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cholo : Happy belated birthday my dear! I should be the one giving you presents...but instead you bring us gifts. Thank you for posting nani's caps and gifs and sharing your artwork.

Did I say how much I love that pepper scene? Well...I love love love love that pepper scene..still give me giggles just thinking about it.

Yup similar expression between Goni and Dr Min...I never realized that Dr Min has more facial hair than Goni until now... hehehe.

Jill : Dr Min will always hold a special place in my heart (our hearts too? hehehe). For me that role is what made me interested in Jang Hyuk.

Girls...I have a question...this is probably more about dramas in general...

I've been noticing that in his last 3 dramas Hyuk hasn't lit or smoke a cigarette at all. In each of the 3 dramas (Thank You, Robbers, Tazza) we see him with a cigarette but it is unlit.

Even with Mdm Jung in Tazza we never see her smoke/inhale the cigarette..she has a lit cigarette but she's just holding it.

Does this have anything to do with the age ratings for TV drama? I know the rating is for 15+...maybe the government is trying to discourage youngsters from smoking?

I only notice this recently since in older dramas that didn't seem to be the case. For example with Hyuk I notice in Successful Story of A Bright Girl that he smokes quite a lot in the drama.

Anybody know the reason why we don't see lead actors/actresses smoke on TV anymore? I'm not complaining but just curious.

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Girls...I have a question...this is probably more about dramas in general...

I've been noticing that in his last 3 dramas Hyuk hasn't lit or smoke a cigarette at all. In each of the 3 dramas (Thank You, Robbers, Tazza) we see him with a cigarette but it is unlit.

Even with Mdm Jung in Tazza we never see her smoke/inhale the cigarette..she has a lit cigarette but she's just holding it.

Does this have anything to do with the age ratings for TV drama? I know the rating is for 15+...maybe the government is trying to discourage youngsters from smoking?

I only notice this recently since in older dramas that didn't seem to be the case. For example with Hyuk I notice in Successful Story of A Bright Girl that he smokes quite a lot in the drama.

Anybody know the reason why we don't see lead actors/actresses smoke on TV anymore? I'm not complaining but just curious.

A good question. Smoking is prohibited for TV drama. It is fine with holding a cigarrette, but not okay with smoking/inhaling the cigarette. I heard this regulation was introduced sometime in 2002. Fortunately(?) characters in the drama Rulers of the World (Lee Na Young, Yang Dong Guen) were able to smoke the cigarettes. I used the expression of fortunate from the perspective of freedom of expression. (don't kill me. ;) )

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A good question. Smoking is prohibited for TV drama. It is fine with holding a cigarrette, but not okay with smoking/inhaling the cigarette. I heard this regulation was introduced sometime in 2002. Fortunately(?) characters in the drama Rulers of the World (Lee Na Young, Yang Dong Guen) were able to smoke the cigarettes. I used the expression of fortunate from the perspective of freedom of expression. (don't kill me. ;) )

Thanks for the answer wils. It makes sense now. So now they just hold cigarettes..:lol: they should just not hold the cigarettes at all because if they do that it just sticks out kindda weird.

I know what they can do --- they should just change the cigarettes to chili peppers :lol:

Gosshh..as you all can tell I'm crazy about that chilli pepper scene...hehehehe.

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I know what they can do --- they should just change the cigarettes to chili peppers :lol:

Gosshh..as you all can tell I'm crazy about that chilli pepper scene...hehehehe.

Haha..a nice application! from the cigarattes to chili peppers!

Yeah...Jang Hyuk is sooooooooooooo cute in the chili pepper scene. :w00t:

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Guest Jill4675

Haha..a nice application! from the cigarattes to chili peppers!

Yeah...Jang Hyuk is sooooooooooooo cute in the chili pepper scene. :w00t:

First to o-cha: yes, Thank You sold me on Jang Hyuk almost immediately! I just thank the heavens that AZN was still broadcasting last year and by some chance they chose Thank You as a drama to show. In fact, they showed it two or three times! I absolutely treasure my DVDs of that drama! I know Thank You made a lot of fans for JH!!! :wub:

Now, I must tell you, o-cha, that you asked the EXACT question I have wanted answered! No one is smoking any more! Of course, I'm happy to see that, but it was puzzling. For example, in the case of Robbers, I thought maybe LDH hated smoking and didn't want to be near someone who smokes... For most people who don't smoke, kissing a smoker is not a lot of fun! :lol: But now, thanks to wils we know that in fact you cannot show actual smoking. Well, I think that is good! I take your point about freedom of expression, wils, but don't you think that there are enough smokers in Korea and that having tops stars setting a poor example for their young fans by smoking is probably not such a good idea? :huh: (Of course, in public, we see them smoking anyway...it still helps that it's not on TV...)

