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♥ Ha Ji Won 하지원 ♥ 河智苑 ♥ ハジウォン♥ || Drama 2022: Curtain Call


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Thank you for the post. Noted what KMM said during his acceptance speech at the award ceremony. It does say something about one's character when your fellow colleague does that during his own award.

And here's another old article re: Closer to Heaven awards

credit: By Lee Hyo-won, Staff Reporter


Kim Myung-min and Ha Ji-won, who starred as a married couple in Park Jin-pyo's tearjerker "Closer to Heaven," were named Best Actor and Best Actress, respectively, at the Blue Dragon Awards, Wednesday evening, in Yeouido, Seoul.

"I'm not sure if I deserve this award. I am thankful, though, as I have to try twice as hard because of my less-than-perfect acting abilities," said Kim, who had previously made headlines for shedding 20 kilograms to play a terminally ill patient. Ever since his breakthrough role in the TV drama ``Immortal Admiral Yi Sun-shin,'' he has been sweeping various Best Actor awards for characters he played on both the big and small screen.

The 37-year-old, eyes welling with tears, went on to thank his co-star Ha: "I was able to finish the movie because of you and I'm so thankful for how you always took care of me." Ha, who was nominated for the first time in her 10-year acting career, shed tears as she accepted the honor. "Thank you so much," said the 31-year-old, adding how surprised she was that such a thing could happen to her.

"I am a really greedy actress on the set but I am never greedy when it comes to awards. But when I accepted the Popularity award earlier I did yearn a little for this prize," she said, having received the Honored Popularity Award alongside Lee Byung-hun, Ha Jung-woo and Choi Kang-hee.

She also thanked her co-star: "I think I stand here today thanks to Kim Myung-min who helped me concentrate on my role though he became sicker day by day on the set."

The tsunami blockbuster "Haeundae," starring Ha, won the Popular Movie Award, having become one of the highest grossing movies in Korean box office history. The film also won the Technical Award for its special effects.

(I omitted the rest of the article since it didn't pertain to HJW)

Edit: Just want to clarify, these articles were already written in English but I do have to mention that the line where it says she said "I am a greedy actress on the set but never greedy when it comes to awards" probably didn't quite translate properly. She most likely used the word "욕심" which does mean greed but not in the bad sense.

And last but not least, is anybody here in Korea that belong to her fanclub there?

Sorry for the long post! Glad to see so many HJW fans here! Thank you ALL for your posts, pictures and articles! :wub:

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first of all, uxmod, can I just say that I kinda love you... :)

and now onto the interview..

- In the drama when Hyun Bin said, "Why would I throw my life away for a girl with such short legs." How did you feel?

"I have long legs. Many of my friends have sent letter to the director stating that 'Ji Won unnie has long legs.' It reminds me of the scene where Oska said, 'If I were to describe Gil Ra Im: her arms and legs are pretty long and her waist is very thin.' Hmmm, now that I think about it, it seems like our director do have complaints about my body!"


this was always my favorite part of KJW's insults. always reduce me to giggles and snorts..

I thought the writer was so funny and has unlimited amount of wit - this line is probably a nod to Wondergirls' song SO HOT.

I mean every girl practically wants Ha JiWon's legs..

"I've been depressed about that. When I play Hwang Jin Yi, it was beautiful but nobody remembers that. The audiences perfer me going through the path of hardship and sufferings. Hmmmm, next time I should be a character that only wears brand named clothes and acts only pretty."

you know what, this has always been my secret wish.

for her to play totally against the type.

she has proven how good she is with playing tough, poor characters.

I want her to play a sex vixen, a morally flawed social butterfly, a cruel chaebol daughter (not unlike KJW) and see how much she can bring to the table. how deep can she explore the character... oh well, hopefully one day.

- Your plans for the future.

"After filming movie 'Sector 7,' I began filming 'Secret Garden' the next day. For more than half a year, I couldn't take a day to rest. I think first I will go play with my parents. I've been in the cold for so long so I want to go somewhere warm this time. Should I go to Bali?"

Awwww, HJW don't go there yet!!!! I'm going to Bali this summer.... wait for me!!!!

