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Goo Hye Sun 구혜선


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UKISS's vampire lee ki seop - ideal type - goo hye sun

click here☺

sasha, thanks for the vid :D there were 2 previous vids from eoljjangshidae season 2 show posted here by nat..did i get the exact name of the show?? if you see LKS`s outfits for the 3 vids, all are different from each other so i assume these are 3 different appearances or guestings in this particular show..& yours could be the latest one if i get it right..hope someone can clarify it :P 3 guys` names are appearing to have same positive feelings towards Hye Sun :)

091228 Goo Hye Sun is Park Tae Jun & Lee Ki Sub ideal type @ show "eoljjangshidae/얼.짱.시.대"

100125 Goo Hye Sun is Lee Ki Sub & Lee Chi Hoon Ideal Type @ "eoljjangshidae/얼짱.시대" cut






cr DC

dahlia, found this article..hope this could initially acquaint you to Lee Ki Sub/Seop :)

U-KISS gets a 7th Member + Comeback date revealed!

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sasha, thanks for the vid :D there were 2 previous vids from eoljjangshidae season 2 show posted here by nat..did i get the exact name of the show?? if you see LKS`s outfits for the 3 vids, all are different from each other so i assume these are 3 different appearances or guestings in this particular show..& yours could be the latest one if i get it right..hope someone can clarify it :P 3 guys` names are appearing to have same positive feelings towards Hye Sun :)

hello mha thanks for the information regarding Ukiss, I really appreciate it. have a great night.

good evening sunnies hope you guys had a great day want to share MV hope you like them, im working on GHS/BI MV i will share them as soon as im done...have a great night.



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where are you sunnies :huh: hope everyone`s having a good day :) just missing Hye Sun more these days :( any news/info pls??

dahlia/GHSforever, nice MVs dear..thank you :D i knew some are confused with our names..we always appear to post alongside or close to each other coincidentally..will be waiting for your next MVs :)



from this link

"The best kind of friend is the kind you can sit on a

porch, swing with, never say a word, and then walk away

feeling like it was the best conversation you've ever had."

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Guest junpyo.jandi

I hope Hye sun and Bi will collaborate in a Drama.... I think that would be great...

Despite her busy sched she should still choose to make a project soo that we wouldn't miss her soooo badly.....

I can't wait for the fahrenheit MV...

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Just dropping by for the first time...I am a HUGE Goo Hye Sun fan since Pure 19 drama...

She has great chemistry with whoever she is paired with. Admire all her talents and personality.

One in a Million Petite Girl with Strong Personality... ;)

Nice to meet u sunnies... :D

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Just dropping by for the first time...I am a HUGE Goo Hye Sun fan since Pure 19 drama...

She has great chemistry with whoever she is paired with. Admire all her talents and personality.

One in a Million Petite Girl with Strong Personality... ;)

Nice to meet u sunnies... :D

hi nasha :D nice to know a new fellow sunnie..you`re no longer a lurker hehe ..finally you made it here..hope to see you more..just feel free to post anytime :D

meow, thanks for dropping by & again, thanks so much for it :D

hi pico & yuki_akira :D

where are the other sunnies?? please come out guys :D

sue, missing you :(

a dog & cat lover..



cr DC (very cute cat & HS)

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good evening sunnies it was a busy day for me just want to say good night ghsfan/mha thanks for sharing your pic I appreciate it :D

susamerica thanks for your lovely comment on my MV im glad you like it :)

hello nasha welcome :)

have to say good night ill chat with you guys this weekend love you guys.... :)

have a great day sunnies...

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Sorry...can't help reposting this picture....but GOSH....she really has a very, very beautiful legs....and I'm torn between wanting to cry becos of envious or wanting to strangle her for being so physically PERFECT :o

Being a female myself, I still need to wipe off my drools :rolleyes: I can't imagine how a man wud feel seeing her perfect legs with her perfect figure :lol:

Btw...does anyone have any recent news of her? any reports or fan accounts on the progress of her film? She seems very busy these days that there's hardly any news about her ;)

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^ yeah, I agree w/ you IXANDRA she really has killer legs! toned and nicely shaped legs.. :D *woot* *woot*

on Feb 21- maybe we coiuld see pics again from Magic's shooting since theres an expected participation of 100-200 fans..and also on Feb 26 to Yubari Fim fest.

