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Goo Hye Sun 구혜선


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Guest sammi02

^ dramalovers, it's been long and mish removed it on YT already and had it on private (I guess due to copyright). The host was actually annoying since she's kind of acting like the cute Jandi telling HJ like "Sunbae, I'm Jandi" but then after a while she said the complicated character of Jandi that she thinks is kind of indecisive having two boys at a time something like that, then asked if what HJ thinks about that kind of girl. KHJ didn't get her question at all so she changed her subject and said she's talking about the character and not GHS, so KHJ said "Oh, Jandi"..Well I forgot what radio program it is though (forgotten intentionally).. <_<

Sue, you're welcome! ;) glad for you to be back..keke


She's probably a loser who's envious of GHS for being able to work with so many hot guys, let's forget about her.

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Guest susAmerica

xiaomaii found the following article: http://www.pressian.com/article/article.as...=60090625162848

This is an article about the MiJangSen Movies Association where GHS' short film, Cheerful Caretaker will be screened and judged.

I will only summarize because there is very little about GHS in the article. However I would like to describe a bit about this particular organization that picked GHS' movie to compete for the best directing under her genre. It seems like a big deal because I recognized one of the movies that was picked by this organization in the past. It is called "Miss. Carrot" directed by Lee Kyung Mi and starring I bellieve the actress name is Go Hyun Joo. I just happen to see it in the news this evening in the cable channel. That movie is currently playing in NYC, NY in the Asian Film Festival. Another movie (forgot the name) starring Seo Ji Sub is also playing in the festival along with "Miss. Carrot." Maybe if GHS' movie gets selected, her movie may be shown in America. Of course, I am not sure but it is possible that her movie may have to still go through lots of other tests and selections in order to be shown outside of Korea.

The article is reported in PRESSian on June 25th, 2009 and written by the Reporter Kim Sook Hyun.

MiJangSen Movie Association is the umbrella organization that also organizes festival and competition for short films. This Association is considered the largest organization in Korea and it has been widely known as the leader in discovering the directors of the future. The article lists several directors that were discovered by this organization. One of them is "Miss Carrot" director.

This year, a total of 57 movies made to their final selection. The competition seems fierce because some of the competing movies have already been invited to be screened at the Cannes Film Festival and also the Indie Forum ( Can you imagine that?) Some other movies are already invited to be screened at JunJoo Film Festival and some have already been selected by the Seoul Independent Film Festival. (I have never heard of the last two festivals. However, I put them in to show that many of these competing movies have already been recgnized and/or chosen by these movie experts associations.)

Movies are divided into 5 genres: 1.Drama with Social Concern, 2.Love or Mellow Drama, 3.Fantasy/Thriller, 4.Comedy, and 5.Action Thriller.

The Association invited (meaning selected) 4 directors who come from the acting background: Bang Eun Jin, Goo Hye Sun, Yoo Ji Tae and Yang Ik Joon. Their short films are categorized under "Directing or Acting" section. (Sorry, but there is something that I do not understand in this article. Therefore, I don't think I can translate it clearly to you. It appears that these actors' short films have a separate section called "Directing or Acting". I am not sure if their films are judged separately. Then does it mean that their films are not going to be screened under one of the 5 main genres? My feeling is that her movie probably can fit under the 1. Social Concern Drama as it is about a person(s)coming to a priest or nun to receive salvation and then somehow encouraged to choose death when that was not his/their initial desire. I remember GHS stating that whatever the people take from her movie is the right one because her movie does not dare to provide answers but that people basically think about it and ask questions. She mentioned that her intention is not to crticize the church but that her story's setting is in a church. She wonders about the set doctrines and standards and whether some maybe man-made and not take into account the individual difference and needs. I remember it was very difficult to translate and her movie seems to deal with complicated and complex issues. This is from my memory of the past translation on this soompi thread. I should have kept an independent copy for myself.)

