang', but I wanted to include traditional folk melody in the movie. After some discussions, because 'Arirang' is a well-known traditional folk melody, so I put it in and create an atmosphere by using the traditional Korean music.

Q: Some of the music in the movie is composed by you, since when do you have such interest in composing music?

A: When I'm young, I learn to play piano. Since then, I've gain interest in composing music. Is not that I have the talent on doing it, I do it because I like to compose and draw. In comparison, I like the music that I composed in the earlier stage.

Q: You like composing, therefore you wanted to make movie as well?

A: Yes, I think so.

Q: Actress, singer, artist, movie director. You are doing so many things, what is your ultimate target?

A: I don't have any ultimate target. I'm doing them because I wanted to make movie.

Q: There're some props and decoration in the movie that impressed me. Did you choose all of them?

A: Yes, even it is a very tiny part of the movie, I need to make all of the decisions on my own, and I think this is part of the director's job. If I don't do anything, then they don't need me on the site. I think that 'select the most appropriate one' is very important for a director.

Q: All these while you are challenging new things, do you have anything that you want to challenge next?

A: Instead of challenging something new, I hope that what I'm doing now can be more smoothly and favorably (laughter). I wish that I can do what I want to do and show everyone the better side of me.

Q: What type of movie do you want to do next?

A: I personally like fantasy movies, so I wanted to make fantasy movie that can let the viewers to feel the happiness. I believe that it will have a better result if using adult point of view to interpret fairy tale.

Q: You are doing all sort of things, by now, what attract most of your interest?

A: By now, of course is making movies. Though I'm not very good in doing it, but I think if you persistent it doing what you like, you will end up be good in doing it.

Q: From your opinion, what is the difference between director Ku HyeSun and actress Ku HyeSun?

A: I think actress Ku HyeSun brings out the image of 'girl next door' whereas director Ku HyeSun have the characteristics in showing off her thoughts and idea. Yet, even as a director, I still stay close with everyone.

Q: I know that you are shooting a drama, acting as a medical student who dreams to be a musical actor. Do you want to challenge musical in real life?

A: No. I feel that I can't act in musical. For me, to act as a musical actor is tough for me. I'm afraid in standing on the stage.

Q: Last, say something to the Japanese fans!

A: I like Japan. I will participate the events that held in Japan. I wanted to let the Japanese fans to look at my next project. Thank you for always supporting me.

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Guest susAmerica

WOW!! Thank you all sunnies!!

Instead of erasing and posting over your posts, I will translated by your name where necessary. (Going backwards,,,as I have to see to translate...keke)



GHS pic at Burger King!

tweets:(top to bottom)

I just saw GHS at the BK!!! I even got her autograph.,,,Totally a tiny face!!

It is at the Chung Dham Dong Burger King kekeke

She just has on grey coat and short hair cut keke But her face is really small keke

I got GHS's autograph.

You are going to get jealous. My name is written keke She signed my I-phone and said it is the end. GHS uses? ghels?

I took such pix because they told me I cannot take pix...

There is a doll sitting at the Burger King keke flour, my flour keke GHS unni keke

natali added a tweet from ?Ok JooHyun?

We must at least do such things to be actresses. kehahaha!



Ghinmuhriwheenhalee returns to DC with full set of GHs pix!

I was nearly in a state of ?pok poong ghi jul~storm season?

Sorry for making you all wait.

This is the full set that I promised you at dawn.

I may not know anyone at Koo Gal, but

I always deliver what I promised.. keke

These pix are taken during the break from filming..

Koo is enjoying her work at the film location eating her grape candies..

She is also getting along fine and enjoying the time with all the other actors

She is also exercising, develping endurance in order to shoot ?jang peung? hoho

I probably cannot come often..

If we do other interestng film work, I will return..

If I come back and see that there is no life here, I am just going...

So, enjoy yourselves...


It is a big pix..If you click, it enlarges..

(You can take the pix to whereever but you must reveal the source For the press, the source is from FILMBOOK and for others, just give credit to GHS gallery.)

