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Guest Jill4675

I love the facial hair. Love love love love love it.

Ha, ha, Imogene, you are funny...muahaha.gif He really does look cute!

and I just watched Tazza Epi 1 and 2... slowllllyyyy catching up with y'all. Jang Hyuk is so hilarious, he just twitches his facial expression and I'm already bursting out laughing.

Wait till you see the scene at the end of Ep. 4...then you really will be laughing!

Yeah, his facial expressions, talking with food in his mouth, so many mannerisms...he used a lot of them in Thank You and Robbers too...I just adore them! So entertaining!! ;)

I finished watching Ep. 5; now I have to wait a week to see more!!! omg.gif


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I loved Jang Hyuk in Thank you. I hated him in Robbers.

I'm hoping to love him again in this movie.
He's too

cute to hate.
I don't want to hate him again!

I think you'll like Goni (JH's character in Tazza). This time Jang hyuk plays a likeable character.. I must admit his character in Robbers was a bad person...

imogene_af : Yayyy..you're watching Tazza. Make sure to read wils' summaries on the Tazza thread.

Oh you'll enjoy episode 3 and 4 even more. Tazza gets more interesting with each new episode.

Tazza episode 4 -- JH at his comedic heights.... totally hilarious.

cholo : thanks for posting the caps. For some reason..seeing these 2 pics made my heart stop for like a split second..



And I looove this shot of GoGo..GoGo together forever! :lol:


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thanks Jill! hahahaha..'Still there'....

I figure most of us here have watched Tazza ep 4 so I won't put any spoiler tags discussing JH's role there.

Hyuk pulled triple acting duties in episode 4... melo-crying scenes, action scenes, and comedy scenes. And I must say our Hyuk did it brilliantly.

Crying scenes --- how many times will this guy amaze me? He has so many different ways of expressing different emotions.

Let's dissect the 2 major crying scenes in episode 4

1. When Goni went to see his mom being yelled at by the landlord lady.

I have seen this crying scene from Hyuk. It reminds me a bit of Robbers when Oh Joon was being chased down by his sister. The emotions that I could feel from Hyuk was pity and sadness.

2. Goni calling Dae Ho and his mom from the payphone

Now this kind of crying I've never seen from Hyuk. This was out of control but oh so perfect for his character here. He is portraying an 18/19 year old sobbing. There was no elegance in the cry instead it was raw unfiltered emotions. Shame, guilt, love, fear all jumbled into this uncontrollable sob. Goni tried to control not crying when he talked to Dae Ho but once he talked to his mom and heard her asking her to come back and not worry about returning the money that's when the flood gate of tears opened up. Here was his mother the woman he has loved all his life who just found out that her son stole her money and spent it all playing hwatu yet all she wanted was for him to come back. They say a mother's love is unconditional and here it's shown. Goni felt too ashamed to receive his mom's unconditional love at that time. As much as he wanted to come back to her, he couldn't do it. He couldn't bring himself and his pride to receive that kind of love. He love his mother so much that the fact that he caused his mom pain through his actions just pains him too much.

The payphone crying scene just stuck out for me for all the reasons I mentioned above.

I am absolutely with you about the crying scenes. To be honest, I don't like the crying scenes in general. I prefer the controlled expressions of sadness. But to be realistic, actors should act in accordance with their characters and stay in tunes with the dramatic tone of the scene in question. Jang Hyuk's representation of a 19 year old boy's sobbing when watching his mom kicked off by the landlady was compelling. Mom was weeping on one side and her son was secretively sobbing on the other side. But I have a complaint to the directing here. Instead of asking Goni to stand against wall and weep (this part looked unnatural to me), it would be better executed if Goni leans against the wall or rolls himself over knees. yah...this is just a minor complaint, though.

As for the telephone crying scene, as I said on the tazza thread, I found the crying scene superb! o-cha's explanations are exactly what I thought. Hyuk's acting here seems really genuine as if he himself had that experience before in his real life. :unsure: Again if I give a minor complaint to the director, the scene would be better if some unnecessary crying shots between after he hung up the phones and before he took on the train were cut off. Anyway, the crying scene was so touching and compelling as many Korean netizens picked it up as the best scene.

cholo, many thanks for sharing the caps. :w00t:

imogene, I believe there are some people waiting for your thoughts on tazza. No pressure, though. ;)

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cholo, many thanks for sharing the caps.

cholo : thanks for posting the caps. For some reason..seeing these 2 pics made my heart stop for like a split second..

welcome, and always a pleasure to share nani's gorgeous caps.

there still more to share, and i wont get tired posting it. :)






















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imogene, I believe there are some people waiting for your thoughts on tazza. No pressure, though. ;)

ooh yessss..there are people indeed waiting for imogene_af's thoughts...no pressure? oh no..there are tons of pressure for her to post her thoughts. I'm the one pressuring her :lol:...j/k. We'd love to hear your thoughts...really...in a non threatening or forcing kind of way..hehehe.

cholo : thanks! Hahahhaa..Goni stuffing his mouth his food...priceless expression :lol:

Rave reviews for our Hyuk


장혁, 드라마 <타짜>서 ‘고니’ 열혈연기 빛나

2008-10-01 14:11:16


(DIP통신) 류수운 기자 = 장혁의 연기투혼이 시청자의 마음을 사로잡고 있다.

