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Goo Hye Sun 구혜선


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Thank you Sus. As much as I want to see her in a drama again, I hope that she focuses on her movie. So interesting...a musical, with a cellist...possibly horror? LOL, just have to wait and see. HS's choice of script is definitely different and unique...like her! BUT if she decides on taking a movie role, I hope it's another trendy modern drama, but a role different from GJD.

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sue thanks so much, your trans means a lot to us as we cannot probe and understand her deeper thoughts and inner feelings w/o any of it :)

I just want to share this vid, here GHS talks about her film again in the audience and an outdoor lengthy interview with KBS..I cannot comment other than how I was really drawn to her pretty face :P

LINK: GHS_PIFAN & KBS2 interview

sue if you are not busy,,,hehehe I hope you can translate this vid, i really really want to know what she was saying about her film though i already have a background on the general view of her film,thanks to you...

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Guest susAmerica

PInk Fairy, Thank you for getting the EG or Elle Girl article: Here is the translation.

Elle Girl Article on Goo Hye Sun for its August 1, 2009 Edition (supposdedly there is to be more in the upcoming August edition.)

EG 올봄에 소설을 출간해서 놀라게 하더니, 이번에는 그림이네요. 갤러리 라메르에서 첫 번째 미술 전시회를 열었는데, 소감이 어떤가요.

EG: You surprised us with your novel this spring and now it is your art work. How do you feel about your first art exhibit at the Gallery La Mer?

구혜선 예전부터 생각은 하고 있었는데, 그게 이렇게 실현될지는 몰랐어요. ‘위드(YG엔터테인먼트가 추진하는 공익 캠페인. 이번 전시의 MD 상품 수익금은 위드에 기부될 예정이다)’의 제안을 받고, 혼자 하는 것보다 의미있겠다는 생각이 들어서 급히 진행을 하게 됐죠.

Goo: It is something that I thought about for a long time. I didn’t know that it would become a reality. (We know that all proceeds from the sale of MD products at the art exhibit went to WITH, a public campaign program endorsed by YG Entertainment.) When WITH made a suggestion as to how to have the exhibit while assisting WITH, I jumped at the chance. Instead of showing my art for the sake of showing them, I felt it was a much better and more meaningful way to have the exhibit.

EG 학창 시절 예고 진학을 꿈꾸기도 했던 걸로 알고 있어요. 그림과는 어떻게 친해진 건가요?

EG: During school days, you dreamt of (either advanced studies or wanting to transfer school without warning—I have a feeling typo prob.) advanced studies in art. How did you become so interested in art? (I always thought GHS’ first love is music but I now know that her first love is art and drawing.)

구혜선 어 릴 때부터 그림 그리고 노는 걸 좋아했어요. 친구들과 동네 담벼락에 벽화를 그리기도 하고. 그렇다고 실력이 특출났던 건 아니고, 가끔 선생님이 미술 시간에 그린 내 그림을 교실에 붙여두시는 정도였죠. 어울리던 친구들이 워낙 다방면에 재주가 많아서 내가 특별하다는 생각을 못하고 자랐어요. 그런데 사회생활을 하면서 “너 왜 그렇게 많은 걸 하니?”라는 말을 많이 들어요.

Goo: Since early age, I loved drawing and having fun. With friends, I even made a mural in our neighborhood. However, that does not mean that I had an outstanding ability. Once in a while, my teacher would post my pictures on the classroom walls. That was about the only recognition I received for my art. All my friends that I hung out with were talented in many ways that I never grew up thinking that I was special. But as I got older and interacted with more people, people would often ask me, “why do you do so many things?”

EG 끊임없이 무언가를 배우려는 부지런한 학생 스타일 같아요.

EG: You must have been a type of student who was always consistently and diligently willing to learn.

