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Guest yOngmIn

Hi! I'am Keo

I very love Shinhwa :x, U30 :">

anh I really want to find english lyrics of "The birds" of The Blue band, which song was sing by Shinhwa in MUST show. Do you help me? 

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@shaghayegh_song @chaphy Thank you for the warm welcome.. :)>-

@OrangSHCJ @leimye Omo.. If eric oppa really have to go to Madagascar, Papua, etc to shoot the scene for Welcome to the jungle. It must be so hard for him. He must go there and there.. Back to korea.. blablabla. I hope the leadernim still have time to take some rest.
[-O< [-O< [-O<

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Guest kriza_09

Why can't the whole Shinhwa be participants??? Eric without his members is just an awkward, boring man with nothing to say.
Anyway, if SBS is considering Eric as a guest, then does it mean they're not banning Shinhwa anymore? Which means they now can appear on Running Man??? [-O<

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Why can't the whole Shinhwa be participants??? Eric without his members is just an awkward, boring man with nothing to say.

Anyway, if SBS is considering Eric as a guest, then does it mean they're not banning Shinhwa anymore? Which means they now can appear on Running Man??? [-O<

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Guest Bellatina

Why can't the whole Shinhwa be participants??? Eric without his members is just an awkward, boring man with nothing to say.

Anyway, if SBS is considering Eric as a guest, then does it mean they're not banning Shinhwa anymore? Which means they now can appear on Running Man??? [-O<

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Seriously, if the plan for Eric to join Law of the Jungle pushes through, i'm really worried for Eric's health. I was able to watch some eps from Season1 before & i really pity them coz they were somewhere in Africa & the mosquitoes are so big! The cast, esp Kwanghee, had mosquito bites the size of a button. And they sometimes got starved & had to eat insects that they caught, etc. Kim Byung Man is a hardcore jungle man, he's so tough he can survive anywhere. & he's got some temper too. Ricky Kim is so competitive, he can be just as tough as KBM. I just can't imagine Eric fitting in between these 2 guys :(. He looks so pampered, he's got assistants, he's the boss. Then here in this show he'll look like a little kid, i mean, we know sometimes he easily gets scared. Well, maybe i'm wrong since he's already had training when he enlisted in the military.

On the other hand, it will be a good experience for Eric. He'll get to know what it's like to live in the wild.  Maybe he'll cry too like how other casts cried when they missed their family & friends back home. He will be tougher, more manly, etc. He can teach Shinhwa members how to survive in a jungle. Well, on second thought, i must say it will be exciting to see Eric on that show. I hope it pushes through.. [-O<

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@donits ah, thanks for filling us in about Law of Jungle.  Is it as bad as the US Survivor show?

Eric might look pammpered with manager on his side but I still think he can tough it out there... may not be as strong competitive as Ricky Kim or Kim Byung Man, the hardcore jungle man but I think he will be ok among other cast... Jeon Hyebin is also joining this season, 2AM Jinwoon also a possible cast too.  May be the newbies can hang out

His health is what concern me most as well as dunno I'm ready to see a very scuffy looking Eric at all hahaha  :((  Any way, he knows how tough this show is as well as knowing full well variety show ain't his strong hold, specially without the members.... there gotta be A VERY GOOD REASON for him to do this right?   ;;)

I can only wish he'll be safe & sound.  I'm excited to see how he takes up this tough challenge :)

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Guest shaghayegh_song

I think he should accept the offer (if it's true),it'd be so good for shinhwa since it would bring more attention to the whole group if Eric does well
and I think it's time for Eric to make new friends

I know it's selfish but I really want to see him on the same show as Jinwoon.I hope both of them accept them appear on the show

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Guest Animeuver

Eric has rejected his post on laws of the jungle 2 according to newsen...because of schedules with Shinbang. He'd be looking through some acting scripts in the meantime. :)

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hah, I'm 1/2 disappointed and 1/2 reliieved.  It sounds like something he'd love to try from his response to Law of Jungle producers about trying again if chance permitted.  But of course Shinhwa Broadcast is 1st priority.  But foremost, I'm glad can get much rest and yeah I still prefer him picks up a drama/moive :D

Any way a really well written & put-together article of the Beijing press conference by 10Asia