As to the pepper training scene that you all loved, well you saw how many caps I made of that! I might as well have capped every frame! Plus, I think those were genuine hot peppers, so once again some extra effort by Jang Hyuk to really get into his role!!...the later scene where he is sitting outside practicing with a pepper sticking out of his mouth is so adorable!!! :wub:


Ha, ha, we've got what, 15 more episodes to enjoy before we have to say goodbye to Tazza? ... I know there will be more great scenes ahead!! :P


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Jill4675 : yes..you sure did screencap the chili pepper scene...much appreciated by moi.

I finally got around to your photobucket acct and pretty much saved all of the caps from the chilli pepper scene... BTW I noticed you also have a picture of shirtless Kim Jong Kook in your acct --- you have good taste :lol: Lemme know if you want more..I have some other ablicious KJK pics...hehehehe.

and you are dang right... Hyuk really ate all those chilli peppers...our Hyuk can eat really spicy food.

I'm so happy that Tazza is 20 episodes..4 more than the normal 16 episode dramas. And well who knows if Tazza goes well we might even get more episodes..*crossing my fingers*

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First to o-cha: yes, Thank You sold me on Jang Hyuk almost immediately! I just thank the heavens that AZN was still broadcasting last year and by some chance they chose Thank You as a drama to show. In fact, they showed it two or three times! I absolutely treasure my DVDs of that drama! I know Thank You made a lot of fans for JH!!! :wub:

Now, I must tell you, o-cha, that you asked the EXACT question I have wanted answered! No one is smoking any more! Of course, I'm happy to see that, but it was puzzling. For example, in the case of Robbers, I thought maybe LDH hated smoking and didn't want to be near someone who smokes... For most people who don't smoke, kissing a smoker is not a lot of fun! :lol: But now, thanks to wils we know that in fact you cannot show actual smoking. Well, I think that is good! I take your point about freedom of expression, wils, but don't you think that there are enough smokers in Korea and that having tops stars setting a poor example for their young fans by smoking is probably not such a good idea? :huh: (Of course, in public, we see them smoking anyway...it still helps that it's not on TV...)

As to the pepper training scene that you all loved, well you saw how many caps I made of that! I might as well have capped every frame! Plus, I think those were genuine hot peppers, so once again some extra effort by Jang Hyuk to really get into his role!!...the later scene where he is sitting outside practicing with a pepper sticking out of his mouth is so adorable!!! :wub:


Ha, ha, we've got what, 15 more episodes to enjoy before we have to say goodbye to Tazza? ... I know there will be more great scenes ahead!! :P


Haha..I can't agree with you more about the impact of TV's representation of smoking on teenagers. Sure. Personally I don't like people smoking, not alone my favorite stars..even in their real life. But my selfishness sometimes whispers to me it would be more realistic if they really smoke in certain scenes.....(okay..don't throw a stone on me.. :ph34r: ) hehe... The movie Tazza has lots of real smoking scenes which often backdrop a dark atmosphere of gambling scenes. But I don't complain the rule of non-smoking for TV dramas. which I think valid in many aspects.

Yah...I also think the scene he practices hwatoo skills with his mouth chewing hot peppers is witty. I love the gif out of the scene cholo posted earlier. It would be really fun to watch if there is a making-film video for the pepper scene.

I am so glad Tazza has 20 episodes not 16. Hehe..more fun stuff will be displayed before us for sure.

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Guest Jill4675

Jill4675 : yes..you sure did screencap the chili pepper scene...much appreciated by moi.

I finally got around to your photobucket acct and pretty much saved all of the caps from the chilli pepper scene... BTW I noticed you also have a picture of shirtless Kim Jong Kook in your acct --- you have good taste :lol: Lemme know if you want more..I have some other ablicious KJK pics...hehehehe.

and you are dang right... Hyuk really ate all those chilli peppers...our Hyuk can eat really spicy food.