구혜선 절대 아니에요. 게으르다고 어머니가 항상 걱정하셨어요. 다만 뭔가 하기로 했을 때, 단시간에 몰아서 하는 스타일이에요. 내가 그림 그리는 데 100일이 걸렸다면, 사실은 99일 놀고 하루에 집중해서 그리는 식이죠. 느낌이 왔을 때 몰아붙이는 게 제 방식이에요.

Goo: Absolutely not. My mother worried about me a lot because she felt that I was lazy. But when I make a decision to do something, I tend to do it all at once. (GHS is a crammer! hahaha) If it took me 100 days to finish a painting, in reality, I was most likely playing for the 99 days and actually completing the work in one day with full focus. When I get that feeling, I just pour all energy and focus at that moment until the work is finished.

EG 소설 <탱고>도 <꽃보다 남자>를 촬영하는 동안 완성했다고 들었어요. 무언가에 몰입하면 초인적인 힘이 솟나요? 그렇게 탄생한 첫소설도 꽤 좋은 반응을 얻었죠?

EG: I heard that you completed your novel <Tango> while filming <BOF>. When you become engrossed in something, do you get that superhuman energy? You certainly received much great reviews for your book that was created in that particular style of yours.

구혜선 이런 질문을 많이 하던데요. “연이(<탱고>의 여주인공)는 왜 이렇게 인기 많아?”

Goo: I do get that type of question a lot, “How come the main heroin, Yun, of your novel <Tango> is so popular? (side note: I always wondered if it is a coincidence that Goo named her heroin of <Tango> “Yun”. In BOF, Yoon Ji Hoo’s grandfather and the monk at the temple called Geum Jandi “Yun flower”=water lilly, the flower that can grow beautiful even in the worst possible conditions like mud. Perhaps or NOT, BOF experience may have affected her in some way since she wrote the book as a way to heal her lingering pain from past relationships.)

EG 공감. 세 명이나 되는 남자와 얽혀있잖아요.

EG: I agree. She was involved with 3 men!

구혜선 연이가 인기 많다기보다, 살다보면 유독 남자가 많이 접근하는 시기가 있잖아요. 그리고 누구나 주변을 자세히 살펴보면 여러가지 감정으로 연결된 이성이 있기 마련이고. 아니면 그냥 판타지라고 생각해주세요(웃음). 무언가를 할 때마다 점점 더 큰 책임감이 느껴져요. 처음 것은 미숙하더라도, 다음 번에는 더 잘 해야겠다는 생각. 적어도 보는 사람들이 불편해하지 않도록 말이죠.

Goo: It is not the matter of Yun being so popular. As we females mature, there is a period in our lives when many toxic male relationships may approach us. When we carefully look at our situation, often we are linked with the opposite sex through various emotions. That is normal. Or, just think of it (the novel) as fantasy. (laughs) Whenever I try something, my sense of responsibility increases. Maybe I will be excused as inexperienced for the first attempt, but I feel greater sense of responsibility for the next job. At least, I do not want the people to feel uncomfortable with the product.

EG 책 뒷표지를 보면 양현석 사장님과 고 정승혜 대표님(영화사 아침)의 추천글이 실려 있어요. 두 분은 본인한테 어떤 의미인가요?

EG: In the back of <Tango> are letters of recommendation from YG President Yang and from Morning Production Company’s the late Jung Seung Hae. What significance do these people have in your life?

구혜선 사실 추천글은 유명한 사람이 써야 출판사가 좋아하잖아요. 주변에 유명한 친구들이 많긴 하지만, 내가 본래 부탁을 잘 못하는 성격이에요. 일한 대가 외에 무언가 공짜로 받는 것을 부담스러워해요. 이런 내가 가장 편하게 부탁할 수 있는 사람이 가족, 그리고 양현석 사장님이에요. 한편 정승혜 대표님은 제 인생의 매니저 같은 분이죠. 글을 쓰라고 격려해주시고 출판사를 연결해주신 분도 정 대표님이고요. 추천글 역시 부탁하기 전에 먼저 써주셨어요.