SBS 월화드라마 <타짜>에서 희대의 겜블러 ‘타짜’ 고니 역을 맡아 능청맞으면서도 카리스마 넘치는 ‘장혁표 고니’를 새롭게 재탄생시킨 장혁이 시청자의 찬사를 한 몸에 받고 있다.

장혁은 매회 방송마다 몸을 사리지 않는 액션연기와 시청자의 눈물샘을 자극하는 오열연기로 깊은 인상을 남기고 있다.

그는 극중 사기 도박을 치다 도망간 대교 위에서 사람들에게 잡히지 않기 위해 깊은 강물 속으로 과감하게 뛰어드는가 하면, 불이 난 도박장에서 친구 영민(김민준 분)을 구하기 위해 도망가지 않고 위험천만한 불기둥을 대신 맞아주는 등 온몸을 내던지는 열연으로 극을 박진감 있게 이끌고 있다.

또한 지난 29일 방송된 <타짜> 4회분에서는 엄마가 10년 동안 피땀 흘려 모은 돈을 도박장에서 모두 잃고 돈을 벌기 위해 엄마 품을 떠날 결심을 하는 장면에서 엄마에 대한 미안함과 안타까움에 처절하게 눈물지으며 오열하는 장혁의 모습이 그려져 시청자들의 마음을 뭉클하게 적셨다.

장혁의 이같은 명연기에 시청자들은 호평을 쏟아내고 있다.

방송 후 드라마 게시판에는 “<타짜> 정말 대박이다! 흥미진진한 이야기에 눈을 뗄 수가 없다”, “스토리도 너무 재미있고 특히 장혁의 연기가 일품이다”, “눈물연기든 액션연기든 매 장면마다 능수능란한 연기에 감탄~”, “특히 장혁의 처절한 눈물연기가 인상 깊었다” 등의 글들이 이어지고 있다.

한편 30일 방송된 <타짜> 5회 방송에서는 3년 후 각자 달라진 주인공들의 삶이 비춰지며 본격적으로 타짜의 길을 걸어갈 고니가 최고의 인생 파트너 광렬(손현주 분)과 스승인 평경장(임현식 분)과 만나게 되는 상황이 재미있게 그려졌다.

이날 방송에서는 고니의 조력자로 운명적 만남을 갖게되는 평경장의 딸 유라(이소정 분)가 첫 등장해 눈길을 끌었다.

DIP통신, swryu64@dipts.com

<저작권자ⓒ 대한민국 대표 유통경제 뉴스 DIP통신. 무단전재-재배포 금지.>

Sorry no time to do full article translation but basically viewers are applauding Jang Hyuk for his performance. He gave his all from sacrificing his body during action scenes to his sobbing crying scenes all leaving a deep impression on viewers.

Jang Hyuk boldly jumped into the waters (referring to the chase scene) and into fire (referring into the gambling house scene). The way he carried those scenes with passionate performance gave off a realistic feeling.

The article mentioned the crying scene where after Goni lost the money that his mother has saved for 10 years at the gambling house and decided to leave his mom, Jang Hyuk showed an extremely sad expression with his weeping and sobbing which really touched the viewers' heart.

The article also mentioned the episode on 30 where GoGo met Phyeon Gyeong Jang. The viewers found them to be funny.

I guess people didn't realize until know the versatility of Jang Hyuk...glad to know that they finally realize it.

I have to agree with the viewers...that goodbye scene at the payphone was heartwrenching.

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Guest Jill4675

ooh yessss..there are people indeed waiting for imogene_af's thoughts...no pressure? oh no..there are tons of pressure for her to post her thoughts. I'm the one pressuring her :lol:...j/k. We'd love to hear your thoughts...really...in a non threatening or forcing kind of way..hehehe.

cholo : thanks! Hahahhaa..Goni stuffing his mouth his food...priceless expression :lol:

Rave reviews for our Hyuk

...The article mentioned the crying scene where after Goni lost the money that his mother has saved for 10 years at the gambling house and decided to leave his mom, Jang Hyuk showed an extremely sad expression with his weeping and sobbing which really touched the viewers' heart.

The article also mentioned the episode on 30 where GoGo met Phyeon Gyeong Jang. The viewers found them to be funny.

I guess people didn't realize until know the versatility of Jang Hyuk...glad to know that they finally realize it.

I have to agree with the viewers...that goodbye scene at the payphone was heartwrenching.

