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wils : thank you for posting those pics...ahhh...why did they have Hyuk-ie with the scar? Was he supposed to be some kind of thug..even with cornrows...he looks menacing for a baby for sure...:lol:

Chuno is big budget...which is why I think the pressure's gonna be even bigger for Chuno...let's hope it does well....

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Thanks o-cha and wils. I love all the pics which show me very different looks of Hyukie. I love the braided hairdo, with hat, the very sexy Hyukie showing his abs and curly wet hairdo, the double-breasted black coat, everything. Hyuk is so sexy here that makes me drool. Well, I can't blame the little kid doesn't like his scar on his face and Al Capone look. <_<

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Hi dear chingus~ *waves*

o-cha: haha, that's my question, too. Why did they have him the scar on the face?? Maybe the charity shoot was scheduled back to back with the chuno filming? So he had to run to the studio from the chuno filming place, with all the makeup unremoved. keke...Anyway i enjoyed these new looks of Hyukie a lot.

And he looks so comfy with holding the cute, albeit crying, baby. By this, I can see he is truely a father.

hahatk: yep.. i also like the braided hairdo that makes him look so hot. :wub:

Here is an artwork from the dc gall.


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Yay, Happy Thanksgiving to you all Hyukers!

It's great to see Hyuk enjoy himself and his company on the poster shooting.

Thanks jy_x so much for sharing the link to the movie Rabbit and Lizard/ Maybe.


cr: jy_x @ Rabbit and Lizard Thread http://www.soompi.com/forums/index.php?sho...76082&st=60

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squeaaalllllssss...Rabbit and Lizard? I have to watch!!!!!!!!!!! I've been so behind with everything what with Thanksgiving and all...which reminds me also Happy Thanksgiving (belated one though) to all my Hyukers!

I enjopy watching the poster filming interview...they seem to be comfortable with each other.

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Hi all,

Hope you had a wonderful thanksgiving week!

Gaaaaaaaahhhhh,,,,,,I can watch RAL finally!!!

thanks hahatk for sharing the link to the movie. oh....I am excited.... :P

BTW, in about a month we will be able to watch Chuno, yayyyyy!!!

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I really enjoy Hyukie's acting in this movie. I love the only intimate scene between Eun Seol and May that Eun Seol had the nightmare and it was so subtle and great. :wub:

I hope Hyukie doesn't smoke like EunSeol in real life. I'm not sure I understand why the director portrays EunSeol as such heavy smoker. :huh:

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hahatk : unfortunately from what I've heard...Hyuk-ie is a heavy smoker..sighhh....I sure hope he'd quit.....



‘추노’ 장혁·한정수·김지석, 유쾌한 활약상 ‘기대만발’

KBS 특별기획 드라마 ‘추노’(연출 곽정환, 극본 천성일)가 추노패 장혁, 한정수, 김지석이 펼치는 유쾌한 활약상을 미리 공개하며 눈길을 끌고 있다. 

KBS Special Drama ‘Chuno’ released pictures of the slave hunter gang Jang Hyuk, Han Jung Soo and Kim Ji Suk in a happy, lighter activity.


액션 대작 사극 ‘추노’는 역사조차 담지 못했던 쫓고 쫓기는 두 남자의 목숨을 건 추격전을 그린 작품. KBS 특별 기획 드라마 ‘추노’의 제작진은 장엄하고 화려한 스케일을 보여주기 위해 전국 방방곡곡을 돌아다니며 대장정을 펼치고 있다.

The sageuk ‘Chuno’ is a drama about two men going after one another with their lives at stake in a never before told story. The production team of KBS special drama ‘Chuno’ went all over the country in order to show a majestic and gorgeous grand scale production.


그 결과 드라마 ‘추노’는 거대한 스케일이 느껴지는 웅장한 배경과 전국 팔도에 있는 아름다운 절경을 모두 담아내며 다양한 볼거리를 선사한다. 특히, 드라마 ‘추노’에서 도망노비를 색출하기 위해 그들을 쫓는 노비 사냥꾼 추노패는 노비 추격을 위해 전국 곳곳을 누비며 맹활약을 펼치고 있다.

The drama ‘Chuno’ gives off a grand scale feel with magnificent background and by showing the magnificent view of the entire country. In order to portray the chase of the runaway slave, they went to different places around the country.


추노패 장혁, 한정수, 김지석은 드라마 촬영을 위해 지난 8월부터 안동, 여주, 제천, 해남, 고창, 익산 등 셀 수 없이 많은 촬영지 곳곳을 다니며 함께 보내는 시간이 많아지면서 자연스럽게 서로에 대한 신뢰를 쌓아나갔다. 추노패의 일원 중 실제 가장 나이가 많은 한정수는 장혁과 김지석을 친동생처럼 챙기며 더욱 우정을 돈독히 해왔고, 장혁, 한정수, 김지석은 누가 봐도 친형제 같은 사이가 되었을 정도이다.

