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Hahatk: I just finished pt 1 interview (updated in the previous page). It was just too long to finish in 1 sitting..hehehe. There is also a pt 2 to the interview which I will translate as well.

Eatnsnooze: lol..who knows.maybe he kept the hair that was cut and have them in some locket somewhere hehehe

Ok continuation to the donga interview


[O2커버스토리] 장혁 인터뷰② “시크릿 가든 캐스팅불발 아쉬움 없어”

[O2 Cover Story] Jang Hyuk Interview② "I don't have regrets over Secret Garden Casting Misfire"

- '2010 최고의 드라마 연기자' 선정 결과 장혁 씨에 이어 '대물'의 권상우, '시크릿 가든'의 현빈, '신데렐라 언니'의 문근영, '자이언트'의 정보석 이범수 씨가 상위권에 랭크됐어요. 이 가운데 가장 눈여겨 본 작품이나 연기자가 있다면?

- Jang Hyuk was awarded '2010 Best Drama Actor' followed by 'Daemul''s Kwon Sang Woo, 'Secret Garden''s Hyun Bin, 'Cinderella's Sister''s Moon Geun Young, 'Giant''s Jung Bo Suk, Lee Bum Soo in that order. Among those listed are there any specific drama or actor that you watch?

"아무래도 '자이언트'죠. 연출자도 드라마 '불한당'에서 함께 작업했던 유인식 감독님이고요. 특히 정보석 선배님 연기가 참 좋았어요. 악역이긴 하지만 시대자체가 만든 상황에서 악한 선택을 할 수 밖에 없었던 정황을 풍성하게 잘 표현하신 것 같아요. '시크릿 가든' '대물' 도 봤고, 다른 작품들도 조금씩이나마 챙겨봤어요."

"It's 'Giant'. The director, Yoo In Shik, also did the drama 'Bulhandang/Robbers' which I participated in. I especially liked Jung Bo Suk sunbaenim's acting. Although he played a villain, he was able to expressed very well the situation in which he chose to be a villain. I also watched 'Secret Garden' and 'Daemul'. I also watched a bit of the other dramas."

장안의 화제, '시크릿 가든'에서 현빈이 연기하는 김주원 역은 원래 장혁이 캐스팅 1순위였던 작품이다. "아쉬움은 없냐"는 질문이 채 끝나기도 전 그는 고개를 흔들어보였다.

'Secret Garden' is currently the talk of the town. Hyun Bin's role, Kim Joo Won, had Jang Hyuk as its number 1 choice. Before I even finished asking the question "Do you have any regrets?", he shook his head.

"아니오, 전혀 없구요. 드라마가 잘 돼서 정말 좋아요. '이게 원래 내 작품이었는데' 하는 생각은 의미 없는 것 같아요. 촬영장에 실제 나가 스태프들과 살을 부대끼고 시간을 투자해야 정말 자기 작품이죠."

"No, definitely not. I'm really happy that the drama does well. I've never thought 'this was supposed to be my drama'. The staff who go to the set and invest time and work in it--this drama really belongs to them."

▶ 영화 '의뢰인', 드라마 '마이더스'로 만날 예정

He plans on coming back wirh the movie 'The Client', drama 'Midas'


그는 하정우, 박희순과 함께 영화 '의뢰인'을 촬영 중이다. 내년 5~6월 개봉 예정인 이 영화에서 장혁은 아내를 살해했다는 혐의를 받는 용의자 역할을 맡았다.

He is in the middle of filming the movie 'The Client' with Ha Jung Woo and Park Hee Soon. The movie is scheduled to be released around May or June. Jang Hyuk plays the role of a man suspected of murdering his wife.

- '의뢰인'에서 용의자 역할을 선택한 이유는 뭔가요.

- What is the reason for selecting the role of a suspect in the movie 'The Client'?

"그냥 평면적인 역할이 아니라 이 사람이 진짜 가해자인지 계획 수사에 의한 피해자인지 논란이 되는 캐릭터예요. 이런 인물의 심리적 갈등을 보여주는 데 흥미를 느꼈어요."

