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Goo Hye Sun 구혜선


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2010-11-01 07:38:56

구혜선에게 인터뷰!

이미 11월!!

10월의 최종주는 【죤시니오푸솟소요】> <

머리가 미칠 것 같은 정도이었습니다 ;;;;

28일에 어떻게!! 『꽃보다 남자』의 한국판 쯔쿠시쨩!

구혜선쨩에게 인터뷰하게 되어서 ;;;;

개별인터뷰 할 수 있는 것만으로도도 깜짝 놀라서인데!!

어떻게! 한국어> <

지난 주 일주일간은 그래서 머리가 가득했습니다> <

구혜선쨩은, 드라마의 이미지와 달리, 잘 웃고, 그리고 멋지다!

죽을 만큼 하얗다 ;;;;

마치 인형이었습니다> <

또 자세하게 쓰네요 ☆

그러면, 11월도 건강하게 잘 가봅시다 ☆

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Guest susAmerica

Thanks meow13 for taking the time to download/upload into YT. I enjoyed the clear pix. sorry for erasing the screen caps.

I noticed that the clips did not show more of the cute interactions between GHS and KHJ---since the camera had to show all 4 of them and not just the two of them.

I saw these clips with many stops in between so I cannot remember which clip said what but these are few things that I remember hearing. Most of the other things, we have heard before from previous fan clips, which I really enjoyed.

GHS talked about her role in THE MUSICAL: A genius, medical student who wants to become a musical actress. She has to also speak with DaeGoo accent which she has been hard to learn and she also had to learn to dance and sing. Since KJ was in a musical show before, he told her that it was more fun for him in the show thinking that he was enjoying the activity with the audience.

I hardly saw GHS in back stage interacting with F3---I wonder why??--except for when she had her hand on KJ's neck or tie. I think she was trying to playfully kill him? or straightening out his tie? I think it was more the formal. But KJ told her she is being filmed so she smiled. It seems that they had the F3 only interacting with each other. Even though they were in Japan together, it appears that F3 did not spend any time the together the night before. KJ was in a fan meeting with T-MAX. KB did not say what he did but wished that he did play soccer with KHJ. KHJ said that he played soccer with a Japanese team at night time. He did not have a working phone on him. GHS said on the stage that she was out drinking the night before (She did not say whether in Korea or Japan--I know that she went back to Korea after the first Reunion event and returned to Japan either the night before or that morning of the reunion.)That is why she appreciated drinking the noni juice which she said it tasted like a product used to wake up from drinking.

KHJ also told KB that after that event, they were being taken out to dinner. That was all that I heard that I remember. I wonder if GHS had time to join the Reunion team and F3 for dinner before leaving for Korea withought being able to do the second part of the show??

After hearing GHS talk about her role in THE MUSICAL, I am so dying to see the drama. I hope that they work fast but really well and show us the drama this year. Some DC are hoping that THE MUSICAL will air in a cable channel. I did not know Korea had cable channels. GHS speaking with DAEGOO accent and dancing and singing and being a genius medical student at the same time???? She was great with GHS-made-Yanbian accent in Pure Heart of 19. It is kind of interesting that KHJ also played a genius who studies to become a doctor in Mischievous Kiss. But I wonder if Go EunBi's character would be as blunt and outwardly inconsiderate as Bek Seung Jo of MK???? :D

DATV - BOF Alumni Event

Ku Hye Sun @ BOF Alumni Event

BOF Alumni Event 1

BOF Alumni Event 2

BOF Alumni Event 3

BOF Alumni Event 4

cre Daum & blue moon

Thanks nat, jee, jorien & everyone for all the pics & updates & also all the translations by sue :) I'm so impressed by our super girl as all of you, how can she work on so many things at the same time? She is really a talented one! :w00t:

have a great weekend & happy Halloween to all Sunniez!

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Guest susAmerica

This is a post from someone, maybe a reporter? blogger? who could not contain the excitement of interviewing GHS! I hope we can see the content of the interview one day here.

Thanks so much natali!

name='natali' date='01 November 2010 - 06:36 PM' timestamp='1288654613' post='16616030']

2010-11-01 07:38:56

구혜선에게 인터뷰!I got a chance to interview GHS!

이미 11월!!It is already November!!

10월의 최종주는 【죤시니오푸솟소요】> < (don't quite get it) ?The last week of October is [Jon Sydney of Short Show]?