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Guest sitaslide

@uxmod ,again thanks for the translations:)also love the video, she's so down-to-earth

@snowiiee, thanks for the YT links, i wish somebody would sub it.

@shera_xxx , those pix are so lovely, makes me want to drink cappuccino :) cant wait to see her CF

BTW, does anyone of you knows if she has an international 1023 Fanclub, aside from 1023 china?


thanks for the links... i shared them also in SG thread and mentioning u as the one who posted it.. (apologize don't know how to quote from different thread yet)


thanks for the pics... they're lovely.. she's a true beauty... :)

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A visit to Ha Ji Won's house (her mother and younger sister were also there). She's such a cute person, unfortunately no subs :sweatingbullets:



Thanks for the links! These are old videos and so priceless!! I really enjoyed it!!

However did you find them?! I don't know how to sub videos but here's a translation.

Hope this helps! If anyone knows how to do it, feel free to sub it!

I'm not sure what show its from either but very old! The MC's are:

Yoo Jae Suk , Lee Hui Jae and female MC is Song Eun Yi.

HJW's family part 1

LHJ: She'll open the door when she sees my face.

HJW: Who is it?

LHJ: It's me, oppa.

HJW (laughs!)

SEY: Are you LHJ's real dongsang?


YJS: You don't know LHJ right?

HJW: yes (meaning she doesn't)

HJW: oh just a moment though, I know who unnie is

SEY: oh you know me? Oh thank you so much.

YJS: by chance, do you know me?

HJW: No who are you?

YJS: I don't know myself

HJW opens the door.

HJW introduces her younger sister and mom. LHJ says this is my sister-in-law and mother-in-law. They tease him saying you can't even look at your mother-in-law in the eye and you're so awkward with her? LHJ continues saying this is "our" dog. HJW says the dog's name. LHJ says "po to" but HJW is trying to say he's saying it wrong laughing.

SEY: Is the dog male or female?

LHJ: he's a male

HJW: no its a girl (laughing)

LHJ picks up her 2002 award for "dong gam" movie (?)

LHJ: is this real gold (flashback to the guest from last week's episode, don't know who he is who bit gold to see if its real or not)

Then 2000 where she got new actress award

Then they are looking at audio speakers and mic stand. HJW explains that her older sister got married and her brother-in-law bought the whole set for her younger sister as a gift.

Then they go on the treadmill.

LHJ: do you use this often?

HJW: yes I do

LHJ: you can look out the window while doing this

YJS: look at our manager, cody eating...that's why they can't lose weight and always say "no I'm not hungry" after filming.

Then they go to a room where she says she does make-up (and probably get dressed?)

They look at her pics on the wall.

YJS: how long has it been since you debut?

HJW: 4 years

YJS: how old were you then?

HJW: 20 y/o

YJS ask SEY to do the same pose as a picture on the wall.

SEY: what if I look the same?

YJS puts the mirror in front of her and tells her to open her eyes!

HJW puts on a blue robe.

YJS: her sister brought it for her from abroad.

LHJ asks SEY to put on the robe

SEY: why do I have to put it on?

LHJ: well we can't try it on

SEY: what are you going to do if I look beautiful in it?

HJW; Unnie, you look like Harry Potter!

SEY: give me a broom so I can fly!

They look at her shoes (her collection of 4 years). Everyone comments on how organized it is

HJW: my mom does a lot of it

They open her closet and comments how neat and organized it is in there.

HJW: when I go out, my mom organizes everything

They pretend to be scared of her poster and then they comment how there's no latch for the door to lock in the bathroom. Then they go into her bedroom.

YJS: you can watch TV while lying down on your bed

LHJ: can we lie down on your bed just once?

HJW: yes (she says it so shyly)

they do rock,scissors,paper to see who wins to lie down

YJS wins for 5 seconds!

HJW cooking segment

LHJ makes fun of her name

HJW: do you want me to throw chopsticks at you?

She gives hints as to what she is going to cook.

HJW: "Chan!" (sort of like "ta da" in korean) showing the kimchee

She is so cute! She says "tang" when YJS guessed wrong.

