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Goo Hye Sun 구혜선


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thanks sue for the translations

i'm in awe while reading the article again for the nth time hye sun's

phrases every words in those lines gave me such feeling of being

encouraged and challenged... specially with these lines thumup.gif

There is no such thing as a perfect person in this world. We all must become the main characters or the stars of our lives. We are all different and start differently. But from whatever is our circumstances, it is very important that we find the opportunities to try out what we want to do. Of course as an actress, I probably have more opportunities than others. However, due to the benefits of modern day digital magic and advanced technology, we can all easily create free opportunities and space to amply express our creativities and talents to the mass. Even if I was not an actress, I am pretty sure that I would have looked for various ways to display my work. I sincerely hope that my young peers will be encouraged to find their paths--and to boldly think that, if GHS can do it, they can certainly try it."

this girl really never fails to amaze all

of us bow.gif

i like it on how she's being thankful for all the people that are surrounding

and supporting her



○ We all know HyeSun's Birthday is coming up, do you guys have plan to send her something? a gift, a letter or anything? I know its too early to plan or anything but I am just so excited to know what GHS soompiers thinks of giving her haha, I for one wants to make her feel really special on her Birhday♥ pls.let us know..

wow sas that's a great idea nov is just around the corner

and i think it's the best time to think of something special

for our dear hye sun... boylove.gif

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Waves @ everyone!

Thanks Sue for the translation and pink fairy for the article.

I'm usually a silent reader because I just pass by because usually I am busy, but today I couldn't stay silent.

Hye Sun unnies responses are truly profound. She never stops to amaze me.

Her statement that, "There is no such thing as a perfect person in this world. We must all become the main characters or star of our lives." Definitely hit home. A great quote!

I think that we'll definitely see more amazing skills emerge from Hye Sun in the future. She's the 21st century wonder woman!

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Headline: 소설·영화·그림·작곡… 다재다능 그녀 구혜선

Headlline: Novel, Movie, Art, Composition,,,multitalented lady Goo Hye Sun

오애리기자 aeri@munhwa.com

Oh AeRi Reporter

thanks for the translation sue, I enjoyed reading this article and GHS is just truly inspirational, she really is an amazing person that is beautiful inside and out. I found another article relating her and Jung Woo Sung mentioning about her directing. I hope webby/sue/bella would translate it ^^ thanks very much~~ :)

headline: 정우성 "감독 데뷔, 구혜선에 자극 받아" [인터뷰]


[OSEN=최나영 기자] 배우 정우성이 영화 감독을 준비하면서 후배 연기자 구혜선으로부터 자극을 받았다고 전했다.

정우성은 중국배우 고원원과 함께 호흡을 맞춘 허진호 감독의 다섯 번째 영화 '호우시절'의 내달 8일 개봉을 앞두고 있다.

대학시절 좋아했던 동창을 우연히 다시 만나 사랑에 빠지는, 사랑의 타이밍에 대해 이야기하고 있는 이 영화에서 정우성은 시인의 꿈을 꿨던 회사원 동하 역을 맡아 일상성을 입고 한결 편안해진 모습으로 관객들을 만난다.

연기 변신과 더불어 정우성에게는 또 다른 자신만의 과제가 있다. 바로 영화 감독이다. 오랜 동안 영화 감독의 꿈을 키워오며 의지를 내비쳐 온 정우성은 얼마 전 일본 방문에서 "영화 감독의 꿈은 이제 현실로 코 앞에 다가왔다"며 내년 상반기 감독으로 데뷔할 예정임을 밝혔고, 최근 진행된 '호우시절' 기자간담회에서도 "내가 한 말들이 있어 (감독 데뷔를) 내년은 넘기지 않으려고 한다"고 전했다.

영화 감독의 꿈을 이루기 위해 약 2년 전 프로덕션을 만들고 직접 시나리오 몇 편을 완성해 놓았다. 또 그룹 god의 '그대 날 떠난 후로' 등의 뮤직비디오와 단편영화 '러브 비 플랫'을 연출해 미장센영화제에 출품하며 앞으로 걸어 갈 감독의 길을 닦아 놓았다.