머리가 미칠 것 같은 정도이었습니다 ;;;;I thought I was going crazy;;;;;;

28일에 어떻게!! 『꽃보다 남자』의 한국판 쯔쿠시쨩! How > < Oh No! My Korean > <

지난 주 일주일간은 그래서 머리가 가득했습니다> < That is why my head was so full, last week > <

구혜선쨩은, 드라마의 이미지와 달리, 잘 웃고, 그리고 멋지다!GHS-jjang, unlike her drama image, she laughs a lot and so charming/attractive!

죽을 만큼 하얗다 ;;;; So white to the point of death;;;

마치 인형이었습니다> < just a doll > <

또 자세하게 쓰네요 ☆ I will write again in more detail.

그러면, 11월도 건강하게 잘 가봅시다 ☆ Then, please have a healthy November.

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구혜선, 수험생 꼽은 대학생활 함께하고픈 예비학생 1위

[뉴스엔 이수연 기자]

D-15 수능을 앞둔 수험생들이 꼽은 함께 캠퍼스 생활을 하고 싶은 예비 대학생으로 배우 구혜선이 선정됐다.

한 인터넷 교육 사이트에 의하면 지난 10월 20일부터 11월 1일까지 284명을 대상으로 실시한 앙케이트 '수험생들이 생각하는 함께 캠퍼스 생활을하고 싶은 연예인은?'이라는 조사를 실시했다.

구혜선은 71.4%를 기록해 압도적 1위를 차지했다. 이어 원더걸스 전 멤버 선미 20.7%로 2위를 기록했다.

한 학원 원장은 "D-15일 수능이 코 앞으로 다가왔다. 고 3수험생들과 재수생들은 막바지 수능준비에 바쁜 나날을 보내고 있다"며 "이번 설문에 응한 수험생들은 구혜선씨와 같은 대학에서 공부하고 싶어 공부에 더욱 매진하고 있다"며 남은 D-15 필승 각오를 다지기도 했다.

한편 구혜선은 성균관대학교 예술학부 영상학 전공 1차 수시모집에 합격해 11학번 대학생이 된다. 구혜선은 배우가 아닌 감독으로서의 공부를 하기 위해 영상이론을 접할 수 있는 영상학과에 지원한 것으로 알려졌다.

구혜선 외에도 고아성이 성균관대학교 11학번으로 입학한다. 이에 배우 송중기와 문근영, 지현우 등의 후배가 된다.

이수연 dream@newsen.com

기사제보 및 보도자료 newsen@newsen.com

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http://gall.dcinside.com/guhyesun/117116 by Goddessku

Goo Hye Sun and Choi Daniel


Goo Hye Sun and Park Ki Woong





Goo Hye Sun's Pic at YG Building



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Guest susAmerica

Hello Sunniez~

101102 Ku Hye Sun Interview @ TIFF

cre tiff-jp.net

so sad that my YT account was terminated :tears:, thus the BOF Alumni Event clips in my previous post is no longer available, I will try to upload them to my new YT and edit the previous links by  tonight / tmr. Sorry about that~

Thank you meow13. I am sorry that your YT was erased but good thing that you did not lose your pile forever. Thanks for taking the time to make your pile available to us. Great fortune for us.

I will just summarize your clip above from TIFF: GHS says that she and the team worked hard and discussed a lot to make MAGIC and she also studied many other previous films that may help guide her thinking. She says that she was cheered on by all the directors but also scolded a lot by them while making the film. She especially points out Director Lee Joon Ik who made King's Man. He not only supported her effort but also gave her much scolding. (I remember Director Lee stating that he does not know how her film would do because that would depend on the public and that movie must be something that can really have communication with the audience. Perhaps he scolded her for making her film more abstract and so very different???) She feels so very lucky and fortunate for the opportunity and for the support and for having great actors to work with and she feels that she has learned more by making this film and feels that she can definitely grow more and become bigger through it. SHe says many doors have opened for her. She said that the actors practiced for 3 months on their own before the film started. Suh HyunJin actually played all the music parts by herself. (Suh has never played piano before in her life.) She feels lucky that they were so dedicated. She laughed when she was trying to speak Japanese but it sounded very natural and good to me.

Also, I want to point out that the lady in Statue of Liberty costume in the Halloween Party is Lee Sah Gang who used to date Bae Yong Joon but is a serious director who not only studied directing in college but also went for further study in London, England. I remember translating but forgot. Thuhang reminded me. GHS loves reaching out to people who can guide and mentor and befriend. Who knows, maybe GHS will also study even further than college. GHS FIGHTING!!!!