"It's not a plain role. This person is really doing an investigation to find the assailant; he is going to be a surprising character. I was interested because this character showed some psychological conflicts."

- 내년 봄 방영 예정인 SBS 드라마 '마이더스'는 김희애, 이민정 씨 등 호화 캐스팅과 '올인' '허준'의 최완규 작가, '타짜'의 강신효 감독의 조합으로 화제가 되고 있는데요.

-Next spring you will be in SBS drama 'Midas' with Kim Hee Ae and Lee Min Jung making up a top notch casting. That and the fact that it'll be with writer Choi Wan Gyoo of 'All In' and 'Hur Joon' as well as PD Kang Shin Hyo of 'Tazza' have attracted people's attention.

"기업간 인수 합병과 재벌가의 삶을 다룬 드라마예요. 저는 기업 변호사 역할을 맡았는데 자신의 욕망과 회사의 이익을 위해 양심을 속이며 음지에서 일하지만 나중에 정작 자신에게 소중한 무언가를 잃었다는 사실을 깨닫게 되죠. 그 후엔 정의롭게 바뀌고요. 이걸 남자의 세계를 그리는 데 탁월한 재주가 있는 최 작가님이 그렸다면 참 괜찮은 작품이 될 것 같았어요. '타짜'를 함께 찍은 강 감독님에 대한 믿음도 있었고요."

"It's a different kind of drama showing the world of mergers and acquisitions and the lives of chaebols. I will play the role of a corporate lawyer ,who because of his own desire and interest of the company, works against his own conscience. But later on realized that he has lost something precious and afterwards transformed to be righteous. This is how the exceptionally talented writer Choi paints that man's world; I think it's going to be a really good drama. I also have great faith in direcot Kang whom I've worked with in 'Tazza'.

그가 '추노' 촬영을 마치고 곧바로 찍은 중국 드라마 '이브의 모든 것'은 중국 절강TV를 통해 방영됐다. 이는 2000년 방영된 동명의 국내 드라마를 리메이크한 작품이다.

Right after 'Chuno' finished filming, he filmed the Chinese drama 'All About Eve' which was broadcasted on Chinese Zhejiang TV. This drama is a remake of the 2000 domestic drama.

- 중국에서의 드라마 촬영 경험은 어떠셨는지요.

-What is your experience with shooting a drama in China?

"일단 중국 드라마는 모두 사전 제작이예요. 방송국 자체는 그야 말로 '스테이션'에 지나지 않죠. 영화판으로 치면 극장주 역할 정도? 중국 정부는 아직 모든 프로그램을 검열하기 때문에 사전 제작 하지 않으면 방영 자체가 불가능하거든요. 운이 좋았던 게 저희 드라마는 촬영 끝나고 한 두 달 만에 전파를 탔어요. 절강TV 최초로 방송사가 제작한 작품이라 편성을 당겨주었죠. 보통은 사전 심의로 대기하는 프로그램이 많아 찍고 나서 1~2년 뒤에 방영되는 작품도 많다고 들었어요."

"Chinese drama films everything beforehand. And it wasn't tied to a particular 'station'. It's like a movie getting a distributor? In China, the government needs to inspect the drama first so it's impossible not to have it pre-produced beforehand. It was fortunate that my drama was able to go on air after only 1-2 months after the end of filming. This drama was Zhejiang TV's first attempt in making their own drama. Usually a drama takes a long time before it aired, I heard some took 1-2 years."

- 국내에서 방영된 원작과 가장 큰 차이점이 있다면?

- Is there a big difference with the original drama?

"저는 PD역할을 맡았는데 원작에서처럼 제작 PD가 아니라 편성 PD예요. 중국 방송국 PD들의 역할이 주로 편성 쪽이다 보니…."

"I played the role of a PD, not a prodcution PD like the original but an organizer PD. In China,the show PD's roles are more like an organizer PD..."