Goo: Honestly, publishing companies love it if you have famous people write your recommendations. I have many famous friends around me. However, I normally do not feel comfortable asking people for anything. Besides getting paid for whatever work I performed, I feel burdened if I have to ask for something without giving anything back in return. Having such a personality, the most comfortable person that I can ask was someone I consider part of my family, President Yang Hyun Suk. President Jung Seung Hae, on the other hand, was like my life manager. She was the one who urged me to write, who introduced me to a publisher, and who wrote me her recommendation even before I asked.

EG 안타까운 이야기지만 지난 5월에 정승혜 대표님이 세상을 떠나셨죠. 각별한 사이였던 만큼 슬픔도 컸을 텐데, 이제는 마음이 정리가 됐나요?

EG: Regrettably this past month of May, President Jung Seung Hae passed away. AS remarkable as your relationship, sadness must have been just as great. Are you feeling better now?

구혜선 빈소에서 탈진해서 쓰러졌다는 기사가 있었는데, 쓰러진 적 없거든요(이상하게 나에 대해서는 이런 오보가 많아요). 물론 많이 울기는 했죠. 하지만 어느 정도 예상을 하고 있던 상황이고, 떠나신 분 앞에서 내가 감히 울고불고 하면 안되겠다는 생각을 했어요. 마지막 가시는 길까지 지켜보고 나니 어느 정도 마음이 편했어요.

Goo: One newspaper article stated that I collapsed at her mortuary out of utter exhaustion. That never happened. Strangely, so much wrong information is written about me. (I hear her anger at the Korean reporters in general and rightfully so!!) Of course, I cried a lot. However, I was aware of her situation and had been preparing for and expecting the inevitable. I also felt that I should not dare overly cry and carry on in front of the person who passed away. I felt more at ease as I watched over her until everything was over.

EG 단편영화 <유쾌한 도우미>를 찍도록 도와주시기도 했다고 들었어요. 덕분에 특이하게도 연기자로서가 아니라, 감독으로 스크린 데뷔를 하게 됐어요.

EG: I heard that President Jung helped you make the film <Cheerful Caretaker>. Because of her, you were able to make a screen debut as a director.

구혜선 나 역시 영화를 꿈꾸는 이 세상의 수 많은 사람 중 하나일 뿐이에요. 그저 재미있어서 혼자 시나리오를 쓰고, 콘티 작업하고, 배경 음악을 구상했는데 운 좋게도 기회를 얻어 영화가 되고, 책이 되고, 음반이 되었죠. 사실 영화에 대해 기술적으로 아는 게 많진 않아요. 이것저것 공부를 하고 있는데, 오히려 주변 사람들은 배우지 말라고 하더라고요. 그러면 혼자 다 하겠다고 나설 거라고(웃음).

Goo: I am merely one of many people that dream of making movies. Alone, I thoroughly enjoyed writing the script, working on the “conti”=content, and composing the background music. (I have a feeling that GHS is clearly telling the reporter that the basic writing and composing were all done by GHS ALONE. Jung helped her with the encouragement and administrative support to show off the film. However, the creative part is all GHS’ work.) Luckily, I was given an opportunity to make the film, publish a novel and to compose. I know only little about the technical side of making movies. I am currently studying this and that. However, the people around me are telling me not to learn everything. They fear that I will end up doing everything by myself. (laughter)

EG 이렇게 다양한 활동을 벌이는 이유가 혹시 ‘연기자 생활이 만족스럽지 않기 때문인가’ 하는 의문들기도 했어요.

EG: The fact that you are involved in so many various activities besides acting, is it possible that you are not that satisfied with the work of being an actress?

구혜선 본래 어떤 것에도 만족을 못하는 성격이에요. 맛있는 음식을 먹고 나서 “아, 배부르다!” 할 때 빼고는. 무엇을 하든 100점짜리 행복은 없는 것 같아요. 사실 스스로도 나를 잘 모르겠어요. 사람의 감정이란 게 무수히 많고, 매일 변화하고, 만나는 상대에 따라 달라지잖아요. 아무튼 재미있는 애 같긴 해요.

