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Here is a translation of the Singles interview:



Movies are my photo books.

Jang Hyuk

In his twenties, his charm came from the pathos created by his 'lack 2 percent' (FYI, this is a famous ad campaign slogan.) In his thirties, he has changed. It seems he become a more sturdy man.

I don't think there is any big change between these periods. If any, I would say my perspective to objects and people may change. I used to have too many thoughts before I became 30. How should I live in my thirties? What kind of actor should I be? What will my life look like? When shall I get married? etc. However, I have in fact entered the door of my thirty so naturally. There was no upheaval in the transition unlike my thoughts about it.

After the discharge from military service, you have seemed to focus more on dramas than films. So it was a bit surprising to see you picked up <Penthouse Elephant> . What was your impression about its scenario?

I first read the scenario on the flight to Singapore for filming of a movie in 1997. I thought it is written in the style of Muramaki Haruki's novels. It's hard to assert it, but I would say while Muramaki Haruki's novels unravel the suffering of twenty-something in a surreal way, this movie depicts wandering and distress of men in their early thirties. In the midst of chaos, their efforts to make things in order let them trace back to their past. By doing so, they encountered new concerns. Like the French trilogy films - Red, White, and Blue, this movie has three different colors of characters. When the director flew to Singapore to talk more about the film, I became more clear about something that sounded abstract before. It seemed we have much in common as the director and I are the same generation.

Do you get easily addicted to something? If so, what would it be?

Not much addicted to these, but rather I would say I love family, DVDs, and Jeet Kun Do.

Jeet Kune Do and Jang Hyuk look great together. What would you say about the attractions of Jeet Kune Do?

I think Jeet Kune Do created by Bruce Lee is more meaningful in the art of balancing than in its martial art skills. It is not the typical Chinese martial art, but rather designed more for self-practice. Instead of having an established frame of martial arts, it allows you to create your own way. In order to do so, you should make a balance between too much and too little. Because it is about the art of balancing by myself, it helps a lot for my acting as well as for my balanced life.

How does being a father affect your acting?

I thought I could understand the life of a man of thirty-nine or a man in the mid-forties. I thought I could understand what a father's life would be like and how he could raise his kid and act based on those understandings. However, when I really became a father and felt the baby in my arms, I realized acting based on the understanding through reasoning is quite different from the one through my real experience.

*this is an excerpt of the whole interview. If we want to read the rest, we've got to wait until someone shares the whole interview. :D

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Thanks so much wils. I'm very grateful even though this translation is not the complete interview.

when I really became a father and felt the baby in my arms, I realized acting based on the understanding through reasoning is quite different from the one through my real experience.

It's good to hear Hyuk's mentioning his feelings about his son. You can be a great actor and you can fool the audience. Holding your own son(it's a part of yourself) was so special and that's beyond any imagination.

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new pic! yaaay!!

I really like the set that they used....flowing airy sheets of fabric in purples and blue as the backdrop...really pretty.

Thank you wils for the wonderful Singles interview.

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wils dear...translation homework for you :lol:


[생생토크]장혁, “결혼하고 애 낳아도 열정은 그대로다.”


쌀쌀한 가을 날씨였지만 인터뷰장은 이글이글 타올랐다. 올가을 '펜트하우스 코끼리'와 '토끼와 리저드'로 영화팬들을 만나는 배우 장혁은 말 그대로 '열정의 사나이'였다. 군 제대 후 잠시도 쉬지도 않고 일을 해온 장혁은 오랜만에 임하는 릴레이 인터뷰에도 전혀 지치지 않은 모양이었다. 단답형 대답을 내놓는 배우들에게 익숙한 기자가 받아적느라 팔이 아플 정도로 쉴새 없이 이야기를 늘어놓았다. 장혁의 속내를 들어보았다.

