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Guest Jill4675


thank you soo much my friend

I'm so excited to Robber

ummm , can I ask u a favor ..

I've search every where for Robber links .. I couldn't find RS or MF links ... coz MU & others sites are block in my country :(

do u know from where I can have RS links plz

Thank you again

Sorry, cannot help. :( I hope someone else will be able to assist you.


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The official name of the new Chinese drama that Hyukie's participating is 'Fall in Love with Anchor Beauty'. The press conference has just started. There are pictures sending in from the fans in the conference.


A TV program that Hyukie was in earlier.


I hope qwenli is joining the other fans from Baidu to cheer Hyuk in the press conference. :rolleyes:


I hope Hyukie's hairdo in the press conference will be much better than the one in the video. That hairdo is really testing my limit of acceptance. ;)

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Hahatk - YES i was at the press conference!!! There was only 5 of us and there was hardly any security at all, I simply walk into the ballroom!!

I caught hold of his korean manager, because I heard him speak korean, so another fan and I approached him to request for pix with JH. His manager is so nice and brought us to wait in the vip resting room (that was like after 2 hrs of the boring press con).

When the press con was over, we had our photos taken individually with JH and he autographed for all of us! I feel so bad for not bringing any present. The China fans manage to get a bouquet and a lighter for him. I manage to shake his hand (his hand was cold). JH seems like a very calm guy and listen attentively to whatever we try to say to him. But nervous and excited as I am (I didnt expect to be able to get so close to him), I just didnt manage to speak coherently to him.

We followed him to the hotel lobby while they waited for their car. Nobody mob them at all!!! Then we stand at the driveway and wave goodbye to him in his car (altho the car is tinted and we cant see him inside) at the driveway.


Now can someone tell me how to upload pix into this thread. Do I use photobucket?

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Guest roddy_1

hahatk, qwenli: thanks for the updates! qwenli, good for you getting to meet him. Every press report I've read says that he's a really simple humble guy, very easy to approach and to talk to. Even in the big japanese news paper Sankei Shimbun article recently the reporter mentioned that he is a "very unassuming superstar".

The Chinese news reports say that it was a pretty big press conference with all the major newspapers & tv stations attending. Here's a recent pic, hair still longish and skin still choco-ish :P :


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Ok this is my first attempt at loading images on Soompi, so hope everything goes well. Am doing thumbnails for easy scrolling but I think you can click on the images to enlarge them.

As they said, a picture speaks a thousand words, so before I write more, here are some of the clearer pix I took (my position was at the side and my camera can only zoom as much, so here goes:










Press con was held at the Garden Hotel Shanghai, an old but famous hotel locally. We were told to be there at 1.30pm but press con only started about 2.30pm.

Lady in red is Cheryl Yang from Taiwan, Lady in Yellow is the lead (Zhu Dan from China). She actually look quite pretty in real life. I must say JH dressed very tastfully. He was wearing a metallic chain that was very cool. I believe he must have his own stylist or those are his own clothes because the rest of the leads were styled horribly. The other two male actors were in some awful checkered shirts. He was wearing a very slick pair of sneakers. Oh I forgot to mention that the woman in black and white is JH's translator. Overheard that she is actually Korean!

Last pix is him signing a poster, there was no table, so he used the wall as backing. The plump guy is from Sidus, very nice and help us get individual shots with JH.

Ok will catch some sleep first and write more thoughts about the press con tomorrow. I do feel I am so lucky, like striking lottery today!

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Guest roddy_1

Hehe, I laughed at the sneakers pic because I thought they were really cool when I saw them. He's wearing sneakers a lot these days (he was in white pair in another recent Korean variety show), really suits him. Cute and sporty.

He looks a bit thin though. I'm sorry he had no proper rest at home after Chuno. Hope he takes care of himself.

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Roddy - Yes, he is very thin and his eyes looks bloodshot. Yeah I think he didnt have much rest.

Imogene - Am sorry, I know I am so lucky I feel like I have won the big jackpot, coming off watching Chuno and meeting him. I had a hard time trying to sleep last night!

