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Oooh it's up on viikii too but only 1st episode so far


ocha: Is viikii going to sub it? It's definitely good news :D

There are 30 eps altogether and 2 eps are airing each weeknight I heard. There are 6 eps on the net already. The 1 and 2 eps are in good pace and I hope they will keep it up which I doubt. Anyway, everyone knows or guess how the storyline goes, I just miss watching Hyukie. I'll never forgive Sidus for pulling Hyuk out fr. SG tongue2.gif

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Hahatk - oh take care and hope you get well soon.

If Hyuk got 200-300usd for Chuno, I dun think he would settle for less to work overseas. His airfare back and forth, entourage of hairstylist/translator blah blah for 3 mths and their accomodation (even tho from what I know they didnt stay in a great place) is significant. So it is not very fair for them to say that Hyuk got the major part of it. I think he will take home pretty much the same of what he got for Chuno.

Wow they sold it to 10 countries? Well I hope the viewers wont be too shock with Hyuk's hair. Its like the most ridiculous styling since the 1970s. I dun think I will ever get over it :wacko: Not surprisingly, I am not very motivated to watch the show, but will just watch it as homework (as a Hyuk fan). But it could be all my own bias because living in China and watching a Chinese drama at the same time, its pretty too much for me.

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I did a quick First Impression write up of the AAE remake if anyone is curious to read more about what the first 2 episodes were like. It was two full episodes, 45 min. each, so the premiere was a nice 1.5 hrs long, and a long enough to make a meaningful impression.


I think this drama will be pretty popular in China, it's on the better side of most trendy C-dramas I've seen snippets of. Good for Jang Hyuk, would hate for any project of his not to be well-received. He's got two great Chinese actress co-stars, so thank heavens for that. :D

ockoala: thanks for your review. Can I repost it on Hyukbest so that more ppl can share this ? Let me know :rolleyes: .

Btw, I don't think the song was sung by Hyukie. The guy sang it seemed like a Korean singer and he's very pro. I'll try to pay attention at the end of the drama to see if the singer's name appears. I've watched 4 ep so far. Getting a little confused sometimes cuz it's moving quite fast or something wrong with the editing or sum ting wong with me :blink:

qwenli: your comment about Hyuk's hairspray sure cracks me up. I read it somewhere that his hairdo was created by a mix of a Japanese hair designer and a Chinese. Then, someone said it was actually designed by his long time Korean hair designer. Can't figure why Hyuk's hair looks so good whenever he's in Korea. Anyhow, it's especially awful when his hair was pulled on one side. Whoever created it was a disaster, sure it got a lot of attention and comments if that's what they want.

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hahatk: Yes seems like viikii is subbing this..yay!!!

Actually episode 1 is subbed already...so all Hyuk fans who don't understand Chinese check it out!

Regarding the dubbed voice....not bad...although of course everytime Hyuk opened his mouth I keep expecting his voice.....but nonetheless the dubber is good enough I think.

The Vogue photoshoot..hotness~



Some other Hyuk related news


Hyuk will be attending the 2010 Korea Drama Festival on October 2nd to receive the Korea Drama Awards for Best Actor. (We had the news about Hyuk receiving the award about 1 week or so ago). this is just a confirmation that he will attend the festival. It is said that they will show a highlight of Dae Gil with the BG song 'Stigma' during the award acceptance


On October 3rd Hyuk will participate in the "Drama OST Concert". (I wonder if Hyuk will sing here.....)

Now I'm off to watch more Fall In Love With Anchor Beauty.

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Thanks ocha for the news and info.

On October 3rd Hyuk will participate in the "Drama OST Concert". (I wonder if Hyuk will sing here.....)

from ockoala's blog http://ockoala.wordpress.com/2010/09/21/first-impression-all-about-eve-c-drama-remake/

And last but not least, I am pretty sure one of the ballads is sung by Jang Hyuk – its the song that plays each time there is a Hyukie introspective scene. I have not been able to confirm it, but it sounds a lot like his voice, and the singer has a very noticeable Korean accent singing the Chinese lyrics.

A lot of ppl believe that one of the songs in the OST sung by Hyuk, even ockoala mentions it too. It's not Hyukie in my opinion B) . Anyway, whoever's interested can listen to it in the 8 and 18 min. approx. of the 1st ep. Make your own judgement :P

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Ocha - Thank for the news! Nowadays I look forward to what hairstyle he will spot when he appear! So happy that he is receiving so many awards because I was rather upset that everything was going Iris's way.

