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Guest lilyrose

Ah, it's so nice to see Hyuk again after sooooo long (my fault, not his, for not being around)! I saw a lot of him (in magazine photos) in Japan. I didn't buy any of the magazines because they were super expensive, and I was bleeding money in Tokyo as it was. BUT, it is nice to know that JH is well known in Japan (so it is not just Ji Sub and LBH and BYJ who are famous there).

wils: thank you for the screencaps of Dae Mang. I cannot download the episodes at this point, but I appreciate your effort. It is amazing how different he looks in a period piece! His trademark pout will always make him appear an obnoxiously adorable young kid to me (even when he is a dad and hubby :D ). And HOT.

o-cha, friend, it is nice to see you here (as I knew you would be, but it is still nice and brings back Robbers memories). Same sentiments go towards hjkomo. I hope you are all well.

Oh, and a big kiss to JH :blush:


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Guest malia

malia : I agree! The overbite definitely casuse the pouty look...and that's Jang Hyuk to me..without his pout he's not Jang Hyuk hehehe.

The first time I saw him I thought yeah he's pretty good looking...but nothing more...the more I watch him act the more beautiful he becomes...

His eyes are always so soulful... they can be very gentle in one scene and very intense in another. He can definitely make my heart beats faster with the look of his eyes... hehehe...ok..don't tell my hubby about that... :sweatingbullets: lol.

o-cha, you are absolutely, totally right with your words, "His eyes are always so soulful... they can be very gentle in one scene and very intense in another. He can definitely make my heart beats faster with the look of his eyes"...he definitely has conquered the art of speaking with the eyes. And yes, the quintessential Jang Hyuk are his pouty mouth, the brooding rebellious bad boy aura, the soulful eyes that speak a thousand words, that beautiful tall nose and the deep, deep talent and his inner beauty...these are what makes Jang Hyuk..these are the essence of the man...pure and simple. Yes, o-cha without that casual, slouchy, pouty look, he's not Jang Hyuk. hehe...don't tell my hubby either :sweatingbullets: hehe ...cause he might either delete all my Jang Hyuk photos or walk around trying to imitate JH's signature pout..and ruin it for me..we all know there's only one pouty JH...haha, heehee!! :tears:

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O-cha and Malia, it's funny to compare your comments on our Hyuk's adorable mouth and the reaction of Hyuk's fans to meeting him at a fan meeting, probably in 2002, I found a few days ago in his fan cafe. They non-stop-talked about his triangle shaped lip: how cute and adorable it is. Some of them confessed they couldn't see anything else of him cause his lip captivated them badly! But, what about his beautiful eyes and nose? hehehe.. His awesome pouty mouth must stand out that much! Someone joked around in the cafe..she will pursue a doctoral degree for the research on the relationship between mouth shape and pronunciation: how a trangle shaped lip moves in a particular way to create JH-specific sound. hahaha...

anyway, i agree with you guys..i couldn't think of Hyuk without his pouty mouth. Besides his cute mouth and soulful eyes, I adore his sharply-cut nose with its perfect angle at the tip..oh..it's simply perfect! :blush: fangirl!!!

Lilyrose, you are always welcome. Hope you make some other time to catch Dae Mang. So you're just back from a business trip to Japan? Thanks for the news about JH. He must be really getting hot in there. BTW, i wish I could read your comments on the second half of Robbers, though i read your post sometime ago saying the comments on the latter part of Robbers were mistakenly all gone...that's too bad...