@willenette,  thanksfor sharing that post yay no tarzan Eric :D
I'm glad he won't miss out on Shinhwa Broadcast but mostly I'm more concern for his safety cus I hear that showis really tough and dangerous as my Korean friend said... I don't want no more injury for these guys so they will be healthy for next year comeback, unlike this yeard :P

12.07.10 Shinhwa says: "Our goal is to release new album every year"

Eric (left), Kim Dong-wan, Andy, Lee Min-woo, Jun Jin & Shin Hye-sung [shinhwa Company]

“I was doubtful about people coming to our concert here. Even when I heard that tickets to our concerts in Japan and China were sold off, I thought it was all to make us feel good (calm us down),” Jun Jin said. Putting all their glorious epithets to shame--from 14-year-old idol group to the longest living idols to the stars of the entertainment business--it was a timid confession for Jun Jin. Looking back at the past few months since returning to stage with their first album in ten years, the tenth official album "The Return," Shinhwa members often burst out in laughter and at times got too emotional to get the words out. At their last stop of Asia tour, held at the Wanshida Center in Beijing on July 7, the magazine met with more matured, but the same Shinhwa we have known.

Q Anything you have gained or lost from this year's promotional period with "THE RETURN"?
Eric: It was unintentionally spectacle (full of unexpected events). Hye-sung damaged his knee at our comeback concert and had to go through a surgery and as we were nearing the end of our promotional period, Jun Jin also had a surgery for his disk herniation. But being healthy is not something that can be figured out in a fast period of time and (I'm relieved that) it can get better through surgeries.

Jun Jin:
I thought it's good that it happened. Since I've been dancing on stage for a long time, the pain in my back got worse but it got much better after the surgery. I'm hoping that I could dance better on stage than when I was 20-something. Hye-sung didn't really take care of his health when he was young but he will soon realize its importance. (laugh)

Ah, we're still young! (laugh) For me, what I lost while promoting this album is my heart and mind. We had a pretty good outcome from JTBC's 'Shinhwa Broadcasting' by going crazy during the shooting. Next year, I'm going to save up more energy to use it efficiently for more dynamic activities.

"We think this activity is a nice way to mark our comeback than to call it a success."

Lee Min-woo (left) & Kim Dong-wan [shinhwa Company]

Q How's it different to be under Shinhwa Company's management [Talent agency owned by Shinhwa] ?

Min-woo: In the past, we were just androids moving by the schedule. We'd chafe at things when physically tired. It'd be a lie to say that I've never thought about taking things easy because I have other five members to cover up my position. But as we spent time together more and more and each member got their own responsibility in the group, I felt a sense of responsibility myself too. So I'm expecting a lot from what we'll do next year... Gosh, I'm being too blunt right now. Say 'ho~'! (laugh)

Actually, I'm the one who's most unprepaired but with most confidence (laugh). I used to say things in vain like, 'Whatever we do will be a great success.' But I think other Shinhwa members were eager to show more. We think this activity is a nice way to mark our comeback than to call it a success. Perhaps next year we'll be...

Jun Jin:

QIt seems like everyone of you has high expectation for next year. Is there a special reason why?  
Eric: Honestly, our return to the music scene this year was meaningful and successful in that we were meeting our fans in Korea again in four years. While this has been a chance to check that we're still alive, next year it'll be something for our long-run. That transition should be made naturally. From next year, we won't have any specialties (to receive more media spotlights) and have to compete with other artists that are much younger than us and have different characteristics. So in order to differentiate ourselves from other K-pop groups, and to make our strengths stand out, we made 'Shinhwa Broadcasting.' We've found a program that could go for a long run and met producers that we can trust. Balancing well between Shinhwa activities and
'Shinhwa Broadcasting' will give us the strength to march forward.

Q What aer your plans next year as Shinhwa?
Eric: I'm not one hundred percent sure but it'll be pretty much similar as this year time-wise. Between small and big activities, we'll have members concurrently pursuing individual careers like acting to fill in the hiatus.

Our goal is to release a new album every year. We'll come up with ideas for subsidiary events and concerts later but for now, we hope to drop a new album every year. Of course, that won't be possible if no one likes us.


Sorry about that (laugh).