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Guest susAmerica

Thanks natalie!!

Those who are getting ready to apply to colleges voted GHS number 1 celebrity whom they would like to share the same campus. She got 71.4% and Wonder Girls SunMi got 20.7%. There were 284 voters form October 20~Nov 1. Woah, SGGU may get lots of applicants. kekeke

name='natali' date='02 November 2010 - 04:23 AM' timestamp='1288689815' post='16617464']

구혜선, 수험생 꼽은 대학생활 함께하고픈 예비학생 1위

[뉴스엔 이수연 기자]

D-15 수능을 앞둔 수험생들이 꼽은 함께 캠퍼스 생활을 하고 싶은 예비 대학생으로 배우 구혜선이 선정됐다.

한 인터넷 교육 사이트에 의하면 지난 10월 20일부터 11월 1일까지 284명을 대상으로 실시한 앙케이트 '수험생들이 생각하는 함께 캠퍼스 생활을하고 싶은 연예인은?'이라는 조사를 실시했다.

구혜선은 71.4%를 기록해 압도적 1위를 차지했다. 이어 원더걸스 전 멤버 선미 20.7%로 2위를 기록했다.

한 학원 원장은 "D-15일 수능이 코 앞으로 다가왔다. 고 3수험생들과 재수생들은 막바지 수능준비에 바쁜 나날을 보내고 있다"며 "이번 설문에 응한 수험생들은 구혜선씨와 같은 대학에서 공부하고 싶어 공부에 더욱 매진하고 있다"며 남은 D-15 필승 각오를 다지기도 했다.

한편 구혜선은 성균관대학교 예술학부 영상학 전공 1차 수시모집에 합격해 11학번 대학생이 된다. 구혜선은 배우가 아닌 감독으로서의 공부를 하기 위해 영상이론을 접할 수 있는 영상학과에 지원한 것으로 알려졌다.

구혜선 외에도 고아성이 성균관대학교 11학번으로 입학한다. 이에 배우 송중기와 문근영, 지현우 등의 후배가 된다.

이수연 dream@newsen.com

기사제보 및 보도자료 newsen@newsen.com

siidudul!! Thanks for the pix of GHS with Choi Daniel and Park Gi Woong. That is the first pix with Park. I really hope that we can see that drama this year if not early 2011!!!

I think I just want to see GHS on screen see her act!!!


Also, thanks for bringing over some of the pix of the interior of the YG building. I went to look at the YG in DC and wow, it is an amazing place. Go and take a look at it. Too many pix for me to bring over.



One more, can anybody check to see if there is anything new in this article from China?

cr http://gall.dcinside.com/list.php?id=guhyesun&no=117115&page=1&bbs=


http://www.sina.com.cn 2010年11月02日09:49 爱美网



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My heartfelt thanks to everyone for all the updates, be it pics, vids, news and in fact everything on this beautiful, young and talented lady - Ku Hye Sun :wub: And with special mention of thanks to our translators: Sue, meow, webby ........

Really hope her project The Musical filming will be completed soon and make it to the small screen. We all shared her happiness in getting in to Sung Kyun Kwon University to pursue her passion in studying film making.

Would like to dedicate someone's beautiful poem of wishes to GHS ....

I wish you joy beyond compare, success in all you do;

I wish you goals within your reach, friendship true and strong;

I wish you gracious wisdom, forgiveness when you are wronged;

I wish you days of glorious peace, nights of wondrous rest;

I wish you strength and courage, persistence to be your best;

But most of all, I wish for you - more love than most will find,

the grandest love in all the world, the everlasting kind .... :wub::wub:

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Guest susAmerica

cr: by nana regarding July issue of Sure


Although this was the July issue of 2010, GHS seems to have been interviewed sometime in June before her MAGIC came out in theatres. What is ironic is that GHS looks beautiful in this Sure's July issue and the stylist is Ji Sang Eun whom the DC members are mad at and wants to quit her job for making GHS look too mannish and hiding her prettiness. So, we kind of know that most likely GHS wants to wear the comfortable clothes--she most likely and ultimately decides what to wear, not Ji Sang Eun.,,,


SURE Magazine July issue 2010 with GHS: Editor Kim Ghang Sook

GHS: Acting, painting, novel, scenario script, short film, composition…she unveils her abilities freely and sincerely. This 27 year-old GHS is a mysterious actress who has now succeeded in transferring her feature length film onto a movie screen this year. The title of her film resembles her: Magic.