본인 뿐만 아니라 유지태, 구혜선처럼 영화 감독을 꿈꾸는 연기자들이 많다는 말에 정우성은 "구혜선의 영화 '유쾌한 도우미'를 보고 깜짝 놀랐다. 참 잘 만들어 솔직히 자극 받았다. 그래서 나 역시 빨리 영화를 만들고 더욱 열심히 해야 겠다는 생각이 들었다"고 털어놓았다.

정우성이 메가폰을 잡은 영화는 멜로 영화다. 개인적으로 '사랑 이야기'에 관심이 많다는 정우성은 자신에게 영향을 줬던 작품들로 '천장지구', '열혈남아', '아비정전', '동사서독' 같은 짙은 멜로가 담긴 홍콩 느와르를 꼽았다. 한 마디도 '액션 멜로'다. 자신의 영화에 감독을 맡을 뿐만 아니라 직접 주인공으로도 출연할 예정이다.

허진호 감독의 배우들의 가능성을 풀어놓고 시험하며 끊임없이 사색하는 스타일에 놀랐다는 정우성에게 어떤 스타일의 감독이 될 것 같냐고 물으니 "그저 영화를 잘 만드는 감독이 되고 싶다"고 대답했다. "내가 생각하는 이미지가 어떤 느낌으로 관객들에게 받아들여질까, 관객들에게 어떤 평가를 받을지는 모르지만 그저 열심히 영화를 잘 만드는 감독이 되고 싶다"고 덧붙였다.


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Guest susAmerica

name='minjee' date='Sep 26 2009, 05:41 AM' post='14618828']

thanks for the translation sue, I enjoyed reading this article and GHS is just truly inspirational, she really is an amazing person that is beautiful inside and out. I found another article relating her and Jung Woo Sung mentioning about her directing. I hope webby/sue/bella would translate it ^^ thanks very much~~ :)


Thanks minjee for the article.

headline: 정우성 "감독 데뷔, 구혜선에 자극 받아" [인터뷰]


Headline: Jung Woo Sung "Directorial Debut, Influenced by GHS" [interview[

[OSEN=최나영 기자]

[Osen=Choi Na Young Reporter]

배우 정우성이 영화 감독을 준비하면서 후배 연기자 구혜선으로부터 자극을 받았다고 전했다.

Actor Jung Woo Sung claims that he was moved by GHS as he prepares for his directorial work.

정우성은 중국배우 고원원과 함께 호흡을 맞춘 허진호 감독의 다섯 번째 영화 '호우시절'의 내달 8일 개봉을 앞두고 있다.

Jung Woo Sung is waiting to open his new movie, "Rain Days", co-starring the Chinese actress Go Won Wonon October 8th and it is the 5th movie made by the Director Huh Jin Ho.

대학시절 좋아했던 동창을 우연히 다시 만나 사랑에 빠지는, 사랑의 타이밍에 대해 이야기하고 있는 이 영화에서 정우성은 시인의 꿈을 꿨던 회사원 동하 역을 맡아 일상성을 입고 한결 편안해진 모습으로 관객들을 만난다.

It is a story of two college friends reuniting accicentally and fallling in love. It is a story about timing and love. Jung plays a regular office worker dreaming of being a poet/writer. Wearing regular clothes, Jung presents a comfortable and relaxed persona.

연기 변신과 더불어 정우성에게는 또 다른 자신만의 과제가 있다. 바로 영화 감독이다. 오랜 동안 영화 감독의 꿈을 키워오며 의지를 내비쳐 온 정우성은 얼마 전 일본 방문에서 "영화 감독의 꿈은 이제 현실로 코 앞에 다가왔다"며 내년 상반기 감독으로 데뷔할 예정임을 밝혔고, 최근 진행된 '호우시절' 기자간담회에서도 "내가 한 말들이 있어 (감독 데뷔를) 내년은 넘기지 않으려고 한다"고 전했다.

On top of change in his acting, Jung has another personal goal/task. It is his dream of being a director. For a long time, he has been preparing himself for the dream of being a director and has shown his will power. Not too long ago, at a Japanese program, Jung professed that he is at the verge of making his directorial dream a reality. Even at the press conference for his upcoming movie, "Rain Days", Jung reiterated his promise to himself and others about his directorial goal and that he does not wish to let the next year just pass by.