She is going to make kimchee fried rice! (kfrice)

HJW: when I have guests over, I always make kfrice

YJS: is there any other dish that you are confident in?

HJW: ??

YJS: just kfrice

They all tease her saying that's all she can make - kfrice, that's all she makes for company - kfrice, that's only thing she can make well - kfrice

HJW: But people say even compared to places where they are known for their kfrice, they say

mine is to die for! (but she says it like they are going to die!)

YJS: while people eat this, they die!

SEY: this kfrice is called "you eat it, you die"!

Then they make fun of it (horror kimchee)

SEY: can we help you?

HJW: can you slice the kimchi?

HJW: I think the slices are too big?

YJS: I slice it like this and then like this

HJW is about to put kimchee in the pan but then SEY says how about the oil?

They say its ok, last week's guest made them tukbokee but forgot to buy the tuk! lol

HJW says I'm so nervous (not being confident and forgetting things)

YJS: Jiwon shi, you do make this often right?

YJS: things I noticed about HJW's kfrice technique: 1. she knows how to make it but forgets how to do it

SEY: 2. she keeps talking to herself

LHJ: 3. while she is making it, she makes the person beside her "(sorry I don't know this word)"

They start to eat

HJW: it's delicious right?

HJW to YJS: it's delicious right oppa?

YJS: delicious??

HJW: please say the truth

SEY: its delicious

but then SEY starts coughing!

Noraebang time!

YJS: Since this is a house and there are people upstairs let's not sing too loud

SEY: what is your favorite song?

HJW: "say good-bye"

LHJ: then the last person who sang picks who goes next

HJW: unnie!

LHJ: jaesuk unnie or SEY unnie?

HJW: jaesuk unnie!!

HJW is so cute laughing so hard! she really thinks YJS is funny! Like how she laughed at YJS on family outing! This makes me think she should find somebody with sense of humor!

Then she sings her song "oppa" (love when she sings!)

YJS: for the sake of our younger audience, let's bring out our "santoke" teacher (santoke is rabbit)

LHJ and her sister come out

HJW: oh why aren't you doing it? (to her sister when they are coming out)

Truth game time!

HJW: this is the 1st time I have invited people to our house, oppa and unnies

HJW: I mean oppas and unnie! (she was pointing to YJS and SEY when saying unnies!)

LHJ: how is HJW in real life?

Mom: she is shy even from when she was young

LHJ: You didn't think she would become an actress?

mom: no i didn't know but after appearing in dramas, she has become more out-going

LHJ to her younger sister: does your sister have any bad habits?

Okay hope that helps! I don't think I will have time to do part 2 today. But I'll try.

If not, I'll definitely do it when I have the time!

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Guest absfanbelle

hello and good day to all my co ha ji won fans :)

always been a lurker and its my first time to post here,hope it's ok :)

i just want to say THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart to all of you who share news,photos,videos,and links about HA JI WON,i really apprectiates it :)

like everyone else on this thread,i am so proud to say that I am Proud to be a Ha Ji Won Fan.I really admire and love her not only as a Korean Actress but as a person as well. :wub:

want to share some link of news about Ha JI WON as my contribution on this thread :)sorry don't know to how to post the article here :(



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Long Post Incoming!

Today, I won't be posting articles as I was pretty engaged in reading fan's account of their encounter with HJW. So I will do that next day, sorry about that! I found a fan-made HJW video & pictures of HJW to make up for it. :)

This fan from DC made a video of HJW described everything I feel about her, the bg music is She by Elvis Costello if anyone is curious.

Video >> http://tvpot.daum.ne...u=flvPlayer_out

Part 2: Fan account of when she and her friend met Ha Ji Won on the 2nd day...

(Hecka long post from this particular one)

Compared to chasing/following other female celebrities I had done in the past, Ha Ji Won was completely different, it was very challenging. Well, in order to look at her few more times in person, I decided to go catch her at the airport. You know what I mean...

