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^I actually tried the "Who's Online" setting, it's on right now, but it doesn't seem to be working?

Oh yeah, I also think the child categories being mixed in with the main category is very confusing.

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Guest Yoyo

@Yoyo I think that '20' is from Soompi' date=' not us. Can your give me the URL that it leads to?[/quote']

@IcyLiquid This is the url it leads to: http://www.soompi.com/#

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Guest Yoyo

@Yoyo you can adjust your Who's Online settings from this page: http://forums.soompi.com/profile/edit (click "Who's Online" on the left)

I've also tried it out and changed my status but it still says that I'm online in this category. lol I just saw your post.

I was also wondering if the child categories were meant to be placed in the main category as well? Or is it still in works?

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Guest IcyLiquid

@Yoyo @Jen. I actually just found a small visual glitch and fixed it. You'll now see yourselves greyed out in the list, indicating that you're hidden.

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Oh, I see, thanks. Just another question, is there a word limit on a post? Because I was at the fanfic section and long posts that authors do for a chapter, half of it are missing. I would like to know about the child category thing too :)

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Guest Yoyo

where's the option to view the forum anonymously when logging in?

You can change your status here: http://forums.soompi.com/profile/online

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Guest nuguya

is there any way to follow a whole forum category for example anime/manga & games like the last layout? i know you can bookmark single topics but i liked bookmarking a whole forum category.

as for the layout, it's still a bit confusing. i'lll get used to it later on. there should be an indicator on pinned topics. Right now, nothing looks important because it looks the same as the other topics. Overall I do like it, just some nice options from the last layout are being missed.

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Guest kecebur

1. I can't enter this site via mobile phone/android.

2. jump page needed.

3. can you put the complete date format and time on. it's more easy if we don't have to hover it. And what about the

older posts/last year posts. it just says 'december 2011'. if we have to hover it in every post to see the exact date and time, um..

kinda tiring lol.

thanks in advance n_n

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Guest carmenfu

Hi, I can't log in to my account so I had to make a new one to post here.

I tried entering all possible passwords but none of the worked so I decided to retrieve a new one. When I get the email, every time I click the link it tells me it's invalid. What can I do to get access on my account again :(


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Guest chocolattee

I'm really amazed by the whole change, I loved the desing and the bandage thing it's cute. Soompi just kept getting better and better. ;)

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Guest iSimplicityy

I addressed the following in another thread but I think I have a better chance of receiving a reply here. So here goes.

Is the Forum Filter permanently removed? I enjoy using that feature a lot because I can filter out the Closed Topics and only see the open ones which makes it a lot easier for sellers like me in the selling & trading forum because closed shops won't show up. Also, sellers and buyers used to use that to find their own threads so I think it would be useful to have that back.

The forum filter also allows us to decide how to view the threads (in order by date posted, last posted, topic starter, etc.)

I think this was mentioned quite a few times before and it's really a little bothersome because the topics from the subforums are showing up in the main forum causing a huge clutter. The subforums were there to organize the main forum so I really hope to see that the main forum will clear out of all topics from the subforums.

Also, I think it would be really helpful if the subforums could be accessed inside the main forum instead of having to go back to the home page to click on the subforum link there. It would be great if that could be incorporated into the sidebar.

I was thinking that if we are in a main forum the subforums will show up on the sidebar under the main forum. That would be rather useful and easy to navigate. (just a suggestion)

Are Topic Descriptions not going to be added? I think those are very helpful because Topic Titles have character limits so adding some things in the Topic Description really helps shorten the Topic Title and makes everything look a lot cleaner.

I'm having a little problem with my signature. Is it possible to add an editor to the Signature like with buttons for Bolding, Italicising, etc. I'm not quite sure what code to use because Soompi used BBCode before but it doesn't seem to be working anymore. I want to change the color and the font type but I can't seem to make it happen.

What do we click to go to the first post of a thread? Clicking the topic title leads directly to the newest posts but I want to go to the first post, so what do I click?

I'm a little curious to how the thread views are counted. Before the forum change I had 400+ views on my thread but after the forum change I checked and it only had 84, now I only have 76... Is this a glitch or...?


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I can't say if I like this whole new layout yet but i have to say congrats on soompi 3.0!~~ [:

Reason why I can't seem to like it yet is because there is still a lot of things missing.. and I know its not me that is blind since i tried searching places all over again and look at the profiles and etc. But there are definitely a lot of things missing! And i'm sure many people have addressed those problems.

Its hard for me to browse since the color really isnt that pleasing to my eyes though to some people this is a pleasing color. But whatever. Ill probably be able to get use to it like I did for the last one.

thanks for all the hardwork! its amazing! [:

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Guest centric

Looks great so far! I'm not sure if it's just me but the forum seems too wide for my resolution/browser/whatever right now. I'm on a Macbook, using Firefox, and the main body is just a little too wide and brings up the scrollbar at the bottom. Maybe it'll resolve itself later but yeah, that's all that's bugging me right now lol.

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