▶ 집에선 그저 평범한 아빠

At Home He Is a Regular Dad


그의 일거수일투족은 팬들의 관심사다. 이런 팬들의 관심에 부응하듯 마이크로 블로그, 'C로그'에 직접 글이나 평소 모습을 담은 사진을 올리기도 한다. 그는 최근 'C로그'에 권투 연습 모습을 담은 사진을 업로드하기도 했다.

Fans are interested in his every movement. To satisfy the fans' interest, he updates his miscroblod on 'cLog' with his stories and photos. Recently he uploaded a picture of himself practicing boxing.

- 지난달 C로그에 지하철 탑승 인증샷을 올리셨는데 사진 속 다른 지하철 탑승객들이 모두 장혁 씨를 못 알아보는 모습이어서 '장혁 굴욕'으로 검색어 상위에 오르내렸어요.

- Last month he put up on 'cLog' a confirmation picture of him riding the subway train. There it seemed that nobody on the train knew Jang Hyuk-ssi. 'Jang Hyuk's humiliation' was a top search when it came out.

그의 입가에 미소가 번졌다. 그리곤 해명할 게 있다는 듯 허리를 곧추 세웠다.

His mouth spread into a smile. Then he sets the record straight.

"그게 어떻게 된 일이었냐면요, 한류문화대상 시상식장에 늦지 않게 가야 하는데 G20정상회의로 일부 구간이 교통 통제가 되는 바람에 지하철을 탈 수 밖에 없었어요. 옥수에서 공덕까지 탔는데 사진은 지하철에 오르자마자 찍은 거구요, 조금 있으니 알아봐들 주셨어요."

"This is how it came about. I didn't want to be late to the Hanryu Culture Daesang award ceremony. The G20 summit meeting was going on at that time so traffic was heavy and I had to take the subway since there was no other way. I took the photo as soon as I got on the subway."

- 공유 씨가 최근 한 인터뷰에서 본인이 장혁 씨와 닮았다는 질문에 "제가 그렇게 재미없느냐"고 되물어 화제가 됐어요. 물론 "그런 형이 좋다"는 말까지 덧붙여서…. 정말 그렇게 재미없으세요?

- Recently Gong Yoo said in an interview 'Am I that uninteresting?' when mentioned that he is similar to Jang Hyuk-ssi. What he said became a hot opic. He did end it with "I like that kind of hyung"...Are you really that uninteresting?

"이건 선입견인 것 같아요. 정말 재미없는 사람은 아니에요. 유머 감각도 적당히 있는데…. 공유가 말했던 상황이 제가 휴가를 나와서 정우성 형, 조인성, 공유 이렇게 넷이 군대 얘기를 하던 때였어요. 군입대를 앞둔 후배들에게 제 군 생활을 얘기해줬죠. 미래에 대한 불안감을 무엇을 하며 떨쳤는지도요. 또 각자에게 군 복무 기간 동안 어떤 경험을 쌓았으면 좋겠다고 말해줬어요. 주제가 진지할 수밖에 없었는데…."

"This seems like a prejudice. I'm not a person who is really uninteresting. I have a moderate sense of humor...The situation that Gong Yoo mentioned was when I was in my off period. I came with Jung Woo Sung, Jo In Sung and Gong Yoo--the four of us talked about life in the military. I talked about my military life to the hoobaes (juniors) who were about to go to military. I let them know about the future and anxiety surroudning it. I also told each one of them that they can gain good experience. That kind of talk had to be done in a serious way..."

밖에선 카리스마 넘치는 '장 배우'지만 집에서 그는 지극히 평범한 남편이자 아빠라고 했다. 2008년 속도위반으로 출산한 큰 아들에 이어 지난해 둘째 아들까지 얻었다.

On the outside he is the charismatic 'Actor Jang' but at home he is just an ordinary husband and dad. In 2008 he had his first son, then last year a second son.

- 육아도 많이 거들어주는 편이세요?