The slave hunter/chuno gang of Jang Hyuk, Han Jung Soo and Kim Ji Suk have been filming since August in Andong, Yeoju, Jecheon, Haenam, Gochang, Iksan and countless other filming sites. As they’ve spent a lot of time together, they’ve naturally built trust among each other. The oldest of the chuno gang Han Jung Soo treats Jang Hyuk and Kim Ji Suk like real younger siblings. They’re close friends and Jang Hyuk, Han Jung Soo and Kim Ji Suk’s relationship has become as close as real brothers.


이제 눈빛만 봐도 서로가 무슨 생각을 하는지 알 수 있을 정도로 환상의 호흡을 맞추며 단단한 팀워크를 자랑하는 드라마 ‘추노’의 추노패는 드라마 촬영장의 분위기를 한층 유쾌하게 만들고 있다. 이러한 실제 모습을 드라마 속에 그대로 반영한 듯 고된 촬영 현장에서도 늘 화기애애한 분위기를 만들어내는 장혁, 한정수, 김지석은 극의 활력을 불어넣어줄 코믹하고 엉뚱한 매력까지 보여줄 예정이라 기대를 모으고 있다.

Just by looking at each other’s eyes they know what the others think and they show an enviable harmonious teamwork. They have made the atmosphere around the ‘Chuno’ filming set more pleasant. Their real life selves are reflected in the drama as they show amicable atmosphere on set. The show plans on showing the jovial comedy between Jang Hyuk, Han Jung Soo and Kim Ji Suk.


드라마 ‘추노’에서 추노패 장혁, 한정수, 김지석은 도망 노비를 쫓지 않을 때면 저잣거리의 백성들과 같이 평범한 생활을 보여주며 웃음을 선사하기도 한다. 먼저, 장혁이 맡은 대길은 저잣거리 소문난 건달로 왕손(김지석)이와 함께 상인들에게 싱거운 농담을 던지기도 하고, 사과를 몰래 훔쳐먹기도 하는 등 건들건들한 모습을 선보이며 시청자들에게 친근함을 안겨준다.

In the drama ‘chuno’ the chuno gang Jang Hyuk, Han Jung soo and Kim Ji Suk don’t merely just pursue tunaway slaves. They also live with other commoners and the drama plans on bring laughters in this.

First, Dae Gil (Jang Hyuk) and the notorious scoundrel Wang Son (Kim Ji Suk) start hurling insulting jokes to merchants, then they steal an apple and eat it together showing viewers their scoundrel-like selves yet also closeness with one another.


또한, 대길의 오른팔 최장군(한정수)는 모든 면에서 진지해 오히려 의도하지 않게 엉뚱한 모습으로 코믹한 상황을 만들어내며 웃음을 선사한다. 마지막으로 추노패의 막내 왕손이(김지석)는 과부, 유부녀 상관하지 않고 숱한 여인들과 애정행각을 벌이는 전형적인 바람둥이로 얼마 전 공개한 유채영과의 러브신 같은 코믹한 상황을 종종 연출해내며 극의 재미를 불어넣는다.

Furthermore, Dae Gil’s right hand man General Choi (Han Jung Soo) is someone who is always so serious yet untentionally finds himself in comical and silly situation. Lastly, the chuno gang’s youngest Wang Son (Kim Ji Suk) doesn’t care whether a woman is a widow or a housewife. He goes after the affection of countless women. Recently funny love scene pictures of him and Yoo Chae Young were released. The drama plans on showing funny scenes similar to that.


이렇게 유쾌한 모습을 선보이며 드라마 ‘추노’를 더욱 흥미진진하게 만들어주는 추노패의 활약상은 드라마를 통해 더욱 화려하게 펼쳐질 예정이라 시청자들의 마음을 들뜨게 하고 있다.

By showing happy/cheerful sides of the chuno gang, ‘Chuno’ plans on pleasing the hearts of viewers with its amazing quality.


친형제 같은 우애를 보여주는 장혁, 한정수, 김지석이 모인 추노패와 함께 전국 로케이션을 통해 다채로운 볼거리를 선사해줄 드라마 ‘추노’는 2010년 1월 6일 첫 방송된다.

Drama ‘Chuno’ will show the close friendship of Jang Hyuk, Han Jung Soo and Kim Ji Suk and the various locations across the country. The drama will air its premiere on Janyary 6, 2010.



Online News Team.

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unfortunately from what I've heard...Hyuk-ie is a heavy smoker..sighhh....I sure hope he'd quit.....

I heard about that too. Does smoking help reducing stress ? :huh:

Thanks o-cha for the news translation. Love to see some fun and comical scenes of Chuno.

Here's the new Chuno trailer.


cr: ibp7700

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Hi friends~

I've been a mia for a week?? gosh..it's like forever..hehe....

