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Has anyone seen the preview yet?


I loooove hearing Hyuk speaking in Pusan dialect. I think it sounds so natural on him (of course it should be! considering he's from Pusan hehehe)

I thought he has an excellent chemistry with Ye Seul in their few moments together. Him and Min Joon...I'm not feeling the chemistry yet but I know that'll change once I see more scenes of them together.

I posted in the Tazza thread about constantly being amazed at how Hyuk can really emote through his eyes.

That scene of Goni and Nan Sook meeting up on the street...I am absolutely in love with his expression there. It was an expression of disbelief and pure happiness. Disbelief on meeting his first love again and happiness that it really is happening. I don't think I've ever seen that expression on him before..and I thought I've seen every kind of expression from Hyuk. If you watch the preview you'll know exactly what I mean.

This expression is different from his expressions towards Dal Rae (Lee Da Hae in Robbers) (that one was of pure love, tenderness and gratitude) or towards Young Shin (Gong Hyo Jin in Thank You) (one of love, pity, and admiration) or towards any other female characters in any of his other dramas/movies. It's amazing how may different ways he can convey so many different layers of emotions with his eyes. With his eyes he can emote so may different forms of love.

What an amazing actor. He really uses his eyes as part of his acting tool. Bravo!

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I've already posted this in the Tazza thread but Im going to post it here as well...

I miss his Dr. Min GiSeo days... I'm glad that style is back... he looks better like that... more handsome and tough looking...

quite agree with you lin :) more handsomer thesedays. :w00t:


thanks cholo! Extreme closeup of Hyuk makes me happy :lol:

me too, makes me happy. :)

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Guest Thorpedo_oz

quite agree with you lin :) more handsomer thesedays. :w00t:


me too, makes me happy. :)

Hey guys, tonight is the night of the premiere, no? When are we going to see something to wtach? Just wondering. Thanks! And I'm not going to get tired on saying, he looks hot the way he is rightnow with the whole Min Ki-Suh look.

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So Tazza premiered yesterday...what did you guys think of Hyuk's performance?

He wasn't in very much since the episode is mostly about Goni's background..his childhood.

I thought Hyuk did really well in limited minutes.

He was a lot more comedic as Goni. I enjoy that after crying my eyes out for Robbers I know I'll be looking forward to laughing with (at? hehehe) the funny Goni.

I laughed during the chase scene where

he and Go Kwang Yeol (Son Hyeon Joo) had to go up the crane or something. They were running out of breath..totally not looking cool hehehehe. And how he pushed Kwang Yeol down to the sea while he was scared out of his minds thinking that he (Goni) needs to do the same.

But of course Hyuk showed he is a great actor. I thought his expressions

before the jump were splendid.

First the scared look, then the desperate look, then the maniacal grin followed by the beautiful jump.

Now that was a clinic on facial expressions acting. Great job.

I of course wished there were more Hyuk scenes...but we'll just have to be patient,eh? Can't wait for episode 2.

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Relatively a quiet day today, huh?

I can't agree with you more, o-cha. He showed an impressive performance in that limited minutes. I specially laughed a lot at the billiard scene. The composition of the busan dialect and his specific tone of speaking makes it more hilarious. Yes, he has a knack for comedic acting.

However, people not hyuk fans like us are more looking forward to seeing cool Goni, so it would be a big challenge for him to get over that anticipation and create his own. As o-cha said in the review in the tazza thread, I also think the general direction the drama Tazza would take toward is a good choice, and now it's a matter of how well it paves its way.

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yes wils....I wish people would stop comparing Hyuk's Goni to the movie version...heck people should realize a movie is what 2 hours long? A drama is at least 16 episodes..16 times 75 minutes = 1200 minutes = 20 hours. It can't all be fast paced like the movie..we'd all be catching our breath by the end of the drama hehehe.

And yeaaaah the billiard scene is funny. I'm really diggin the slightly goofy yet very confident Goni.

wils : I got a translation homework for you...hehehehe.

Found the script to JH's Tazza interview


There's also a vod in the article link

조승우에 도전장 낸 <타짜> 장혁을 만나다

드라마 <타짜>가 드디어 어제, 베일을 벗었습니다.

1회가 끝나자마자 '고니' 역을 맡은 장혁의 연기에 좋은 평가가 속속~ 나오고 있는데요.

만화와 영화 속에 나왔던 진지한 캐릭터와는 또 다른 느낌의 '고니'가 창조되었다고 하죠.

장혁이 연기하는 달라진 '고니'의 캐릭터, 직접 확인해보시죠.


SBS 새 월화드라마 <타짜>가 16일, 첫 방송 되었습니다. 인기 만화에서 690만 관객을 끌어들인 영화로, 그리고 다시 20부작의 드라마로 재탄생되는 만큼 기대감이 큰데요.