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Guest malia

O-cha and Malia, it's funny to compare your comments on our Hyuk's adorable mouth and the reaction of Hyuk's fans to meeting him at a fan meeting, probably in 2002, I found a few days ago in his fan cafe. They non-stop-talked about his triangle shaped lip: how cute and adorable it is. Some of them confessed they couldn't see anything else of him cause his lip captivated them badly! But, what about his beautiful eyes and nose? hehehe.. His awesome pouty mouth must stand out that much! Someone joked around in the cafe..she will pursue a doctoral degree for the research on the relationship between mouth shape and pronunciation: how a trangle shaped lip moves in a particular way to create JH-specific sound. hahaha...

anyway, i agree with you guys..i couldn't think of Hyuk without his pouty mouth. Besides his cute mouth and soulful eyes, I adore his sharply-cut nose with its perfect angle at the tip..oh..it's simply perfect! :blush: fangirl!!!

wils, oh, oh, oh...totally agree with you on this: "Besides his cute mouth and soulful eyes, I adore his sharply-cut nose with its perfect angle at the tip..oh..it's simply perfect!"!!!!! yep, jang hyuk, the man with the pouty mouth, soulful eyes and tall sharply cut nose.....AWESOME and like you said "it's simply perfect!! how can one man have such a perfectly angled nose at the tip!!!! like you, we are all....."fangirl"..haha! and i think that girl should do that research..haha..cause i think she has a point on this.. "how a trangle shaped lip moves in a particular way to create JH-specific sound". OMGSH...we truly are dissecting this beautiful man! :crazy: ahhh, wils, we all adore the same things about this hot, hot man and as hjkomo would say, hubba, hubba!! thank you for seeking out all kinds of great stuff on jang hyuk and sharing the stuff from his fan cafe. komapsumnida!!~~

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...honestly I dont like he's hair right now, it makes him look older than he's real age, I like clean cut for him..

forevergirl, hello and i am with you. I thought he would have hair cut right away after Robbers shooting was done. There might be reasons for him to keep the current hairstyle...I donno...maybe he likes it? or he wants to look older since he becomes a daddy? hahaha~ As you said, i like to see him have clear cut sooner. ;)

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Guest o-cha

yes! I thought I was in the minority for not liking his current hairstyle. I think his current hairstyle is too shaggy for him. I'd much prefer a Thank You style haircut for him...major hotness there!

wils : waaaaa...thank you so much... more Dae Mang..yaaaayyy! Thanks for the mag scans too.

lilyrose : We've missed you here. Glad to know you're back here. hjkomo and I are watching Three Dads One Mom right now if you want to join in on the fun....

malia and wils ....hahahaha..we are such fangirls....:lol: ...well..maybe fanwomen? I don't think a married woman can call herself girl anymore in my case....hahahaha.

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Guest fttsluva

Hi All,

I watched Daemon a few years ago and i must say, this is one of my fav JH and HJS dramas,

I simply adored JH here but i must admit also loved and pitied HJS's character in ths drama.

for those who have'nt seen it yet, this is a must see, i recommend it 100%.

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Guest hjkomo

Hey there, lilyrose!

Yeah, come watch Three Dads and One Mom with us! :D

Well, I don't mind his hair longer, as long as is doesn't look like a wig made from a pelt of fur off some roadkill (like in some episodes of Robbers :crazy::vicx::ph34r: )


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Guest imogene_af

Well, I don't mind his hair longer, as long as is doesn't look like a wig made from a pelt of fur off some roadkill (like in some episodes of Robbers :crazy::vicx::ph34r: )


:lol: :lol: I think the longer hair kind of grew on me already as long as he stays away from the Dr.Who bangs or the Elvis hair circa Robbers, we're good.

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Guest cheesecake

:lol: :lol: I think the longer hair kind of grew on me already as long as he stays away from the Dr.Who bangs or the Elvis hair circa Robbers, we're good.

funny how you say it lolz anyways though, any other news about him since he's getting married soon? Any glance of his new baby?

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haha...on-going talks on his hairstyle. I was generally fine with Ohjoon's hair style in Robbers save for the last episode. That was too bushy. :crazy:

cheesecake, any glace of his new baby? maybe...if the baby attends his dad's wedding..

fttsluva, I agree with you. I also felt for a love-and-hate sentiment toward HJS's charater.

O-cha, haha...then, I am still a fangirl~ ;)

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Guest Ender's Girl

i should day thank you to Thank You the drama as it led me to rediscover JH.. didn't notice him that much when success story of a bright girl was on air many years ago..