For a while now, GHS has been smiling a true bright smile. That is why I asked her if she started dating someone. She smiled and said, <actually, it is because the relationship ended.> Since the end of BOF, GHS has been smiling the pretty Jandi smiles and has produced a novel <Tango>, written a script to make a short film which has been invited to various international film festivals and was also selected to make a trailer for the Asiana International Short Film Festival. She collected all her art works to open an exhibit from which the income was donated. She also opened an art gallery in Bang Pe Dong Surae Village and make it available for new artists to exhibit their work almost free. I also listened to her music CD containing her own compositions and arrangements. I regret that in the past I only focused on her celebrity status because her music is beautiful. Then, I heard that she is shooting a feature-long film. This time I paid attention.

Being different from short films, feature length film means that she is entering the movie business industry. I seriously wondered whether she can show her talents within the business of movies. But, she actually made it to open, in fact, on June 24th.


Q: Because it is GHS’s film, this film is getting much attention. But it is also true that because it is GHS’s film, there are many people who despise it.

GHS: If I were to say that I am hurt or stressed by such bias, I would be talking inappropriately. In some aspect, it is true that I am getting more attention than other directors because of who I am. But, to me, that in itself is a big deal. So, for me to complain that I am hurt or upset would be a pitiful and miserable thing to do. I am very thankful for the fact that I am given more attention than I may deserve. Whether the feedback is positive or negative, I am also very thankful because both feedbacks only would help me.

Q: I would have thought that it would be generally better to accumulate more experience before making a feature film. Isn’t this a bit too fast?

GHS: After having made a short film, I admit that my fear somewhat disappeared. In the beginning, I never would have expected that it would get so out of hand and so big. We (the short-film staff, the actors and myself) just got together to make an independent film on a low budget. However, because all the staff members are professionals, each person in his area of expertise started to become more ambitious. Before we know it, our ‘ plate’ has become huge. (laughter) Since we started the work and we wanted to control it, we told ourselves that we are making 6 short films in one sitting and moved on with our plan. We were penniless but we started the process anyway.

Q: Where did you get the help?

GHS: Since my background includes making just one short film, I did not really expect that there will be many investors. However, I did not think that it will be that rough and cold. I knocked on many doors but nobody helped me because I am GHS. As a last resort, I went to my Talent Agency’s President and asked, <since you produce dramas, would you consider producing movies also? (laughter). He asked me how many staff I have and I told him I have 80 people. He fell backwards on his chair. I received investment from him with a condition: Except for the personnel expense, any profit made will be donated to the public charity campaign that YG is involved.

Q: You first showed your film in JunJoo International Film Festival. And I heard that you mainly received much favorable comments.

GHS: The reason might be that it is a film festival where the spectators are at a different level. I feel that they tend to be much more open-minded about various films that they review. I worried about certain scenes that may be difficult to watch but they were very gracious.

Q: I remember hearing that you and the actors got along very well. Was it because you are also an actress?

GHS: I am not sure. I also expected it but it did not turn out quite well as I hoped. The actors themselves were very quick and very constructive. I even wondered if I were that devoted. I think I just benefitted from it without any effort.


GHS: Acting for me is addictive. It is a curious and strange thing. My tendency is to become very tense. However, when I act, even if there are tons of people, I do not become tense or anxious. It is really a marvelous thing. When I act, I become somebody else and in that midst, I discover another aspect about myself. Because of acting, there was a part of me that was locked in/shut in. Ironically, it was through acting that I was able to open that part of my mind. pcpdownload18feff8.jpg



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Tweet by @sesiff

서울국제초단편영상제 "개막식초청이벤트"가 진행 중입니다:) 본 메세지를 RT해 주세요. 추첨을 통해 영화감독 구혜선, 신태라, 정지우, 윤성호, 윤태호 등과 함께하는 sesiff개막식에 초대합니다 >_<

#sesiff서울국제초단편영상제 "개막식초청이벤트"가 진행 중입니다:) 본 메세지를 RT해 주세요. 추첨을 통해 영화감독 구혜선, 신태라, 정지우, 윤성호, 윤태호 등과 함께하는 sesiff개막식에 초대합니다 >_< http://t.co/wociOBL

— 서울국제초단편영화제 (@sesiff)

November 3, 2010
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Guest susAmerica

Tweet by @sesiff

서울국제초단편영상제 "개막식초청이벤트"가 진행 중입니다:) 본 메세지를 RT해 주세요. 추첨을 통해 영화감독 구혜선, 신태라, 정지우, 윤성호, 윤태호 등과 함께하는 sesiff개막식에 초대합니다 >_<

Thanks siidudul!!