(I believe FILMBOOK is the producers of THE MUSICAL!It appears that DC does not know that THE MUSICAL will be hosted by KBS. Of course, even the KBS nor Filmbook have officially come to say when and what time slots the drama will actually take place....so...But by the fact that the producers are taking active measures to advertise and stimulate the interest of the fans is a sure good sign. GHS has to post some of these pis in her tweeter to make the news!!! keke )



The pix of GHS with her pink T and long hair are from GHS's friend's minihompy. I see GHS's sister in the pix as well. They are all lucky!!

I love GHS's artistic postcards with short statements: I wonder if she is making them to give messages to someone special?? Do you think?? keke

from top to bottom:

I keep on thinking, without a moment to rest and no time to rest...

mmm,,,to make myself happy, I feel selfish..to make myself unhappy, you seem to be selfish.

Wholly, it is not a beautiful thing...

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I'm happy to see lots of goodies from The Musical filming today, hope it's a good sign that everything turns out well for this drama. thanks sue, nat onnie, meow, snow, and other sunnies for updates :Djee where are you? we miss you.


아씨구혜선이해준거맞거든 오늘버거킹사진임


나오늘 구혜선한테 싸인받았어 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

cr : @KwakJH

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Guest susAmerica

Ku HyeSun - 23rd Tokyo International Film Festival (TIFF) - Interview

To be more accurate, this interview originally is in Japanese and was translated by 喜び合う from Baidu Ku HyeSun Bar. I will now translate the Chinese to English.

Q: This time, as a movie director, Ms. Ku HyeSun was invited to participate in TIFF with your movie YooSul. How do you feel?

A: It's my pleasure to attend this event, I feel very happy. This is the first movie directed by me, I wanted to know how viewers think about my movie. It's a great opportunity for me to participate in TIFF.

Q: As a director, which part of the movie did you spend most of the time in doing it?

A: The theme of the movie is about music, hence I spent a lot of time in choosing the appropriate music. Next, is about the actors performance, to allow the story to flow smoothly, during the film editing, the clips must not be too fragment.

Q: Why did you choose YooSul as your movie title?

A: From what you know, YooSul is a poem that written by poet Han YongHwan. I personally like this poem very much, when you read the poem, you thought you understand the idea behind the poem, however there's something that you can't fully understand. The idea and concept presented by the poem is very similar to the movie, therefore I chose YooSul as the title of the movie.

Q: Which is the most difficult part when you direct the movie?

A: This is a low budget movie, so I faced difficulties when planning it. In addition, I can't give any commitment to the actors and staff, I feel very bad because of that.

Q: For the main characters in the movie, why do you set them as a student?

A: Actually there isn't any special reason behind it, I wanted to make a connection between three of them, so I set them as a student.

Q: The movie gives us a fantasy feel, it allows the viewers to think. The timing background and the age of the main characters are not explained in the movie, all of these are your ideas?

A: Yes, I wanted to create a space for the viewers to put in their thoughts. On the other side, if I explained the background of the movie clearly, it will affect the flow of the story, hence I did not put in these elements. To present the story clearly, the explanation part of the story will become longer, as a result, the movie will be endless (laughter). So I omitted the explanation part.

Q: There's one scene impressed me a lot which is JiEun barefoot walking on the snow. Do you like this scene?

A: Yes, I like this scene a lot too. She worked very hard for this (laughter). On the day of shooting, miraculously start snowing. The scene is so beautiful, hence I like it very much.

Q: I feel very sad because of the three main characters in the movie can't realise their love. Did you experience in love triangle before?

A: I experienced this when I was young (laughter). My friend and I coincidentally falling for the same guy. I think I'm not the only one who experienced this before, perhaps everyone has this experience right!

Q: In the movie, there isn't a proper ending for the relationship of the three main characters. Why is it not explained at the end of the movie?