Goo: Actually, I have a personality that is never completely satisfied with anything. Of course, I am satisfied if I have eaten enough delicious food. That is an exception. Whatever I try I don’t think there is such a thing as 100% happiness. Honestly, sometimes I don’t know myself. My emotions, like so many people, are immense. They change everyday and change according to different people I meet. Well, at least, I find myself kind of interesting.

EG 영화, 책, 그림.… 그 다음 선보일 프로젝트는 뭔지 궁금하네요.

EG: movie. Novel, art….I am curious as to what you will show next?

구혜선 머지 않아 음반이 출시될 예정이에요. 뉴에이지 음반이라고 할 수 있는데, 작곡은 모두 내가 하고 유명한 음악가들이 연주를 하죠. 오케스트라 음악도 있고, 노래도 하나 넣으려고요. 이번 음반은 2년 전부터 계획한 거였고, 이미 작년에 작곡을 다 마쳤어요. 책이나 전시도 예전부터 준비해왔던 것들인데, 본의 아니게 결과물이 줄지어 나오게 된 거죠.

Goo, Very soon, my music CD will be out. It can be called a new age album. I composed all the music myself however, famous musicians play my compositions. Inside the CD will be an orchestral music and even a song. This CD had been planned since two years ago. Last year, I finished all my musical compositions and, I also had been preparing for my novel and my art exhibit for a very long time. Unlike my original intention, however, all the products of my efforts have been coming out one after another. (I have a feeling she is saying all these because I am assuming that she has had many antis who think that, because her various work have been coming out one after another so fast that, she actually did not do all the work herself. I have few Korean neighbors who believe all the negative things about her without any proofs. I have not read any printed anti’s opinions, but I have my neighbors.)

EG <유쾌한 도우미>의 삽입곡도 본인이 직접 작곡했죠. 작곡은 어떻게 배우게 된 건가요?

EG: You composed the interlude music for <Cheerful Caretaker>. How did you learn to compose?

구혜선 남들은 내가 사교육의 혜택을 많이 받은 줄 아는데, 집안이 그리 여유로운 편은 아니었거든요. 다만 어릴 때 좋은 선생님들의 영향을 많이 받았어요. 초등학교 때 다니던 피아노 학원 선생님이 유난히 예뻐하셔서, 거의 돈도 안 받고 피아노를 가르쳐 주셨죠. 아무 때나 와서 맘껏 피아노를 치게 해주었고, 코드나 작곡법, 청음 훈련도 지도해 주셨어요.

Goo: Some people assumed that I received private education. However, my family’ financial condition would not allow such extravagances. However, I was influenced by many great teachers. I elementary school, my piano teacher adored me and gave me almost free piano lessons and she allowed me to practice on her piano anytime. She even gave me my initial coachings in 코드 (chords?), composing methods and even voice lessons.

EG 양현석 사장님에게 음악에 대한 조언을 얻기도 하나요?

EG: Did you also receive any advice about your music from President Yang?

구혜선 네. 평소에도 아무 때나 전화해서 “오늘 곡 만들었는데 한 번 들어주세요”라고 졸라요. 그런데 난 사장님이 만든 음악을 이해 못하고, 사장님은 내가 만든 음악을 이해 못해요. 내가 만든 피아노 연주곡은 “어려워서 모르겠다”고 하시죠. 그래서 이번 앨범도 우리한테 다 맡기셨어요.

Goo: Anytime I wanted, I would ask President Yang to listen to my music that I just composed. However, I did not understand the music President Yang created and he also did not understand my type of music. He would tell me my music is too hard for him and so he left the control of my music CD entirely to us.

EG ‘우리’라는 말은 본인과 스탭들을 가리키는 거죠? 여러 사람들과 함께 일하는 과정 자체를 즐기는 듯해요.

EG: When you say “we”, you are talking about yourself and the staff? You seem to enjoy collaborating with others.

