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♥ Ha Ji Won 하지원 ♥ 河智苑 ♥ ハジウォン♥ || Drama 2022: Curtain Call


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Exerpts taken from Secret Garden thread... Please support HJW~

Long Post Incoming!

I found some SG related articles on HJW but I will post them later, got to get right back on studying...

For  now, i have a short documentary of HJW to share, it is a very  meaningful documentary of her journey through hard work. I  will  translate them here for you line by line. You can watch the video  while  reading the translation.

The video can be found here (with Chinese sub) Good Quality

http://v.youku.com/v...k3MDAxMjMy.html (Full 15 minutes)

The video without the Chinese sub (Good Quality as well)

Part 1 >> http://tvon.nate.com/209745433 (Beginning narration was cut off)

Part 2 >> http://tvon.nate.com/209745434 (Ending credits was also cut off)

http://v.youku.com/v...QzNDgxMDQ4.html (Full 15 minutes w/o Chinese subs, for those who wants to hardsub, you can d/l this clip)


Intro Narration:

Host:  Paving  the  road for Korean entertainment/movie industry with absolute  talent, the  box office for "Haeundae/Tidal Wave" has recieved a  massive  success  starring with Ha Ji Won, Sol Kyung Gu, Lee Min Ki etc. many of  the  actors/actresses from the movie gathered together for a  special  event.  But the most noticable and memorable yet intriguing  person out of  all  the others is nonetheless actress Ha Ji Won. Because  in 2009, we saw  her received the most popular award, the style icon award  for female  category.

2009 Style Icon Awards:

Announcer 1:  The  highest  ranking female for 2009 style icon awards, thanks to 10 of millions of  supporters for the movie "Haeundae" goes to... Ha Ji Won!

Announcer 2:  Because  of "Haeundae" success, it earned Ha Ji Won's title as the  "National  Actress." Followby "Haeundae" was her next movie "Closer to Heaven," and  once again HJW proven to the world her true acting ability.  

HJW: I am really excited. (Did the pose she did before in Family Outing) I am  really thankful to everyone. This year's "Haeundae" and "Closer to  Heaven" as well as my guest in variety shows (Family Outing and Golden  Fishery)  received  a lot of publicity because of many who support and  love me.  In  addition to me receiving the style icon award, it really  made 2009  my  happy year. Thank you everyone!

Acting Talent Ha Ji Won:


Host: Chungmuro (One of the street in Seoul, where the box office located I think)  unleashed  a  strong start in the box office for the movie  "Haeundae,"  and  increasingly high viewer ratings due to the effort  from Ha Ji Won. But  she had never walked an easy path like other  typical female celebrities. Ever  since when she was little,  HJW  dedicated to her dream of becoming a  performer after discovering her  interests in highly intensive action  movies. From morning 'till  night,  she went for lessons in swordplay,  horseback riding, jazz dance  etc. She pushed herself and worked harder  in order to become a  performer. (A very difficult prepping journey towards her dream of a successful actress)  Through  countless auditions, she continued to disciplined  herself  nonstop and  finally in year 2000, she became known in a movie  debut "Truth Game",  this has became her starting point for her journey  years to come.  From  being the newcomer, she has never been criticized  for her lack of  acting ability. (Everyone believes in her and thus, she received a very proper training in acting)

Co-worker 1: (According to the documentary, it was aired in 2009)  This  year  is HJW's 12th year since her debut. Her second movie  "Ditto"  received  public recognition. Followby was her horror movies  "Phone"  and  "Scissor" has also received recognizing success. As a role  of an  antagonist in the horror movie "Horror Queen", she received  high  praises and earned her popularity.

Multiple Faces of Ha Ji Won:


Host: HJW's  powerful  acting skills imminently shown in "Phone"  and "Scissor,"  lasting  memories for the audiences. Intaking a role of a horror  queen.  Gradually without knowing, she became the potential talent of  Chungmuro.

Co-worker 1: Later,  she  worked with Lim Chang Jung in "Sex is Zero," and once again,  she  became the hit as the highly praised performer in the box office.

Host: The  image  of HJW's previous role of a horror antagonist was  soon gone  to  nothing as she unleashed her beauty and sexual appearances  in her  next  movie "Sex is Zero." Through that movie, she experienced  many  type of  roles.