The selection committees are composed of 5 sets of 2 directors and 1 actor who will be in charge of each of the 5 main genres. They select the best one out of the number of movies under that genre. (I guess this means that GHS' movie has to be under one of the 5 genres. I do not recognize any of the name of the actors and directors. However, one of the actors that is judging is Won Bin whom I believe is one of the well known actors in Korea. (If you want more specific names of all the judges, let me know. I will llist them for you.)

This association had its opening ceremony on June 24th and the screening will run for the next 7 days until June 30th. ( I wonder if this means that GHS does have to stay in Yong San for the whole 7 days before her exhibit starts. I wish her all the best. She has some tough competition. GHS Fighting!!!!)

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I certainly feel like our soompi thread is filled with great energy from reading all of your posts. I feel really good about all the diversity and passion in all of your comments. I also love that many of your comments are based on articles, videos and things you have read in the past about GHS. We may not always like how some posts may sound to us, (we are all different people after all) but, please let us NOT stop or discourage each other from posting especailly if it is anything about our Hye Sun. This is my feeling. I hope you are all OK with it. I know that we are NOT going to say things that would trash or belittle her or each other. Right?

I, 2nd to that....No matter it's an old news or new updates, I hope everyone can express their opinion & discuss freely here, as long as it's GHS's related...afterall not everyone are 'old-timers' her.... & to be fair to those who just finds out the beauty of GHS....So long as everyone being civilised to each other I dun see any problem....


It isn't hearsay when GHS is giving a first-hand account. LMH wasn't ask to verify because the media were more interested in his rescue than his visit. If it wasn't GHS saying these things, then why didn't she or her people deny it.

Was there a clip when she said this...the so-call GHS first hand account...If there was, I appreciate if you wud share it with me....Since I never saw it, and all I see was from the report from 'a reporter who said GHS said so & so' it's still a heresay to me...who knows what exactly GHS has been saying tru that stiched lips of hers....nor have I seen any official statement regarding of what GHS said from YG....funny too....GHS never speaks to reporters directly unless it was recorded interviews or live shows...normally YG will speak on behalf of her...even to rebutt her scandal with Kim Ji Hoon (btw, Sue, it's Kim not Lee :D ) it was YG who did it...and that was during her 'healthy' times too....

Easy... his managers and stylist aren't famous. He is the star. And, GHS named LMH as the one who helped her. Some news articles did mention that the other occupants in GHS' van were in shock but were not bleeding like GHS.

Exactly...this is what I've been trying to emphasize :) They just use LMH's name to make it a headline...For all we know he'd probabbly was napping at the back seat after a long & tiring day of work..& the real culprit, the real knight in shining armour, was his driver cos since he's driving he shud be alert of his surrounding & his view shud be clearer than the rest......

As for the other occupants, I wudn't know, becos even GHSs injuries wasn't revealed completely to us...it was becos of KB's slip during the F4 BOF special that I realised GHS's foot was injured too..and frankly her injuries must have been serious too for her to 'abide' & not protesting to be admitted in the hospital for over 2 days....knowing her, she wudn't have conceeded so easily...for heaven sake she even took out her stiches herself!!!

Honestly, I dunt really care who's closer to GHS...I just curious as why they did it the way they did...

Frankly to me Tablo & her manager are the most closest male to her, that's for sure & I think she has a MAJOR crush on Jo In Sung....what was it again that she said...JIS is tOOO manly to be considered as a 'Flower Boy' :P but I believe it's just a fan-idol kind of crush....anyway it's not like she's eager to get married or anything.....

JH-JD Memory Lane


**condolence to Micheal Jackson & Farah Fawcett fans, family & friends everywhere**

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Guest susAmerica

thanks for posting it here. ive seen it too in khj's thread. its one of a few appearances of ghs and khj. im glad they subbed it. btw, i agree with your observation re khj's action whenever he's with ghs and with other people..well, ive been particularly intrigue with his behavior when he's with ghs..he tend to be more cautious and was very careful of his action with ghs in bts. ive always assume that maybe its his way to ward off anti's. they had less interaction in bts but i read somewhere that their bts were removed in utube in the early part of bof filming.