This tweet is saying that if you return this message, you may be selected to be invited to attend the opening ceremony of sesiff. Attending are Directors GHS, Shin TaeRa, Jung JiWoo, Yoon Sungho and Yon TaeHo.

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Celebrities criticized for being given special treatment by colleges


With recent news of more celebrities being admitted into college surfacing to the public, the celebrities in question have been wrapped in an unending string of controversy over not only their admittance, but over the schools’ standards as well.

As opposed to congratulating the students, criticisms have been pouring forward for the unfair and biased treatment given to celebrities.

Celebrities that have been recently admitted include Go Ah Sung and Goo Hye Sun for Sungkyunkwan University, Wonder Girls‘ Sunmi, 4minute’s Gayoon, and model Kim Ji Won for Dong Kuk University.

With constant reports of celebrities entering college through the system’s special treatment screening, allowing celebrities to enter college for the mere fact of being a celebrity, the issue has caused not only current students, but parents of students and regular citizens to express their outrage over the biased treatment.

Celebrities are given preferential treatment by colleges in exchange for promotion for their school. Many have begun to raise their voices in questioning how the special talents of a celebrity can be compared to the years of unending effort normal students must put in for a chance to be considered by a college.

Part of the problem also lies in celebrities being admitted into majors that have nothing to do with the ’special talents’ that they were admitted into the school for in the first place.

Go Ah Sung was recently swept in controversy for being admitted into Sungkyunkwan University by being given special preference for her acting talent. Once netizens found that she was a social affairs major, many began questioning why she was admitted into a major she had no talent for.

S.E.S’s Eugene entered Koryeo University as a Western Culture major in 2000, Dana entered Hankuk University of Foreign Studies as a Chinese major in 2004, and Moon Geun Young entered Sungkyunkwan University as a Korean literature major in 2005. Each celebrity in question was given special preference for their celebrity status and talents in their respective fields but were admitted into majors completely unrelated to the talent in which they were admitted for.

Students currently studying for the college entrance exam have expressed their feelings of deprivation and are raising their voices in anger over seats being stolen away from those that truly studied and worked for it. One asked, “Why must a celebrity that was admitted into a school for his or her singing talent be also admitted into a major that is unrelated to it?”

The final part to this controversy is the celebrities’ attitude at school. Although they were admitted, celebrities end up being what is now nicknamed as ‘the ghost students,’ never appearing for classes and enjoying the title of being a hard working college student/celebrity.

Due to such issues at hand, news of celebrities entering college have not been received well by the public and are often targeted for criticism, making many question why such special treatment even exists for celebrities at all.

Netizens commented, “Sunmi left the Wonder Girls because she wanted to study. Why would she use her status as a celebrity and the school’s preferential favor to be admitted to college?“, “It wouldn’t even as big as a problem if they at least showed up to class,” “They should wait until they’re truly ready for college,” “Let’s stop stealing seats from competent students,” and “As if being exempted from the military isn’t enough, they’re now getting free rides to college.”

Another netizen retorted, “How much effort did these celebrities put in before they actually became one? They put everything on the line and risked their entire lives and futures to choose their path. How can that not be comparable to the effort students put in?”

Where do you guys stand on this issue?

Source + Photo: My Daily

Cre: allkpop


My 2cents:

I think HyeSun deserved it as she really work hard. She submitted the application form personally and did not make any announcement until the university released the news to the press. How can netizen criticized them? She did put on effort to make herself into this position. I do not know how other celebrities got their chances to enter colleges or universities, but I strongly believe that HyeSun deserved it. In fact, she did mention that she want to further study on how to direct. She wants to produce good movies, therefore she put in effort. I hope that netizen can see her hard work.

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Some netizens can be really harsh. In Hyesun's case, I am confident that she didn't use her celeb status to be accepted in the university. She's smart and very hardworking and she deserves whatever it is that she's getting right now. I know she is excited for her upcoming college activities. Wish her all the best! I hope she gains more knowledge in directing. And i hope she gets to hang out with MGY who is also studying there.. I admire both ladies :)

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good morning sunnies .... !!!