This link has up to ep 7 already. One good thing about Chinese and HK dramas are that they broadcast everyday so there is no need to wait in agony for the all the eps! :)


I heard the song, very nice.

EDIT: [On Baidu forum,someone say the song is by a Korean group call The One and the song is call Only You. Ratings of the show in China seems to be good so far from reports :) . However since China has more free to air channels than I can count on my hands and toes combine in multiples (There is at least 50+ free to air, and people can get their hands on satellite too), the numbers are not the same of those in Korea or HongKong.

Hyuk is on the way to Japan for a Chuno fan "handshake" meeting. Heard Oh Ji Ho will be there too. The lucky Japanese fans! How many times do they get to see Hyuk in a year?? :rolleyes:

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Hyuk's eyes are still as mesmerising as ever in All about Eve. I guess for AAE, I'd have to throw my brain away & focus on his eyes when I watched :P

Read from Zoi's blog that Hyuk arrived this afternoon with LDH. OJH is on his way. Hope to see some pics coming out soon.

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TONS of news about Hyuk in Japan right now. Oh Ji Ho and Lee Da Hae are also there for Chuno promotion. However for Hyuk he is also holding a Japan fan meeting while he is there.


장혁, ‘추노’ 프로모션차 日 출국…4작품 연속 쾌거

Jang Hyuk, Departing for Japan for 'Chuno' Promotion...4 Continuous Projects To Boost


배우 장혁이 26일 드라마 ‘추노’ 프로모션을 위해 일본으로 출국한다. 이는 일본 위성 케이블TV Mnet Japan에서 새롭게 방송되는 드라마 ‘추노’의 11월 1일 방영 및 10월 22일 DVD 발매를 기념하기 위한 것. 장혁의 일본 진출은 드라마 ‘고맙습니다’ ‘불한당’ ‘타짜’에 이어 4번째로 한류스타로서의 위상을 다시 한 번 확인 시키고 있다.

Jang Hyuk left for Japan on the 26th for 'Chuno' promotion. He does that to celebrate Chuno's broadcast on the satellite channel Mnet Japan on November 1 and DVD sale on October 22. Following Jang Hyuk's previous Japan advancement in the dramas 'Thank You', 'Robbers', 'Tazza', this makes the fourth time. His status as a hallyu star is once again confirmed. 

27일 프로모션을 알리는 기자회견과 개별 인터뷰를 가지는 장혁은 도쿄 신주쿠 스테이션 스퀘어에서 일본 주요 언론 매체 50여 군데와 작품에 대한 심도 있는 대화를 나눌 예정이다.

On the 27th there wil be a press conference and Jang Hyuk will conduct personal interviews at Tokyo Shinjuku Station Square. He will talk to more than 50 Japanese media outlets to talk about the drama.

또 장혁은 일본 도쿄 야마노홀에서 무료로 초대한 800여 명의 팬들과 만남을 통해 작품에 관한 진솔한 이야기와 다양한 에피소드, 애장품 선물과 악수회 등 다채로운 행사를 진행한다.

Furthermore, Jang Hyuk will invite 800 fans to a free fan meeting at Tokyo Yamano Hall to have an honest talk about the drama and tthe various episodes. There will also be gifts and a handshake opportunity at this event.

프로모션 관계자는 “지난 4월 일본에서 ‘추노’가 방영된 후 현지인들의 뜨거운 인기와 관심을 얻고 있다”며 “이에 Mnet Japan에서 다시 한 번 드라마를 선보이게 되었다”고 현지 반응을 알렸다. 이어 “특히 ‘추노’를 통해 한국을 ‘짐승남 열풍’으로 이끈 장혁 씨에 대한 관심이 뜨겁다”며 “기자회견 및 인터뷰에 대한 일본 주요 매체들에 대한 관심은 물론 팬미팅에 대한 팬들의 관심 역시 높아 ‘역시 최고의 한류스타’라는 것을 다시 한 번 느꼈다”고 전했다.

Th representative of the promotion said "After the broadcast of 'Chuno' in April, the locals have shown much interest in the drama and it has become really popular." "Because of this Mnet Japan decided to show the drama one more time.". The representative also said "The interest for Jang Hyuk is especially high." "The press conference and interview with various Japanese media is attracting attention and the interest for the fan meeting is of course high. (People) once again have that feeling that he is 'definitely a top hallyu star' " 


이번 ‘추노’ 일본 프로모션에는 장혁과 함께 오지호 이다해가 참석해 더욱 눈길을 모으고 있으며, 26일 일본으로 출국하는 장혁은 27일 프로모션을 끝내고 28일 귀국한다.