"I was able to mentally let go of myself by appearing on 'Shinhwa Broadcasting'."
Shinhwa's Andy (left) and Eric (right) [shinhwa Company]

Q Could you tell us more specifically about Shinhwa's upcoming plans?
Eric: We began lining out Shinhwa's new activities (for 'The Return') since July last year. We've done it once so we still have time to think about our plans next year. In terms of our individual activities, nothing has been finalized yet but we'd like to do things that would be helpful for our group.

From a producer's perspective, I'd have to study more about next year's album and stage directing. I know that many of our fans are waiting for M [the name Min-woo uses when promoting solo albums] to release more albums. Of course if I have my way to drop a full-length album, I would, but it could be a single or digital single. I'm planning to hold solo concerts in Korea, Japan and China as well.

Jun Jin:
I'm also planning to appear in other TV shows that have different concepts from "Shinhwa Broadcasting" and kickstart my acting career by starring in a Chinese drama.

I'm still doing emceeing on TV and will be debuting a new 7-member idol group, following after Teen Top, in August. I'll actively participate in Shinhwa activities as well.

I'll be releasing a solo album sometime in fall or winter, and hold concerts in Korea and other countries in Asia. (waving his hand in the air) Wait there's a fly flying around me. A fly when talking about the national economy... (laugh) [Parodying a popular video clip online in which a Korean news anchor breaks out in laughter after a fly keeps sitting on his face when talking seriously about the national economy.]

Open a concert in Paris [pronounced as a 'fly' in Korean]. (laugh)

Q'Shinhwa Broadcasting' will obviously play a pivotal role in bonding you guys together. Have you guys found anything new, like a talent or a new characterist, from each other while appearing on the show?

Jun Jin:
We once made our appearance on 'Shinhwa Changjo 2000 (in Romanized Korean)' but now we're done with our military duties and have matured. Like the time when we were really close to each other when housing together, "Shinhwa Broadcasting" allows us to mentally let go of ourselves. Oh, I was in admiration to see Min-woo making other people fart naturally on 'The God of Membership Training (tranaslated title)' episode of 'Shinhwa Broadcasting.'

When Min-woo introduced the 'fart yoga' on the episode, we thought it was going to be a huge hit internationally. So we told Min-woo during the shooting that he should register the patent right. A while after that, we found a YouTube video of someone from South Africa doing the 'fart yoga.' (laugh)

Jun Jin:
Also, Andy has received much love with his 'Zomdie' [a mixed word of zombie and Andy] character. Seeing him relieving a huge amount of stress all at once, I felt that he was under a lot of stress after debuting Teen Top. (laugh)

From a dancer's viewpoint, Andy looks more cool and powerful when doing the 'overreact dancing' on 'Shinhwa Broadcasting' than doing Shinhwa's dance moves. Whenever he does that on the show, I'm just jealous of his unbeatable technique. Teach me the skill, master!

Q Any funny episodes with young K-pop idol groups?
Min-woo: Well it's not a funny one but when young idol groups see our group name in front of the dressing room, they come in with their albums and say their team name out loud. Sometimes I can't really hear what they're saying but I thought we've influenced other groups to shout out their team name like that. It secretly felt good.

When other idol groups come to say hi, they look very stiff like they're doing an interview. I guess its a bit difficult for them (to talk to us). We're very friendly people so next time...

Jun Jin:
Soft and tender.

Soft and tender...what? Oh, wait. No. I hope they feel comfortable about talking with us.

Q You guys are role models for many idol groups. What are some necessary and sufficient condition to become a long-living singing group?
Min-woo: There will probably be younger artists who read this. We're always open for counseling so come and visit. (laugh)

And you mean that to boy bands as well, right? Do you provide meals and alcohol?

Whether it's a female or male group, I'm always open. (laugh)

I think it's nearly impossible for an idol group to survive for a long period, considering how most idol stars make their debut and due to environmental factors. I heard that the management contract at singer Lee Sang-min's LSM Entertainment lasts 20 years. (laugh) Unless signing a contract like that, I highly doubt that there will be another idol group any time soon that could last as long as Shinhwa. But when you look at this simply, the key to our long run could be influenced by different factors. We aren't exactly the examplary type for being nice people but we are nice and warmhearted in our own ways. Instead of being the selfish type of people that wait for others to fail, we always put the morality, bond and friendship before anything else at critical moments. This is what made it all possible (for us to stay together for such a long period of time).