#Bad Guy(나쁜 남자)='펜트하우스 코끼리'는 상류층 세 나쁜 남자들의 뒤틀린 사생활을 그린 작품. 개봉 전부터 파격적인 소재와 과감한 러브신이 예고돼 많은 화제를 모으고 있다. 장혁은 이 영화에서 화자를 담당하는 포토그래퍼 현우 역을 맡았다. 현우는 5년간 사귄 여자친구에게 버림받고 상실감에 집착하게 되는 인물이다. 궁금증을 불러일으키는 "결혼 후 베드신이 부담되지 않았냐"는 질문을 던지자 폭소를 터뜨렸다.

"사실 전 직접적인 베드신이 없어요. 영화 속에서 저 말고 조동혁씨 파트에서 있기는 있어요. 영화 개봉을 앞둔 상황에서 마케팅상으로 관객들의 눈길을 끌어야 하기 때문에 자극적인 부분을 홍보 문구에 넣었을 뿐이에요. 현우가 처한 상황에서 베드신이 꼭 필요했다면 했을 거예요. 그러나 영화에 나온 정도가 딱 적당했어요. 나쁜 남자요? 글쎄요 전 현우를 이기적인 남자라고 말하고 싶네요. 자신의 사랑을 강요하거든요."

#Serious Person(진지한 사람)=장혁은 늘 진지하다. 말 한마디 한마디에 진중함이 묻어난다. 작품을 고를 때도 상업성보다 늘 배우로서 도전 의식을 갖게 해주는 해주는 작품을 고른다. 대중의 사랑을 받아야 하는 배우의 숙명과 늘 새로운 분야에 뛰어들고 싶은 배우로서의 욕심이 항상 충돌한다.

"글로벌 프로젝트 '키스 오브 드래곤' 촬영을 위해 싱가포르로 가는 비행기 안에서 시나리오를 읽었어요. 제가 대학 때 한창 빠졌던 일본 작가 무라카미 하루키의 소설을 읽는 듯한 느낌이 들었어요. 서른을 맞는 세 친구가 젊은 시절 방황을 통해 성장하는 모습이 많이 공감됐어요. 몽환적인 느낌이 나면서 아주 재미있었어요. 감독님도 제 나이 또래여서 정말 호흡이 잘 맞았어요. 관객들에게 새롭지만 흥미로운 영화가 될 거예요."


#Family Man(가정적인 남자)=장혁은 지난해 결혼해 두살배기 아들을 둔 품절남이다. 장혁과 절친한 정우성 등 연예계에 노총각들이 즐비한 상황이기에 빨리 결혼한 것처럼 보이지만 사실 정상적인 나이에 한 것이다. 결혼은 카메라 앞에서 뿐만 아니라 실생황에서도 카리스마가 넘쳤던 장혁을 변화시켰다. 촬영이 끝나면 집에 들어가 쉬지 못하고 아이를 재워야 하고 담배도 아내와 아이 눈치 보느라 집밖으로 나와 피워야만 한다.

"결혼 전에 참 각박하게 살았어요. 뭔가에 늘 쫓기고요. 그러나 결혼을 하니 나 자신이 많이 유연해진 듯해요. 모서리가 있었다면 이젠 부채꼴 모양이 돼가는 듯해요. 결혼을 통해 삶을 살아가는 다른 시각을 갖게 됐어요. 어렸을 때 내가 부모님이 이끌어주는 대로 살았다면 이제 아이를 이끌어주면 살게 된 거죠. 결혼하기 참 잘한 것 같아요."

#Passionate Actor(열정적인 배우)=장혁은 영화 '화산고'를 촬영할 때 제작진이 자신을 위해 마련해주는 촬영장 의자에 '열정 장혁'이라고 써달라고 부탁했다. 20대 초반 때 그 열정의 온도는 30대 중반을 다가가는 이 시점에 전혀 내려가지 않았다. 군제대 후 잠시도 쉬지 않고 일하는 장혁은 현재 KBS 드라마 '추노'를 촬영 중이다.