구혜선 그게 더 사는 것 같잖아요. 연예인들은 무엇을 하든 결과적으로 혼자 남아요. 여러 스탭들이 모여서 드라마를 촬영해도, 찬사나 비난은 배우에게만 향하는 경우가 많잖아요. 이런 주변 시선 때문에 자신의 모습을 감출 수밖에 없어요. 하지만 다른 작업을 할 때는 그럴 필요가 없어요. 사람들한테 마구 내 의견을 얘기하고, 맘이 안 맞으면 싸우기도 하죠. 그러다가 결과물이 나오면 다함께 기뻐하고.

Goo: That’s more like life. However, for us actors, whatever we try, we are left alone at the end. Even if you film the drama with all the staff, any praise and/or criticism gets directed to you, the actor. Due to the critical observing eyes, it is natural to want to hide yourself from the public. However, when you are doing other activities (not acting), you don’t have to do that. I can freely express my opinion, I can even argue with people if I disagree, and yet, when the result comes out, we all share in the joy of finished work.

EG 이런 외부 활동이 고도의 이미지 마케팅이 아닌가 하는 오해의 시선도 있어요.

EG: There are lots of misunderstanding among the public that even these other activities are solely for the purpose of marketing your own image.

구혜선 그건 절대 아니에요. 사실 아주 평범해요. 함께 어울리는 친구들 중에 가장 모자란 사람이에요. 다만 삶을 더 즐기기 위해서 눈치 안 보고 뛰어드는 것뿐이죠. 주변 사람들한테도 이런 얘기를 많이 해요. “너 왜 사회에 세뇌당했니? 얌전하게 살지 마.”

Goo: That is absolutely false. Actually I am very average. I am probably the most inadequate among my friends that I hang out with. But to enjoy my life more, I jumped into these other activities without caring about other people’s opinion. I often tell people around me, “ You, why let yourself be brainwashed by the society? Do not live a quiet life!”

EG 글을 쓰고, 그림을 그리고, 음악을 만드는 모든 행위가 궁극적으로는 어떤 꿈을 향하고 있나요.

EG: Where are you heading with your writing, drawing and composing?

구혜선 돈을 많이 벌거나 높은 사회적 지위를 얻고자 하는 욕심은 전혀 없어요. 마당이 있는 집에서 친구들과 함께 고기 구워먹고 맥주 마시는 그런 평범하고 안락한 삶을 꿈꿔요. 그림이나 음악은 부수적인 것일 뿐, 제 삶의 목적이 아니에요. 하다보면 점점 욕심이 생기기도 하는데, 그럴 때마다 초심을 잃지 않으려고 해요. 집착하게 되면 오히려 불행해질 것 같아요.

Goo: I have no desire to become rich or to gain high social status. I have a simple and comfortable dream of being able to enjoy BBQ and beer with my friends in a house with some ground space to do so. Art and music are accompaniments to my average dream. They are not my goals for living. As I do more I do get more desires and wants. When that happens, I try to stay focused on my original purpose. I fear I will become too unhappy if get too attached.

*자세한 사항은 엘르걸 본지 8월호를 참고하세요!

For more, wait for the August issue of EG.

credit: ELLE GIRL KR

(I don’t know if you had similar impression, but this interview made me feel sad. It started out fine but then, I felt like it was an interview for GHS to deal with much negativity out there about her. It made me sad feeling that she was basically defending herself. Gradually, I felt like GHS was kind of diminishing the value of her own hard work and effort. In another interview, I remember she was lot more confident. When the interviewer asked her where she is going with writing and composing and drawing? I really liked her answer that she realized that directing helps combine all her interests in literature, music and art and that directing suits her personality fine. Here, in this interview, I felt like she was feeling sad, angry and uncomfortable, especially in her last statement. I felt like yelling at the interviewer and I also felt like it would have been nice if GHS still had President Jung nearby to encourage her and to give her more peace and confidence to deal with so much negativity. Please share your thoughts, if you would like.)

this link may be supplementary to susAmerica's translation of ghs' elle girl interview. credit kpculture.