영화 감독의 꿈을 이루기 위해 약 2년 전 프로덕션을 만들고 직접 시나리오 몇 편을 완성해 놓았다. 또 그룹 god의 '그대 날 떠난 후로' 등의 뮤직비디오와 단편영화 '러브 비 플랫'을 연출해 미장센영화제에 출품하며 앞으로 걸어 갈 감독의 길을 닦아 놓았다.

To accomplish his directorial dream, he established a production company two years ago and has wirtten several chapters for a script. He has also directed, through a group called god, a music video called "After You Left Me" and a short film called, "Love bFlat". "Love bFlat" was shown at the MiJangSen Movie Festival and he has steadily walked the path to become a director.

본인 뿐만 아니라 유지태, 구혜선처럼 영화 감독을 꿈꾸는 연기자들이 많다는 말에 정우성은 "구혜선의 영화 '유쾌한 도우미'를 보고 깜짝 놀랐다. 참 잘 만들어 솔직히 자극 받았다. 그래서 나 역시 빨리 영화를 만들고 더욱 열심히 해야 겠다는 생각이 들었다"고 털어놓았다.

When he heard that many actors such as Yoo Ji Tae and GHS dream of becoming a director, Jung states that he was very surprised by GHS's "Cheerful Caretaker". He thought it was so well made and definitely moved/stimulated by her film. He felt more motivated to make a movie as soon as possible and to try even harder than ever before. (Jung's statement reminds me of GHS's another fan who wrote to her that GHS motivated him restart his piano playing again. GHS herself seems to be becoming a role model and mentor to many, even a famous actor like Jung.)

정우성이 메가폰을 잡은 영화는 멜로 영화다. 개인적으로 '사랑 이야기'에 관심이 많다는 정우성은 자신에게 영향을 줬던 작품들로 '천장지구', '열혈남아', '아비정전', '동사서독' 같은 짙은 멜로가 담긴 홍콩 느와르를 꼽았다. 한 마디도 '액션 멜로'다. 자신의 영화에 감독을 맡을 뿐만 아니라 직접 주인공으로도 출연할 예정이다.

He wants to direct a 'mellow' movie. He is personally interested in love stories and named several Hong Kong Mellow Noir movies that have had big impact on him: "Roof Earth", "Hot-Blooded Man', "Ah Bi Blackout", "West German Company" (all these titles many not be the exact titles of the movies that he is referring to. Maybe Bella or Webby can fix them.) Simply, he likes mellow action movies. He plans to not only direct his movie but also to star in it.

허진호 감독의 배우들의 가능성을 풀어놓고 시험하며 끊임없이 사색하는 스타일에 놀랐다는 정우성에게 어떤 스타일의 감독이 될 것 같냐고 물으니 "그저 영화를 잘 만드는 감독이 되고 싶다"고 대답했다. "내가 생각하는 이미지가 어떤 느낌으로 관객들에게 받아들여질까, 관객들에게 어떤 평가를 받을지는 모르지만 그저 열심히 영화를 잘 만드는 감독이 되고 싶다"고 덧붙였다.

Jung spoke of his admiration for Director Huh Jin Ho's style of allowing his actors' potentials to bubble up naturally by experimenting endlessly. When asked what kind of director he may be, Jung simply states that he just wants to be a director that makes good movies. I cannot predict how people may view or judge my perceptions and images in a movie, but I just want to be a hard working, good moive-making director.


It is kind of comforting to know that GHS has an actor~director peer to network and commiserate with as a director and that she is not all alone in that field of directing movies and such. :rolleyes:

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We all know HyeSun's Birthday is coming up, do you guys have plan to send her something? a gift, a letter or anything? I know its too early to plan or anything but I am just so excited to know what GHS soompiers thinks of giving her haha, I for one wants to make her feel really special on her Birhday♥ pls.let us know..

Hi pink fairy, I agree and I'd like to participate too. :D

"There is no such thing as a perfect person in this world. We all must become the main characters or the stars of our lives. We are all different and start differently. But from whatever is our circumstances, it is very important that we find the opportunities to try out what we want to do. Of course as an actress, I probably have more opportunities than others. However, due to the benefits of modern day digital magic and advanced technology, we can all easily create free opportunities and space to amply express our creativities and talents to the mass. Even if I was not an actress, I am pretty sure that I would have looked for various ways to display my work. I sincerely hope that my young peers will be encouraged to find their paths--and to boldly think that, if GHS can do it, they can certainly try it."