..March is approaching meaning we can see her "Taiwan will touch your heart mv w/ Fahrenheit... I cant wait for that...

I hope she'll announce her next project soon.♥ :D

nasha,ruthie welcome to GHS thread!!♥

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Guest baiduhuafen

구혜선 씨는 제가 뒤늦게 미니홈피 열풍에 빠져들어 아는 배우들의 홈피를 구경하고 다니다가 우연히 발견하고 쪽지를 보내 캐스팅했지요.”

쿠갤 늘횽이 올린 것 밀려서 다시 올려요


밴쿠버 숨은 미녀★ 찾기… ‘빙속의 구혜선’이 누구야?

동계 올림픽에 참가하는 선수들은 방한장비나 보호 장구로 얼굴을 많이 가린다. 그 안에 숨겨진 미모가 화제다. 준수한 외모와 뛰어난 실력을 갖춘 `엄친아`들이 밴쿠버 올림픽을 빛내고 있다.

지난 17일(이하 한국시간) 여자 스피드 스케이팅 500m에서 시청자들은 이상화의 깜짝 금메달에 놀랐고 중국 왕베이싱 선수의 미모에 다시 놀랐다.

이상화가 종합 76초09로 금메달을 획득하고 왕베이싱과 뜨거운 포응을 했다. 76.63으로 동메달을 딴 왕베시잉을 두고 네티즌들은 ‘빙속의 구혜선이다’, ‘이요원과 닮았다’며 칭찬을 아끼지 않았다.

호주의 스노우보드 토라 브라이트도 보호장구 아래 감춰뒀던 미모로 주목을 받았다. 개막식 호주의 기수로 참가했던 브라이트는 현재 스노우보드 여자 하프파이프에 출전해 현재 1위를 달리고 있다.

[매일경제 스타투데이 김민규 인턴기자]


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Guest susAmerica

MInjee, old or new, it is nice to see GHS. Thanks for the pix.

name='minjee' date='Feb 19 2010, 02:27 AM' post='15480274']

Old pics~




Must be pix of her friends who are not in the same work?? The guy in glasses look very familiar.

I wonder if he is the one who was her desk mate from 1~4 grades and who says that GHS tortured him those years? keke



http://i49.tinypic.com/2z3yold.jpg --> soooo cute!! :D

That cute puppy's name is jjang-ah or pickled dish (usually of raddish or cucumber variety). Given that GHS's puppies are all small, I have a feeling that she just likes small dogs that grow to limited size only. I wonder if her latest puppy called bbap or rice from Japan grows to the big size or if he is also a miniature grey hound.?? (I think one blogger did mentioned that it was a miniature grey hound.)


I read in DC inside that the white shirt with a black stripe that GHS is holding up is one of her favorite clothes that she was donating for a charity. Given her appearance and the subway door behind her, the pix seems to be from her CF for TLJ with Jo In Sung. Right?


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sunnies :D

heLLo sisters.. hyEsun unnie was quite buisy this days..

that we haven't gRab any latest news about her..knowing that

she's very buisy with directing her movie!! i really miss her..

i want to see her latest pics..working..at her most anticipated

directoral movie. . .wondering if she's in a very well condition..

HYESUN UNNIE ...waiting for your latest updates..

do care yourSelf..tell minho to take care of you..[ no need to remind minho.hmm] :wub: haha.

eat well..eat as much as you can to relieved your streSs on work..haha.

WE LOVE YOU..Mwahh-mwahh..we miss you :(


love this hyesun.. fanArt..SO CUTE :P


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Guest susAmerica

DC says that these are teen parents who participate in the Seoul city program.

cr. http://gall.dcinside.com/list.php?id=guhye...page=1&bbs=

안녕하세요.= Hello서래마을의 갤러리 '마놀린' 에서 좋은 전시회가 열려 소개합니다.

We want you to know of a wonderful exhibition that will take place at the Surae Village's Gallery Manolin.

서울시립 청소년 미디어 센터가 주관하는 '인디아, 드림로드를 걷다'라는 전시인데요

The title of the exhibition is, 'India, Walking the Dream Road', supervised by Seoul Municipal Teen Media Center.

서울 시에서 선발된 15명의 저소득층 소년,소녀들이 9박 10일 동안 인도를 여행하며 그린 그림들은 전시합니다.

15 teenagers were selected to showcase their art works from their experience of traveling through India for 9 nights and 10days.