Co-worker 1: Ha  Ji Won  seems to possess so many different "faces." In every one of her  work,  she managed to reveal many different sides to her "faces" and  "images"  that is suitable for that certain role in a movie or a drama.  Everyone  who knew about her started to call her "Multi posturize and  multi  talented performer."

Co-worker 2: According  to  what I know about HJW, she is the person that seemed to be the  risky  type, she will bet on anything once she was exposed to a new  upcoming  work. In order to obtain that role and become it, she does not  care  about the "fusses" of that role. (Meaning  she  doesn't need to ask or know about what should be suitable for  certain  performers to perform nor conditions from top to bottom, she  just  accepts it and do it)

Ha Ji Won's Dedication


Host: She  will  portray the character like it doesn't belong to her, that she  became  another character in another world, portraying perfection. Such  example  is in the drama "Damo," a role of the early Chosun female  warrior  detective. In the drama, she was not HJW anymore, but  transformed into  Chae Ok, a girl with a low status rank carrying the  burden of a broken  family fighting against the injustice of society. The  drama "Damo"  caused a formation of "Damo Pyae In/Damo Fan-Nerds"  soon  after its airing and even until now, Damo's HJW is still a  popular  discussion among many fans. For HJW to achieve a pefect  portrayal of  Chae Ok, she undergone many advanced lesson in horseback  riding and  martial arts. Besides the drama "Damo," there was also the  movie  "Duelist." Similar to "Damo," the characters in "Duelist" was  also from  the early Chosun dynasty, HJW was directed with a similar  role. In this  movie, she learned Tango (a style of dancing) even before she learned martial arts. (Duelist portrayed a love story with beautiful special effects and martial art skills has earned positive feedback)

HJW: I  hope  for everyone to not only watch the martial arts itself but  also  appreciate the beauty of these movements and actions along with  the  feelings this love story was conveying across.

Host: To become as one with the character, Ha Ji Won, who view it as a self challenge has said, "According to my definition, a real performer is when he/she never stops learning."

Lim Chang Jung: When  HJW  was performing gymnastics in "Sex is Zero," I was thinking to  myself  feeling amazed, "Whoa, how can a performer like her can portray a  scent  of a gymnast so well!" At that time, I still have some lack of  faith  in her acting ability. I was thinking to myself again, "Well,  perhaps  when it comes to swordplay, she probably cannot handle it." But  to my  surprise, she herself really did it like it was real. She is  really  hardworking when doing her work!

The Miracle on 1st Street:


(A scene from one of her movie "Miracle on 1st Street")

Host: By  now,  her transformation is not much of a big thing, but viewers still  have a  sense of worries when they were watching the tough boxer HJW  on  screen. (Viewers even believed that HJW was an actual boxer in real life)

HJW: I would like to applaud to those women who boxed with me. (FYI, they are REAL female pro boxers)  When  I was boxing in the movie, my nose actually broke. The punch went  from  below my mouth to my nose, twice. At that moment, I thought my  nose  was really broke. I can see the bruise mark on the corner of my  left  eye. I practiced this scene of being hit many times. (Oh mini cooper!) If I were to become a real life boxer, I would probably gave up acting because by then, my face will be ruined.

Interviewer: Oh wow, of course...!

HJW: But if I were to do it for my interest, I would do it.  (The  movie became a work of art even when HJW was beaten to the point  where  injury cracked open again during the mist of healing, one  after  another)

The Beautiful Hwang Jin-i:


Host: Not  long  after HJW took off her boxing gloves and call it an end,  she  immediately went on a diet, reducing her muscles, wore  beautiful  traditional Korean dress and have her hair all wrapped up for  her  upcoming drama "Hwang Jin-i." Never have we thought that a girl  once a  tough and brutal character immediately transformed into early  Chosun's  highest rank of female entertainers Hwang Jin-i.

HJW: To  say  which personality I belong to, that I am not sure. Usually, I'm a  very  a casual person, and I don't really like to outstand myself in  front  of others. When I was performing as Hwang Jin-i, I think there are  some  similiarities between the entertainers from the modern era and the  one  from the ancient era. Therefore, there are a lot of areas that are  in  sync with one another. I think I belong more to Ming Lan/Myeong Ran. (I think it's a type of fish called Roe fish? Not sure about this one...)