"촬영에 있을 때 너무 행복해요. 내가 살아 있는 느낌이 들어요. 힘들 때도 있고 짜증날 때도 있지만 그 순간도 즐길 수 있게 됐어요. 할리우드 진출요? 서두르지 않아요. 나이가 많이 들어도 열정만 있다면 어디든지 갈 수 있을 것 같아요. 마흔을 넘어 현장에 있어도 내 이름 앞에는 늘 '열정'이라는 단어가 붙는 배우가 되고 싶어요."

<글 최재욱·사진 이석우기자>

I LOOOOOOOVEEEE Hyuk's looks for this interview....great job stylist-nim...thank you..hehehe

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Thanks o-cha for posting the interview. Homework? Sure!

I like the second pic so much! His hairdo..hmm.. I need more time to get used to it..hehe...but his facial expression looks fabulous...calm and deep ... : :rolleyes: Do you think Hyukie has a new stylist???

BTW, RAL is finally released! Yay! But it seems it is not widely released, probably to between 50 and 100 theaters. Given this film is a low budget film and has a non-commerial feature, its release scale might be reasonable, but is absolutely small compared to Good Morning President that is screened at apprpoximately 500 theaters. Hope words of mouth spread out so that more theaters will screen RAL. Let's get our fingers crossed. B)

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Here is a translation of the interview. Please correct me if you find something awkward.

[Live Talk] Jang Hyuk, "a man full of passions even after getting married and having a kid."

It was quite chilly, a typical autumn weather, but the interview place was sizzling with a passionate vibe. Jang Hyuk, who is visiting the movie viewers this autumn with <Penthouse Elephant> and <Rabbit and Lizard>, is literally a passionate guy. He does not seem to get tired at all with the relay of interviews just as he has never taken a break after the discharge of military service. Unlike most of the interviewees giving simple answers, he ceaselessly talked to the extent that the reporter felt his hand tiring with taking down his words. Let's look inside him.

Bad Guy

<Penthouse Elephant> is a movie that describes the private lives of three bad guys in upper class. It is attracting so much popularity ahead of its release by its sensational topic and sensual love scenes. Jang Hyuk takes photographer Hyunwoo, whose perspective leads the movie to the end. Hyunwoo is stricken with a sense of loss after his 5 year long girl-friend deserted him. To the question of "didn't you feel uncomfortable with the bed scene because you are married?", he burst into laughter.

"In fact, there was no outright bed scene for my role. In the movie, Jo Dong Hyuk will show some. Some sensational ad campaign phrases are the marketer's efforts to attract the viewer's attention ahead of the movie release. If a bed scene were required for the understanding of Hyunwoo's situation, I would definitely do it. But I think the level at which the love scene is represented on the film is the best fit for the situation. A bad guy? Well, I would like to say, Hyunwoo is rather a selfish man. He asks for his way of love only"

Serious Person

Jang Hyuk is always serious. Every word that comes out of his mouth contains seriousness. In selecting works, he chooses the works that challenge him as an actor, rather than commercial works. It seems the identity of an actor who needs popularity to maintain the status might be at odds with the one of the same actor who wants to venture into the edgy realm.

"(His answer is almost the same as in the Singles interview. So I skipped this part.) .............. The movie will be challenging audiences but I believe they find it fascinating in the end."

Family Man

He got married last year and have a two year old boy. In the entertainment world where there are countlessly many single men like his close buddy Jung Woo Sung, his marriage looks a bit too early, but in fact he got married at the normal age. The marriage has changed him not only in front of the cameras, but also in his private life. After filming of the day is done, he goes home, but instead of taking a rest, he puts his son to sleep. He smokes outside for his wife and son.

"I lived a strenuous life before marriage. I felt I was being chased by something all the time. But after marriage, I feel myself is getting flexible. If I were a diagram with straight lines before marriage, I might become fan-shaped (with a round line) now. While I lived my life as our parents guided me before, now it's my turn I need to guide my son. I am happy about being married."

Passionate Actor

Jang Hyuk had "Passion Jang Hyuk" written on the chair prepared by the production team in filming Volcano High. The heat of his passion in his twenties has never cooled down since and now he becomes close to the mid-thirties. Having not stopped for any minute after the release of military service, he is now in filming KBS's upcoming drama 'Chuno.'