Some recap of the press con:

The compere wore a shiny suit that looks like he is getting married. They interview the producer first, who seems very excited to get JH on board, he also said that the production quality will be good blah blah and it will not be a copy of the original AAE. He and the director spoke for a long time and after awhile I tuned out haha. Director is from Taiwan and seems quite nice. After that they move on to Zhu Dan, the female lead and then I cant remember whether it was JH first or Cheryl Yang first. Obviously JH got more time, because his answers have to be translated.

He is really the draw of the press con, out of all the leads, even our team of 5 fans is the biggest group! There are actually two guys from Korea with him at the press con. At first I thought the plump one is the bodyguard but he turn out to be very nice to us. He even speaks abit of Chinese to us, I was really impressed.

Here are some of the interview questions at the press con, my camera run of memory half way while recording, so this is only the 1st part, I will go check out another fan's complete video and come back here and translate the rest.

Q1) Why or what motivated you to accepted this role?

JH feels that the fact that actors of different region is gathered is what strikes him, also he like the content of the story and he thinks that this drama will be a big production of good quality.

Q2) How did you interact with Zhu Dan the who is taking the female lead for the first time?

JH first time meeting with her is during the poster shoot. She seems very lively and cheerful and took care of him during the shoot, she also seems very understanding. Thats his first impression of her.

Q3) The role in this story was previously performed by Jang Dong Gun, what do you think of him?

JH refer to JDG as JDG ssi. JDG is a very good senior (sun bae), his acting is very good. However he is not trying to overtake or outperform JDG. In this drama, JH will perform his role base on how the character is in the script. He will try his best to perform his role.

I attached here another photo, you can see the chain he is wearing more clearly in this photo


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gwenli: I envy you so much ! I wish I were there so badly ! <_<

You've got some good shots of the conf. Should I post your pics to Baidu ? I sharpened your pics and they look so nice.

I can see the pic that you took with Hyukie, you lucky woman!

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Guest maccay

qwenli you're such a lucky girl! did you get to say he was great in Chuno?

Thanks for sharing the experience and the photos too.

What a busy guy!

Gosh, so envious of you girl. ;)

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hahatk - do you know how do I put a watermark on the photos? I would like somesort of watermark on them b4 they go on baidu.

Yes, am still over the moon, but I didnt get the best treatment, JH put his hand over another 2 fans during their turn but not on me! haha

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Guest roddy_1

qwenli: I'm greeeeen with envy that you got that close to him! Is that the hairstyle for his character? If he shaved clean, he would look like a really pretty girl :lol: ! But he definitely looks sooooooooo tired. Oppa: please sleep for 3 days in a row :P !

To add a bit more to the Q&A session:

-Which (mainland) chinese directors / actors would he like to work with? Answer: Zhang Yimou and Gong Li (wooooh! good answer. I'd love to see him in a Zhang Yimou movie - he makes such beautiful passionate movies which would be perrrfect for JH).

-Which Zhang Yimou movies does he like? Answer: He lists all of them! (hehe, might have known that JH is not the type to just say famous names. He really knows his movies).

-If Zhang Yimou asked him to play an evil / bad character in his movie, would he accept? Answer: when an actor creates a character the purpose is not to show something nice to the audience, but to try to portray each different character to meet the need of the story / film. He would not refuse to play a part just because the part is a bad/evil one. (Yeah, JH fans already know this ;) ).

-Many South Korean actors have committed suicide because of pressure. If he ever faced such tremendous pressure, what would he do? (Aaaaaaaahhhhh, who's the dummy who asked this question?! :blink: ) Answer: he laughs at the question and says that he's a very optimistic person, and will always face life positively (AAaaaaaaaaaahhhh, love this answer :D *hugz*).

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Guest kaido_kid

hi all

i heard his next project was the chinse version of All about eve? is that right?

does it mean he has to speak chinese?

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kaido: Don't think Hyuk will need to speak Chinese in the drama. They'll have someone voice over for Hyuk in Chinese and hopefully it will be a nice and voice in some kind of similarity. That's why I hate watching these kind of dramas or movies.

qwenli: Didn't see your response til this morning. I'm terribly sorry that I have already posted your pics to Baidu. :( I did address the link and source of your album. :P If you need to add watermarks onto your pics, you may need to do that from your album first. I'm sure your pics are circulating everywhere once you posted them here. Picasa is a very friendly use software than Photoshop, which can help you with the watermarks and photo enhancements.