A: Of course, the relationship between three of them has become subtle and mysterious. JiEun did not show her feelings to any one of them. However, the two of them created their own relationship naturally. JiEun treated them as her friend and love them as a friend; she innocently thought that it was something which is very blessed if three of them work out on music together. However, she did not think that their relationship will have a change, she suffered a lot because of the change.

Q: If you are in the JiEun's position, how are you going to solve the problem?

A: In between the two people, if I like one of them, I will tell them. However, I think, JiEun did not take them as people that can develop a love relationship.

Q: While JiEun and two of them (MyungJin and JinWoo) performed, there's labeling of '1' and '2' on the manuscript. Why is it so?

A: For JiEun and MyungJin, the numbers might represent something. However, actually there isn't any special meaning behind the numbers, it's just a normal labeling for sequence of the manuscript

Q: Traditional folk melody 'Arirang' is included in the movie, why did you choose 'Arirang'?

A: At first I did not plan to use 'Arirang', but I wanted to include traditional folk melody in the movie. After some discussions, because 'Arirang' is a well-known traditional folk melody, so I put it in and create an atmosphere by using the traditional Korean music.

Q: Some of the music in the movie is composed by you, since when do you have such interest in composing music?

A: When I'm young, I learn to play piano. Since then, I've gain interest in composing music. Is not that I have the talent on doing it, I do it because I like to compose and draw. In comparison, I like the music that I composed in the earlier stage.

Q: You like composing, therefore you wanted to make movie as well?

A: Yes, I think so.

Q: Actress, singer, artist, movie director. You are doing so many things, what is your ultimate target?

A: I don't have any ultimate target. I'm doing them because I wanted to make movie.

Q: There're some props and decoration in the movie that impressed me. Did you choose all of them?

A: Yes, even it is a very tiny part of the movie, I need to make all of the decisions on my own, and I think this is part of the director's job. If I don't do anything, then they don't need me on the site. I think that 'select the most appropriate one' is very important for a director.

Q: All these while you are challenging new things, do you have anything that you want to challenge next?

A: Instead of challenging something new, I hope that what I'm doing now can be more smoothly and favorably (laughter). I wish that I can do what I want to do and show everyone the better side of me.

Q: What type of movie do you want to do next?

A: I personally like fantasy movies, so I wanted to make fantasy movie that can let the viewers to feel the happiness. I believe that it will have a better result if using adult point of view to interpret fairy tale.

Q: You are doing all sort of things, by now, what attract most of your interest?

A: By now, of course is making movies. Though I'm not very good in doing it, but I think if you persistent it doing what you like, you will end up be good in doing it.

Q: From your opinion, what is the difference between director Ku HyeSun and actress Ku HyeSun?

A: I think actress Ku HyeSun brings out the image of 'girl next door' whereas director Ku HyeSun have the characteristics in showing off her thoughts and idea. Yet, even as a director, I still stay close with everyone.

Q: I know that you are shooting a drama, acting as a medical student who dreams to be a musical actor. Do you want to challenge musical in real life?

A: No. I feel that I can't act in musical. For me, to act as a musical actor is tough for me. I'm afraid in standing on the stage.

Q: Last, say something to the Japanese fans!

A: I like Japan. I will participate the events that held in Japan. I wanted to let the Japanese fans to look at my next project. Thank you for always supporting me.


Thanks so much for your re-translation!!

I really love the way GHS talks (respectful, humble and intelligent) and her ideas and thoughts for her next projects sound very interesting: fairy or fatasy stories from adult perspective....I love it...I wonder why she did not mentiont anything about the vampire story???? <_<

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Guest susAmerica

Thanks siidudul!!

name='siidudul' date='14 November 2010 - 09:13 AM' timestamp='1289744023' post='16655286']

I'm happy to see lots of goodies from The Musical filming today, hope it's a good sign that everything turns out well for this drama.


아씨구혜선이해준거맞거든 오늘버거킹사진임==MeLady GHS did it for me without a doubt. This is her pix at the Burger King today.


나오늘 구혜선한테 싸인받았어 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ ==I got an autograph from GHS today, kekekek

cr : @KwakJH

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Guest susAmerica

Siidudul!! I forgot about the spoiler inside your post! Sorry for erasing your other parts of your post. Thanks alot.