- Do you help out a lot with raising your children?

"아이들이 지금 말도 많이 하고 막 놀아달라고 하는 시기니까 함께 뒹굴고 놀아요. 저도 아들 둘만 있는 집 첫째라 사내아이 둘이 함께 크는 환경을 잘 이해하거든요. 아버지와 제가 밖에서 움직이는 폭도 비슷하고요. 아버지는 건설회사에 다니셨는데 사우디로, 이라크로 많이 돌아다니셨어요. 저도 촬영하러 나가면 아이들과 떨어져있게 되니까 아이들 심정을 누구보다 잘 이해하죠."

"My children talk a lot nowadays and play wildly. I have fun playing with them. I also came from a family of two sons so I can understand growing up in that environment very well. The way I move is similar to my father's. My father worked for a construction company so he went to Saudi and Africa a lot. I had to leave my children often too because of my shooting schedule. I know better than anyone the feeling of my children."

- 한 인터뷰에서 유부남은 핸디캡이 아니라고 발끈했어요. 가정을 이룬 게 연기에 도움이 되나요.

- You said in an interview that being a married man isn't a handicap. How does that help you with acting?

이 질문에 그는 또 특유의 문어체 화법을 구사했다. '굉장히', '많이' 대신 '현저히'란 단어를 내뱉는 모습이 다소 생경하게 느껴졌다. 게다가 지금까지 느릿했던 말투가 갑자기 스피디한 스타카토로 바뀌었다.

He uses a particular word in answering this question. Instead of 'Very' or 'A lot', he said 'Significantly'. An unusual word. His slow speech suddenly turned into a speedy staccato.

"현.저.히!. 연기를 감히 정의내릴 수는 없겠지만 아는 만큼 표현한다고 생각해요. 이해하는 것과 느끼는 것은 차이가 있겠죠. 아이들을 보면서 부모님을 생각하기도 하고 그런 게 캐릭터를 연기하는데 많이 도움이 돼죠."

"Sig-ni-fi-cant-ly!.I can't really define acting but I know enough to say about my wife. I understand the difference in feelings. When I look at my children, I think about parents. It really helps in acting the character (of a parent).

- 인기 관리 때문에 결혼을 늦추는 동료 남자 배우들에게도 결혼을 권유하는 편인가요?

"시간이나 여유가 있으면 생각해 보라고 하죠. 이제 배우가 결혼 때문에 부담을 느껴야 하는 시대는 지났잖아요. 배우는 배우로서 존재하는 것이지 이 사람이 기혼이냐 미혼이냐가 중요하지 않고요. 결혼했지만 좋은 연기를 보여주고 인기도 많은 배우가 얼마나 많아요."

▶ 장혁에게 초심이란?


- 브루스 리가 창시한 절권도는 계속 연마하시나요? 브루스 리가 화려한 액션을 선보이게 된 것이 절권도 뿐 아니라 춤 실력 때문이라고 하던데요.

"브루스 리는 홍콩 차차차 댄스선수권에서 우승을 하기까지도 했죠. 춤과 무술은 유사성이 있어요. 자기 몸을 어떻게 밸런스 있게 움직이는지가 관건이죠. 무술에 타격이 있다면 춤에는 표현이 있죠. 연기는 대사로 하는 게 아니라 몸으로 한다고 생각해요. 그런 면에서 무술이나 춤이나 연기에 도움이 되겠죠."

- 그럼 춤을 더 연마하고 싶은 생각도 있으신지요.

"춤을 잘 추지는 못해요. 영화 '댄스 오브 더 드래곤'에서 볼룸 댄서 역할을 맡아 파소도블레를 3개월 동안 배웠는데 쉽지 않더라고요."

- 첫 드라마 '모델'에서 바스트샷이 풀샷으로 바뀌자 너무 기뻐서 혼자 화장실에 가 환호성을 질렀다'는 인터뷰를 본적이 있어요. 장혁 씨의 연기 선생님이었던 안혁모 iHQ 연기아카데미 본부장은 장혁 씨의 데뷔 초기 모습을 두고 '거북이 같아 답답하지만 365일 영업하는 마트처럼 지치지 않고 한결 같았다'고 표현했고요.