Oh, I did not know that someone else already did the translation of EG article.


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Guest susAmerica

sue thanks so much, your trans means a lot to us as we cannot probe and understand her deeper thoughts and inner feelings w/o any of it :)

I just want to share this vid, here GHS talks about her film again in the audience and an outdoor lengthy interview with KBS..I cannot comment other than how I was really drawn to her pretty face :P

LINK: GHS_PIFAN & KBS2 interview

sue if you are not busy,,,hehehe I hope you can translate this vid, i really really want to know what she was saying about her film though i already have a background on the general view of her film,thanks to you...

Thanks for finding the interview. I liked it.

GOO HYE SUN~ 07.25.09


Sorry but instead of translating word for word, I summarized few things that I never posted before.

@0.52 Before she met Jung Seung Hae of Morning Production Co. She took her script to many movie production companies that rejected her script. Then she met Jung who encouraged her to make the short movie herself.

@1:00 is the small pix of Jung Seung Hae on the bottom left.

Through the film clips and GHS and narration, brief description of the Cheerful Caretaker is summarized. Nothing different from my previous translation.

@2:16 reporter asks: What inspired you to write such heavy and sensitive material?

GHS: She has at times thought a lot about life and death. (here, reporter showed his surprise but did not ask any more. It is also interesting that she told the EG interviewer that she normally do not think about such topics. I thinkg EG interviewed her before this video interview. Goo appeared very comfortable with this male interviewer. I wonder if she felt comfortable with the EG interviewer.). She also wanted discussion around the issues with the viewers.

@2:38 Before she finalized her script, she dreamt the content of her short movie the night before. She somehow remembered the dream and reiterated the dream to her friend who told her to write down her dream as a script. She says that her dream was like a fantasy-like dream. One moment she was in one place and the nxt in another environment.

@3:27 Were there any difficult episodes while filming the short-film?

GHS: She was the youngest member of the production and staff team. So in the beginning she had some difficulty asserting her role as a director to direct and lead the older staff.. As time progressed, she became more comfortable with her role. She would use after work dinner over alcohol to help some of the staff release any animosity or tension between them.

Of course, she was asked about her drinking again. She told him she does not have a limit and that she has never experienced any problems or black outs due to drinking.

@4:26 what was the most difficult scene that she had to film?

GHS: There is a scene where the NUN was digging the ground. It was raining that night and so it was difficult to get good shots and monitor the moving camera and the moving hands at the same time and it took longer to complete.

@5:15 After reviewing her career briefly and calling her pretty, he states that her short film is getting lots of great reviews. Plus her other accomplishments are mentioned.

@5:29 What title before your name would you most want to have?

GHS she really did not know. She is very thankful for all the titles already given and she cannot decide which one she really wants to be called. She also states that everything that she loves doing can fit under one category. What she loves doing—writing, composing, drawing, acting and directing all these works involve the use of lots of emotions, sense and sensibilities. She says that movies always highly influenced her and that is why she wanted to also be a kind of person who can influence and affect other people. That is why she wants to make movies. She also makes movies because she enjoys it. It might be a simplistic answer and those who are extremely serious about directing may take offense and she hopes they do not. People watch movies to enjoy themselves and she enjoys making movies. She wants other people to watch her movie. (laughs)

@6:50 What male movie actor would she love to cast for her next project?

GHS: It is very difficult to say and she cannot say as she is currently casting for her next movie.

@7:00 Her next movie is about a solving mystery about a death by following the music.

@7:04 If you can choose just one activity in 20 years, what would it be?

I would like to be a mom, momGooHyeSun. (she would be a great mom!)

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Guest spring&candygirl

hyesun's sooo pretty! just saw her singing and playing the piano in youtube! she's so talented!