"I am very happy when I am right in the field for filming. I feel like I am real alive. Of course there are some moments at which I get angry and frustrated, but I become to enjoy even those moments now. Hollywood debut? I don't want to hurry. I feel like I can go to anywhere as long as I am full of passions even when I'm much older. I hope I will be called "passionate" ahead of my name even after I become over 40."

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Thank you wils. We know you love Hyuk related homework...hehehehehe.

Ahhh definitely Hyuk is a passionate actor. His thirst to improve himself and learn never cease to amaze me.

I like this look on him..makes him look like some painter or artise or some deep thinker philosopher. His hair here I actually also like....though his best hairstyle so far has been during some of the RAL press meetings with no bangs.

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Can't say thank you enough, wils. Love Hyukie's interviews and you always make the efforts to translate for us. I'll take your precious work to share with my friends in China. The more we understand Hyukie, the more we treasure and love him. I love Hyukie, I love wils, o-cha and fans of Hyukie !

To the question of "didn't you feel uncomfortable with the bed scene because you are married?", he burst into laughter..........If a bed scene were required for the understanding of Hyunwoo's situation, I would definitely do it.

Thanks to the interviewer, that's my question to Hyukie too ! :D So glad Hyuk will not limit himself as an actor to do anything work is required, especially bed scenes! :rolleyes:

While I lived my life as our parents guided me before, now it's my turn I need to guide my son. I am happy about being married."

A serious person , a family man and a passionate actor, what more can I ask for Hyuk ? Hyuk's just great.

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I like this look on him..makes him look like some painter or artise or some deep thinker philosopher. His hair here I actually also like....though his best hairstyle so far has been during some of the RAL press meetings with no bangs.

Haha..that's true. He looks like an artist. I love the different looks he's shown us these days. My favorite of his hairstyles is Dae Gil's on the still cuts recently released. So smexy! :lol: Did you see this profile of his hairdo???


Thanks to the interviewer, that's my question to Hyukie too ! :D So glad Hyuk will not limit himself as an actor to do anything work is required, especially bed scenes! :rolleyes:

A serious person , a family man and a passionate actor, what more can I ask for Hyuk ? Hyuk's just great.

There was a time I thought I would not be able to watch Hyukie's bed scenes...hehe.. But I don't know exactly when, I realized myself prepared to watch those scenes by Hyukie. As you said, he is the actor who doesn't limit himself to do the most proper acting for his characters. So..as for Penthouse Elephant, frankly speaking, I tried to get myself ready for those scenes, and then there is no outright bed scene! Disappointing! keke... :angry::lol:

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hahahahahaha...look at all the perverted ahjummas @ Hyuk's thread...wanting to see bed scenes? :o:lol:

oooh I didn't see that at Chuno website. Did they update a new segment?

Dae Gil's hair looks much better from the side than from the front..still not lovin slave hunter DG's hairstyle....wish he could stay a yangban forever...hahahahaha

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thanks hahatk!

wils can add more since my Korean comprehension isn't that great but basically from what I heard...

In the beginning he talked about why he chose Rabbit and Lizard. He talked about his character there -- a man who lives for today. A man with a heart disease who lives only for today. Then this character met this woman and slowly he wants to protect this woman. He then said it's an interesting project.

Next part he talks about how he feels about his acting those kind of character. He is fascinated by the character..trying to know what makes this character, etc

Next is the most memorable part of filming. He said at the last day of filming. It feels relaxing and comfortable. Then he talked about the last scene of the movie..May entering the taxi and they rode together... basically an open ended ending

with people wondering whether Eun Sol will live or not

Last is what he wants to say to the audience....

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thanks hahatk for posting the D&C pics and the Sidus interview screen caps. I love the second D&C pic so much! He looks so preeeetty. :lol: And I love the interview screeen caps so much! He looks so cooool.

And thanks o-cha for sharing what he said in the interview.

If I add some more,.....