Me and friend A met three fans as I was renting a hotel room to stay, those three fans were from Tianjing, but later I felt suspicious that they were not really a fan at all. They told us they have thousands of pictures in their stash, pictures of them taken with their celebrities such as Jackie Chen and other famous HK celebrities. At the moment I knew they were trying to earn money from fans like us and they look really experienced too. Us and them also wanted to meet Ha Ji Won but we don't know where she will be staying at, but later one of them got a call that Ji Won will be staying in Carlton Hotel. Next thing I know, all five of us went to that place as quickly as possible. We talked a lot about "fans culture" while we were heading there. We arrived to a cafe to have some drinks, Fan A later left us to grab her phone from her house, and little more later, Fan B & C disappeared on us as well, leaving both of us with an unpaid bill. At that moment I thought they were scammers, oh well, stuff happens.

As me and friend A were in a midst of a conversation, Fan A arrived with her phone and came towards us, "Are these fruit baskets yours? Are those for Ha Ji Won? Well, lets go, hurry, she's here..." We were shocked and confused at the same time, we didn't have the time to reflect on what she said, everything was so sudden. How can I not see the woman who just came down from the 2nd floor through the escalator was Ji Won herself? Fan A took one of our fruit baskets, ran towards Ji Won and gifted her, unnie smiled wide. She looked so different from yesterday with the new hairstyle she had today. Unnie's manager took the fruit basket, I ran towards him and tell him that there's something else inside the basket that I needed to take out, it was a greeting card that personally wrote by her fans. I handed this to Ji Won unnie, she smiled and laughed, she is so pretty when she smiled. We told her staff that we are 1023 from China. We told them we waited long for their arrival, and from the excitement I was having, I forgot the Korean words I memorized. But unnie still smiled at us, her smile made me forgot everything that I had to say to her. There was also a little book from the fruit basket that I had to take out for Ji Won unnie to sign an autograph and wrote some stuff for us Chinese 1023. There was a girl besides unnie and she was the translator for unnie's Prada event. (The girl was somewhat unfamiliar towards us when we were at the airport, but today as we conversed with her, she became more friendly with us.) The girl translator asked us what we wish to say to Ji Won, and we told them that we were having trouble knowing where she was exactly staying at. The girl translated to Ji Won unnie and she went "Ahh~" showing the sympathy on her face while she was concentrating on giving us an autograph. Unnie then told us that she doesn't know where she was staying when she got here. After autograph was finished, unnie handed the book back to us.

I asked the girl translator if she could allow us to film unnie with us together, the girl translator said not at the moment because the fans at the Prada event stalled Ji Won for so long and they don't have the time to do it right now. I can totally understand that and I accepted their reasons. However, the three fans that me and friend A met earlier was standing beside us, kept nagging that they want a photo with Ji Won unnie, in a very forcing tone. I felt some negativity towards them now, after all I don't think they are real fans, they are here for profit. I told unnie not to take pictures now and go rest, I also told her that they are not real fans at all. (I spoke only a few Korean words that I remembered couple times.) Ji Won unnie saw my anxious face, she then placed her hand on my shoulder, told me it's alright, and went where those 3 "fake" fans were and took pictures with them. Ji Won unnie even placed her head close towards Fan B (male) for a picture, unnie looked so cute! Fan A (female) asked me to come join the photo, I said it's alright. (If Fan A knew that I told Ji Won unnie in Korean that I don't want her to take pictures with them, Fan A might not even ask me at all for a photo.) Later, I went to Ji Won unnie and told her to go rest since she spent so much time with us already, she simply laughed and nodded at me, then she spoke to us in English, "See you tomorrow!" Oh my god, I went crazy on the spot! Was she hinted at me that I should walk her to the airport for her depature? Of course I will, my goal is to see unnie!

Later, unnie's manager told her she has a call coming, unnie went away for a moment to recieve the call. Meanwhile, I took out my DV camcorder and recorded a little bit of Ji Won unnie walking out the lobby talking outside. That night, the wind was very cold, and I can see unnie getting on a private car to talk. (At least it's better than the small bus that Ji Won had to ride for the first day!) There are so many people accompanied Ji Won unnie. I saw unnie's car light lit up and all of a sudden I saw the side view of unnie's face inside the car, she looked so magnificent. The car then drove away. Such a short time of an encounter with Ji Won unnie was very rare, and I will treasure every moment of it. We planned to follow unnie's car but we lost her in the end. We returned back to the lobby and waited there until Ji Won unnie returns. (I am not sure when the people who worked at the lobby will kick us out because most of them are off work at this time.) While we were sitting and waiting, we talked, and we went through our recordings numerous times. Gradually, I felt asleep.