so that show aired in 1/13/09. i just want add that after a month, an article was out stating that ghs was dating one of the mc. i went bact to that article (sorry for digging up past but recent news since its still 2009). that article was trying so hard to make a connection of that guy to our ghs. the article stated that they met thru mutual friends. knowing ghs as a fan, i could not imagine her that she can instantly connect to a guy on first meeting. well, we really dont know that guy but if its true that they were dating. he mustve been quite a guy to be dating ghs. but, then it was mere speculation that they were dating for four months. when in fact, at that time, ghs was so busy filming bof. how can they be dating when she was filming bof and was in new caledonia during that four month. how can a guy who was said to be dating could ignore ghs in a hospital? tsk.tsk.tsk.tsk. it was really so fishy. so, i think the article was just their way to divert all anti's and issues between ghs with khj and ghs with lmh...it was indeed successful since avid fans of khj and lmh were content that ghs' already dating at that time..but where is he now? heheehe.

thank again susAm and for the uploader...back to lurk mode and watch the show...

xiaomaii..is that a current pic? hope she's ok...why is she crying?

The guy that was rumored to be dating GHS at that itme is Kim Ji Hoon (thanks to lxandra for the correction of his last name) who was one of the MC's on Sang Sang Plus. He is the good looking one sitting next to KHJ on the left side. :)

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I dedided to translate the whole thing. See what you get out of it.


[090130 여유만만] 꽃보다남자 촬영장 풀스토리-4

susAmerica I know it's kinda late since I haven't logged in for the past 2-3 days, but thank you so much!

I only wanted to know about the 'loveline part, but now it seems so insignificant compared to the rest of their conversation!

I've watched this video a million times, but I don't understand anything. A few times, I caught the words "charming" and "cute", but that's as far as my knowledge goes.

Their conversations are always so cute. It makes me wonder what kind of things they talk about when the camera isn't on them.


Thanks for the sang sang plus link!

All these arguments about whose closer to who, it doesn't matter what ship you're on.

Can't believe an actress who barely had 100 pages before BoF is now igniting so much passion out of her fans.

BoF may not have been the best drama ever made out there, but it's the one who introduced us to the wonderful person that is Goo HyeSun.

Even if not everyone here agrees on the same opinion and sometimes, although not intentionally, some offensive words were said, I think Goo HyeSun will be proud of her fans here on Soompi because even though we have very limited access to her life, and what we know of her is probably not even half of what she truly is, at least we're trying.

susAmerica Without you, I think to this day, I'll still be saying "she's cute" she's pretty" or whatever because I don't know anything about her! But thanks to you and your translations and analysis, now I know enough, and to me, she's cute, pretty AND a wonderful person.

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Guest lucy_marie

^ dramalovers, it's been long and mish removed it on YT already and had it on private (I guess due to copyright). The host was actually annoying since she's kind of acting like the cute Jandi telling HJ like "Sunbae, I'm Jandi" but then after a while she said the complicated character of Jandi that she thinks is kind of indecisive having two boys at a time something like that, then asked if what HJ thinks about that kind of girl. KHJ didn't get her question at all so she changed her subject and said she's talking about the character and not GHS, so KHJ said "Oh, Jandi"..Well I forgot what radio program it is though (forgotten intentionally).. <_<

Sue, you're welcome! ;) glad for you to be back..keke



^crying Hyesun unnie. :tears: I believe this was posted on her cy before. wonder what happened...

credit: naver

Mai is this a recent pix of her???? I wonder why she's crying...it breaks my heart to see her like that....I'm hoping it's not a recent pix of her coz I know someone is also having a hard time and there are articles going around that his crying too.....I just hope Hye Sun is not sad this days my wish for them is to always be happy!!!


SusAm thank you dear for the link for SSP.....will run later and watch it again....I want to do some csi-ing and wanna see the blush look of GHS and KHJ in the clip (will capture and make a GIF for our collection!!) I miss them so much.....BIG HUG for the translated article!!!Thank you!!!mwah mwah!!