서래마을의 새로생긴 갤러리 '마놀린'이 서래마을 뿐만 아니라 서울 시민을 위해 좋은 행사를 개최하니

많은 분들이 함께 관람 했으면 합니다.

(paraphrase)This exhibition is for everybody,not just for the Surae Village. So, please come and enjoy.

전시 일정은 다음과 같습니다. =specifics about the exhibition:

1. 전 시 일 : 2010년 2월 22일(월) ~ 24일(수) = from 2/22(Mon)~2/24(Wed)

2. 전시시간 : 오전 10시 ~ 오후 6시 = from 10 AM to 6PM

3. 장 소: 갤러리 '마놀린' (서래마을) =at Gallery Manolin

4. 주 최: 서울시, LG CNS = Sponsored by Seoul Municipal, LG CNS

5. 주 관: 서울시 청소년 미디어 센터 = presented by Seoul Municipal Teen Media Center

6. 후 원: 사랑의 열매 = Patron is Fruit of Love (is this part of YG Entertainment?)

7. 전시안내 및 문의 : 갤러리 마놀린 02) 599 8845~6 (Manolin telephone number)


I wonder if GHS will attend the exhibition. The teen parent program is one of the programs that she supported in the past. Her filming of Magic will end on Feb. 21, Sunday. I read in DC that all the fans who applied to be extras have been accepted to participate. They just have to confirm that they will actually attend the whole filming that day. WOAH. They have to come to the theatre by 12:30PM to register and to verify their names. The filming will end by 6PM that day. The exhibition is only for three days just before GHS is to leave for Yubari, Japan. I guess we can also look for any pix or information about GHS attending and supporting the exhibition during those days. I hope eveything goes really well with everything!!!

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Guest baiduhuafen

DC says that these are teen parents who participate in the Seoul city program.

cr. http://gall.dcinside.com/list.php?id=guhye...page=1&bbs=

안녕하세요.= Hello서래마을의 갤러리 '마놀린' 에서 좋은 전시회가 열려 소개합니다.

We want you to know of a wonderful exhibition that will take place at the Surae Village's Gallery Manolin.

서울시립 청소년 미디어 센터가 주관하는 '인디아, 드림로드를 걷다'라는 전시인데요

The title of the exhibition is, 'India, Walking the Dream Road', supervised by Seoul Municipal Teen Media Center.

서울 시에서 선발된 15명의 저소득층 소년,소녀들이 9박 10일 동안 인도를 여행하며 그린 그림들은 전시합니다.

15 teenagers were selected to showcase their art works from their experience of traveling through India for 9 nights and 10days.

서래마을의 새로생긴 갤러리 '마놀린'이 서래마을 뿐만 아니라 서울 시민을 위해 좋은 행사를 개최하니

많은 분들이 함께 관람 했으면 합니다.

(paraphrase)This exhibition is for everybody,not just for the Surae Village. So, please come and enjoy.

전시 일정은 다음과 같습니다. =specifics about the exhibition:

1. 전 시 일 : 2010년 2월 22일(월) ~ 24일(수) = from 2/22(Mon)~2/24(Wed)

2. 전시시간 : 오전 10시 ~ 오후 6시 = from 10 AM to 6PM

3. 장 소: 갤러리 '마놀린' (서래마을) =at Gallery Manolin

4. 주 최: 서울시, LG CNS = Sponsored by Seoul Municipal, LG CNS

5. 주 관: 서울시 청소년 미디어 센터 = presented by Seoul Municipal Teen Media Center

6. 후 원: 사랑의 열매 = Patron is Fruit of Love (is this part of YG Entertainment?)

7. 전시안내 및 문의 : 갤러리 마놀린 02) 599 8845~6 (Manolin telephone number)


I wonder if GHS will attend the exhibition. The teen parent program is one of the programs that she supported in the past. Her filming of Magic will end on Feb. 21, Sunday. I read in DC that all the fans who applied to be extras have been accepted to participate. They just have to confirm that they will actually attend the whole filming that day. WOAH. They have to come to the theatre by 12:30PM to register and to verify their names. The filming will end by 6PM that day. The exhibition is only for three days just before GHS is to leave for Yubari, Japan. I guess we can also look for any pix or information about GHS attending and supporting the exhibition during those days. I hope eveything goes really well with everything!!!

good news

thank you

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