We'll be pleased to hear from Imogene when she catches up! (no worries! **waiting patiently!**)

o-cha, thanks for the article...these things always sound like press releases... :huh: ...I hope people really DO appreciate the great performance he's giving!!! ;)

Yes, that blind scene was hilarious...can't say that too many times! LOL

I posted thumbnails of some Ep. 5 caps at the Tazza thread; to avoid overdoing it, I will just put the link to the photos here: Episode 5 ~ Tazza ~ Caps

Here are some samples: :wub:


th_tazza5-33.jpgth_tazza5-36.jpgth_tazza5-39.jpg [click on the thumbs]

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Guest imogene_af

How can they only discover his GREAT acting now? Hello! Robbers! :lol:

Man, I haven't had the time to review any single thing recently, but I will share my thoughts on the TAZZA thread as soon as I finish Episode 4.

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Guest Jill4675

How can they only discover his GREAT acting now? Hello! Robbers! :lol:


Tell me about it!! :angry: That was (so far) my all-time favorite performance, because it was so wide-ranging...perfect! :wub:

If I weren't so wrapped up in Tazza, I'd watch Robbers again right now! :lol:


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Jill : hahaha..yes those articles always sound like press release. Actually I notice that in pretty much all Korean articles.... they always write SBS Mon-Tue Drama Tazza...etc etc...

Loveee the caps..I still haven't watched ep 5 yet...ughhh seriously hating my i-net right now...or is it MU that's slow? hmmmm....anyway still downloading..grrrrrr.....

Amber..yeaah...it's crazy that people are surprised to see that JH is this good. We should tell them "See what happens when you don't watch Robbers? You missed out on Hyuk (and actuallly Da Hae too)'s great acting performance."

Ohhh watch ep 4..I think you'll really enjoy it... tearjerker and bellyachingly funny all in one episode.

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its a friday morning and its my day today.... :):D

what a great day to spend my birthday here.. heehee

up close version of Goni's pics














credits: as always-nani/myhome.cururu

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Guest Jill4675

its a friday morning and its my day today.... :):D

what a great day to spend my birthday here.. heehee

up close version of Goni's pics

Gorgeous, as always!!! :wub: These may cause some heart attacks... :o

Thanks, Cholo (and Nani!!)!


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Thanks cholo for posting the caps!!!

Oh..I can see Dr Min Gi Shu from some pics !!!!! :w00t:

And Happy Birthday, dear Cholo~!!!!!!!



Wishing you everything happy for your birthday. :lol:

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Guest Jill4675

Thanks cholo for posting the caps!!!

Oh..I can see Dr Min Gi Shu from some pics !!!!! :w00t:

And Happy Birthday, dear Cholo~!!!!!!!


Yes, my apologies for not also wishing Cholo a wonderful birthday!!! (I was so dumbstruck by the pictures, I forgot!!! ;))


Wils, you are right!...Our dear :wub: Dr. Min Gi-Su :wub: is there in some of those looks!!! thunk.gif


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We'll be pleased to hear from Imogene when she catches up! (no worries! **waiting patiently!**)

o-cha, thanks for the article...these things always sound like press releases... :huh: ...I hope people really DO appreciate the great performance he's giving!!! ;)

Don't worry, Jill. I read people's responses to the article having almost the same content as the one o-cha translated. The majority of people left positive comments on his acting. Reading those responses, i couldn't hide a smile on my face. B)

Yes, my apologies for not also wishing Cholo a wonderful birthday!!! (I was so dumbstruck by the pictures, I forgot!!! ;))

Wils, you are right!...Our dear :wub: Dr. Min Gi-Su :wub: is there in some of those looks!!!

Haha... that was the most understandable excuse! I was almost dumbstruck by them too

BTW, the cake and ballon pics are pretty. ;)

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Thanks cholo for posting the caps!!!

Oh..I can see Dr Min Gi Shu from some pics !!!!! :w00t:

And Happy Birthday, dear Cholo~!!!!!!!



Wishing you everything happy for your birthday. :lol:

thanks for the birthday greeting wils.. muacks

the cake so YUMMY.. :)

Yes, my apologies for not also wishing Cholo a wonderful birthday!!! (I was so dumbstruck by the pictures, I forgot!!! ;))


no worries jill :) ...and thanks too.


gifs to share.. funny ep




and of course, another close up version of Goni







and my artwork...


credits: nani for the caps

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Guest Jill4675

hmmm... similar expression?Goni and Dr. Min


Cholo, YES! I had exactly the same reaction! There are many, many times when I see a certain expression I remember from "Thank You"! :wub:

Thanks for the latest gifs and pics from Nani and your artwork is nice! :)

I especially love the pics from the scenes at the racetrack stables when he was cleaning stalls there... :)

Wils, thanks for reassuring me that the Korean public is appreciating JH's performance! I hope they will spread the word to their friends!! ;)


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