I'm with you on that one, lufra! I just finished Thank You last week, and after reading this thread from page 1-66 in a few days in a Jang Hyuk-induced feverish haze, I believe 99.99% of us here (posters and lurkers both) belong to the WTF!!! When Did Jang Hyuk Get To Be SOOO Hot?!?! And He Can ACT, Too!!! school of thought. :lol: Welcome to the club.

I'm still getting Thank You / Jang Hyuk withdrawal pangs from time to time. :blush: Thank You touched me in ways no other drama has before--and I can say I've seen a lot of good ones. I loved EVERYTHING about it, not just Min GiSeo's character. I mean, what's not to love? The simplicity and starkness of its narrative structure, devoid of the excessive melodrama one usually expects from this kind of series; the matter-of-fact treatment of such a terrible, devastating disease; the excellent character development of such flawed, broken people who find healing and wholeness in their love for each other; the intelligent dialogue and situations; even the the bucolic island backdrop and the poignant, mildly haunting soundtrack--this drama is a keeper for the ages.

Physical attributes aside (now THAT is another story :w00t: ), the reason I have so much respect for Jang Hyuk as an actor is that I've always had a thing for underdogs--people who didn't burst onto the scene with instant success, but who worked their way up to eventually reap their honest due. I'm sure Jang Hyuk was moderately popular as a mid-level Hallyu star, judging from his body of work, but I doubt he was really taken seriously as an actor--again, judging from his body of work: Windstruck, Volcano High, Bright Girl, Please Teach Me English. Although he did exhibit his natural comedic talent in those works, and hats off to him even back then for his willingness to place himself in foolish, even slapstick situations for those roles (Eric in the hilarious Super Rookie also comes to mind; I've always liked actors who don't take their image too seriously, not like--ok, I'm going to say it, BYJ, whose ground I used to worship but whom I have now come to view with eye-rolling disdain because of his borderline fanatical devotion to maintaining his Image (pun intended), and which I believe will someday be the downfall of his career) :wacko:.

I love how Jang Hyuk overcame the obstacles of his "funny ssagaji" stereotype, that horrible MS scandal, those two long years away from the film/TV industry (given the dangerously short attention spans of us fans), and the apparently nonchalant reaction of the media and industry insiders to his return (I mean, let's face it, SSH's comeback initially generated more buzz, didn't it?). In an industry where hundreds of stars (talented or not) vie for screen time, good ratings, and the adulation of fans, NOBODY is indispensable. For a minute there, it certainly seemed that the lid had been shut on Jang Hyuk's unexceptional career.

Instead, he doggedly held his course, taking on a project that (and this is according to one of his interviews, if you guys remember) he chose more for the challenge it posed to his craft, believing this would help him grow as an actor, than for the certainty of ratings success. Thank God it paid off! :phew: Whatever personal (congratulations on your upcoming wedding!!! we will be crying buckets... tears of happiness...not! :tears: ) and professional success he is currently enjoying (despite the low ratings of Robbers, I believe all that goodwill generated by Thank You is still rubbing off him, AND he's got an international film to boot) is well-deserved and well-earned, the kind of success that is so much sweeter precisely because it was not handed to him on a silver platter, but one which he achieved by dint of his tenacity, humility, and perseverance.

At least if anything, Jang Hyuk has proven how versatile an actor he is. From his interviews he really seems to have matured a whole lot--as evident in his ability now to tackle more complex, sophisticated roles. Jang Hyuk the Man had some growing up to do, and his acting naturally followed. So now that he's officially a serious actor, I can't wait to see what he'll do next. Part of me wants him to stretch his limits and take on projects that scream CANNES!!! PALME D'OR!!! (migawd, if he could be the next Lee ByungHun, or even the next Song KangHo or Choi MinSik--but then that would be thinking too far ahead, and I wouldn't want to jinx it for him, so let's just stop at Lee ByungHun for now, lol :D ), but then another part of me hopes he retains his mainstream popularity through commericial vehicles like your usual romcom or melodrama. Ah...the age-old debate of craft vs. commercialism. But then why do the two have to be mutually exclusive anyway, huh? :huh:

Seeing the Jang Hyuk 2.0 (new and improved! lol) in Thank You for the first time, I just couldn't believe my eyes. Where was the bumbling physics teacher with a heart of gold in Windstruck? Where was the lovesick, dorky superhero in Volcano High? Where was the smarmy but endearing jackass in Please Teach Me English? Where? Where? WHERE??? In their place was this--this--magnificent male specimen, a perfectly sculpted body of solid muscle. And a face to die for--those cheekbones... the chiseled jawline... the facial stubble... the carelessly swept back brush of hair... lips that could twist into a sneer and a spew forth a scathing remark just as readily as they could form a tender smile... and those eyes. OH MY GAWD. I couldn't get enough of the lean, hungry look in them, eyes that mirrored the bleakness of a soul who has nothing left to live for, but in whom hope gradually comes alive as Min GiSeo finds love in the unlikeliest of places. Eyes concealing depths you could drown in. I wiped the drool off my face (which was already drenched in tears--DAYYYIM, that drama sure made me cry!!!) and resolved in my heart of hearts to watch EVERY SINGLE BLEEPING MOVIE AND DRAMA JANG HYUK HAS EVER ACTED IN SINCE THE INCEPTION OF HIS CAREER. So help me God. :w00t:

I'm still reeling from the inital shock of Jang Hyuk Feevah, and I doubt it'll go away anytime soon. Let me rhapsodize further on his attributes (for the two people still left reading this post, indulge me some more, lol)...

Point 1
: I LOVE the fact that he has his little imperfections!!! The eyebags, the overbite (which I didn't even notice until somebody pointed it out in this thread), the slightly asymmetrical jawline, the relatively short stature and short ams--they all add character, don't you agree? I'm also glad he had no plastic surgery done (or, if any, it was minimal) because if you look at his old schoolboy picture, the fine features are intact: the cheekbones, the narrow, straight nose, the jawline. I guess the only thing that changed, which contributed most to his physical transformation pre- vs. post-MS, was the weight loss. His bones (cheeks and jaw) really became defined when he shed the body fat.

Point 2
: His new body definitely rocks!!! I mean, in the shower scene in
Volcano High
he was already muscled, but not like this... aigoo,
like this! He may have been bulkier before army duty, but now his body is leaner and more toned, with greater muscle definition. Not a gym rat's bod, but that of a person who has earned it not through bodybuilding, but through intense and continuous physical activity and training. A soldier's bod, a dancer's bod, an athlete's bod. Boy oh boy, whatever they're doing to Korean men in military service over there, it sure is working!!!

Point 3
: I love his fashion sense, it's so... effortless! He's a knockout whether dressed in a trenchcoat and muffler, or a crisp white shirt with the sleeves rolled up, or a simple black tank top and cargoes. DAYYYIM, he bloody looks good in everything, it's so hard to decide which look suits him best! I also think his current 'do (longish, wavy hair) looks good on him. The crewcut in
was too short for my taste, but the hair style he sported in
Thank You
was right on the money!

So, in the next few weeks of summer, I shall be embarking on a personal quest of discovery and re-discovery, for in many ways, it IS a re-discovery. I re-watched Windstruck and Volcano High, marveling at how his performances there hardly registered in my consciousness the first time. Bright Girl aired in the local afternoon timeslot a few years back, and I may have seen an episode or two, but I readily dismissed the show as silly and shallow (not to mention the fact that I was never really a Jang Nara fan; I hated her in My Love Patzzi). I already orderd Robbers, Bright Girl and Public Toilets from my friendly neighborhood, er, dealer :lol: and I can't wait to begin. Last week my best friend (who watched Thank You last year and loved it, urging me to watch it as well, only I dragged my feet because Jang Hyuk was waaaay below my radar back then, and the kid had HIV for pete's sake--how depressing is that, so I reasoned) wryly reminded me of the Ditto & Sympathy 2 CF she had shown me years back but which we only watched for BYJ, lol! I remember asking her, "so who's the short one? he's so not cute". She told me the name, which I conveniently forgot. Oh, how pabo we were back then, in our callow youth! :lol:

I just needed to get this all off my chest before embarking on my little journey. I just want to say komapseumnida to all those who posted before me and kept this thread alive. And to those who uploaded the links and articles, and all those jaw-dropping pics. AND to those who read my post till the very end, even if you're probably just one person left, lol.