Hi lxandra, Memeo and betchay!!



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Both on Friday June 26th (at 2:30 PM) and on Monday June 28th (11 AM), she will be at Yong San CGV 8th where she will attend the 8th MINJANG Short Film Association. Her film, Cheerful Caretaker will be screened and she will also make her stage greetings on both days.

susAmerica, i think the time is incorrect..i go to hyesun offical website.according to the schedule the time is 20:30PM.thanks ;)

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Guest yangsu

I was just a silent reader here :)

Also, I have been trying to find out if I can see her role in Drama City in 2004. I know she did two episodes. One is called "Everybody do cha cha cah" and the other one is called "Anagram". If anybody has any information or links, I would appreciate it. I saw the preview of "Everybody Do Cha Cha Cha" in the youtube and it looked really funny. :D

susAmerica, I appreciate very much for your hard work about the translations.

For HS's two Drama City, you could find much more information on the following sites:

"Anagram" http://www.kbs.co.kr/drama/dramacity/view/1325020_1355.html

it's kinda thriller,HS's performance impressed me though I could not figure out the story too much due to my poor Korean. :)

"Everybody do cha cha cah" http://www.kbs.co.kr/drama/dramacity/view/1358083_1355.html

this one looked funny,but I did not watch the whole episode.


^this one is funny, because after the PD said CUT, both of them didn't hear it clearly and continue with the scene :P

^NG's from Pure in Heart (Pure 19)

xiaomaii, maybe there's some misunderstanding :rolleyes: . "Q" said by the PD firstly in the NG meant "start" or "action", when the two failed to complete that scene,then the PD said CUT.


SJS talked about that NG in the interview that he could not breathe at that time due to his nose being on Hye Sun's face. :P


^crying Hyesun unnie. I believe this was posted on her cy before. wonder what happened...

credit: naver

As for this crying pic, I read somewhere before that it was taked as homework for some acting lessons when Hyesun was a trainee, just to practice"cry" :P

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Guest susAmerica

(eng)goo hye sun xman .....

Thanks for the link. This vid is actually my most favorite one of HS. It never fails to make me crack up in laughter. When I need a good laugh just for myself, I turn to that vid. But I have a better link that also shows the beginning of HS and Kim JOng MIn's pop the balloon game. I love the way HS hits him on his arms to prevent him from popping her balloon. It reminds me more of her 4th grade self when she used to run around with plastic baseball bat to make sure NOBODY, especailly the boys, disrespects her! hahaha And, those rubber shoes really hurt! I know from personal experience!

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TGTaTce46Ug (eng subbed)

My second favorite from the same episode of xman is again the game that she plays with kim JOng MIn because Kim Jong Min picked GHS to play love game with him to provoke jealousy in Kim Hee JIn, the woman in pony tail from his same blue shirt team. I do not think xman is scripted at all. I thought GHS played it so smart and so dramatically well. Too bad she lost the game. It is also Eng subbbed.

The third one and the last one I will post from xman is very good also. I like this cut because it shows not only GHS, but also KHJ' incredible dance and also CHoi Si WOn of SUJU. This one is not Eng subbed.

Most of it is self explanatory. However, for those who are new or may not be aware... The same color shirt team separate into men and women. The man dance for the woman that he wants to pick to play the couple game for later. Then the women also dance for all the men. There are few cute moments. Notice when KHJ is talking and dancing. He does not say who he is picking but says that it is the person that he met formally today and that she has been nice and took care of him. (maybe the members had time together behind the show??) Just in case, I think this show was taped in late October of 2005 (the screen said late autumn). The screen makes two arrows to GHS and another lady (I think her name is Chae In, a singer). This is supposedly his first meeting with two women. When I first saw this vid, I thought he was going to pick GHS because I thought he seems to be looking at her when he was talking. I was wrong. See if you notice anything.

