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Goo Hye Sun 구혜선


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Thank you for posting two articles about GHS's movie.


cr. http://gall.dcinside.com/list.php?id=guhye...page=1&bbs=

TVEdaily Reporter Lee Eun Ji, on 2/2/10 at 11:29 AM

Headline: The reason Director Goo is publicly recruiting extras

On Feb. 6th, GHS uploaded into her minihompy few on-location work pictures from her movie set and an invitation to the fans and to the public to become her extras for the movie, Magic, on Feb 21, Sunday, at the GoYangShi AhRhemNoori Theatre.

She chose a very important scene in her movie to seek the cooperation and participation of her fans and the public. The scene to be filmed on Feb 21st is a very important climax scene where the tight tension among the three stars of the movie will be directed and acted. Therefore, it is not only a very important scene tbut it also requires much preparation.

An associate of the movie informed that, 'Just as Magic is a story of passionate people's love, friendship and sacrifice, the work environment on the set is also very serious. Director Goo, with an attitude of a learner, carries out her first, full-length directorial work with serious and focused leadership.

To elevate the quality of her movie to perfection, not only has GHS taken 4 roles (i.e. director, writer, composer and actress) for the movie but is also collaborating with Speed Scandal's Director Kim Joon Young (of filming) and Eye for anEye and Tooth for a Tooth's Director Shin Myung Jin (of lighting). Plus, GHS has halted all her other schedules to fully concentrated on Magic.

Her short film, Cheerful Caretaker is also well received in the International Film Festivals as it was formally invited by the Third China Mobile IFF as well as Yubari IFF. (the article does not mention whether GHS will be attending the Japan's YubariIFF.)

sue, thanks so much for the translations :D time flies really fast..we are just anticipating then for the start of the movie filming & now there`s only more than a week to finally finish it though there is still a lot of work to be done after it but at least Hye Sun could somehow take some rest needed..she`s been dead serious for almost a month..but i am just wondering how Hye Sun & her team was able to make it for only more than a month..some movies take months & even years to be done though i`m thinking that they must be rushing things due to financial matters or there is just a well-coordinated & very cooperating "Magic" team..though i don`t wanna anticipate so much from the movie since it`s Hye Sun`s first full-length movie directed, but i`m excited to finally see the result..

lxandra is wondering if Hye Sun would be acting also in the movie which many of us might have overlooked also from the articles & other info..i look up again in your translations on SSJ(ReaL J)`s CY update:(i think Hye Sun indeed would be doing a special participation or just a short part in the movie) -->> it would be more exciting if it`s true :)

음악 감독님과 구감독님. = Music Director and Director Goo

2010.02.07 08:22


촬영 현장에서 구감독님. Director Goo at the film location

구감독님 본인이 Director Goo herself

직접 출연하는 컷. in her own scene cut


** waves to all ** :D

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yes Blooming,

I asked my hubby to buy it about half year ago whe he went to Seoul for a biz trip.

Yes, all songs are good music! I esp. like the 3rd piece of music the best, is it called 'the sound of music at night' as from some upload in YT? And this music had been played by HS when she was on the show of "Literature with Voice'(?)

I always wonder how HS will make use of these OSTs in her movie...

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good morning GHSfan thanks for the info i really appreciate it and to everybody thanks for all the info regarding GHS, I cant wait to see her movie i know its going to be a great movie

hello GHSforever :D what shorter name will you want us to call you?? btw, you were able to finish Pure 19 in 3 days??

flora/timnat, i want the song "Rain"..it has a soothing feel :) anyway, all the songs in the album are nice ones..effective stress reliever for me :P

nat/natali, thanks for bringing the article & the beautiful Cafe/Gallery Manolin pics :D

sasha/pink fairy, wow~~those are very cute pics..immediately missed Hye Sun in Doutor CF :(

leezzul, lxandra :D

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Guest susAmerica

Lxandra and GHSfan,

I am not sure if GHS really intended to act in her own movie in the beginning. However, many articles mentioned shortly before she started filming that she has taken 4 roles for her movie, one of them being an actress of a very small part or minor part in her movie.

Thank you everybody for updates and pix and I just love the pix of Cafe Manolin everytime I look at all the little and beautiful details. Also, I just noticed that there is a new artist's work at Gallery Cafe Manolin--Lee Do Hee.