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Guest wasfiyya

:D :D :D :D :D :D :D waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaw thnx soooooo much for the new updates sue and webby for all huard work for trans and all the news and thnx to pink fairy for all the link and natali for the pic and bikyo25 for the vid links! i enjoyed watching the show I want to see her in a drama again i miss her but I hope that she focuses on her movie then doing drama oooh if she can to do the bothe :) bec iwell miss her :mellow:

and this new clip for hyen sun ;)



enjoy :)

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Guest susAmerica

this link may be supplementary to susAmerica's translation of ghs' elle girl interview. credit kpculture.


Thanks memeo.


This is actually the exact translation of the EG interview of GHS. Only difference in Kpop and my translation is that KPOP says that GHS was told by others to not be brainwashed by the society and to not live such a modest life. In actuality, according to the original Korean text, GHS is the one who tells other people not be brainwashed by the society and to NOT LIVE A QUIET LIFE! (That is our GHS!!) :D

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thks susAmerica for that elle girl translation. appreciated. the diff trans that u pointed out further stepped up the spunkiness of our girl.

i happened to stumble upon that kpculture article n after scanning thru previous pages that it was not posted before that i put down the link.

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Guest webby

Elle Girl Article on Goo Hye Sun for its August 1, 2009 Edition (supposdedly there is to be more in the upcoming August edition.)

Thanks Sue for the translation!

Although towards the end there were certain parts she needs to defend herself, i don't get an overall negative vibe of the interview. These questions are bound to surface and i believe by her answering them sincerely and honestly like she did here, it will quench the questions in people's minds. No entertainment figure can please everyone. Goo hyesun has been very productive in so many avenues recently that it's bound to cause jealousy and misunderstanding amongst some people. But I think her honesty in showing her true self and revealing her thoughts when asked deeper questions shows that she's willing to open herself up to share and not just give standard answers. I respect her for that. I think she's inevitably a strong personality just like how she tells people not to live a quiet life.. hahaha.. (she's stronger than even geum jandi). I believe her family, her circle of friends, fans and colleagues who understand her are her supporters and with her 'quiet' determination, she will persevere and capture the hearts of many, including antis, in the long run. Recently the image of her being a director is being impressed more strongly in me, that while eagerly anticipating her Seoul Milk Doutor Classic CF, I'm still a bit unused to the image of a director being a spokesperson of a commercial drink.. haha.. she's indeed the Bahl Pang Mi In, as described in the articles.

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thnx.. guys for the new updates... :P...

LMAO!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: Thanks for sharing!


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Guest webby

Anyone know about this? I found it on youtube. Is Dong Hae really refering about Hye sun?


Yes, there's translation in the clip. he is referring to goo hyesun whom he knew since young. she's a very close sister to him as he mentioned and she likes to hit him... haha.

does anyone know where to find this clip? i tried searching on youtube but can't find it.

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Guest janine1986

I'm afraid it's impossible to find it coz those scenes were in Nonstop 5. But NS5 is just available from ep 194 in which LSK had already left. I myself am so fond of watching NS5 especially the love triangle Lee Jung-Hye Sun-Seung Ki but can't find. Sad!

You can find more 'bout NS5: http://www.soompi.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=49

BTW, in the clip with Dong Hae, in ep3 of Suju mini drama, he told about 1 noona whom he liked so much when he was in middle school and they dated for 1 year before breaking up, the scene is reacted (with Gil Gun, right?). Doesn't that mean Hye Sun was his first love not just simple "like". They were both in high school at that time, so maybe Dong Hae was her first love then?

So confusing, anyway if it's true, they are really a lovely couple, right? So bad they broke up!

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sue thanks for the ELLE and the KBS translations! the ELLE article after reading it I let out a heavy sigh I dont knw why..she really is a ,.power driven girl, I hope to see more of her works..I dont get how can some people always say that she is "a jack of all trades and master of none"..like duh! well anyways, I am anxiously waiting for her new age album!♥♥ GHS FIGHTING!

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