Oh Ji Ho and Lee Da Hae accompany Jang Hyuk for 'Chuno' Japan promotion all the more rising interest. Jang Hyuk leaves for Japan on the 26th. After the end of the promotion on the 27th he will return home on the 28th.

한편, 장혁 주연의 중국드라마 ‘이브의 모든 것’이 지난 19일부터 중국 절강TV를 통해 방송되고 있는 등 한류스타로서의 활발한 행보를 이어가고 있다.

Meanwhile the Chinese drama 'All About Eve' that Jang Hyuk starred in started to be broadcasted on the 19th by Chinese Zhejiang TV. He is actively going forward as a hallyu star.

[매일경제 스타투데이 장주영 기자 semiangel@mk.co.kr]


Hyukie at Tokyo Intl Airport


There's also an article talking about Hyuk possibly joining the drama 'Poseidon'. I will translate soon.

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Hyuk rumoured to be in 'Poseidon'


장혁, 드라마 '포세이돈' 주인공 물망

Jang Hyuk, Rumored as Male Lead of the Drama 'Poseidon'

배우 장혁이 드라마 <포세이돈>(극본 조규원ㆍ연출 유철용)의 주인공으로 물망에 올랐다.

Rumors arose of Jang Hyuk as the male lead for the drama 'Poseidon' (writer Jo Gyoo Won, director Yoo Chul Yong).

SBS 드라마 <시크릿 가든> 출연 불발 이후 차기작으로 고르던 장혁은 내년 상반기 방영을 목표로 하고 있는 <포세이돈>의 주인공 역할을 두고 고심 중인 것으로 알려졌다. 출연이 결정되면 KBS 2TV 드라마 <추노> 이후 1년 만에 안방극장에 복귀하게 되는 셈이다.

After the rumours misfired of his participation in SBS drama <Secret Garden>, it is revealed that Jang Hyuk is in the process of deciding on being the male lead for <Poseidon> scheduled to be broadcasted next year. If he decides to join, it will be his return to TV after 1 year since KBS 2TV drama <Chuno>.

당초 <포세이돈>의 주인공으로 배우 강지환이 먼저 거론됐다. 하지만 전 소속사와 소송을 진행 중인 터라 제작진에서 선뜻 결정을 내리지 못했다. <포세이돈>의 한 관계자는 "최근 강지환이 전 소속사와 분쟁을 원만히 해결했다. 하지만 그 사이 장혁 측과 캐스팅 논의가 활발히 진행됐다. 아직까지 계약서를 쓰지 않았기 때문에 어떤 확답도 내릴 수 없다"고 귀띔했다.

Kang Ji Hwan was first mentioned as Poseidon's male lead. However because of the litigation between Kang Ji Hwan and his previous management company, they were unwilling to make a decision to the production company. A representative for <Poseidon> said "Recently Kang Ji Hwan has resolved his dispute with his previous company amicably but during that time we have actively been in discussion with Jang Hyuk's representative regarding his casting. We haven't signed any contracts yet so I can't confirm yet."

<포세이돈>은 국내 최초로 해양 경찰을 소재로 한 드라마다. 해양경찰청의 지원을 받아 리얼리티를 살린다는 복안이다.

<Poseidon> is the first drama to talk about the subject of Korea's marine police. With the support of the Marine Police, the drama hopes to show a realistic portrayal of their lives. 

<포세이돈>은 <올인>을 연출한 유철용 PD의 신작이다. 지난해 KBS 2TV 드라마 <아이리스>의 공동 집필을 맡았던 조규원 작가가 투입돼 기대를 모으고 있다.

<Poseidon>'s PD Yoo Chul Yong started with <All In>. Writer Jo Gyoo Won who peneed KBS 2TV drama <Iris> has committed to this drama which makes expectations even higher.

edit: seems like Kang Ji Hwan is going to be announced as the male lead for the Kim Hee Sun drama 'Fate (God-Sent Doctor)'. I wonder if Poseidon leaked the Hyuk news because they don't want to be seen as if KJH chose the other drama compared to Poseidon. I mean yeah there were rampant rumors abbout Hyuk joining Poseidon but I'd have thought Poseidon people would wait until they have a contract before leaking news about Hyuk. But then gain this could just be their way to pressure Sidus? who knows....in any case if Hyuk is joining Poseidon then I'm happy. Though Poseidon isn't my first choice of drama for Hyuk but I'm just glad at the prospet of seeing Hyuk back on Korea TV next year. 