"다행이 제 초심과 현재 마인드가 아직은 연결이 잘 되는 것 같아요. 제일 무서운게요, 배우라는 위치에 있다보면 프로그램 프로모션을 가나 어딜 가나 좋은 대접을 받거든요. 하지만 지금 제 포지션이나 인기가 없어지고 나면 다 제 것이 아닌 것들이죠. 그런데 빠지지 않고 계속 갈 수 있는 배우가 되려고 노력해요."

그는 '추노'로 인한 인기, 그로 인한 호평에 대해서도 담담한 반응을 보였다. 특정 캐릭터로 지나치게 많이 회자 되는 것이 자랑스러우면서도 불편한 듯했다.

"추노란 작품은 정말 좋지만 계속 그 인기에 편승하지 않으려 노력해요. 계속 '0점 조절'해서 출발점으로 돌아오는 연습을 하죠. 작품을 하다보면 잘 되는 것도 있고 안 되는 것도 있을텐데 그럴 때를 대비해서라도 특정 작품으로 인해 감정이 휘말리는 일이 없도록 해야죠."

- 연기나 연기 생활에 롤모델이 있으신지요.

"건방진 얘기일 수 있겠지만 롤모델은 없어요. 너무 많기 때문이 없는 것 같아요. 어떤 배우는 이것 때문에 좋고 또 어떤 배우는 저것 때문에 좋고…. 초중고등학교 정규 교육을 마치고 나면 자기만의 가치관이 생기는 게 아니라 개성이 없어지잖아요. 이 세상에 교과서적으로 보이는 비슷비슷한 사람이 너무나 많은데 그 사람들 가운데 좋은 부분만 응집시켜 저 자신을 만들어가고 싶어요."

듣던 대로 시종일관 진지하던 장혁은 지루하기보단 프로패셔널했다. '비주얼'만으로 승부하는 배우가 아니라 그의 주먹만큼이나 단단한 내공이 있다는 사실이 든든해 보이기까지 했다.

마지막으로 내년 각오를 묻는 질문에 "올해처럼 출연할 수 있는 작품이 많았으면 좋겠다. 좋아하는 일을 하는 것만큼 행복한 게 있겠나"는 워커홀릭적 코멘트를 날린 그가 발걸음을 재촉했다.

김제동이 진행하는 토크 콘서트에 게스트로 출연하러 간다고 했다.

"그 형이야 말로 정말 못 말리게 진지한데, 저는 따라가지도 못할 정도죠."

인터뷰 내내 너무 진지했던 게 멋쩍었던지 그가 이렇게 말했다. 그리곤 다시 날렵하게 발걸음을 옮겼다.

김현진기자 bright@donga.com

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I will finish the pat 2 translation later on...hehehe...too long...but it's a good interview. The interviewer asked some really good questions and Hyuk's answers as always are always deep in thoughts and sincere.

Hyukie was on KBS Yeoyoomanman on the 17th. The episode was actually about the boxing instructor..it just so happened that Hyuk was there practising.

watch here (Hyuk's part only)

Hyuk was asked the reason why he was there. Hyuk said that boxing helps him with his sense of rhythmn, tempo. Those help with his acting and how to respond to other actor's movements. Hyuk also said the reason he learned how to box originally was for his own and not because of a drama or a movie.

The boxing coach said that he would have liked to debut as a pro boxer. He praised Hyuk's movements and rhythmn.

At the end Hyuk mentioned about a movie. I wonder if perhaps his role in The Client is as a boxer???

On a different note

We can vote for Jang Hyuk for netizen vote for male actor for 2010 kbs acting award


Hyuk's name is second row, second from the left.

Our Dae Gil and Onion are nominated for Best Couple Award for the year end KBS Acting award.