To the question "what is the most memorable scene to you?" he said the station scene - the last scene -- is. It is because, while most of the scenes in RAL were executed a bit dry and cold, the last station scene was executed warm. So he felt relaxed and warm in filming that scene. He also add one more scene. "There is a scene where they were driving and May suddenly started to turn the head light on and off . Then, EunSol said, dangerous, we could die!...I thought it is kinda funny because Eunsol who could die in any minute and accept it with all his heart, is worried about the death so much."

Thanks hahatk for the good news about our Hyukie's family.

Actually I knew about it long ago....hehe...When I went to his daum cafe last spring, someone informed about it. I was wondering when the news will be publicized. :lol:

Any way...Congratualation, Hyuk! I know you are so excited and happy about your second baby.

The news basically says his wife is 7 month pregnant and his second baby is due this late december or early january. The informer close to him said Jang Hyuk is happily waiting for his second baby to come out. The news article also explained about his marriage and first son. In his recent interview with Star News (the news media agency), he did not bother to hide his pleasure of raising his toddler son. In the interview, Jang Hyuk made idle remark about his son that "he can speak Chinese like this, SholaShola..." :lol:

hahatk, his son can SPEAK CHINESE! :lol: Looks like his son is starting to speak out his thoughts...and some of his words sound nonsensical, but rather sound like Chinese??? keke....

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Thanks wils to clarify this for me. I always hope Hyuk will have another child so that his son will have a companion. It's still kind of shock to learn his wife is already 7 months pregnant today. I'm really glad for Hyuk and it's great to know he's happy and excited about having another baby. Another winter baby !

Hyuk's son is speaking Chinese ‘Shola,Shola'. Let me guess what he's talking about ! ‘shola,shola 熟啦,熟啦’ I don't know how to translate it but it's funny that Hyuk said that ! Hyuk should really learn some Chinese from his son. :P . Lee Da Hae is making a lot of Chinese fans happy by communicating to them in PingYing Chinese.

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Thanks wils to clarify this for me. I always hope Hyuk will have another child so that his son will have a companion. It's still kind of shock to learn his wife is already 7 months pregnant today. I'm really glad for Hyuk and it's great to know he's happy and excited about having another baby. Another winter baby !

Hyuk's son is speaking Chinese ‘Shola,Shola'. Let me guess what he's talking about ! ‘shola,shola 熟啦,熟啦’ I don't know how to translate it but it's funny that Hyuk said that ! Hyuk should really learn some Chinese from his son. :P . Lee Da Hae is making a lot of Chinese fans happy by communicating to them in PingYing Chinese.

I know, when I first heard about it, I was also shocked..I don't know why, but I thought it too early?? keke.. maybe we haven't sent our man completely to his wife and son yet! keke.. :lol: Haha.. 熟啦,熟啦.... :lol: Anyway, the way Hyukie talks about his son says he is having lots of fun with his son. I am happy about that! His happiness is ours!

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ahhhhh so happy for our man Hyuk. A second son? He must be ecstatic. And hmmm his second son will also be born in Winter just like his oldest. Those kids will probably have joint birthdays in the future...hehehe

LOL @ Hyuk saying his son can speak Chinese...how adorable is that. I'm just imagining him interacting with his son...it must be a precious scene...

And thank you wils for explaining more about the interview. Why does the premise of Eun Sol dying anytime sound so much like Oh Joon in Robbers? :lol:

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I know, when I first heard about it, I was also shocked..I don't know why, but I thought it too early?? keke.. maybe we haven't sent our man completely to his wife and son yet!

wils: That's exactly how and why I have this complicated feelings towards this news. Hyuk's very efficient and keen on making his family bigger.

A second son?

o-cha: How do you know Hyuk's going to have a 'son' ? You've got some insider info ? Another boy will be great for the elder brother.Hyuk is very good with little kids and I'm sure he's a great father.

You're very right about the similarities of the characters between Eun Sol and Oh Joon. Hyuk is probably very attracted to this kind of tragic or terminally ill characters personally. ;)

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