When my friend A woke me up, she told me that unnie returned from her dinner, I felt so happy again! Ji Won unnie saw us again and became a happy girl again, even though we don't speak clear Korean, we spoke English to her even in our shy voices. There were other fans taking photos of her in flashes. But unnie didn't avoid the flashes and continued to give out her sweet smile and thanked everyone with gratitude. Ji Won unnie knew we were filming her, but she still gave us a positive response. Unnie was so generous and cute, she along with her staff all felt the warmth we have for Ji Won unnie. The staff treated us well, and thanked us. They commented us that we are a cute bunch of people! Later, they went back out again.

Okay, so we went back to our hotel room, and we talked so much we didn't even know the time was already 1:30am in the morning. We waited until their car returned once more, this time Ji Won unnie was accompanied by only a few people, we ran towards her. When we got there, we saw Ji Won unnie coming in through the revolving door, and we saw her face, she looked really tired, but when unnie saw the sight of us, she fixed her hair and walked with a happy face, waving at us. One fan said to Ji Won unnie, "CD~ CD~" She wanted to gift unnie with a CD she made. Ji Won unnie listened as she walks and suddenly stopped and turned at us. At this moment another fan gifted Ji Won unnie with a photo book, the photo book contained photos of unnie at the airport on Day 1. She flipped through the pages and gave out her shocking expression, the staff beside her all went to have a look, all of them laughed. Unnie looked at the photo book while she was walking towards the elevator. (I should thank my friend for filming Ji Won unnie all this time, even when she filmed unnie at the airport, she finished all the editing and add-ons on that particular night, such a hardworking and dedicated fan!) When unnie walked into the elevator, she did the sleeping pose, telling us to go rest. We said "Good Night" in Korean to unnie and her staff. One man said thank you to us, and one woman who was unnie's stylist laughed like she was high. We were so happy that we only started to sleep at 4am.

The next day morning (on the 23rd), my alarm rung at 8am but everyone was so tired so we woke up at 9am. Later, all of us prepared to pack up because this day was Ji Won unnie's last day in China. Come to think about it, we didn't even eat dinner yesterday, so hungry that we ate a box of chocolate. Later, we planned on what we should get for unnie. And we got one girl to do the impossible, to kneel in front of Ji Won unnie expressing our love for her in a marriage proposal style! (Unnie mentioned it in her interview back in Korea!)


Remember the card that I gave to Ji Won unnie yesterday night? Well, I had found out an error as I was going through my camera, luckily I have found it just in time before unnie leave for airport. Because the first letter we wrote was in a hurry, so we accidently wrote unnie's name wrong, how embarassing. Here is what the first letter says,

To Ji *(Un)* Unnie,

We don't know what kind of food unnie likes to eat, so we prepared you fruit and snacks, hope unnie will eat it happily.

Also, please visit China often~ We, CN1023 will always support you.


Since we have an extra farewell card as back up, we wrote the second one that says,

Ji Won (Hae Rim) Unnie,

Did you see the card we wrote for you yesterday? If you did, throw it away. It's so embarassing ㅠㅠ Because we wrote it in a hurry that we wrote unnie's name wrong. (Please don't get mad~)

And because our Korean is very poor, you will forgive us right? This time we do not know well of unnie's plans and schedule in China, therefore we felt like we didn't do a lot in most areas, but unnie knows about the love we have for her, right?


Unnie's CN1023

A while later, we found out we wrote "Please don't get mad" wrong -__- But good thing was that we wrote "Our Korean is poor" afterwards. Ji Won unnie came down to the lobby as soon as we finished writing our second card. Whatever happens after, you can see it all in the video!