If anybody has a KBS ID, you can vote! Vote for DaeGil-Unnyun! :lol:

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Guest dairykhang

o-cha: thank you so much for the trans :D

Can't wait for his new movie :)

Tomorrow is hix bday kaka....

Happy bday my love, you're my sunshine :)

And Merry Christmas to everybody ^^

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Since it is already December 20 in Korea....

Happy Birthday to Jang Hyuk!

Wishing all the best in your life. May you always be happy and blessed.

yet another ranking of Hyuk as #1 to win acting award


this one is chosen by 15 experts in the drama field


#1 Jang Hyuk (42 pts), #2 Go Hyun Jung (22 pts), #3 Lee Bum Soo (17 pts), #4 Jung Bo Suk (16 pts), #5 Jeon In Ha (13 pts), etc

The panel is made up of esteemed directors, producers and writers such as: PD Kim Jong Hak, writer Noh Hee Kyung, writer Choi Wan Gyoo, KBS PD Kim Hyung Il, MBC PD Lee Eun Gyoo, Lee Jin Suk of JS Pictures, and many others making the 15 person panel.

For best drama Chuno got #1 with 62 points.

Let's hope all this good news bring Hyuk the KBS daesang on the 31st. Hyukie fighting!

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Guest eatnsnooze

Our Dae Gil and Onion are nominated for Best Couple Award for the year end KBS Acting award.


If anybody has a KBS ID, you can vote! Vote for DaeGil-Unnyun! :lol:

Good grief, as much as I love our Dead Fish and Onion, I don't know if I actually want to revisit that again. It makes me want to bang my head on the table just thinking about them.

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I am actually a bit surprised they were even up for a best couple nomination...considering what happened and all..hehehe

Folks...I just created a thread for Midas. I was hesitant in making it but now that Hyukie has confirmed it I decided to make one.

Midas thread


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Guest eatnsnooze

I am actually a bit surprised they were even up for a best couple nomination...considering what happened and all..hehehe

Well, they are techinically the OTP (judging from the momentum of the story) and seeing how Chuno was a popular series, KBS can't possibly ignore it and not list a couple from the show.

Though, seeing how things went in the story, I doubt they'd win regardness of now many Hyuk or Dahae fans go on to vote. I mean, I still do like the two as a couple, but the way the story went, esp the ending, makes me feel so...i don't even have words for it.

I hope Midas will give us a happier story. Though I imagine it'll go down more like Tazza, where the romance will be present but take more of a back seat to the professional story. Can't wait till Hyuk does another melo or rom-com again.

PS: thanks for translating the article :):wub:

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Hi Everybody,

Today is Hyuk's Birthday!!!!! :D


Dear Jang Hyuk,

**Happy Birthday!!**

What a busy year you had in 2010 and we fans had such a great time watching you everywhere too! Last birthday was spent on the Chuno set, perhaps this year as well on the movie set?

And there are so much to look forward with the new movie and Midas. You mentioned you like being on the film set, so I guess being busy during your birthday is your best birthday gift?

Now let me count how many acting awards you had won this year: Seoul Drama Festival, Korea Drama Festival, Korea/Japan cultural exchange and most recently the Grimae award. Now your house must be full of trophies! I really hope you top it all by winning the Daesang this year!

Here is wishing you a very happy birthday with your friends and family. And to a glorious 2011! Cheers!!!!!!


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Guest Jill4675

Thanks, everyone, for all the translations, pics, news, et cetera! I have been struck down by a cold (I rarely get sick) since Tuesday and only today am I starting to feel better! I HATE being sick! So I have not felt like posting even though I do check the thread regularly! :)

I like the new hair, but I don't especially like the hair combed forward into his eyes! That is not my favorite Kdrama actor look, as common as it is. I'm tired of it and it seems so impractical! Okay, just my humble opinion. I think he looks better with his hair combed UP, as in the pics posted by Jen! :wub:

I'll go to look at the Midas thread now! Thanks, o-cha, for starting it!