Regarding how is it possible that GHS can take such a short time to film her movie:

Well. since I have been doing some of the translation,,,

There was an article that I translated and, of course, I cannot find it. :angry:

The article was an interview of Suh Hyun Jin who is the female lead actress in Magic. She was asked what she thought aobut GHS who is also her very close friend. I remember Suh saying that GHS is a very tough, no-nonsense yet a loyal and reliable friend with whom they can share the good and the bad with each other and they have known each other since the SM trainee days.(GHS made a debut with a computer CF in 2002, most likely with SM since she most likely signed the first contract with YG in 2003). Suh also mentions that GHS is a director who comes to work all prepared that there is not a whole lot of wasting of time. (Remember the Direcotr who shot the MV for GHS and Fahrenheit? He also said that he was able to finish filming earlier than scheduled because GHS was such a great actress! It appears that GHS is really focused when it comes to her work and she does not waste time, :) Suh also mentioned that GHS already has her ideas and pictures in mind that she does not take whole lot of films or pix which ends up in the editing garbage. Since GHS is an actress herself, Suh also mentions that Director GHS gives ample time for the actors to rest as tired actors do not make as good a movie.

cr. http://gall.dcinside.com/list.php?id=guhye...page=1&bbs=

DC members also talked among themselves about how is it possible for GHS to shoot a whole movie in about a month!

Some of their comments are similar to what I stated above.

One mentioned that the the time it takes to shoot a movie really depends on the director and that it could take as long as a month to shoot and just another month to release the film. Some directors take 3~6 months to shoot and others like Director KIm KI Duk who took only several days to shoot a whole movie! Few DC members still cannot believe it and they are hoping it is not due to any financial constraints.

(But we know that GHS will not release her movie until the fall. That~I wonder about. <_< Since I know nothing about producing and releasing a movie, perhaps that in itself is another big task and ordeal for GHS to deal with. Maybe that is why DC is taking upon themselves to collect money to help GHS in advertising her movie. Does anyone know what may be involved in releasing a movie to the public? Once I heard that a movie can be made but never released to the theatres either. I hope that will not be true with MAGIC! I am sure GHS and her financial supporters will not let that happen. I am sure that it also takes tons of money to release the film~~advertising, finding theatres that will open the films, etc???)

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hello GHSforever :D what shorter name will you want us to call you?? btw, you were able to finish Pure 19 in 3 days??

hello GHSfan how are you? hope your having a great day, yes I finished Pure 19 in 3 days i started the drama and couldnt stop, we had a lot of snow here where im at so i couldnt do anything so I watch Pure 19 at one point i did a 24hour marathon because i wanted to finish it. btw I got your pm and i will difinetely do that..thanks for the info, and you can call me Dahlia

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Guest susAmerica

Hello Sunnies,

I'm so happy that I finally received GHS cd "Breathe" from YesASIA. It took about 7 days to received here in California. I really liked the cd cover. It's really unique and there's a picture of her attached inside holding "DUOTOR" coffee. She is so pretty!!! I will treasure her CD as my valuable collections. Actually, I even bought BOF DVD, OST CD, PART1 and 2, PURE HEARTS 19 DVD. Does anyone knows where I can buy the Non Stop 5 DVD? She's my role model and inspiration even though I'm a lot older than her. I started playing piano again because of her. All I can say is she's an angel!:) I will continue to pray for her success, health and most important thing is for her to have an understanding and really nice boyfriend whoever that might be!!! I hope it's LMH.:):wub: .

Please buy her CD. You won't regret it!! It's so relaxing when you listen to it!!

Hello blooming!

I agree, I bought few GHS CD's and gave them out as gifts for holidays. They all like it. I lost the cover to her cd ever since my son took it as his keepsake and now has no idea where he put it. My favorite is the number 6, which is the musical arrangement for Turning the Alley. I forget which arrangement is titled Magic. Another translation that I did indicated that Kim Jung Wook's role in the movie is suppose to compose that piece. Do you know which number is Magic?

I pray that 200 people or more attend her filming of her crucial scene on Feb 21 as extras and help make her film a great success! I wish I could. FIGHTING Director GHS!!!

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Since GHS is an actress herself, Suh also mentions that Director GHS gives ample time for the actors to rest as tired actors do not make as good a movie.

Ah... i think actors and actresses will love working under her if not for this sole reason. And i also believe well rested actors and actresses will be able to film more efficiently and make less mistakes. I also can't believe it takes only a month to film the movie. But HS prob did a lot of preparation work in her head to organize things. I'm glad she's allowing ample time for the post production work. I believe good film editing is crucial if not more so for a movie. And i think she prob would want to be involved in every single step of that, so basically not rushing it but enjoying every moment of it is what she chooses to do.