BTW, thanks for sharing your wonderful experience and encounter of Hyukie. Was Hyuk signing a poster here? Poster from the conf. or someone brought it to him ?


Not sure if I should ask this question here instead of the Chuno Thread. Don't want to create any unnecessary dispute there. My friend wants to know about the general expectations from the Korean audience of the ending of Chuno before it was done airing. Were there most DG/HW shippers or the other way around TH/HW shippers in the DC Gallery?

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That's right! You should continue with Tazza!!! love-smiley-056.gif Some good work by JH there and it's pretty entertaining overall! Time for me to rewatch his other dramas!?? :rolleyes:;):lol:

I was so sad-devastated after chuno i ran to re-watch hyuks movies-dramas but I started with windstruck

Bad idea, hahaha I had been crying for a long time and kept crying some more hahahaahaaha incredible...

then passed to thank you some happinness, then robber and finally some tazza moments...i dont think I

can re-watch Chuno yet, Ill need some months perhaps....T_T but the fact the love for hyuk keeps growing...

Ok this is my first attempt at loading images on Soompi, so hope everything goes well. Am doing thumbnails for easy scrolling but I think you can click on the images to enlarge them.

As they said, a picture speaks a thousand words, so before I write more, here are some of the clearer pix I took (my position was at the side and my camera can only zoom as much, so here goes:

Press con was held at the Garden Hotel Shanghai, an old but famous hotel locally. We were told to be there at 1.30pm but press con only started about 2.30pm.

Last pix is him signing a poster, there was no table, so he used the wall as backing. The plump guy is from Sidus, very nice and help us get individual shots with JH.

Ok will catch some sleep first and write more thoughts about the press con tomorrow. I do feel I am so lucky, like striking lottery today!


Ahhhh thats soooo great qwenli :D !!! you are very lucky! thank you for sharing pics!!!

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Guest alloo

Hi again

thanks for sharing the pic

oppa seems tired ... I think he needs more rest

BTW does anyone of u have recent pic of his wife and children ?

thx in advance^^

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Guest roddy_1

Haven't seen any pics of his wife or children anywhere, except for his wedding photos and even those they blurred out his wife's face a little. The slight view still shows a very pretty and calm-looking lady though. His wedding was a pretty big affair but still closed to the public and the media except for a few short clips mostly where the guests ariving and Kim Jong Kook sang for the couple.

I think most Korean celebrities keep their private life private - unless they are also dating / married to another celebrity.

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Wave* to natureii/alloo

Maccay - No, I was too overwhelmed and excited that I could meet him, and only managed to tell him I am from Singapore. I was contented to just take picture in the ballroom, but I didnt know his manager was so nice to let us take pix with him. I guess because the 5 of us there were all very well behaved and we just kept our distance and waited patiently!

Roddy - I think this is not the hairstyle, I saw a shot from baidu supposedly from his new drama poster shot (maybe hahatk can repost it here) and I cringe. It was like a phantom of a opera half straight curly over the top style!

Hahatk - Its ok with the pixs, they are not great anyway. I should have brought my SLR, but I was afraid there will be a crowd there, so I brought my ordinary panasonic. Yes, he was using the wall to sign a poster (from the korean magazine Men's health) that a Chinese fan brought. The funny thing was the fan only brought a normal ballpoint pen which was not suitable for signing, and the manager had to borrow a marker from another lady in the room. Cant answer your question on the DC thing.

You know the strange thing is, after watching Chuno, obviously I had alot of fantasy about him (with the choco stuff) but after seeing him, all these thoughts just vanished! I got a feeling that he is a very down to earth, professional person and I am now all in awe and respect for his acting. He is really very lean and small built, and I think the director of Chuno has done a fantastic job of shooting him so much so he occupy the entire camera whenever he appears!

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Guest roddy_1

qwenli: are you serious? That hair is just awful, I can't even look at it. Do men have that hairstyle in China? Pleeeeeeeeeaaase somebody go complain at the All About Eve chinese official site! If I could write in chinese, I would totally do it. There is no way his character will be taken seriously with that hair.....

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Guest pepo1989

i really agree with you...can somebody tell the producer to change his hairstyle..its really not suitable for himmm to hava his hair curl and tied up just in one sidee..sighh

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