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hahahahah so true qwenli..and this way we can have shirtless Hyuk as he dives into the water, right? :lol:

I hope Hyuk can confirm soon so I can focus my search on finding out more about the drama Poseidon..hehehehe

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Thanks so much ocha for the good news :rolleyes:

Don't know much about this Poseidon drama yet. The PD and writer sound good to me. Knew 'All In''s good drama even though I haven't watched it yet and Iris is pretty good. Both just happened to be Lee Byung Hun's very hot dramas. Wonder if Hyuk will be a marine officer character. Can't resist uniform temptation :wub:

I'm anxious to see more Hyuk's pics in Japan. zoi's in Tokyo for this event. So glad that the main leads are gathering together again :D Can't wait :wub:

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Ocha - someone on Baidu say your dear Mr Kang is in the Kim Hee Sun's medical drama? So Poseidon is very likely for Hyuk? But this Poseidon thing has been going around for awhile too.

I am really look forward to a short hair,sharp looking Hyuk!!

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Eh? My dear Mr. Kang? I think you must have me confused with someone else qwenli..:lol:

My only dears are Mr. Kim and Mr. jang hehehehe

But yeah people at DC are saying that Hyuk is for Poseidon while Kang Ji Hwan will be doing the medical sageuk.

now what I wanna know also is if the rumor about Gong Yoo being the 2nd lead for Poseidon is true.

Hyukie and GY together....I am sure iHq will be happy...lol

people are also saying that Kim Ok Bin is supposed to be in Poseidon. I like Kim Ok Bin and I think she is talented. she also has a black belt in taekwondo so I think if Poseidon has a female marine officer she'd be believable in that role.

I am also sooooooooooo looking forward to a short haired, clean shaven Hyuk. just looking at clean shaven Hyuk on AAE makes me happy..though of course the hair is....anyway Hyuk looks so much younger clean shaven.

Hahatk: please share zoi's pics and exp here yeah? I don't remember her blog address.....=(

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Hyuk for Poseidon? I'm not so sure I'm gonna like it =(

One bad experience with IRIS was enuff for me..

But anyway anyhow, I'll watch whatever Hyukiee's in of course...

Meanwhile, few pics of the Chuno trio..


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Thanks ripgal and hahatk. The trio are nicely dressed. I can't help but smile seeing both Hyukie and Zio still keeping their long hairs...as if still living in the comraderie that is Chuno. :)

Our Onion is looking fresh too...I think she wore a similar getup for Chuno press conf in Korea, right?

Some more info/rumours about Poseidon:

-The drama will start shooting in early October and continue until March 2011. (Will Hyuk be on set for his birthday again? :lol: will this be 4 year in a row?)

-This drama probably will be following Dae Mul-City Hunter. It could be right after Dae Mul but most likely after City Hunter.

-Station will be SBS.

-Casting rumors ---- Jang Hyuk, Kim Gang Woo, Hero Jae Joong, Kim Ok Bin, Chae Rim. (Probably a really wild speculation on this one..lol)

I think like most of us, people at DC weren't that keen about Poseidon for Hyuk..not that they don't think he can do it but just they think it might be a similar type role like Dae Gil. They were all looking forward to him in Secret Garden and were quite disappointed that he couldn't be in SG.

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Hyuk @ Japanese magazine Taro

cr: Zoi



I feel bad we haven't paid much attention to Hyuk's Chinese drama...anyone care to post screencaps or pics from Fall In Love With Anchor Beauty?

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I feel bad we haven't paid much attention to Hyuk's Chinese drama...anyone care to post screencaps or pics from Fall In Love With Anchor Beauty?


zoi has done some great screen caps in her blog. After the 6 ep, I had to FF while watching it. Can't stand his hairdo whenever one side's pulled back. It's a waste of Hyuk in it. The dialogues are very repetitive. All I'm longing now is some romance betw the 2 main char.

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Ocha- Thanks for all the news!

DC people not keen on Poseidon? Well I guess it will be good for Hyuk to be in a romantic role after Daegil but well, Secret Garden is a weekend show and I am very against going on a weekend slot at the height of one's fame. So now I think it is not a great loss.

I really hope he take up Poseidon if there are no other options otherwise I am not sure when we can see him in a K drama given all the scheduling for this year is already full. If the PD and scriptwriter dun mess up, the background of Poseidon is safe and there should be wide public interest in it.

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