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A movie could be completed in a month's time if there aren't that many locations to shoot and no special effects needed. I am sure that she is on a tight budget even though she's got some good backing from some production companies. I remember that Kim Bum and KSE spent a month to a month and half on their individual movies after BOF ended and they were starring in new dramas by late May early June.

Shooting the movie is one thing but then she needs to edit it, put in the soundtrack, and if need be reshoot some scenes. GHS isn't done by a long shot.

I do hope that she comes out in a new drama soon. I miss seeing her on the little screen. She has just a joyful face.

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Guest leezzul

hello sunnies..!

Love and miss Goo Hye Sun so much....

Wish her happy and always make a great for everything that she doing in her life.. :)

Love U Director Goo..! :D

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From http://blog.livedoor.jp/premier310/archives/2295317.html

2010년02월10일 04:13

파리지엔느(Parisienne) 기분으로 활보하고 싶다


메인 스트리트의 양측에는 태극기와 3색기가 한 벌로 게양되어 있습니다. 저녁에도 되면, 수업을 마친 프랑스인의 어린이들이 건강하게 하교하는 모습이나, 프랑스빵을 겨드랑이에 안아 집으로 가는 길을 서두르는 난의 모습도. 작은 도시입니다만, 방문하는 때마다 새로운 발견이 있어 두근거릴 것

여 기저기이어서 삼색기가 펄럭이고, 문득 어디인가로부터 프랑스어가 들려오는 도시, 서래마을. 프랑스인학교가 있는 것부터, 존재 한 프랑스인의 약 반이 여기에서 생활하고 있습니다. 메인 스트리트의 소 레로를 중심으로, 미식가가 뻔질나게 다니는 레스토랑이나 개성적인 카페가 아무렇지도 않게 잠시 멈춰서고 있어, 최근에서는 트렌드세터(trend setter)들의 주목을 모으는 지역에.

옛 날부터 서래마을에서 살아 온 사람이, 여기에서 사는 사람들을 위해서 오픈 밑 가게가 많은 탓인가, 현대풍의 레스토랑도 불가사의와 이 낡은 도시에 자주(잘) 소꿉친구, 거리전체로부터 독특한 따뜻함이 떠돌고 있습니다. 골목길의 뒷편에 펼쳐지는 주택가에는, 한국에서 일반적인 벽돌 조형의 가옥에 섞이고, 고급 Villa도 여기저기. 어딘가 모르게 이국정서 떠도는 서울 안(속)의 작은 외국입니다.

액세스: 「고속터미널」역 5번 출구를 넘어서 바로 왼쪽 손으로 보이는 끝까지 횡단보도를 건넌 후 우회전. 왼쪽 손으로 보이는 팔레스 호텔을 지나치게 통해 그대로 직진. 왼쪽 손측에 나타나는 「【소레얀코푸챤】」 (황색의 간판)을 앞지르고, 최초의 골목길을 좌회전한 지점에서 서래마을의 메인 스트리트가 시작된다.


좌 / 마치 프랑스에 있음직 한 유럽풍의 카페. 몇시간이라도 아파진다. 오른쪽상 /제일(가장) 인기의 【라즈베리부류레】와 【카페랏테】. 달콤한 유혹에는 이길 수 없습니다. 우 하/2층의 카페 공간에는, 회화가 취미라고 하는, 여배우 구혜선 자신의 작품이 꾸며져 있습니다. 팬 필견!

서울에서 뜨거운 치장 카페, 편히 쉬기의 공간에서 지복의 티타임을

「꽃 보다 남자」의 한국 판 드라마로 주인공을 연기한 여배우, 구혜선씨와 가족이 오픈 밑 갤러리&카페입니다. 1층은 아티스트의 알들의 작품을 전시하는 갤러리에서, 2층이 카페. 원래 이 장소에 있었던 주택을 개조해서 이용하고 있기 때문인지, 장난감이나 책이 아무렇지도 않게 장식된 작은 공간에, 자택에서 편히 쉴 것 같은 기분의 장점을 기억합니다.

넓 은 창문으로는 따끈따끈의 햇빛이 들어오고, 오후의 커피 타임을 더욱 행복한 것에. 주택가 안(속)에 있어서, 옥외의 테라스석에서도 매우 조용합니다. 따뜻한 날은 파라솔 아래에서 마놀린 자랑의 핸드 드립 커피(Drip coffee)와 맛있는 케이크로 천천히 보내는 것도 멋있습니다. 1층의 갤러리는 무료이어서 해방되어 있으므로, 훌쩍 들러서 가볍게 관상할 수도 있어요!