I'm so happy that Tazza is 20 episodes..4 more than the normal 16 episode dramas. And well who knows if Tazza goes well we might even get more episodes..*crossing my fingers*

o-cha, you remind me that that section (parent folder) of my PB account is public; most of my many sub-albums are locked. (But the screen caps are public and the banners folder is public.) Actually, you may recall that old KJK pic was one re-run on Popseoul recently and I posted it for you. Then you explained to me it was an old one! ;) Yes, I can imagine you have quite a collection!!! :lol:;)

Sometime ago I decided to make my account public and then lock the albums. But I always have to remember that when I create a new album I have to decide whether to lock it or not...and of course, as I said, the general "parent" folder on my PB account is visible ... but it just contains a lot of stuff [junk?] from trips, pics of friends, a real mixed bag. I cleared a few things off it that were just taking up space. I should probably move everything into organized folders.

I was happy to be of service with regard to the peppers!!! LOL Actually, while I went through the video making those caps, I wasn't aware of how many were from those scenes. I didn't realize (until I looked at them) that they were almost all about the PEPPERS!!!! :wacko: (wils, you are right ~ some NG clips of the pepper scenes would probably be hilarious!!! If you look at the face of Son Hyun Joo, you can see his total amusement as he shoves the peppers into JH's mouth...you'll also notice we didn't see HIM eating any peppers!!! ^_^)


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cholo : Happy belated birthday my dear! I should be the one giving you presents...but instead you bring us gifts. Thank you for posting nani's caps and gifs and sharing your artwork.

Did I say how much I love that pepper scene? Well...I love love love love that pepper scene..still give me giggles just thinking about it.

Yup similar expression between Goni and Dr Min...I never realized that Dr Min has more facial hair than Goni until now... hehehe.

thank you dear o-cha for the greetings.. :)

im still bringing goodies whenever i can, courtesy of nani... this is LOVEEEE...im loving every up close pics of Goni.. :w00t::w00t:









credits:as labeled on pic

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Guest Jill4675

thank you dear o-cha for the greetings.. :)

im still bringing goodies whenever i can, courtesy of nani... this is LOVEEEE...im loving every up close pics of Goni.. :w00t::w00t:

Hello, all!! :)

Cholo!! You (and Nani) never fail to come through for us!!! Thanks for these gorgeous caps!! :wub: Nani's are higher-res than the ones I made, so these have been quickly saved...

Just a couple more days to Ep. 6... ;)

BTW, cute gif... :)


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*dies* from Hyuk hotness overload...hahaha...thanks cholo and nani!

The pepper scene...I wonder how many chili peppers Hyuk had to eat..I counted at least 3 or 4 ...there's probably more..

and yeaah Son Hyun Joo was loving the pepper scene...that gleeful expression :lol:

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Thanks cholo for the artworks.

hehe...I wish USPS includes the Hyuk stamp to the first class postage. I may write a mail averyday, then. ;)

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Guest Jill4675

theres more...

and more more... :lol::sweatingbullets:


Wow! Thanks a million for these great caps, Cholo (and Nani)...thunk.gif

You know, until I saw that first gif, I nearly forgot how extremely funny that was when Goni was trying to use American slang!! I love when he does that! So cute! :wub:

Lots of good shots of the hair in the caps you just posted...where is Imogene_af! She'll go nuts for that hair!! LOL

I'm volunteering to be the hairdresser for his next drama! ;)


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Thank you cholo for the goodies. hehe..

Lots of good shots of the hair in the caps you just posted...where is Imogene_af! She'll go nuts for that hair!! LOL

I'm volunteering to be the hairdresser for his next drama! ;)


Jill, you are hilarious. Please accept me for your assistant! :w00t:

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Guest Jill4675

Jill, you are hilarious. Please accept me for your assistant! :w00t:

:lol: No worries, wils! There is plenty of hair, so we can take turns! ;)

Or maybe you'd like to be in charge of towels for any future sauna scenes!!!




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ooh..oohh..me! me! me! the one in charge of handing the towels to Hyuk in sauna scenes...:lol:

If not I'll take my place as your shampoo girl then Jill...

Thanks cholo and nani.

Looking at the gifs of Goni at the American base makes me grin...Hyuk is so silly...a shade of 'Elvis' from PTME...hehehehehee.

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Guest Jill4675

ooh..oohh..me! me! me! the one in charge of handing the towels to Hyuk in sauna scenes...:lol:

If not I'll take my place as your shampoo girl then Jill...

Thanks cholo and nani.

Looking at the gifs of Goni at the American base makes me grin...Hyuk is so silly...a shade of 'Elvis' from PTME...hehehehehee.

LOL, PTME...remember "Kathyyyyyy, Kathyyyyyy........"??!!!

Here are some caps from Tazza Ep. 6, first half:

Tazza Ep. 6, Caps from first half


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