Video >> http://v.youku.com/v...M5NjE3MDA4.html

I felt no regret that day, compared to Ji Won unnie's visit in 2009 for her press interview for "Haeundae", this time was completely real. This encounter we had, was very memorable, filled with happiness and it made me love her even more and more, beyond words! Everything that happened during the last few days, living and

non-living as well as the event itself was just beautiful and complete!

Preview: Same fan who accounts of Ha Ji Won's departure. They will all miss her...





Now for some HJW pictures.











Okay hope that helps! I don't think I will have time to do part 2 today. But I'll try.

If not, I'll definitely do it when I have the time!

Thanks, even thought I won't have time to translate, at least you are also a help to everyone here. :)

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I like her sooooooooooooooooooooooo much!! Although I didn't like Secret Garden, I'm so glad it was another blockbuster piece of work for her. Anyone else notice she seems to be the only one who hasn't made a bomb movie/drama since she debuted (at least since her breakthrough Damo)?? That is a feat!! Even SongHyeKyo has made a bad movie/drama before.

Anyway, she is known in K-entertainment to be one of the kindest, sweetest, and most humble actresses. Usually, I have a critical eye because I feel a lot of actresses let fame get to their head, but if you watch HaJiWon in interviews/NGs BEFORE she became famous and those AFTER she became famous, her attitude is exactly the same. So bright with a ready smile. =)=) I heard she is one of favorite people to interview from reporters.


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(...)However did you find them?! I don't know how to sub videos but here's a translation.

Hope this helps! If anyone knows how to do it, feel free to sub it!

I'm not sure what show its from either but very old! The MC's are:

Yoo Jae Suk , Lee Hui Jae and female MC is Song Eun Yi.

HJW's family part 1

LHJ: She'll open the door when she sees my face.

HJW: Who is it?

LHJ: It's me, oppa.

HJW (laughs!)

SEY: Are you LHJ's real dongsang?


Thanks for the translation. I decided to hard sub this as well. I understand some basic Korean words so I was able to translate the other parts too but this was definitely a HUGE help. :) If anyone gets the chance to help out on translating her other interviews/variety shows, etc.. I'll be more than happy to help you guys out on editing them to the videos. Honestly, subbing this particular one was so much fun. I'm more than willing to do it again. :)

Anyways, you guys can watch the subbed versions on YT.

PART 1 | PART 2 (still being processed so it might be blurry)

I'll add the download link for the full 14-minute version later, uploading the whole thing is taking too long than I expected. (I'll just edit this post later on).

DOWNLOAD (Use hjsplit)

001 | 002 | 003


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Guest lovehbhjw

I like her sooooooooooooooooooooooo much!!  Although I didn't like Secret Garden, I'm so glad it was another blockbuster piece of work for her.  Anyone else notice she seems to be the only one who hasn't made a bomb movie/drama since she debuted (at least since her breakthrough Damo)??  That is a feat!!  Even SongHyeKyo has made a bad movie/drama before.

Anyway, she is known in K-entertainment to be one of the kindest, sweetest, and most humble actresses.  Usually, I have a critical eye because I feel a lot of actresses let fame get to their head, but if you watch HaJiWon in interviews/NGs BEFORE she became famous and those AFTER she became famous, her attitude is exactly the same.  So bright with a ready smile.  =)=)  I heard she is one of favorite people to interview from reporters.


I like GrapeJuice and I totally agree with you!    She is one "AMAZING" woman...as writer-nim writes the script, it may be more and more inclined towards HJW.   Btw, when I read writer-nim's interview on all the cast members some time ago.  Writer-nim just had one statement for HB, he acted KJW perfectly but she was all praises for HJW's attitude, acting and everything.  It seemed that she was very fond of HJW too, just my gutfeel...  


Despite your busy schedule, you are still so sweet to share about HJW.  Thanks for the fans up close and personal encounter with her.  Fabulicious!   You deserved to be loved by HJW...seriously.:wub:


Thanks for sharing her forever beautiful pictures, the latest and greatest!:wub:

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Guest blue_cosmos

You know, reading this thread and the SG thread and all of the responses, I feel that Ha Ji Won is a big case of "Even the girls want her" (I'm assuming, most of us here are girls right?).  To that end, I feel inspired to write something about her on tvtropes.org :)  She deserves her own entry there.