주소:서울시 서초구(瑞草區) 반포 4동굴 107-28TEL:02-599-8845營:12:00∼23:00휴식:백중맞이·음력정월(당일 각 1일만), 1월1일 요금:【라즈베리부류레】7500원, 【카페랏테】7000원 액세스:메인 스트리트, 소 레로의 비탈길을 올라 가, 약국앞의 골목길을 우회전해 약 50미터 직진. arte(【알테】)이라고 말하는 목조의 이탈리안 레스토랑이 있는 골목길을 우회전, 직진후 바로 왼쪽 손측에 있어.

마쓰다(松田) 케넌(canon)씨

한국, 서울 재주. 프리랜스의 라이터 겸 코디네이터로서 한국의 문화·엔터테인먼트·식도락·미용등에 관한 취재·집필을 폭넓게 처리한다.

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Guest xiaomaii

It's nice to see our Director Ku.

I know a lot of fans will swarm to support her movie MAGIC. That's one thing I admire on Korean fans. I hope I'm there too just to give a simple gesture of participating on her most endeavor producing this film. So you guys in Korea right now, take a chance and give our support to Hye Sun! :)

Here's some past cameo episode of Hye Sun in Drama City way back year 2004 & 2005. If anyone's interested on watching it.

Drama City (드라마시티):

Anagram (아나그램) - July 25, 2004

Everybody Cha Cha Cha (다함께 차차차) - July 30, 2005

The rest of the parts can be found in that particular YT account. I like Everybody Cha Cha Cha, it has a good humor on it. Totally in contrast with Anagram. Two different role. :)

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Guest pray4plauges

thanks sue :D maybe OhTaKoo actually likes Hye Sun & when he knew that Jandi then turned into a maid, he downloaded that part to be able to watch her new role which he might came to like also yet if Hye Sun looks nearly the same like that of the doll shown in the screen, Hye Sun would even look more beautiful for him..somehow, i find some cute & funny scenes with Jandi as maid..


hello pray4plauges :D Welcome to Hye Sun thread :D i`m happy to see growing fans from Phils..as i stay here longer, i`m more proud to be Pinay..what shorter name could we call you? should bear speaking english coz foreign languages are not allowed unless with translations..hope you`ve already joined Hye Sun Soompi Fans Club.. you can chat with fellow sunnies there anytime mostly late at night in our time..see you more here :DThe Link

lyon & tracie, thanks for the pics but it was not stated whose wedding is that :D

ow!! hehehe

jus call me arvin....

heheheh thnx 4 the warm welcome


and sori 4 the late reply!!


can i ask an question


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sue, i`ve read Suh Hyun Jin`s part @ Y-Star interview last Sept..(from p. 325)

Y-Star[Goo Hye Sun @ the set of her ASFF trailer directorial job!!!!


YStar MC: Today's beauty is not only pretty in face but also very talented and smart. GHS truly fits today's description as a beauty. Y-Star exclusively met with GHS at her PD film work site.

After BOF, GHS' status has been upgraded to a Hallyu star status. GHS has authored, illustrated, directed and is continuing to show her many talents. Last September 24th at dawn, YStar visited GHS's work site where she is very busy directing. This is a cafe in Kang Nam. As soon as the last customer has left, the staff is quickly getting ready to film.

@1:02 GHS is giving direction to the cameraman and to Hyun Jin (the actress in <Careful Caretaker>) to lower her head and to shoot the scene again. She thanks the staff and laughs.

YStar: Through an ardent push from Sunbae Actor Ahn Sung Gi, GHS has been selected to direct a short trailer for the 7th AISFF.

@1:20 GHS: I initally wanted to make a 30 second trailer of a love story with a sad goobye theme, but Ahn sunsangnim (addressing Ahn as her mentor/teacher) proposed more hopeful theme. So, I am reconsidering the theme with a lingering tone of hope.

YStar: Admiring GHS's dedication and discipline, Ahn visited GHS at the the filming site despite that fact that he has other engagements at dawn the next day as well. Ahn finds it difficult to hide his excitement over the fact that GHS is participating to energize and enrich the AISFF this year. It makes him more energetic!

Ahn: first of all she likes and loves movies. She is also preparing for a full-length movie right now. I approached her to ask her to direct the trailer as a sort of a warm-up exercise. She is young and I stongly felt that she will have fresh, original and lively ideas to make the annual festival more alive this year.

YStar: Ahn came to cheer GHS on and he even thought about the midnight snacks for everybody while working so hard into the dead of the night. GHS thanks him and she says that this cafe shop has delicious food. They are talking together about the donuts and offering each other food. The main star of the trailer is Suh Hyun Jin who is GHS' very close friend and also an actress for GHS's <Cheerful Caretaker>.