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Hi everyone! It's Hyuk's birthday now according to the Korea time. Chuno was a great start like Hyuk said in the interview for his next 10 years. I can't wait for more of his dramas and films to come.

Jill: I hope you're getting better. Drink plenty of fluid, take multi-vitamins and rest more.

ocha: Thank you so much for the translation and bringing all the good news. I can't believe Daegil and Onion actually got nominated for the best couple. I will definitely vote for them. Since Chuno and Daegil are sweeping all the awards, Daegil and Onion may get the award hopefully. I understand these events are mainly for shows and commercials. So it doesn't matter whether they're best 'couple' in the drama or not.

I'm so glad you started the Midas thread. I'll bookmark it and check into it after this.

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Guest cofioca

Greetings to everyone! greetings10.gif

Sorry, I haven't been active here...But I'd often lurk from time to time and I'd like to thank you all for the updates and nice exchanges & translations. :D

WOW a lot great stuff coming on his way recently!!

First of all, I love the fact that he finally decided to cut his hair (perhaps to welcome another epic year) ^_^and that style suits him well too.

Secondly, poor me still have yet to see his much taked-about, brilliant performance as Lee Dae-gil in Chuno...:ph34r: But from the looks of it, Daesang may very well be within reach! ;)

When I saw the new thread created for Midas today, I was very thrilled to hear has already confirmed for it! agreement2.gif Now, I'm no longer bitter on Sidus. :vicx: With his and Lee Min Jung's casting, Midas is definitely the next drama on my 2011 list. I also look forward to his upcoming movie.:rolleyes:

Of course, how could I forget to greet and wish dear Hyuk a HAPPY, HAPPY, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!  party0037.gifI have no artwork or goodie to share on his very special day but I definitely hope and pray for his continued overflow of happiness, success, good health, and all blessings...Again, 생신 축하합니다 장혁! blush.gif

Lastly, allow to share this news with you:

SidusHQ to release 2011 love project calendar

December 20, 2010


Image of SidusHQ's "2011 Love Project Hanbok Calendar" [sidusHQ]

Top Korean talenthouse SidusHQ will release a love project calendar featuring all 34 of their stars, according to the agency on Monday.

SidusHQ announced in a press release that the calendar titled "2011 Love Project Hanbok Calendar," including photographs of SidusHQ stars such as Jay Park, Song Joong-ki, Uhm Ki-joon and Jang Hyuk dressed in the Korean traditional costume hanbok, will go on sale starting today till the end of January.

It focuses on the theme of hanbok and hopes to spread the beauty of the clothing worldwide. Also, funds collected from calendar sales will be donated to Compassion Korea to help the less fortunate children around the world.

"The stars of SidusHQ have come together for this calendar project and it is very significant that some of the biggest names in the industry want to share the meaning of hanbok," an official from SidusHQ was quoted as saying.

Founded in 1999 by EBM Production Corporation, SidusHQ focuses on various aspects of the entertainment industry such as managing celebrities, drama and music as well as film content.

Reporter : Lucia Hong luciahong@

Editor : Jessica Kim jesskim@

<ⓒ10Asia All rights reserved>

Source: 10 Asia

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Ocha - Thanks for all the news and translations. How is the video coming along? :P

Jill - Sorry you are not well. Is it a winter bug? My nose was all clog up for two weeks and am just recovering too.

Sojuchic - Thanks for the sidus news

DairyKhang - Omo, yes he look so cute in the hanbok. But the hairstyle doesnt go with the hanbok. They shd hv given him one of those round Sungkyunkwan kind of hat!hahaha

Ok before the clock strike 12 over at my side, here is wishing Hyuk had a fabulous birthday!

Attached here a yummy chocolate caramel cake for sharing with everyone!