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Guest imogene_af

Ender's Girl- 1.) I know you. 2.) I still worship your words after all these years 3.) I'm so friggin giddy that you found your way to Jang Hyuk, an amazing actor and a hot one to boot. I agree with you, it's his little imperfections that make him all the more special than the longer you look at him, you appreciate him even more.

THANK YOU is what started my Jang Hyuk fever too. Enjoy his dramas! Robbers really just made me a crazed, frothing fangirl.

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Guest malia

and Komapseumnida, Ender's Girl!!!!!!! BRAVO, BRAVO, BRAVO, totally agree with every single wonderful heartfelt word you said about this amazing man with the soulful hungry emotion filled eyes and slight overbite that gives him that devilish beautiful trademark pout! You nailed it...he was an underdog, an underrated actor who believes in his craft and puts his heart and soul in his performances as proof in Thank You, Robbers and the clips I have seen of Dance of the Dragon. He has blossomed into this man who performs with his entire being and reaches within us, connects and we are forever lost in the wonder that he is...and it is BEAUTIFUL~~ no words can express his awesomeness. and no words can express the awesomeness of your words...and believe me i am not the only one that is appreciative of your post and is reading it to the end...you expressed everything all of us who love Jang Hyuk believe and hold in their hearts. Kamsahamnida, Komapseumnida, Ender's Girl! :)

cheesecake...we are all hoping to see a photo of beautiful master tae hee jung :). hopefully the little guy will be at the wedding ceremony, which jang hyuk has graciously opened to the public, which will mean that we will get to see photos. yeah, yeah!!! i think it's awesome that he is making such a special moment in his life an open to the public affair..it's almost as if it's his way of saying thank you to all who support him, believe in him and is happy in the choices he has made. he has gone up another notch in my eyes and i respect him even more to know that he wants his fans to share in his special moment, through photos if not any other way. so again, komapseumnida JANG HYUK ssi!!!!!

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Guest cholo

hi guys.. missed all of you..

thank you wils for the caps, i was hoping to grab a copy of that drama, JH's really cool, amazing, with one HAWT bod to mention. :sweatingbullets::lol:

and 'thank you' guys for all the pics posted.

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Guest Ender's Girl

imogene_af *waves furiously while jumping up and down* heeeeeyyyy there, O_K!!! :lol::P;) hehehe... a little bird told me you started the Lobo thread here. i lurk there from time to time, hihihi! thanks for spreading the loooove, sister!!! :D yah, i can't wait to start on Robbers, and i'll try to get phoebe (who was busy finishing Devil this week, but i think she's done with it now) to watch it with me. the one thing i didn't like with Thank You was having to watch it alone at home, amid my family who roll THEIR eyes in disdain whenever i pop a korean DVD into the player, hmph! viewing K-dramas is really best when shared with people who share the love!!! :tongue2:

malia thanks so much! B) yes, i also got to see the Dance of the Dragon trailer and my breath would catch in my throat seeing JH move with such grace and power--whether on the dance floor or in the martial arts arena. i DON'T think ballroom dance-oriented films are corny at all, if they're given the right treatment (heck, one of MY favorite films of ALL time is Baz Luhrmann's Strictly Ballroom, which is all about dancing!). so i'm hoping DotD turns out good, in terms of storytelling, editing, direction, etc... and should it prove to be a dud... well, there will always be JH's rockin' hot bod and lethal dance/jeet-kun-do moves to make the movie experience worthwhile!!! :w00t::w00t::w00t:

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