Thank you sue for the translation. I really like what she said and it's truly inspiring. Wishing her all the success for the movie!


韓流ぴあ秋号 2009.09.26

(PIA Hallyu Autumn Issue)



韓流CM スター LIVE Vol.3

(CM Hallyu Stars LIVE Vol.3)





credit: Luxury MinHo

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thanks sue for the translation and it's nice to see Jung Woo Sung to be also motivated to pursue being a director just like his fellow actors such as Goo Hye Sun and Yeo Ji Tae. thanks mintcar for the extra BOF presscon pics!

GHS gifs






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Guest susAmerica

Woah, thanks to mintcar and minjee for all the pix on this page so far! The gif's are great and love that Jung Woo Sung and GHS pix are side by side. Thanks again.

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Guest misa_yen

Headline: 소설·영화·그림·작곡… 다재다능 그녀 구혜선

Headlline: Novel, Movie, Art, Composition,,,multitalented lady Goo Hye Sun

오애리기자 aeri@munhwa.com

thanks a bunch for your translation, Sue

I enjoy reading it from head to toe with absorption. Such a well written and worth reading article

It gives us a glimpse of Hye Sun's path to her sucess, together with her viewpoint on her work and life

Hye Sun is truly an amazing and inspirational person. Not only she's multitalented but honest and humble as well

She made a debut as a director of her short film. She also exhibited her art in a gallery. She also issued a CD containing 8 New Age compositions created directly by herself. Not only that, she had a concert with the Master of New Age music, Isao Sasaki. Scrupuplusly and step by step, she revealed to the world her various work the past 5 months that for most people it may take many years to lifetime to accomplish.

I love how the reporter related briefly Hye Sun recent achievements, which seems to express a hidden admiration behind.

However, she unhesitatingly and straightforwardly answered all the questions, even the difficult ones. She was very aware of her own talents and her inadquacies more than anybody.

that exactly why I adore her

a simple, straightforward person with a determined mind

she's modest but full aware of her outstanding abilities

perhaps she's not good at sth but hardly deny it

Hye Sun doesn't care what others say, she just wants to focus on her dream, her desire by challenging herself with a lot of different things

GHS speaks as if she has lived a very long life already. "Everybody that I meet in my life has been and will be able to teach me and help me." My parents, my teachers, every person that I meet at work and filming locations, my Agency family and so many, many people have guided and helped me. Without every single one of them, my existence could not have been possible. Among them, the most important person and mentor in my life is my art teacher from the junior and senior high school days.

I love how she expressed her deep gratitude to all the people that have helped and supported her all the way to her success now.

Hye Sun must be greatly respect her art teacher, as I've heard she mention that for more than once time

She plans to complete filming the movie during the months of November and December of this year. If everything is finalized, she may be able to open her movie as soon as the first part of next year.

now I'm looking forward to her movie

Hye Sun, whishing you all the best in the future ^^

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Guest susAmerica

Mnet Japan - Boys Over Flowers BTS Ep25


Lediemkieu, thank you for getting Mnet Japan - Boys Over Flowers BTS Ep25.

I liked this one because it is the last BTS and I saw how sweet Jihoo/KHJ was to Jandi/GHS.

So, I will translate the Korean spoken parts.

@0.45 KHJ says: "It is cold, really cold. This winter has been cold (there was too much noise but I think that is what he said) I think it will be cold until the drama ends. Yes, it will be cold until the drama ends. I don't know what I am saying,,,(hahah, he is so funny wihout trying to be funny!!)