I like GrapeJuice and I totally agree with you!    She is one "AMAZING" woman...as writer-nim writes the script, it may be more and more inclined towards HJW.   Btw, when I read writer-nim's interview on all the cast members some time ago.  Writer-nim just had one statement for HB, he acted KJW perfectly but she was all praises for HJW's attitude, acting and everything.  It seemed that she was very fond of HJW too, just my gutfeel...  


Despite your busy schedule, you are still so sweet to share about HJW.  Thanks for the fans up close and personal encounter with her.  Fabulicious!   You deserved to be loved by HJW...seriously.:wub: 


Thanks for sharing her forever beautiful pictures, the latest and greatest!:wub:

Ha JI Won is a pretty easy person to like it seems.... all that open-ness and friendliness.  From what I read about the writer talking about Hyun Bin, it seems he was pretty quite and didn't do too much talking (cuz he was shy?  more reserved?)  For me too, I really like the Joo Won character - you can't deny the awesome, fantastic job that Hyun Bin did of bringing such a character to life and giving him such an adorable streak... but on the other hand, I haven't gotten to know much about Hyun Bin because he is just more reserved.  Ironically speaking, I like Joo Won alot more than Ra Im, but I like Ha Ji Won alot more than Hyun Bin.  phew.gif

Boy, does the font size selection get easily screwed or what?

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Guest lovehbhjw

You know, reading this thread and the SG thread and all of the responses, I feel that Ha Ji Won is a big case of "Even the girls want her" (I'm assuming, most of us here are girls right?).  To that end, I feel inspired to write something about her on tvtropes.org :)  She deserves her own entry there.

Hi friend!

She is a good role model for girls.

I always feel that girls should be like that.

Strong, independent on her own but yet able to let her man still want to protect her. 

HJW has that as by nature she is shy so has GRI...  We have seen in many of her interviews, she loves to cover her face with her hands especially when she laughs, this is quite characteristic of her.

So where is the link to your article on her?

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Guest blue_cosmos

Hi friend!

She is a good role model for girls.

I always feel that girls should be like that.

Strong, independent on her own but yet able to let her man still want to protect her. 

HJW has that as by nature she is shy so has GRI...  We have seen in many of her interviews, she loves to cover her face with her hands especially when she laughs, this is quite characteristic of her.

So where is the link to your article on her?

Haha I haven't written anything yet since I'm not sure how to begin sweatingbullets.gif   Korean shows and actors are not very well known to tvtropes (there are far more about Japanese voice actors).  But everyone here coordinate our efforts together laugh.gif

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Guest Chi Chi

I came across this article in baidu today. Basically the main point from this article is that the actress (pictured below) is praising our HJW. Aw, isn't it lovely to see HJW receiving admiration and praise from an older respectable actress.

Q: How do you feel when you see an actor/actress taking his/her work very seriously

A: It makes me want to hold/love them more than hold/love my own children. To me, Ha Ji Won is that very hard working actress.


Title - '한밤' 윤여정 "하지원 정말 열심히 하는 배우"

〔메디컬투데이 My스타뉴스 함상범 기자〕 여배우 윤여정이 하지원을 칭찬했다.

27일 방송된 SBS 연예정보 프로그램 ‘한밤의 TV연예’(이하 ‘한밤’)에서는 여배우 윤여정을 만나 그녀의 솔직한 속마음을 전했다.

이날 방송에서 “열심히 하는 후배를 보면 어떤 기분이 드냐”라는 질문에 “정말 열심히 하는 후배를 보면 내 자식보다 더 예쁘고 막 끌어안아 주고 싶다”고 말문을 열었다.

이어 “하지원은 정말 열심히 하는 배우라고 느꼈다”고 칭찬했다.

또한 이날 윤여정은 “나는 누님, 누이라고 부르는 것도 싫다”며 “이덕화가 ‘누이’ ‘누이’ 그러는데 징그러워 죽는 줄 알았다”고 말해 웃음을 자아냈다.