드라마가 시작되면서 많은 주목을 받았던 이 사람!


"안녕하세요, '고니' 역을 맡은 장혁입니다."

바로 주인공 '고니'로 브라운관에 돌아온 장혁입니다. 장혁은 2006년 11월 제대한 후, 한층 성숙해진 모습으로 <고맙습니다>, <불한당> 등을 통해 연기력을 인정받았는데요.

도박 승부사들이 펼치는 냉혹한 도박 세계를 그릴 드라마 <타짜>. 하지만 장혁은 <타짜>에 대해 단순한 도박 드라마가 아니라고 말하는데요.

Q) <타짜>는 어떤 드라마...?

A) "쇼적으로 보여주는 기술적인 부분이 아니라 심리적으로 인간관계 안에서 풀어갈 수 있는, 그런 스릴러적인 느낌도 있고 여러 가지... 심리적인 드라마라고 볼 수 있습니다."

심리적인 요소가 강하다는 드라마 <타짜>에서 그가 보여줄 캐릭터는 원작 만화 속 캐릭터나 영화와는 조금 다르다고 하는데요.

Q) 드라마 속 고니의 캐릭터는...?

A) "원작에 나와 있는 캐릭터는 굉장히 진지하고 좀 조용하고, 그리고 굉장히 서민적인 느낌이 나고 제가 맡은 캐릭터는 굉장히 밝아요. 활기차고 활력의 요소들이 많이 있는 반면에 안에는 굉장한 슬픔을 가지고 있는 캐릭터죠."

'타짜'는 노름판에서 남을 속이는 재주꾼을 뜻하는데요, 드라마 속에서 도박의 기술을 구사하기 위해 장혁은 진짜 타짜도 만났다고 합니다.

Q) 실제 타짜에 대한 느낌...?

A) "절대 이 분들과 만나면 안 되겠구나... 그런 느낌."

그렇다면 실제 장혁의 화투 실력은 어떨까요?

Q) 실제로 타짜 수업했다는데 화투 실력은...?

A) "그게 화투 실력과 비례되는 건 아닌 것 같아요. 이를테면 제가 배운 거는 그 분들에게 심리적인 부분을 많이 리서치를 했었고 또 하나는 카메라 앞에서 보여줄 수 있는 몇 가지 기술... 중점적인 부분은 그 사람들이 경험을, 화투판이라든지 카지노라든지 그런 데 갔을때 게임과 상대방 타짜들과 같이 게임을 했을때 그런 느낌이라든지 그런 부분에 대한 게 많기 때문에... 직접 게임을 어떻게 막 쳐서 하진 않았죠. 제 실력이 얼마나 되는지는 모르겠어요."

한편, 장혁은 화려한 화투 기술 뿐만 아니라 강렬한 액션씬까지 직접 해냈다고 하는데요.

Q) 액션씬이 많다. 직접 했다는데...?

A) "액션씬을 개인적으로 재미있어 하고 액션씬을 따로 분리해서 하는게 아니라 연기 선상에서 또 같이 하는 연기이기 때문에 직접하는 거고 더 멋있게 보여주기 위한 부분이 아닌 이 캐릭터가 그 캐릭터 성격에 맞게 오히려 제가 하는 게 더 맞는 부분이기 때문에, 그렇게 이 작품에서도 어지간한 부분에서는 제가 직접하고..."

또한 드라마 후반부에는 더 정교한 액션 장면이 준비될 거라고 하는데요. 장혁은 이미 후반부 촬영 준비도 차근차근 해나가고 있다고 합니다.

Q) 액션씬을 위해 준비한 것...?

A) "제가 절권도를 좀 해서 지금은 현실적으로 액션을 보여주고 나중에는 제가 후반부 이야기지만 감옥에 갔다가 기술적인 스킬을 보여줄 수 있는 액션 자체가 나올 수 있기 때문에 그 때는 절권도적인 요소도 섞어서 보여주기 위해 준비하고 있습니다."

원작과 영화의 성공이 있었던 만큼 드라마 제작에 대한 부담도 있을 듯 한데요. 하지만 동료 배우들과의 호흡이 잘 맞아, 촬영은 한결 수월했다고 하죠.

Q) 연기 호흡은 어떤지...?

A) "저희 <타짜>에서 매력으로... 꼽으라면 저희 같이 나오는 배우들이 나오기 때문에 매력이 있지 않을까 싶습니다. 각자 각자의 어떤 멋스러움이나 외모의 멋스러움이 아니라 그들이 풍기는 느낌이 참 잘 맞아 떨어진다고 생각하기 때문에 의견 교환도 잘 되고 있기 때문에 그런 생각이 드는 것 같습니다."

드라마 속에서 경쟁상대로 등장할 김민준과는 아주 특별한 인연이라고 하는데요.