Host: At  the  same time when she transformed into a graceful and high ranked  female  entertainer, even the shape of her hands and fingers possess that  true  feminine beauty. Transcending between time and space,  HJW's  transformation in a quick pace change of her elements in ancient  dances  got the viewers' eyes in sudden disarray. Not believing what  they are  seeing, the audiences cannot help themselves catching up to  HJW's pace.  And perhaps because of this, the way HJW performed in  "Haeundae" and  "Closer to Heaven" became not shocking nor surprising  anymore. But these  two movies of 2009 gave HJW the happy experiences  she normally wouldn't  have the chance to go through. (By now, no one is ever shocked nor surprised by her sudden transformation)

Haeundae In Korea:


HJW: "Haeundae"  is  Korea's first movie based on natural disasters. Many people  believed  that disasterous movies and movies like "The Matrix  Revolution" are of  the same thing, but there is a certain differences  between them.  "Haeundae" is more of a Korean-styled disasterous movie  with a feeling  of watching it like it's a drama.

(Scenes from the movie "Haeundae")

Host: "Haeundae"  's  HJW portrayed a girl named Yeon Hee that lost her parent at an  early  age, going through hardships while trying to make a living.  While  carrying the Pusan dialect with Yeon Hee, HJW also expereiences  and sees  the daily lifestyle of those neighborhoods. In portraying this  normal  life, she surely shined very brightly.

(Scene showing her hitting an object to her co-worker, and later kept apologizing for doing that - Looks like a GRI to me)

Host: With  new  genre to the movie concept, the movie created a new record.  Filming  locations were very hectic and wild, but the actors/actresses  gave it  their all to perform well. 10 of millions of extras willingly  support  the movie by being in this movie. Thus, "Haeundae" - Korean  version of  "The Matrix Revolution" was born. The movie bought us  shocks, emotional,  smiles and tears, and because of this, HJW is known  to be the only  leading actor with 10 of millions of minor leads behind  her.

Closer to Heaven for Ha Ji Won:


Host: Because  of  Kim Myeong Min's transforming into an ALS (Amyotrophic  Lateral  Sclerosis) patient, he becamse a hot topic discussion among the  fans.  Because of this, and before the movie released in theatres,  nobody was  concerning nor care over HJW.

HJW: I  never  knew there is such a love relationship like this. I teared  whenever I  thought about it, I know how it feels to have this kind of  feeling  within you.

Host: The filming location with nonstop tears, HJW is about to enter a world of a very sad love relationship.

HJW: I feel like I have become more mature. From the movie, I learned a lot and received a lot of things.

Host: She  used  the feeling of "loving someone but letting him go" to act out  her  role. As well, she acted with calmness yet very emotional, and in  return  she received a positive feedback from the public. "Closer to  Heaven"  was chosen as the movie of 2009 that really knock off the  audiences'  emotions and hearts. Breaking the record as the top favorite  love movie  of all time by the people.

Host: After  finished  filming one of her most memorable day, HJW walked onto the red  carpet  with an elegant dress while her fans kept crying for her name. (The way the fan cried HJW's name made other people realized the true popularity of HJW) On that day, she as an actress won her best female actress awards in 2 categories.

She Does Not Have Anti-Fans:


HJW: The  staff  members helped me kept warm by giving me hot water. All of us  ate  bitter together, so I felt like the pain was scattered to  everyone,  everyone has to dive into the water to film. If the movie  filming is a  success, the bitter times we went through can be  forgotten, therefore If  we have to go through anymore bitterness, it  would not matter anymore.  But now, I'm feeling very cold!

Host: HJW  does  not have any anti-fans.Of all 10 millions of people as well as  the  staffing members and reporters on the scene, not one person  mentioned  nor talked about any of HJW's ill side.

Lim Chang Jung: If  you  look at her right now like this, she looks really feminine."Oh so  it  is~", "Really shouldn't be like this~" I really hated that from you. (HJW burst out laughing) She's really not like that! She's always like "Oppa, is this it?!" in a very straightforward and very casual way.

Host: Even  during  the most bitterness of drama/movie filmings, she never loses  her  smiles. She is known for and called upon as a "Bright  atmospheric  initiator." Everyone around her all sees her as the most  friendliest  celebrity you will ever meet.