When GHS is dancing--she is a shy dancer--she mostly dance for Choi Si Won because he picked her without any hesitation. Notice the other comedian (I think his name is Park Myung Soo in red vest). Because HS was staying so long for Choi So Won, he motions her to come quickly to him. (It is so funny!) It also makes Choi Si Won laugh too. But HS only claps for Park Myung Soo and returns to her originals spot. From that show I could see that although GHS is known to be shy and very nice to everybody in the industry, she can be playful and sharp and even act not so nicely to you--maybe for fun? or because he prevented her from finishing her dance for CHoi Si Won? Maybe she hardly danced for KHJ because maybe she thought he tricked her into thinking that he was going to dance for her? hahaha---all for fun because whole X-Man is for fun. Here is the third link:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GCgoWRUNF0Q :D

Edit: sorry I don't know why the links cannot be clicked. sorry having poor computer skills, I cannot fix it. maybe just copy the link on to the web address and see.

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Guest lucy_marie

susAm I love hyesun and jungmin balloon bursting game too....she seem so strong and confident during that time and of course the way jungmin ended the game maybe because he was being hit by hyesun and it was really painful was so funny!!!!! in the dance segment the other girl is Chae Hyeon (I'm not sure of the spelling though!!) I was surprised when I saw this xman episode of hyunjoong and hyesun he really look like he's interested with hyesun he's like smitten...maybe he find her really beautiful that time because it's his first time to see/meet her....I made a collection of KHJ in xman GIFs posted in KHJ thread and I think I posted some of it here too...

anyway posting it again just in case (the quality is not that great)....




Dancing Hyesun.....


Mai....I love the cap she's wearing! :D


Hi! lxandra, Memeo and betchay!!!

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Guest MaeMei

susAmerica! sorry haha, i'm new here and i just got so excited. Forgive me. I love Goo Hye-sun too, she's like a barbie doll and infairness to her, she can act. Loved her Tous Les Jours CF with Jo In-sung, so cuteeeee :w00t:

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Guest LM_02

Hello everyone!!!

I'm a silent lurker here, and first time to post here..

I miss her so badly :(

Any news from her :huh:

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Guest Miki67




it' not clear...i'll try to find another with HQ later ...sorry guys...

but our girl looks thinner huhu

and here is the note below the clip...susAm...can u translate it...thanks in advance

정말 오실 줄은 몰랐네요 ㅋ

계절수업 끝나고 부랴부랴 용산 CGV 도착 ㅋ

정말 많은 분들이 'Directing or acting' 부문을 보기 위해 오셨더군요 ㅋ

첫번째 영화 '날아라 뻥튀기' 가 끝나고 20초간 휴식타임때 ㅎㄷㄷ

입구로 어떤 일행이 들어오시는데 ㄷㄷ

멀리서 봐도 작은 얼굴에 객석을 밝히는 형광등피부 !~ 혜선누나였습니다. (이런 캐흥분)

앞줄에 앉으시는가 싶더니 ㅋ 갑자기 저의 H열로 올라오시더군요 ㄷㄷ

바로 저의 뒷줄 I열 9번 객석에 앉으신!! 으악 이런 목아 계속 뒤돌아보게 되는 본능 ^^

1미터도 안되는 거리에서 또 직접 뵈니 행복에 겨웠습니다.

손 뻗으면 닿는 거리에 계시니 사인을 부탁드릴까 하던 생각도 잠시 바로 '유쾌한 도우미' 상영 ㅜㅜ

내용은 좀 많이 난해하더군요 ㅋ 당연히 질의 시간이 있을거라 예상하고 꼼꼼히 메모했죠 ㅋ

제가 귀가 좀 밝은지라 혜선누나가 옆자리에 앉아계신 조감독님 같은 분께 얘기하는 것도 다 들렸습니다...