Each one of us had ups and downs (in the course of past 14 years). After going through all that together, that experience has created a strong bond between us. It requires all six of us for Shinhwa to exist and we all wanted the same thing in that regard. So we tried even harder.

"It's good not to realize that you're aging."
Shinhwa's Jun Jin (left) and Shin Hye-sung (right) [shinhwa Company]

Q Does Shinhwa have plans to expand its career into other countries outside Asia?
Eric: We've talked about that. Dong-wan talks a lot about wanting to perform in the United States. Because we're an unprecedented case in the history of Korean music scene as the longest living idol group, it was more important for us to meet again with Asian fans that have been supporting us for a long time. After we strengthen our foothold in the local music scene like the veteran singer Cho Yong-pil, then maybe we could consider doing that.

Q As the 'first generation' of K-pop idols, how does it feels to be getting old with fans?
Jun Jin: When talking about our age, Dong-wan should... (laugh)

When we're together, like when shooting 'Shinhwa Broadcasting,' we forget about our age. It's good to see our fans come to our concerts and enjoy the moment like teenage fans. It's good not to realize that you're aging.

We've tried not to look like we're past our peak, because honestly, we are relatively old to be idols. If Shinhwa isn't taking the lead in the K-pop scene, we thought our fans won't be proud about liking us. So we wanted our fans to proudly walk into record shops and say that their favorite band is Shinhwa, instead of secretly listening to our music when there's no one around. We now have fans who are married and have kids. Memories are more meaningful and beautiful when you have a family and when I see families coming to our shows together, my heart gets too full for words. It's something I couldn't imagine at all when I first made my debut. So when six of us our together, we look immature and weird but seeing what we've achieved so far, we do seem quite awesome. (laugh)

Q HAsisde from your singing career, you all probably have thoughts about getting married. Who's likely to get married first among the six?
Jun Jin: Dong-wan? (laugh)

You're thinking of getting married?


Actually, this is always an interesting topic for us too so we often try to guess who is going to get married first. But so far, no one is even close to it. (laugh)

To be honest, I feel slightly sad when our fans tell us not to get married, when they are married themselves and even have kids. (laugh) As much as it's weird when an actor who had a funny image from appearing in variety shows play serious roles in films, it may not be right as professional singers (or celebrities) to make dramatic changes that could bother people from immersing into the emotion we convey through our works. So with all respect to our fans and audience, we'll make wedding announcements once anyone's wedding plans are finalized.

Oh, I was the first one to get married (on MBC's "We Got Married").

Jun Jin:
Well then I got married too, but let's not talk about it......

(bursting out in laughter)

Credits: 10Asia Part 1 | Part 2
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Guest shaghayegh_song

@matin I think he knows what's best for him,I respect his decision

@phiphi69 thanks for sharing the interview

"Hye-sung damaged his knee at our comeback concert and had to go through a surgery"
yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay,Hyesung will release a new album
I know it's a bit off topic but it's not the right time to debut another boy band,Andy might go bankrupt.I'm so worried
Minwoo will be holding concerts,yaaaaaaaaaaay but fu**, I can't go :|

members of shinhwa are so friendly but TBH they seem to be scary "sunbae" s,Eric doesn't talk much,Hyesung in kinda cold and Andy's teen top CEO (so everyone would be like "he's the CEO guy,he must be scary" )

Min-woo: Actually, this is always an interesting topic for us too so we often try to guess who is going to get married first. But so far, no one is even close to it.

*Happy* :D

Andy: Oh, I was the first one to get married (on MBC's "We Got Married").

Jun Jin:
Well then I got married too, but let's not talk about it......

(bursting out in laughter)


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Guest leimye

I knew it.. before accepting new activities for himself . he making sure that it wont affected to his time for shinbang . i really salute him being a leader. He really sacrifice his own career just to give his time to his members..(one of a kind)

And im obviously eric biased lol

Eric is a man of few few words but every time they had interview . He 's really impressive. And every time he spoke its very interesting to listen or to read.

Minwoo,Dongwan,Junjin always funny cant stop smiling while reading .

Hyesung he's awkward,shy but cute

Andy the serious maknae..

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