@0.57 KHJ takes his jacket off for GHS while his manager looks on, and KHJ presses the jacket against GHS' arms so that she could feel the warmth of the jacket from his body heat. GHS says, "This is really warm.." KHJ' manager commets, "wow, that must be really warm." Another male voice comments in the background, "I could have taken off my jacket for her but mine is leather..." Then somebody puts on GHS one of those staff thick overcoat and GHS tells KHJ, @1.11 "Ji Hoo, put on some clothes." (no honorifics in GHS addressing him at all.) Then we see KHJ, with his face lowered, "I'm OK" (he uses honorifics to address her.) and maybe the manager felt some embarrassment for KHJ because he started to laugh. (I don't know about you but, to me, it was a sweet moment between GHS and KHJ. Maybe KHJ really became Yoon JI Hoo at the end. ???)@1:22, notice Jandi's funny expression as she kicked off a tiny bucket in her way accicentally---NG.

@2:44 After few people were thrown into the cold water, KHJ sees GHS coming and asks her if she is OK. But she walks off. So he asks her again if she is OK and that they all have to take a pix or something. She laughingly yells at him without looking at him that her pants is all wet. But KHJ says to her "no, noona, you have to take a pix". GHS is walking away and KHJ is still trying to stop her. (This is kind of sweet too as he seems sorry and concerned for GHS.He may use honrifics but she certainly does not. So, did GHS take pix with the rest of the BOF team or did she just go off to change her pants? I cannot find her in the big group pix. Do you??)

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@2:44 After few people were thrown into the cold water, KHJ sees GHS coming and asks her if she is OK. But she walks off. So he asks her again if she is OK and that they all have to take a pix or something. She laughingly yells at him without looking at him that her pants is all wet. But KHJ says to her "no, noona, you have to take a pix". GHS is walking away and KHJ is still trying to stop her. (This is kind of sweet too as he seems sorry and concerned for GHS.He may use honrifics but she certainly does not. So, did GHS take pix with the rest of the BOF team or did she just go off to change her pants? I cannot find her in the big group pix. Do you??)

Thanx Sue for the translation...I've never seen this part anywhere before...It was so cute the way she scream when KHJ hold her shoulder as if to show off a little bit of her tantrums at KHJ to emphasize her annoyance at him cos I'm sure he's the mastermind who suggested to throw her in the water...yeah, it was very sweet indeed...and a very rare bts that was ever released by Group 8



@2:55 I noticed KHJ & his manager were looking at the back...perhaps they were still looking/waiting for GHS...but too bad the camera won't wait for her....

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SUE2en832c.jpg for the HANADAN25 translation♥

○ KHJ is such a sweety he was so tender putting on that jacket and yeah maybe he was the one responsible on plotting that last scene and GHS shrieks like a little girl like "dont touch me"..too bad because of that incident Jandi wasnt able to join the Group pictures..I read way back KHJ went looking for her when he noticed GHS was not present on that group picture taking and to ask how she was doing..hahaha guilty as charged..sweet though.

lastly, starting next week we'll be able to watch BOF the making! yipee!

From on Oct 11, Mnet Japan will broadcast the "making of BOF" every week which will be 30 mins show.--byjj2luv@YOUTUBE

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Lediemkieu, thank you for getting Mnet Japan - Boys Over Flowers BTS Ep25.

I liked this one because it is the last BTS and I saw how sweet Jihoo/KHJ was to Jandi/GHS.

@2:44 After few people were thrown into the cold water, KHJ sees GHS coming and asks her if she is OK. But she walks off. So he asks her again if she is OK and that they all have to take a pix or something. She laughingly yells at him without looking at him that her pants is all wet. But KHJ says to her "no, noona, you have to take a pix". GHS is walking away and KHJ is still trying to stop her. (This is kind of sweet too as he seems sorry and concerned for GHS.He may use honrifics but she certainly does not. So, did GHS take pix with the rest of the BOF team or did she just go off to change her pants? I cannot find her in the big group pix. Do you??)

thanks for the vid and translation lediemkieu & sue, the last BTS was cute and funny because of GHS/KHJ interaction and Hyun Joong's randomness lol~ he's just funny without even trying :lol: ~ HS wasn't in the group photo instead she went to change her wet clothes hehe I bet HJ felt sorry/guilty so he went to see if she was fine haha~~ Although I wish she was still in this group photo but oh well ^^



2nqwhfq.jpg--> during Pure 19 days

this vid's audio is more better and sync than the other that's been uploaded in YT :)

090925 YTN Star: Goo Hye Sun Interview for Making of AISFF Trailer


SUE2en832c.jpg for the HANADAN25 translation♥

○ KHJ is such a sweety he was so tender putting on that jacket and yeah maybe he was the one responsible on plotting that last scene and GHS shrieks like a little girl like "dont touch me"..too bad because of that incident Jandi wasnt able to join the Group pictures..I read way back KHJ went looking for her when he noticed GHS was not present on that group picture taking and to ask how she was doing..hahaha guilty as charged..sweet though.lastly, starting next week we'll be able to watch BOF the making! yipee!