왠만해선 영화에 집중하려고 했지만 도저히 뒷통수가 간지러워서 견딜수가...ㅜ

유쾌한 도우미가 끝나고 유지태감독의 '초대'...좀 이상한 영화;;

그리고 가장 호응이 좋았던 로맨틱 코미디 '바라만 본다' 가 상영됬죠(좀 음란한 욕설이 난무했던 영화지만

정말 일상생활에서 보통사람이 겪을 로맨스 ㅋ)

얼마나 웃겼으면... 혜선누나의 작았지만 큭큭거리는 웃음소리까지 들렸죠 ㅋ

(아 바로 뒤에 앉아계셔서 저의 오감이 곤두서더군요^^ㅋㅋ)

드디어 혜선누나 뒷자리에서 일어나시어 박수받으며 등장 ㅋ 무대인사영상 ㅋ

(화질구려서 죄송 ㅜㅜ 소리는 더더욱 안들리네요 ㅜ)

그리고 역시 질문은 저의 것 ㅋㅋ두번째로 질문했는데 모든 관객들이 궁금해할만한 내용적인 질문이었죠 ㅋ

역시 ㅋ 제가 질문한 것 이외에 부연설명까지 덧붙여주시고 ㅋ 저는 감동받고 '감사합니다!' 외쳤죠...

그리고 웃겼던건 끝에 질문하신 어떤분이 매우 난해한 질문을 하셔서 혜선누나가 재차 질문을 다시 물으셨던거 ㅋㅋ

정말 질문한 분도 자기가 한 질문이 정리가 안되서 당황 ㅋㅋ 누나도 당황한 웃음을 연발 터트리셨네요 ㅋ

그 난해한 질문의 영상 "감독님이 뭔가 중요하게 여기는 가치관"에 관한걸 묻는건데 말을 왜케 돌려서 하시던지 ㅋㅋㅋ

아무튼 정말 혜선누나와 또다른 소통의 기회를 만났던 것 같습니다. 정말 질의응답시간이 이렇게 즐겁네요^^

끝나고 사인하는 시간이 있을 줄 알았지만 ㅜ 바로 나가셨어요 ㅜ 관객이 너무 몰릴까봐 안전문제 때문 ㅋ

아무튼 혜선누나와 가까이서 함께 영화를 관람했다는 것에 엄청난 기쁨을 느낍니다.^^

아무튼 다른분들 후기도 기대됩니당^^ 못오신 분들도 언젠가는 기회가 당연 있을거에요

팬이 된지 얼마나 되었다고 벌써 두번이나 가까이서 실물을 뵈오니 제가..전생에 나라를 구하지 않았을까 싶네요 ㅋ헉

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Guest xiaomaii

Nina67 thanks for the quick video link!! Hyesun PD look blooming again :blush: no worries, she's losing weight naturally I guess since she had more time to sleep now. ;)

I saw a news of her here's the link: newsen.com

basically it just tells the actor/actress who became known from having good look models, won contest, ulzzang who turn into a star.

anyway, some are listed Song Seung Heon, Choi Ji Woo, Kang Dong Won, Song Hye Kyo, Goo Hye Sun, Nam Sang Mi, Lee Dong Wook, Jo Jung Rin, Noh Hong Chul, etc.

And another one newsen.com. Tthis one just basically talks about the actors who went to Mijyangsen Seoul Short Film Festival where GHS's "Cheerful Caretaker" was screened today.

credit: DC/newsen.com

vavavum, lucy_marie--with regards to GHS's crying picture no it's not new it's definitely an old one. (and what yangsu explained it's just for her acting lessons--woah I'm relieved!)

yangsu, welcome to thread! thanks for clarifying! yeah, that's what I mean after they stop and listen to the PD they kiss again (as you said by the cue) then while kissing the PD says CUT but they continue with the scene and didn't hear the PD clearly..LOL! :P

Sue, thanks for translating the news! **hugs** :D

So, yeah I guess she'll be staying for a while during the Film Festival but of course has to go back on her Opening for Exhibition. She might have been so chaotic trying to wrap up and polish everything else knowing she'll be out for the next two weeks from Film Festival to her Exhibition. And as you've said her film might be on the first genere which is a "Drama with Social Concern" it fits to her film synopsis.