Ock Joo Hyun Twitter Update


드라마대본보다가도 낼부터 대본 못들고하는 AIDA생각에 맘이 조급해짐.근데 졸려죽겠음..촬영스케줄때문에 세시간밖에 못잤는데 난생 처음 자면서 땀에 흠뻑젖어서 일어났음.여름도아닌데 왜 이런현상이생기는거져?


I hear that Ok Joo Hyun will start another real musical on real stage called AIDA! On her car window are the script for AIDA and the small poster with the writing: 20-episode miniseries, THE MUSICAL I wonder when the KBS will promote for THE MUSICAL!! Does anyone know for sure if KBS has nothing lined up after FUGITIVE drama??

Her tweet:

I am feeling extremely anxious about the fact that I will be starting AIDA tomorrow. Even when I am looking over the drama script, I cannot stop thinking about AIDA which I cannot refer to the script anymore. But, I am dying of sleepiness...Because of the filming schedule, I only slept for three hours. For the first time in my life, I am drenched in sweat while sleeping. It is not even the summer and I am wondering why this is happening to me?

WOAH!! I am guessing that the drama THE MUSICAL should have stopped/ended filming before Ok Joo Hyun took stage for AIDA??? I also hope that everything goes really well with THE MUSICAL and air very soon!! I want GHS to start filming for AD in Taiwan so that she can have a fresh start at her new college!! Hopefully she can get some break before AD!!

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http://gall.dcinside.com/list.php?id=guhyesun&no=117525 by Goddessku

월급턱내려 밥먹으러 갔다 구혜선 봤네요 이쁘긴 하데요 특히 눈이 ^^ 강남바닥에서 간간히 득뎀하는건 연예인들 ㅋ 근데 이동네 사람들은 심드렁해요 ㄱㅋ


울 남편이 연옌보고 이쁘단 소리 잘 안하는데,구혜선보더니 이쁘단 소리를 며칠동안 하더라.ㅎ


EDIT : sue I just checked wiki page for Fugitive : http://wiki.d-addicts.com/Fugitive:_Plan_B but unfortunately after Fugitive end, the next drama is President so all we can do is just wait and wait for official confirmation from The Musical production team.


meow thanks for the video link. even Ock Joo Hyun wrote that GHS is cute (according to Mr. Google Translate :lol:)

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a tweet by joohyunieee

귀여운 혜선이의 "무중력춤"같은 ,,몸개그,,?몸애교..?!!! 아가같지요?! http://twitvid.com/G9PLG

here's the YT link

Thanks siidudul & nat for the pics, hyesun @ Burger King :lol: I really envy the fan who got her autograph :)

Thanks always for sue's translations. more information about The Musical these days, I hope it would air soon, real soon~

Thanks also first_snow for the translation, I have only translated half of that, you're fast and good in English :)

Here's also the interview vid @ TIFF which I posted previously. I added in Eng sub (based on Chi translation from baidu) in it.

101102 Ku Hye Sun Interview @ TIFF

credit 喜び合う@ KHS baidu bar for Chinese translation

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Guest first_snow

Thank you meow! ^^


sue, you're welcome and thanks for all of your translation. I'm not sure about the vampire story movie. She didn't mention about it after the news released? I remembered she said she will consider in letting TOP from BigBang to be in part of her movie and her next movie will be a mellow movie which carries a little bit of horror element. Maybe the vampire movie is a fantasy fairy tale? :)

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Guest susAmerica

Thanks siidudul!! Also, thanks for looking into KBS drama time slots. That is too bad that THE MUSICAL is not listed in their schedule. I almost wonder if I have actually seen that article now by the TV reporter...hmmm But the fact that THE MUSICAL team is working so hard, I am sure that we will see the drama sooner or later....I wish sooner....