Thanks o-cha for the news and translation. I believe Hyuki's enjoying a great companionship with his chuno gansters...haha..

hahatk...I also enjoyed the movie a lot. First, it was really great to see Hyuki's different type of performance in Rabbit and Lizard. Most of the characters he's taken so far require strong level of actions, whether in action dramas/movies, or in romance dramas, but Eunsol in RAL entails the everyday-life-styled performance with some subtlety and Hyukie did a great job. I like how he portrayed Eunsol when May left him without saying a goodbye. His expressions of feeling of loss and loneliness, of course well-executed by the director, were stunning. He is the guy who has been used to being alone although he has some friends to have jja-jang-myun or drink together. He seemed to feel being deserted and lonesome despite the short time they shared together. So it was very understandable that he was lingering around the bus stop where he met her the second time before. It was also understandable why May had to return to the bus stop because she had no where to go besides that. It is pretty beautiful that they unconsciously share their loneliness and inner broken heart each other. However, I find too far-fetched when the director tried to connect the two with their shared past in the end. In a sense I understand the connection should be addresssed because of the title 'Rabbit and Lizard' but I am still wondering if that is necessary. If the director wanted to emphasize their destiny to meet each other after a long parting, I wish he configured more convincing backdrops against which the story was unfolding, such as why he had to become a taxi driver and to be at the airport right at the moment she arrived. I mean there are some ironic moments in your life which you did not intend but happened because you made a choice out of available options. When the story involves those ironic moments, it adds layers of inevitablity. Any inevitable situation that forced him to be there would probably give more sense of why they are destined to meet each other again. Just my 2 cent thought. Anway, other that that, I am very much satisfied with the movie; its beautiful cinematography, good harmony of two actors, nice peformaances, and beautiful music. I watched this twice and at the second time i could enjoy more, looking more closely at the details. The director used lots of symbolic devices to elucidate the narrative, but some of them could be overseen at the first watching .

Most of all, Hyukie looks so gorgeous in this movie. He does not wear nice clothes and his role does not entail awesome scenes that themselves make the characters shine. But he SHINES. HOWEVER, I don't like his habitual smoking in the movie! I wish he can quit or reduce smoking, hopefully starting from next year.

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Thanks hahatk for sharing the West Coast Story and screen caps from it. We finally get to see him in California, yay!

He is so handsome in the caps. :rolleyes:

BTW, what are your favorite scenes in RAL?? :rolleyes:

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I love the scenes when 1) EunSeol's awake from his nightmare,2) EunSeol and May were having drinks then walking home drunk, 3)EunSeol was so melancholy after May was gone 4) EunSeol blew air to May's face while she was sleeping in the hospital and 5)the close-up scene of EunSeol's coming around from his heart problem, finding May's holding his hand and "the" drop of a tear were so subtle but powerful. I can watch these scenes over and over again and still enjoy Hyuk's acting very much.



Still curious about these deleted scenes with Cha Tae Hyun B)


A clear Esquire pic of sexy Hyukie :wub:


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oooooh clean cut Hyuk again? He must've just filmed some scenes of young Dae Gil...

Hyuk should've just called me in LA..he needn't have to rent a car...:lol:

Ahhh I haven't finished watching RAL yet..I'm about halfway done...will post fave scenes once I'm finished....

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girls...the latest Chuno trailer.....broke my heart...gosh Dae Gil-Un Nyun's sad love story...

I love how innocent and young Hyuk look there.....it so reminded me of Dae Mang time....






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Will anyone please translate this for me ?

안녕하세요. iHQ 팬클럽 담당자입니다.

추운 날씨에도 불구하고 드라마 <추노> 촬영과 해외 프로모션으로

바쁜 나날을 보내고 계시는 장혁씨와 한국팬들의 만남을 가질 수 있는 기회가 생겨

이렇게 글을 올립니다.

12월 12일 토요일 KBS <이야기쇼락>에 장혁씨가 출연하십니다.

녹화로 진행되는 이번 프로그램에 팬여러분을 초대하려고 합니다.

저희도 급하게 전달받은 사항이라 미리 공지해 드리지 못한 점 양해바라며

정확한 시간과 장소는 추후 공지해 드리겠습니다.

참여를 원하시는 분들은 이 글 아래 댓글을 남겨주십시오.

대략의 인원을 파악하고자 합니다.

본인 포함 3인까지 신청가능합니다.

성명, 참여인원을 댓글로 남겨주세요.

ex) 장혁 외 2인(김종국, 차태현)

방청을 위한 자세한 공지사항은 12월 10일 다시한번 공지해 드리도록 하겠습니다.

많은 분들이 참여하셔서 오랜만에 장혁씨와의 만남을 함께하하시며 장혁씨에게 힘이 되어 주셨으면합니다.

많은 참여를 부탁드립니다.


기타 문의사항 ihq_fanclub@hanmail.net 로 보내주세요.

빛장 바로가기 http://cafe.daum.net/hyuckstar

It seems that Hyukie is going to appear on this show this coming Saturday. :huh:





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