Suh Hyun Jin: She is a type of director that comes to work very well prepared already. She herself is an actress so she is extremely considerate of other actors such as giving me time to rest and sleep. Working with GHS is very comfortable and easy.

YStar: Through much converstion and communication with the actors, GHS is a type of director who tries to bring out the highest form of potential from each actor. So, before the start of the film, GHS is discussing today's "conti" harmoniously with Suh. Like a good director, GHS even examines the details of the costume that Suh will be wearing. GHS says to just squeeze into it,,,it is a clothes for the juniors...it is so tight (Suh),,,, your face is turning red (male staff ) (The clip and the sound do not match so in this particular video.)

GHS as a director show her plain everyday self. These days, everythig that she does create interest, even as she is preparing for the mystery musical movie. Ahn states that these days it is not enough to know how to do just one thing. He admires GHS's efforts in yet another field from acting, Ahn adds that if one feels happiness from what he does and others also feels the happiness from what one has done, then that is enough. Of course, when one tries more than one thing, I believe that there is a need for even more effort and patience.

GHS: I feel I don't yet deserve to be called artist, director, etc. I still have a lot to learn and in a way I am still a student.

YSTAR, GHS is a talented and AISFF will be even more emriched through the participation of GHS this year. GHS promised to work hard on behalf of short films and Ahn asks for much interest and attendance at the 7th AISFF this November even if to check out GHS's short trailer as a PD..

** waves to all **

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hello sunnies..!

Love and miss Goo Hye Sun so much....

Wish her happy and always make a great for everything that she doing in her life.. :)

Love U Director Goo..! :D

hi leezzul :D just received your PM..you make me emo dear..~~deep sigh~~let`s just see in the days to come..here`s to you dear..very cute Jandi dolls..look at the 2nd one, she`s sad :P



pics repost cr baidu, jee

hello GHSforever :D what shorter name will you want us to call you?? btw, you were able to finish Pure 19 in 3 days??

hello GHSfan how are you? hope your having a great day, yes I finished Pure 19 in 3 days i started the drama and couldnt stop, we had a lot of snow here where im at so i couldnt do anything so I watch Pure 19 at one point i did a 24hour marathon because i wanted to finish it. btw I got your pm and i will difinetely do that..thanks for the info, and you can call me Dahlia

hi dahlia :D Pure 19 is a certified good drama also, isn`t it? i haven`t watched the entire epis but with some that i`ve seen, i find it a nice one..beautiful chemistry also with SJS :)

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Guest leezzul

hello GHSfan,thanks so much sis...! Ghs/Jandi still the cutest girl and pretty woman i've ever seen.although just doll,i can see the shining of HS in the doll eyes,hehe...

OMG, my eyes want to tears! :D hope she'll not be like the second pics in her life.be like the first pic.cool,hehe..in 2nd pic,she look sad,but still cute..

Don't be sad in whatever those antis say about u,HS!

We always behind you in whatever situation.(althought she'll not read this). :lol:

And hope u will always smile and has inside stronger spirit although you're cute petite girl,hihi..

Thanks to all sunnies for everything about HS and keep the stronger spirit for her..! :D


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It's nice to see our Director Ku.

I know a lot of fans will swarm to support her movie MAGIC. That's one thing I admire on Korean fans. I hope I'm there too just to give a simple gesture of participating on her most endeavor producing this film. So you guys in Korea right now, take a chance and give our support to Hye Sun! :)

Here's some past cameo episode of Hye Sun in Drama City way back year 2004 & 2005. If anyone's interested on watching it.

Drama City (드라마시티):

Everybody Cha Cha Cha (다함께 차차차) - July 30, 2005

The rest of the parts can be found in that particular YT account. I like Everybody Cha Cha Cha, it has a good humor on it. Totally in contrast with Anagram. Two different role. :)

thanks xiaomaii for the vids :D agree with Cha Cha Cha..love Hye Sun in a comic character but of course it should still go w/ serious & light scenes :)

GHSFan! You found the doll that I was looking for! Thank you sssooo much! Pure 19 is a fantastic drama. Another acting masterful work of GHS.

Sunnies have a safe and happy Lunar New Year!

Waves at all the sunnies!

Lolli, Happy Valentines & Lunar/New Year to you also..thanks for the warm greetings :D

nat, thanks for bringing the article & pics :D

arvin/pray4plauges, it`s ok..nice to see you again here :D btw, wanna remind you that when you reply to a post with pic/s, please remove the img tags so as not to include anymore the said pic/s on your post..that`s one of soompi`s rules we need to abide ok??:D

webby, F4fan :D

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