구하라·서우·구혜선,··'2011년도 새내기 대학생 됐어요'


[스포츠투데이 최준용 기자]서우, 현아, 고아성, 구혜선, 구하라, 이세영 등이 2011년 대학 신입생으로 들어가게 됐다.

서우는 3일 발표된 2011학년도 건국대 수시 1차 연예특기자전형 예술문화대학 예술학부 합격자 명단에 이름을 올려 2011학번 새내기 대학생이 됐다.

서우 소속사 관계자는 이날 아시아경제신문 스포츠투데이와 통화에서 "어제 합격소식을 듣고 너무 기뻐했다"며 "연기 공부를 본격적으로 하고 싶은 마음에 대학 진학을 결심했었다. 굉장히 행복해 하고 있다"고 전했다.

걸 그룹 포미닛의 현아도 건국대학교 예술학부의 2011학번 새내기가 됐다.

소속사에 따르면 "포미닛의 현아가 2011학년 수시 모집에 연예 특기자 전형으로 응시, 15.3대 1의 높은 경쟁률을 뚫고 예술문화대학 예술학부 영화 전공에 최종 합격했다"고 밝혔다.

걸그룹 카라의 멤버 구하라도 성신여자대학교 수시모집에 합격, 내년 3월부터 11학번으로 미디어영상연기학부를 다니게 됐다.

구하라는 그동안 밤샘 촬영과 바쁜 일정 속에서도 틈틈이 공부를 할 만큼 대학에 대한 열의를 나타냈다는 후문이다.

배우 이세영도 성신여대 미디어영상연기학부에 합격, 구하라와 대학 동기기 됐다.

앞서 구혜선과 고아성도 2011년 학년도 성균관대학교 수시모집에 합격했다. 구혜선은 예술학부 영상학전공 1학년으로, 고아성은 사회과학계열 1학년으로 내년 3월에 입학할 예정이다.

Cre: http://www.asiae.co.kr/news/view.htm?idxno=2010110310515422737

D-15 수능 수험생, "구혜선과 함께 캠퍼스 생활 하고 싶다"


[나눔뉴스 박동희 기자] 구혜선이 수능을 준비하고 있는 수험생들에게 가장 인기 있는 연예인으로 선정됐다.

수리인강 세븐에듀에 의하면, 지난 10월 20일부터 11월 1일까지 284명을 대상으로 실시한 앙케이트 '수험생들이 생각하는 함께 캠퍼스 생활을하고 싶은 연예인은?'이라는 조사에서 구혜선(203명, 71.4%)과 '원더걸스' 전 멤버 선미(59명, 20.7%)이 각각 1, 2위를 차지했다.

스타강사 차길영 원장은 "D-15일, 수능이 코 앞으로 다가왔다. 고 3수험생들과 재수생들은 막바지 수능준비에 바쁜 나날을 보내고 있다."며, "이번 설문에 응한 수험생들은 '구혜선씨와 같은 대학에서 공부하고 싶어 공부에 더욱 매진하고 있다'며 남은 D-15 필승 각오를 다지기도 했다."고 말했다.

세븐에듀 차길영 원장은 "그 동안 100명이 넘는 서울대생과 명문대생의 입시 전략을 지도하면서 수능 D-15 컨디션 조절이 얼마나 중요한 시기인지를 경험하고 있다."며, "수험생들은 컨디션 조절에 주의를 기울여야 한다. 수능 당일 시험과목과 일치하는 시간대에 해당 과목을 공부하는 것이 효과적이다. 새로운 문제집 선택보다는 과거 자주 틀렸던 문제와 단원을 중심으로 공부하는 것이 좋다. 수리영역 답안지 작성 시, 95분 내에 30문제를 집중해서 푸는 연습을 많이 하는 것이 좋다."고 전했다.

한편, 구혜선은 성균관대 예술학부에 수시 1차 전형에서 합격했다.

구혜선은 지난 2009년 드라마 '꽃보다 남자'에 출연해 인기를 끌었으며, 2009년 아시아나국제단편영화제 공식 트레일러를 연출, 배우가 아닌 감독의 역량을 과시한 바 있다.

[나눔뉴스 박동희 기자] preeseg@hanmail.net

Cre: http://nanumnews.com/sub_read.html?uid=23163&section=sc208

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yonghwa it seems that I found the English version of the 1st news that you posted above.