From on Oct 11, Mnet Japan will broadcast the "making of BOF" every week which will be 30 mins show.--byjj2luv@YOUTUBE

thanks for the news! I can't wait! :D I really hope it's 30 mins, not just 5-10 mins LOL! I also thought we won't be able to see anymore because the MNETJapan Behind The Scenes of BOF is finished but yay! we still got something to look forward to :)

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Guest pixie_eve

thanks for the hanadan trans SUS.. KHJ was such fun :) and reagrding HS' interview which sus translated,wow! she has so much depth. She answers questions unpretentiously and her words are so succinct. Her words really encourage you 2b better and follow ur dreams :) Before, antis used to question her abilities and even criticized her talents. Now, i hardly see these antis and I mostly read praises for her multi-talent, beauty inside and out, and how she answers questions so intelligently. HS has truly proven herself to the antis and she shines all throughout.. i hope she flies even higher. I can't wait to see her in a new drama too ;)

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Guest susAmerica

Just a little addition to the Sept 6th Japan promo interview:

I went into the DCinside for date 9/28/09. One of the members brought in the translation of the press interview.

Just few funny points that was missing from the last translation: It just happens that missing parts are from Kim Bum and GHS parts of the interview.

Of Kim Bum: This particular translator from Japan calls Kim Bum as Kim Bomb because his name sounds like "bomb". (That was funny.) Kim Bum, when asked if he ever quotes any lines from the BOF, he mentions that he does not, but he would still call the actress that played opposite him as, "Gaeul", instead of her real name. I don't know if I translated this part, but he was jokingly getting upset that he is the last person to answer due to their seating arrangement in this interview. That is why he said that he likes raymun much more than LMH and he wants to visit Harajukoo lot more than LMH.

Of GHS: (I know that some of you added these information along the soompi already) When asked what kind of Japanese food she likes, she says that she likes "Nato", which I believe is similar to Korean fermented soybean paste, which may be very smelly but very healthy food. She also mentions that she likes the Japanese beef over rice dish. (I wonder what is the proper Japanese name for this food is? I woud not mind trying it!)

Her favorite Japanese celebrity/actor is Kimura Takuya-ssi. (I did translate this before.) GHS was asked if she would be interested in dating one of the F4's. She first laughed and answered in Japanese, "I don't know." "I like all of them. Truly, they are all such good people. I have gotten to know all four people and each one has his own attractive personality that I would not be able to choose." (So sweet!)

Below is a personal statement added by the Japanese reporter who attended the press conference.

「꽃남」팀의 정은 현재도 변함없는 것 같고, 회견중 서로 얼굴을 보류해 서로 미소짓는 등 , 사이 화목한 모습을 보여 주었습니다.

특히쿠·헤손씨의 큐트한 웃는 얼굴에는, 당해 버렸습니다∼>< 정말로 귀여웠습니다♪

BOF team's affection for each other seems still unchanged. (This translator's Korean is not very clear so I am going to translate it the way I think he means.) During the interview, they would look at each other and smile at each other and etc. There was a sense of harmonious relationship among them. Especially, I just melted at the sight of GHS-ssi's cute smiling face. She was truly cute!



