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Goo Hye Sun 구혜선


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Happy Birthday Goo Hye Sun... :D

You are Always a Sunshine In Our Hearts :P

I am glad you are born in this world to give us something to look forward to with your strong personality which we are very proud of to be your fans....


You are our Inspiration...Keep Going Strong Hye Sun....

To All Sunnies....Thanks to Hye Sun, we have bonded such a great friendship and family ties...

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Happy Happy Happy Birthday to you Goo Hye Sun (o^_~o)

Wishing and hoping all the best for you! <3

All Sunnies in the whole wide world are so proud to be your fans..

Keep on fulfilling your dreams we're all here beside you to support you!

Love you onnie~ stay happy and healthy and in love..

(with your family, work, friends, fans and all people surrounding you)

short & simple gift ^_^

Goo Hye Sun Birthday MV - My Favorite Girl


Thank you~ ◕‿◕

Hello also to all Sunnies thank you for all the updates :)

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Guest twinkleapril04


May each and every passing year bring you wisdom, peace and cheer.

May this day bring to you all things that make you smile. :D :D :D


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God gave a gift to the world when you were born—

a person who loves, who cares,

who sees a person’s need and fills it,

who encourages and lifts people up,

who spends energy on others

rather than herself,

someone who touches each life she enters,

and makes a difference in the world,

because ripples of kindness flow outward

as each person you have touched, touches others.

Your birthday deserves to be a national holiday,

because you are a special treasure

for all that you’ve done.

May the love you have shown to others

return to you, multiplied.

I wish you the happiest of birthdays,

and many, many more,

so that others have time to appreciate you

as much as I do.



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Guest lucy_marie

Ohhhh I have to drop by and greet GOO HYESUN a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!

She's been busy and working very hard... I hope she gets to do want she wants today and spend this special day with her love(?) and loved ones....I hope she's happy!!!

She doesn't have an event prepared right? unlike last year she did a party with some of her fans. Well I'm curious what's she's doing or what she did today.... :rolleyes::wub:

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Guest titikpyh

Happy Birthday Goo Hye Sun dongseng...

Hope you are happy and enjoying your work forever...

We always love you and support whatever you do..

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hello .... Sunnies !!!

good as you ... I have not wanted to be back with my congratulations for best actress, director, artist, singer, etc .... in short all a superwoman .... and tell him all the best .... because he deserves it ... and to continue fighting for their dreams ....

"As the years go by we realize how beautiful life is and what we are enriched by the passing of the years."

Happy Birthday To you .... Hye sun noona !!!

This is my gift for you :wub:


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Guest buzzytan



Everyday is a day of inspiration... a day of love... a day of joy! Because YOU are there radiating so much peace, humility, and strength... our multi - talent role model. You are soooo worthy to be loved.

Nothin' compares to YOU, KOO HYE SUN! Forever our NO.1

All the best. Always you have our prayers for peace, love, joy and success each day of your life. KUDOS and LONG LIVE Koo Hye Sun!!! Saranghe...mucho! :wub::wub::wub:

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Happy Birthday, Hye Sun!!  

May all your birthday wishes come true.. and i''m wishing  that you continue to shine brightly!  Have a great Birthday, Hye Sun!  Cheers!!   wub.gif smile.gif

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Guest Chio-Mexico

Twitter Koohs

제가 오늘 생일이라는 사실을 어제 알았습니다.함께 일하는 동료분께 들었는데요.아주 어렸을때를 제외하곤 생일때마다 사람들을 피해다녔습니다.여전히 축하받는것이 어색하네요. 좋은말씀과 마음.감사합니다. 일단 오늘은 어무이 아부지와 나들이를 가야겠지요



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Guest susAmerica

Twitter Koohs

제가 오늘 생일이라는 사실을 어제 알았습니다.함께 일하는 동료분께 들었는데요.아주 어렸을때를 제외하곤 생일때마다 사람들을 피해다녔습니다.여전히 축하받는것이 어색하네요. 좋은말씀과 마음.감사합니다. 일단 오늘은 어무이 아부지와 나들이를 가야겠지요



Thanks Chio-Mexico for the tweeter from GHS!!!

Yesterday, I found out that today is my birthday. A colleague whom I work with told me. Except for the times when I was very little, I usually avoided people on my birthdays. To this day, I still feel awkward receiving well wishes and congratulations. For your kind words and thoughts,,I thank you. First, I think I will go out with Mom and Dad.

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Ku Hye Sun Chinese Fans Site changed their banner to congratulate birthday to GHS :D



구혜선, "생일 때마다 사람들 피해다녔다" 고백

마이데일리 기사전송 2010-11-09 10:36

[마이데일리 = 이승록 기자] 배우 구혜선이 자신의 생일을 맞아 고마운 마음을 전했다.

1984년 11월 9일생인 구혜선은 9일 자신의 생일이 되자 트위터에 글을 올리고 "제가 오늘 생일이라는 사실을 어제 알았습니다. 함께 일하는 동료분께 들었는데요. 아주 어렸을 때를 제외하고는 생일 때마다 사람들을 피해 다녔습니다"라고 밝혔다.

이어 구혜선은 "여전히 축하받는 것이 어색하네요"라면서도 "좋은 말씀과 마음 감사합니다. 일단 오늘은 어무이 아부지와 나들이를 가야겠지요?"라고 덧붙였다.

평 소 다양한 분야에 도전해 예술적 재능을 뽐내는데 주저함이 없는 구혜선이 이같이 자신의 생일에 대한 관심에 수줍어하자 그의 팬들은 "누나 생일 너무 축하드려요", "저희가 매년 생일 챙겨 드릴게요", "이젠 피해다니지 마세요" 등의 반응을 보이며 더 많은 축하를 해주고 있다.

한편, 구혜선은 최근 2011학년도 성균관대학교 예술학부 영상학전공으로 수시 1차에 합격한 사실이 알려져 기쁨을 더했다.

[사진 = 구혜선]

(이승록 기자 roku@mydaily.co.kr)


sue do you know why lot of topics has been deleted on DC GHS? I checked it few hours ago and there're so many members from others DC Gall dropped by to congratulate GHS on her birthday and now I found out that it has been deleted.

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