I don't think she could come to BOF China Promo since she'll be having her exhibition, and since it's in a gallery she need to be there with full confidence as the show goes on. She can't let other be on guard for her if there will be a chance of a buyer who want her piece. She needs to be there in person to meet the client. And we know it's very important for her since this is her first Art Exhibit Show. (I guess it'll be more difficult for the BOF Cast to be on a Promo, everyone's getting busy since the day the BOF last aired is--it just keeps getting longer and shorter for the chance of all the cast to be together again..my two cents)

I love how you analyze on details again when PMS teased GHS to stop dancing with CSW, and in return she gave him a piece of punishment as just clapping her hands and not do a dance for him..keke. GHS sometimes make me laugh so hard on her antics!

betchay! what a cute gif! I like the third one..can I keep it? --Save! keke

**waving** lucy_marie, haha...cute gifs from collection! I LOVE THAT CAP too!!! :P Can I burrow it?? LOL! Oh well..

lxandra you think she had a huge crush on JIS? Cause I think so too, since she had him on her mind during the YTN interview.

And just for fun..take a look..


^Her hair stylist spray bottle had a "I heart J" written on it using a black marker--haha. You think it's JIS? But I won't be delusional since it's not hers and it's the stylist (for who knows have a major crush on the actor itself too--LOL!) Just stating some facts.

ml_87 thanks for the pics! the third one looks so new to me..thanks again!

LM_02 welcome to the thread! Basically GHS's short film "Cheerful Caretaker" had been screened on Mijyangsen Film Festival today (Seoul Time) and some others. You can backlog and check some post on this thread! and you can check the link Nina67 posted above ;)

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Guest susAmerica




it' not clear...i'll try to find another with HQ later ...sorry guys...

but our girl looks thinner huhu

and here is the note below the clip...susAm...can u translate it...thanks in advance

정말 오실 줄은 몰랐네요

계절수업 끝나고 부랴부랴 용산 CGV 도착 ㅋ

정말 많은 분들이 'Directing or acting' 부문을 보기 위해 오셨더군요 ㅋ

첫번째 영화 '날아라 뻥튀기' 가 끝나고 20초간 휴식타임때 ㅎㄷㄷ

입구로 어떤 일행이 들어오시는데 ㄷㄷ

멀리서 봐도 작은 얼굴에 객석을 밝히는 형광등피부 !~ 혜선누나였습니다. (이런 캐흥분)

앞줄에 앉으시는가 싶더니 ㅋ 갑자기 저의 H열로 올라오시더군요 ㄷㄷ

바로 저의 뒷줄 I열 9번 객석에 앉으신!! 으악 이런 목아 계속 뒤돌아보게 되는 본능 ^^

1미터도 안되는 거리에서 또 직접 뵈니 행복에 겨웠습니다.

손 뻗으면 닿는 거리에 계시니 사인을 부탁드릴까 하던 생각도 잠시 바로 '유쾌한 도우미' 상영 ㅜㅜ

내용은 좀 많이 난해하더군요 ㅋ 당연히 질의 시간이 있을거라 예상하고 꼼꼼히 메모했죠 ㅋ

제가 귀가 좀 밝은지라 혜선누나가 옆자리에 앉아계신 조감독님 같은 분께 얘기하는 것도 다 들렸습니다...

왠만해선 영화에 집중하려고 했지만 도저히 뒷통수가 간지러워서 견딜수가...ㅜ

유쾌한 도우미가 끝나고 유지태감독의 '초대'...좀 이상한 영화;;

그리고 가장 호응이 좋았던 로맨틱 코미디 '바라만 본다' 가 상영됬죠(좀 음란한 욕설이 난무했던 영화지만

정말 일상생활에서 보통사람이 겪을 로맨스 ㅋ)

얼마나 웃겼으면... 혜선누나의 작았지만 큭큭거리는 웃음소리까지 들렸죠 ㅋ

(아 바로 뒤에 앉아계셔서 저의 오감이 곤두서더군요^^ㅋㅋ)

드디어 혜선누나 뒷자리에서 일어나시어 박수받으며 등장 ㅋ 무대인사영상 ㅋ

(화질구려서 죄송 ㅜㅜ 소리는 더더욱 안들리네요 ㅜ)

그리고 역시 질문은 저의 것 ㅋㅋ두번째로 질문했는데 모든 관객들이 궁금해할만한 내용적인 질문이었죠 ㅋ

역시 ㅋ 제가 질문한 것 이외에 부연설명까지 덧붙여주시고 ㅋ 저는 감동받고 '감사합니다!' 외쳤죠...