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qwenli: the video is going along well. I'm subbing the Dahae part right now. I never realized before the amount of work that a variety show subber has to do..hats off to all of them. It's a bit different from subbing drama. Drama is just dialogue whereas varity show has all that captions...and Win Win sure has TONS of captions..hehehe. But sorry it won't be done by Hyuk's bday..I'm hopeing I'll be done by end of the year...

soju_chic : Ohhh you MUST watch Chuno. It's really quite a breakthrough in K-drama both in terms of style and substance. The storyline like Hyuk said is unlike the typical king or great person storyline. Thanks for sharing the news about the calendar

Jill: I'm glad you're feeling better missy!

dairykhang: Thanks for posting the hanbok pic. He looks good..although yeah I must agree that kind of hairstyle doesn't quite fit hanbok...lol.

I still remember Hyuk's wedding pic when he wore the traditional wedding outfit. I think Hyuk looks good in that type of traditional clothing..more of a formal almost palace like outfit.

Just read on DC Hyuk that his character name in The Client is Han Chul Min. If I'm not mistaken this is the second time he'll play a Han, right? The first one being Han Gi Tae from Successful Story of A Bright Girl. I also read that Hyukie has to film on his birthday...and worst of all to KangWonDo (the province where Hyuk did his MS as well as his first FO performance) where it's super duper cold.

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Jang Hyuk's clog message on 21st Dec about 1830hours


여러분의 사랑을 몸소 느끼는 요즘입니다. 오직 좋은 연기로 보답하겠습니다. 감사합니다.

These few days, I felt the love of everyone deeply. I can only repay by excellent acting. Thank you very much.


I guess he received all our wishes and gifts on his birthday! :D


Hyuk's China representative mentioned that Hyuk is in discussion for another China work. However they didnt divulge if it is a movie or a drama. :wacko: Many of the China fans had complained about the quality of AAE, so I think they should get the point. B)

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Jang Hyuk's clog message on 21st Dec about 1830hours


여러분의 사랑을 몸소 느끼는 요즘입니다. 오직 좋은 연기로 보답하겠습니다. 감사합니다.

These few days, I felt the love of everyone deeply. I can only repay by excellent acting. Thank you very much.


I guess he received all our wishes and gifts on his birthday! :D


Hyuk's China representative mentioned that Hyuk is in discussion for another China work. However they didnt divulge if it is a movie or a drama. :wacko: Many of the China fans had complained about the quality of AAE, so I think they should get the point. B)

Thanks qwenli!

Errr..yes...whatever Chinese project he decides to do..let's hope it's tons better than AAE -_-

Well..I know it's just my wish..but maybe he can do a Chinese drama with Lee Da Hae ..hehehee. I know our Onion is looking into going to the Chinese market as well.

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Guest eatnsnooze

Thanks qwenli!

Errr..yes...whatever Chinese project he decides to do..let's hope it's tons better than AAE -_-

Well..I know it's just my wish..but maybe he can do a Chinese drama with Lee Da Hae ..hehehee. I know our Onion is looking into going to the Chinese market as well.

He should look into a period/wuxia drama. Those tend of be of higher quality than the random idol drama remakes. Plus, we all know Hyuk likes the martial arts :).

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Guest jen2010

Ahh, I'm late :P Happy Belated Birthday Hyukie !!!

New photo from Instyle magazine


He looks great :wub:

Source: http://www.instylekorea.com/article/article.asp?aid=7585&code=06010400

A chinese project? Really keeping my fingerscrossed that its going to be decent~

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Guest dairykhang

jen2010 : Thanks for photo, he looks so grateful ^^

I hope he just take part in a Chinese movie, at least a martial drama....I don't like kind like AAE. It's much better if he films in Korea. I has still regreted Secret Garden...

Anyway, he's still cool :D

Merry Christmas Hyukie and everybody :D




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thanks for the pic Jen! He looks gooooood...he emits gentleness in that pic.

Wuxia is a great idea! And why not? Chae Rim and Jang Na Ra both did wuxia dramas in China...so Hyuk can definitely do that.

Just in case I don't go here before christmas...

Merry Christmas to everyone! Wishing you a joyous time spent with family, friends and loved ones.

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