이어 “그냥 여배우 윤여정이라고 불리고 싶다”고 덧붙였다.

한편 이날 방송에서는 김성민이 실형 선고를 받고 보석신청도 거부한 채 반성하고 있다는 내용이 전해졌다.

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Ha Ji Won met Tang Wei yesterday in Beijing :)

Well, that's what I saw on Baidu... Apparently there was a video where you can hear them talk to each other in ENGLISH! I personally didn't see the vid uploaded on youku since it got deleted before I got to watch it but I did see it being transcribed and translated to Chinese (since Baidu is where Chinese people hang out~, like soompi for us English speakers). (hmm, I've read that the video isn't actually clear, a bit dark... only voices can be heard?) (Note: cannot prove the authenticity of this myself but a lot of Chinese HJW fans who saw the vid before it got deleted have confirmed HJW really was talking to TW)

Here's the conversation:

Text inside ( ) should be my comments/explanation or translation of Chinese translator's comments/note

(Rough translation)

TW:Tang Wei, nice to meet you

HJW:Nice to meet you, Ha Ji Won

(I'm assuming they're pointing to themselves when introducing, it's more of like "Hi, I'm Tang Wei, nice to meet you," as normally we would do in English)

TW:Yeah, I know, I watched your Secret Garden, with Hyun Bin


TW:So later I will go to Korea... February


TW:Mid of February, after Chinese New Year

------ After hearing the vid myself, I can't hear/understand/comprehend what they're saying from here then on... ------

HJW:(translator to Chinese said he/she cannot hear/understand properly and it seemed like a mixture of Korean and English)

TW:I really like you two guys and Secret Garden, enjoyed it very much!

HJW:Your movie in February?


HJW:I just know Korean title 만추 (Manchu)

Hah! Finally found THE evidence!!! <3

Ha Ji Won Meets Tang Wei in Beijing

It got featured earlier today in SBS Midnight Entertainment TV (the interview with a veteran actress, Yoon Yeo Jeong 윤여정, Chi Chi was talking about can also be found in that show---will try to upload a cut) so I tried looking for it in the Korean video sites... Haha! I should never underestimate ninja fans for getting a copy of the original vid which got deleted by the uploader in Youku...

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Guest bashful

I'm usually a lurker, but I'm so impassioned that I feel like I have to post.  Secret Garden is the first drama that I've seen both Ha Ji Won and Hyun Bin in it and it's turned me into a complete Ha Ji Won fangirl.  I am so in love with this woman right now (as a fan): she is so cool, so sincere, so gorgeous, so cute and so passionate about her work - what's there not to love?  I really admire her attitude towards work - open-minded and adventurous about the sort of work she would undertake, challenging herself in new ways and showing the world that she is one serious actress.  I also love the fact that she appreciates her fans and is humble and affable with them all the time.  I'm all for the Netizen's suggestions to round up someone for her... she deserves some more love and happiness in her life.

(I also like Hyun Bin, but his personality is so much more reserved than Ha JI Won it seems... so that makes it a little harder to fall head over heels for him; however I loved him and Ha JI Won together in Secret Garden and secretly hope they'll find each other in the future *quoted image*... ...... Sue me; I can still fantasise...)

No worry please do speak you mind...this is a HJW forum you will not get bashed for it. I so understand how you feel. I always been a fan of HJW but I love her so much more because I see how sincere she is with her career, her fans and co workers. Her attitude and energy is amazing. I really can't help but to like her. :) She is my # 1 actress in Korea...

@shera_xxx and coppersun thanks for posting up the youtube links

@uxmod I really thank you again for translating the articles. :tears:

@loveHBHJW Hi buddy :) ..oh my you are so active in this forum well in all HJW matters.. I so admire your dedication... :w00t:

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Some runway fashion for Ha Ji-won (model on the right):

Céline, Resort 2010 collection


Marc by Marc Jacobs Kelly Wool Cardigan from Fall/Winter 2010 collection


Bronte Lace Dress (Blouse) from Marc by Marc Jacobs Fall/Winter 2010


Casual, but still beautiful


This classy lady never stops looking gorgeous! ^_^

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