"저의 고향이 김민준 씨랑 동향인데 부산이고 또 친구입니다. 촬영 현장이 부산에 있다보니까 저희가 고등학생에서 시작해서 성인 역으로 까지 시간이 흘러 가는데 각자가 각자 예전의 자기 동네에서 촬영을 하게 되면 그 때 어떤 향취나 그 때 자주 갔던 음식점 그런 데서 앉아서 옛날 이야기도 하고 주변에 오랜만에 친구들 만나서 예전 생각하면서 학교 이기도 하고 그랬었던 에피소드도 있는 것 같습니다."

16일 방송된 1회에는 고니가 도박판에 빠져들 수 밖에 없는 과거가 드러났는데요, 도박판에서 보여지는 인간의 욕망과 그로 인한 갈등이 어떻게 펼쳐질지, 시청자들의 관심도 높아지고 있습니다.

"저희 <타짜> 굉장히 인간적이고 매력있는 드라마니까 저희 배우들과 감독님 스탭들 함께 땀흘리면서 재미있게 촬영하고 있으니까 많이 기대해주십시오."

다부진 체격과 외모로 '고니' 역에 제격이라는 평가를 받았던 장혁. 이제 그가 창조해나갈 드라마 <타짜> 속의 '고니' 캐릭터를 드라마 팬들 모두가 관심있게 지켜볼 것 같습니다.

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Relatively a quiet day today, huh?

I can't agree with you more, o-cha. He showed an impressive performance in that limited minutes. I specially laughed a lot at the billiard scene. The composition of the busan dialect and his specific tone of speaking makes it more hilarious. Yes, he has a knack for comedic acting.

However, people not hyuk fans like us are more looking forward to seeing cool Goni, so it would be a big challenge for him to get over that anticipation and create his own. As o-cha said in the review in the tazza thread, I also think the general direction the drama Tazza would take toward is a good choice, and now it's a matter of how well it paves its way.

Yep... I couldn't agree with the two of you more... Hyuk has become this amazing actor and he always seem to amaze us fans with his expression... I like his comedic acting as well... some what like in his "Volcano High" days... with that funny expression face look... just picturing it makes me smile... I guess he should of dyed his hair blond again eh... nah... I like his Min GiSeo look so just keep it like that...

Hyuk is cool... he can portray this cool Goni guy... well just have to wait and see... I have a lot of faith in him because what he showed me in "Thank You" was just wow...

I need to see "Robbers" and see how well he did in that drama...

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Yep... I couldn't agree with the two of you more... Hyuk has become this amazing actor and he always seem to amaze us fans with his expression... I like his comedic acting as well... some what like in his "Volcano High" days... with that funny expression face look... just picturing it makes me smile... I guess he should of dyed his hair blond again eh... nah... I like his Min GiSeo look so just keep it like that...

Hyuk is cool... he can portray this cool Goni guy... well just have to wait and see... I have a lot of faith in him because what he showed me in "Thank You" was just wow...

I need to see "Robbers" and see how well he did in that drama...

~lin~ : Robbers is worth watching. Jang Hyuk really really showed his acting prowess there. A bit of warning though...it is a melodrama so prepare yourself for some sob scenes...get the kleenex out.

Another warning ...don't expect Min GiSeo in Robbers...Hyuk's character Kwon Oh Joon there is the anti Min Gi Seo.

Is it just me..but while watching Tazza ep 1 during the scene where Goni's dad was all bandaged and wrapped up.....I kept expecting Dr Min Gi Seo to show up :lol:. Too bad he didn't show up....if he did Goni's dad might have been saved....hehehe.

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Hyuk is cool... he can portray this cool Goni guy... well just have to wait and see... I have a lot of faith in him because what he showed me in "Thank You" was just wow...

I need to see "Robbers" and see how well he did in that drama...

Yep.. I believe he's gonna blow us away with his awesome acting. As you said, we just wait and see...

o-cha, you are funny. You thought of Dr. Min at that moment! keke... Maybe young Goni should be a doctor instead of picking up a gambler for revenge. :lol:

And the homework... I will probably post it tonight! Apparently it seems not much different from what is covered in the press conf articles. ;)

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~lin~ : Robbers is worth watching. Jang Hyuk really really showed his acting prowess there. A bit of warning though...it is a melodrama so prepare yourself for some sob scenes...get the kleenex out.

Another warning ...don't expect Min GiSeo in Robbers...Hyuk's character Kwon Oh Joon there is the anti Min Gi Seo.

Is it just me..but while watching Tazza ep 1 during the scene where Goni's dad was all bandaged and wrapped up.....I kept expecting Dr Min Gi Seo to show up :lol:. Too bad he didn't show up....if he did Goni's dad might have been saved....hehehe.

Thnx for the warning girl.... LoL... if Dr. Min GiSeo was to pop up... I'll have a heart attack and would need some TLC myself :)

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