name='siidudul' date='14 November 2010 - 10:22 AM' timestamp='1289748151' post='16655428']

http://gall.dcinside.com/list.php?id=guhyesun&no=117525 by Goddessku

월급턱내려 밥먹으러 갔다 구혜선 봤네요 이쁘긴 하데요 특히 눈이 ^^ 강남바닥에서 간간히 득뎀하는건 연예인들 ㅋ 근데 이동네 사람들은 심드렁해요 ㄱㅋ==I was going to treat people to a meal due to today being the salary day. On the way, I saw GHS. It is true that she is pretty, especially her eyes^^ One can often see celebrities around KangNam area. keke But the people who live here seem uninterested. keke


울 남편이 연옌보고 이쁘단 소리 잘 안하는데,구혜선보더니 이쁘단 소리를 며칠동안 하더라.ㅎ==My husband rarely comments that a celebrity is pretty. He saw GHS and he has been saying how pretty she is for the last several days. haha


EDIT : sue I just checked wiki page for Fugitive : http://wiki.d-addicts.com/Fugitive:_Plan_B but unfortunately after Fugitive end, the next drama is President so all we can do is just wait and wait for official confirmation from The Musical production team.


meow thanks for the video link. even Ock Joo Hyun wrote that GHS is cute (according to Mr. Google Translate :lol:)

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Guest susAmerica

Thanks meow13!!

name='meow13' date='14 November 2010 - 10:38 AM' timestamp='1289749101' post='16655464']

a tweet by joohyunieee

귀여운 혜선이의 "무중력춤"같은 ,,몸개그,,?몸애교..?!!! 아가같지요?!==Cute HyeSun's (I'm not sure but either) no-gravity or no-skill dance..is it body comedy? body cuteness...?!! Don't you think she looks like a baby?!


here's the YT link

Thanks siidudul & nat for the pics, hyesun @ Burger King :lol: I really envy the fan who got her autograph :)

Thanks always for sue's translations. more information about The Musical these days, I hope it would air soon, real soon~

Thanks also first_snow for the translation, I have only translated half of that, you're fast and good in English :)

Here's also the interview vid @ TIFF which I posted previously. I added in Eng sub (based on Chi translation from baidu) in it.

101102 Ku Hye Sun Interview @ TIFF

credit 喜び合う@ KHS baidu bar for Chinese translation

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Guest first_snow

Dear meow, I saw your request in Twitter.

There must be something wrong with Soompi, I couldn't find sue's translation too.

Here's the translation for DhangShin. ^^

The movie starts out with Nam Sang Mi wearing her hair long and breathing heavily as if she has seen a ghost or is scared and she is looking through one of her small doors. Then, she closes it still looking scared also as if she saw something shocking ???

(Wow, so many small doors!!! So many meanings!!!)

Then, film shot changes to Nam Sang me on her bed with her hair up and she is wearing the white with black flower designs and talking on the phone.

A black frame of family pix—a sister, father and Nam on the desk..

Nam: Hello? Hoho Is that you dear? Hoho (very friendly and loving…dear/dhangshin is obviously her lover or husband???)

Knock on door.

Nam: (to dear) Sorry, I think someone came. Just a minute.

(The phone is the black, old fashioned rotary phone with the wires! GHS's analogue feeling lingers on in Dhangshin as well!! Perhaps GHS wanted that old black and white TV feeling from the past?? Like her MAGIC...)

Nam opens the bottom most trap door but brings the phone with her. She could have left it on the bed to answer the knock. Why does she?? Her father and she have to talk in an unusual and unrealistic fashion but her father looks most uncomfortable. (Perhps all these mean something as well?? GHS really packed it in real nicely and densely!)

Father: (begging-like) Uhh, Can you eat breakfast with me?

Nam: Later, Today, my stomach does not feel good. (cold!)

(She promptly closes the trap door without much emotion. The father’s statement is so full of emotion. I tell you….GHS makes something simple so full of meaning and emotion!)

Another knock right after Dad. Nam opens another trap door above the one she opened for her father. (Perhaps this means something also?. Different level of openness that the Nam character shows others, perhaps?? Or different ways or level of connecting to others?? Maybe something else? GHS really makes you think for even 3 minutes!!)