number 95858 of September 28, 2009


Also, I find the DCinside members' conversation among themselves very heartwarming and at times so funny. One page was dedicated to how they all wish that GHS has somebody who would love her dearly and truly. This conversation is in number 95870 and started when one member wrote down the lyric to Lee Seung Gi's song, "Will You Marry Me". Few likes Lee Seung Gi just becasue he came out on NN5 with Goo and fondly remember that Lee said once long ago that he would marry someone like HSnoona. Few felt that Goo should not marry too soon but to do everything she wants to do and then marry at 30 or later. Others said that today's man who would fully support GHS working and who would love her for everything that she is and do would be a great match even right now. Still others said that they do not find men who have no income potential to be good for Goo or anybody even though they have all the confidence that Goo can earn a good living herself, so they want Goo to STOP announcing that she does not care if the man she loves has nothing. (that was a funny one!) Still others just wish that the next man she loves will not hurt her in any ways. They want her to avoid playboys, addicts and unemployables. In another page, few members praise a male member just because if a man admires a woman like Goo, he is already a great guy! (Aren't they nice? There seems to be no ~shippers in the DCinside. I wish there were--it would make their conversation even more interesting.) :)

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Sue,Webby need you guys to translate this article.thanks :)

Click here!

음악에 빠지다!

최 근 단편 영화 연출, 소설 출간, 전시회 개최 등 다방면에서 재능을 선보인 구혜선이 자신의 첫 음반을 발표했다. 이번 음반은 올 연말에 예정된 구혜선의 첫 장편 영화에 삽입될 음악들을 미리 선보이기 위한 것으로, 그녀는 음반에 수록될 전곡을 작곡하며 음악적 재능을 보여준다. 보통 영화가 개봉된 후 OST 음반을 발표하는 것과는 달리 음반을 먼저 발표하는 점도 특이하지만 더욱 눈길이 가는 점은 일본 뉴에이지 음악의 거장 이사오 사사키가 연주자로 참여했다는 것이다

Click here!

▲일본의 뉴에이지 피아니스트 이사오 사사키가 새 앨범 '더 웨이 위 워(The Way We Were)'를 국내 발표했다.

탤런트 구혜선이 참여해 화제가 된 이 앨범에는 한국의 동요 '과수원길'과 '오빠생각', '반달', 일본 동요 '고추잠자리' 등 13곡이 수록됐다.

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Guest susAmerica






Sue,Webby need you guys to translate this article.thanks :)

Click here!

음악에 빠지다!

최 근 단편 영화 연출, 소설 출간, 전시회 개최 등 다방면에서 재능을 선보인 구혜선이 자신의 첫 음반을 발표했다. 이번 음반은 올 연말에 예정된 구혜선의 첫 장편 영화에 삽입될 음악들을 미리 선보이기 위한 것으로, 그녀는 음반에 수록될 전곡을 작곡하며 음악적 재능을 보여준다. 보통 영화가 개봉된 후 OST 음반을 발표하는 것과는 달리 음반을 먼저 발표하는 점도 특이하지만 더욱 눈길이 가는 점은 일본 뉴에이지 음악의 거장 이사오 사사키가 연주자로 참여했다는 것이다

Click here!

▲일본의 뉴에이지 피아니스트 이사오 사사키가 새 앨범 '더 웨이 위 워(The Way We Were)'를 국내 발표했다.

탤런트 구혜선이 참여해 화제가 된 이 앨범에는 한국의 동요 '과수원길'과 '오빠생각', '반달', 일본 동요 '고추잠자리' 등 13곡이 수록됐다.

Both are kind of old news--announcing that GHS's CD and Isao Sasaki CD are out. I was a little confused about the first article which were announcing the schedule of various concerts. It mentions GHS' album right under the concerts that I thought she and Isao Sasaki were having another concert on Sept 30th. But I don't thinks so. Her next guest appearance for Isao Sasaki's concert is on Oct 11 at 8PM in Seoul and she has few others on 14, 16, 17 and 18th of October in various cities of Korea. But before that she will be presenting her AISFF short trailer on Oct. 6th at 11AM in Seoul.

All the best wishes!

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Guest susAmerica

Another clip of Hye Sun ans other stars at VIP Movie "Rains day" Premiere


Sue: thanks for all translations as always ^-^, u help us get closer to our girl and also prove how good human being she is. HS is truly a role model for young people :).

Btw, please check ur PM Sue, i left a message there.

Thanks Nina for the clip: :)

Well, the movie received great reviews from all the directors and actors that came to preview the movie. GHS said before the preview that she expects the movie to be about love that overcomes the language barrier. Too bad that GHS was not seen at all after the movie. Most everybody said that it is one of the best mellow love story in a long time.

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