Young celebs get early admits to college for 2011

4minute's HyunA, Kara's Gu Hara, actresses Ku Hye-sun, Seo Woo, Ko Ah-seong and Lee Se-yeong have been accepted on early admission to college for the spring semester of 2011.

According to HyunA's agency on Thursday, the girl group member will major in film under the division of art at Konkuk University's College of Art & Design next year.

An official from Seo Woo's agency confirmed yesterday that she will be joining HyunA at Konkuk University's College of Art & Design, adding that the actress has shown great interest in entering college to learn more about acting.

Gu Hara and actress Lee Se-yeong will become colleagues with both girls having been accepted to the department of media communication at Sungshin Women's University.

Korean actresses Ku Hye-sun and Ko Ah-seong will both become freshmen at Sungkyunkwan University, majoring in film at the school of art and studying sociology at the school of social sciences, respectively.

Reporter : Choi Jun-yong yjchoi01@

Editor : Lucia Hong luciahong@

<ⓒ10Asia All rights reserved>

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Guest susAmerica

DC members noticed that GHS's pix with WuChon from the test-filming of Absolute DArling are deleted from GHS's tweeter account. Some are now worried that something is up. Could it be possible that with the acceptance into SGGU, GHS decided to back out of AD? Could it be possible that with THE MUSICAL going so slowly, AD had to be given up? They want to believe that nothing is wrong but I am now feeling a bit worried.

DC heard that WC is now doing another film with formal SUJU member Han Gyung and Suh WheWon. The film is called '大武生' ??

Anybody else hear anything in other parts of Asia??

I hope nothing is wrong.


I hear college admission is a killer in Korea. Stress has to be relieved somehow. Right? Yet, I am glad that more than 200 people (over 70%)voted that college applicants would like to share a campus life with GHS. That is a positive sign for GHS. As the Cosmopolitan Magazine reporter once remarked about GHS in May issue of 2009, GHS somehow becomes a target of attacks by some of the public no matter what she does. The brave thing is that GHS does them anyway. She really does everything no matter what others say---not only her activities but also her clothes. keke In a way, she is a silent strong/stubborn type, with a gentle smile. eh? :D

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susAmerica i just checked GHS's twitter and there is still a picture of the test-filming there so i don't know why they said she deleted it....somebody was probably mistaken...i am sure everything is fine

oh i didn't know she deleted a post..well i hope everything is ok..i am really looking foward to that drama..i want to see her back on screen!!!

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DC members noticed that GHS's pix with WuChon from the test-filming of Absolute DArling are deleted from GHS's tweeter account. Some are now worried that something is up. Could it be possible that with the acceptance into SGGU, GHS decided to back out of AD? Could it be possible that with THE MUSICAL going so slowly, AD had to be given up? They want to believe that nothing is wrong but I am now feeling a bit worried.

DC heard that WC is now doing another film with formal SUJU member Han Gyung and Suh WheWon. The film is called '大武生' ??

Anybody else hear anything in other parts of Asia??

I hope nothing is wrong.


I hear college admission is a killer in Korea. Stress has to be relieved somehow. Right? Yet, I am glad that more than 200 people (over 70%)voted that college applicants would like to share a campus life with GHS. That is a positive sign for GHS. As the Cosmopolitan Magazine reporter once remarked about GHS in May issue of 2009, GHS somehow becomes a target of attacks by some of the public no matter what she does. The brave thing is that GHS does them anyway. She really does everything no matter what others say---not only her activities but also her clothes. keke In a way, she is a silent strong/stubborn type, with a gentle smile. eh? :D

hello sue :D i agree with you hyesun onnie is really a courageous lady, she tends to look fragile sometimes, being shy and all that but there is this trait in her which we all admire, doing things in her own way and not really minding of what other people might say.. she will grab the chance to attain her aspirations in life. Wow! for a celebrity who is very popular some may not think of continuing his/her studies but for hyesun she really wants to pursue it.. kudos to you hyesun onnie! we're all so proud to be one of your fans. truly an inspiration~ ^_^

by the way her tweet about AD it was deleted in her twitter but i still see it in her twitpic here it is http://twitpic.com/2z8zlf

really hope all goes smoothly with her upcoming dramas cuz we sooo miss her! Goo Hye Sun fighting~!

waves to all Sunnies! thank you so very much for all the updates ◕‿◕

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