Father: (more direct and more pleading in tone) Let’s eat together. It is because it has been so long since I had breakfast with my daughter.

Nam: I’m sorry. But today is impossible. I am in the middle of a phone call. Let’s connect tomorrow. (door shuts down again—Nam is very cold)

Another knock on the door. This time, Nam stands up and answers the top trap door. We see that there are many small doors on the wall as she is standing up to answer her sister?)

Sister: (forceful and authoritative) You, come out quickly and eat. Dad says he will wait.

Nam: (frustrated) Do I really have to eat together? What is so important about breakfast? We see each other everyday to the point of being sick and tired.

Sister: I have to go out right now. You should at least try to eat with him. Mm?

Nam: I am in the middle of a phone call right now. (boy, that dear has been waiting a long time on that phone!!)

Sister: (sniffling) I think I have a cold for 365 days. (does that mean something?)

Nam shuts her door before her sister coughs.

Nam (to her dear on the phone): He wants to eat breakfast together. He does that even though we see each other everyday to the point of being sick and tired. He does it everyday. (exasperated)

Nam opens the bottom trap door (why the bottom one?) and sees her father eating alone at the table looking so miserable. Nam closes the door. Nam bends over her bed like a kid and continues her phone call.

Nam: When I was a child, I used to hide under the bed because I did not want to eat breakfast. Just,,,I would hide and wind up the clock really fast. Haha, Maybe I wanted to be a grown –up really fast. (Something about winding the clock fast and looking forward to future seem also meaningful. Nam character is not looking at her present or making a good deal of the present and how she is at present. GHS always talked about the value of here and now and making it most meaningful here and now. GHS also talked about the importance of really understanding what is going on with oneself here and now---she painfully disciplined herself to look within and would write about it. Do you guys remember that from one of her interviews?)

A film cut to a childish drawing of the family: Me, Dad, Unni. They are all holding Dad’s hands and looking happy. (Right?)

Nam: What time should I go to where you are, dear?

Nam: 12?..hoho,,I wish it is 12 very quickly…uh, Ok, you/dear should also come carefully.

I love you…ho (she hangs up. Difference in the way she talks to her lover vs her family esp her father.)

She goes to the mirror and tries her black dress. We hear the sound of the clock chiming—the old fashioned grandfather-like chime. Perhaps the clock chiming means something also? Then, it feels almost a bit creepy. That is my feeling. We hear a trap door open and see a figure also in a black dress crawling under the bed. (I felt a chill at that moment! Anybody else?)

Nam is also dressed in her black dress with her hair down (like the first film shot way in the beginning.) Nam is looking somewhat alarmed. She still checks herself on the mirror and then goes under her bed. There is a little girl seemingly unaware of Nam. The little girl is wearing an identical dress as Nam with long hair and winding a small old fashioned clock continuously. Nam is staring at the little girl with an alarmed/surprised expression. A nursery rhyme like music plays on and film ends. On the bottom right hand corner is the Korean word Dhang-Shin. (Isn't it also interesting that the word dhangshin is at the bottom right hand corner--that is where her father initially reached out to Nam to eat with him.) (In the first shot, we saw Nam shutting the trap door with her long hair with that alarmed, or surprised or scared expression---does it mean she learned something from the little girl who may be her old self? or did she just decide to close her mind again to the reality?

FYI: Dhang-Shin has several meanings. A couple usually call each other dhangshin, But I also found out that it is also a respectable reference for the word, you. The Korean word, nuh, is you but dahngshin is second degree higher and it could also be a respcectable way to refer to he or she—so Nam was talking to her husband or lover and calling him Dhangshin but it is also most likely be a reference to her father or her family in general?. She shuts them out and does not even let them into her room except through the small trap doors where she has the control to close them shut anytime. (I wonder why mother is not in the pix…..I wonder if GHS's mother and father liked the movie! So many messages and nuances in 3 minutes! Amazing to me!!)

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