그리고 웃겼던건 끝에 질문하신 어떤분이 매우 난해한 질문을 하셔서 혜선누나가 재차 질문을 다시 물으셨던거 ㅋㅋ

정말 질문한 분도 자기가 한 질문이 정리가 안되서 당황 ㅋㅋ 누나도 당황한 웃음을 연발 터트리셨네요 ㅋ

그 난해한 질문의 영상 "감독님이 뭔가 중요하게 여기는 가치관"에 관한걸 묻는건데 말을 왜케 돌려서 하시던지 ㅋㅋㅋ

아무튼 정말 혜선누나와 또다른 소통의 기회를 만났던 것 같습니다. 정말 질의응답시간이 이렇게 즐겁네요^^

끝나고 사인하는 시간이 있을 줄 알았지만 ㅜ 바로 나가셨어요 ㅜ 관객이 너무 몰릴까봐 안전문제 때문 ㅋ

아무튼 혜선누나와 가까이서 함께 영화를 관람했다는 것에 엄청난 기쁨을 느낍니다.^^

아무튼 다른분들 후기도 기대됩니당^^ 못오신 분들도 언젠가는 기회가 당연 있을거에요

팬이 된지 얼마나 되었다고 벌써 두번이나 가까이서 실물을 뵈오니 제가..전생에 나라를 구하지 않았을까 싶네요 ㅋ헉

I am just going to summarize the fan account of seeing GHS very close to him at the short films festival in Yong San. This fan is a male because he calls her Hye Sun noona. It does NOT say anything about her film or what kind of questions were asked of her and how she answered them.

This fan came to Yong San right after his college class in order to see the movies in the "Directing or Acting" section. He says too many people came to see this section. (I guess everybody wanted to get a glimpse of the actors who made the movies. I don't blame them.) He did not know that GHS would appear and he was shocked that she did and she even sat one row behind him. He says she was only about 1 meter away from him. If he could stretch out his arm, he could have touched her. He had a hard time trying to control his head from turning around to look at her. His first description of her is that, even from far, he could recognize right away her small face that lights up the whole area with her florescent skin.

He half concentrated on the movies and half listened carefully to anything GHS might say or do. But he did not report anything specific. He says GHS sat next to Director CHo (I don't know who that is. I wish he reported what the two might have said.)

He watched GHS' Cheerful Caretaker and found it difficult to understand and took lots of notes to ask questions.

When the entire audience was watching a very lewd and lustful romantic comedy, "just looking at you", he heard GHS' quiet but hearty laughter. He felt like all his five senses just perked up.

Then he saw GHS go to the stage to greet and to answer any questions. He could not hear her well and was very mad.

He felt very excited by the question and answer session because she answered his quesiton more than throughly that he shouted out Thank You to her that it made her laugh. Another person had a real difficulty organizing his question that she had to ask for clarification and it made her laugh again. Somebody asked about her value system. (It would have been great to hear her answer, but no such luck. In some ways, I think her short film must be about her value system --about what the society may dictate to us and about dealing with it as an individual in various situations. Maybe it is an age old issue of individual vs the society??? Of course, not having seen the movie, I am only guessing. It must be a difficult movie to comprehend as a college student also had difficulty with it. But I truly wish this fan shared at least his question and how she answered it. That would have been something.)GHS left before the fan signing session. He understood that she left early for the security reason. He was just ectremely happy that he was able to watch movies sitting so close to GHS. He also said that this is his second time seeing her for real that he felt as if he is being rewarded for maybe saving a country in his previous life! :D

Sorry, I could not hear her well at all through the fan cam,

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