(Scene of HJW guested in Kang Ho Dong's Golden Fishery and MC Yoo's Family Outing)

Host: Her image on all her guest appearances in variety shows, (Well, only two shows thus far)  HJW  managed and still managed well by maintain her bright side  towards  everyone. In other celebrities' eyes, HJW is full of that  friendliness,  making it so hard for the audiences not to give her a  positive feedback.

Host: There's another reason as to why HJW does not have any anti-fans. The love that HJW received, she knew how to return it back.

HJW: My  fan  cafe has an even better thoughts on this. They think this  charitable  action is not a one time only, but to constantly reflect on ourselves on  what is it that we do this continously. Today, our planned topic  would  be accepting the help of getting a healthy family.

Ending Narration:

Host: HJW,  who  constantly shared things with herself and her fans, the bond and  love  between a HJW and her fans can leave you with a smile like how you  are  with your loved ones. The beautiful actress Ha Ji Won, having  the  world's most beautiful smile. The most gorgeous girl with a  bright  shadow that is Ha Ji Won, 2009 was the year for her. Her  strength, her  dedicated dream towards acting, and her never-tiring  energy, wouldn't  you agree that all of this came from her kindest heart  deep inside? Next  year, her transformation continues to drive forward,  never stopping. (May I add that HJW actually personally come out and hang out with fans every year)


"You  are  not challenging yourself because you want to receive love, you  are  challenging yourself because you want to give everyone's love in  return." ㅡ Ha Ji Won

I have the same view as you. Rather she was  gaining favor or really caring, we probably wouldn't know. But HJW  successfully showcased her image in a good/proper way. She knews what to  do and what not to do.  Choosing in field of entertainment is a very  risky career, unexpected  things will happen. HJW probably knew about  it, and smart enough to counter those situation. That's why we all see  her as an exception in Korean entertainment, very pure and very orderly.  By seeing how lonely she still is, makes you want to hug her and  protect this little kiddo.

It  is her childhood dream, but it is by "chance" that she got into the  entertainment world. The translation I provided above for the video  where the host explained how she spend days and nights taking lessons,  that was probably after when she got accepted into the company, not  before.

I agree with you as well, not only Korean entertainment  industry, but all entertainment industries from around the world doesn't  come clean at all. But let just say that HJW is an exception, and  exceptions are rare in this world. Her company Star M is probably a  decent enough workplace that could nurture such a celebrity like HJW.  How that "chance" met her in the first place when she was 18, I don't  know, because there are a lot of interpretation to it. Maybe it was  coincidence, maybe it was fate for her. But in the end, she got it out  good. Perhaps, she did saved the world in her past life.

I am  trying to understand her more, too. She's truly an exceptional Korean.  To be honest, I have not seen a Korean who view  their life like how HJW  does. I'm not surprised. She really knows the definition of being a  celebrity. Often times, celebrity are looked down upon. Why? Just by  looking at how they act today in society than you will know why they  deserve what they deserved. There are many factors that  can bring up  the status or bring down the status of a celebrity or any other job. If  a  person does it  right, and here we have HJW as an example, than being  a celebrity for her is equivalent to being an engineer for me. It  all  comes down to how you treat and look at yourself as a celebrity and  how you treat and look at others in return. (Very basic outline)  Celebrities do constribute to society, many careers constribute  differently. So people who thought otherwise need to reconsider and  think more deeply.

I will for sure look for more of her in the future.

For those who are interested in the bg music playing during the ending credits, the song is Happy Ending by MIKA. A good song indeed. :)

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Guest Chi Chi

HJW left Beijing to fly back to Korea on 23rd Jan 2011.

A side view of HJW at the show, she looks hot and elegant


This one was probably taken after the Prada show


At the airport


Credit: Pschey @ Baidu

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Guest starcandii

Hello Hello Everyone! (:

Just making a quick stop!

I posted this on the SG thread, but I thought I'd repost it here because it's HJW related! <3

This is a pretty old BTS picture of our HJW from wellmadestar's me2day, but I really like the description for it! <3


Text: 2 Dec 2010 : Day when Ra Im filmed her car stunt scene. After rolling down the car, Jiwon-nim* immediately checks out her mirror. “You look pretty even if you don’t look at the mirror,” the cameraman said, with which she replied,

“I’m not looking to see if I’m pretty. I’m checking my facial and eye expressions to see if I’m portraying the feel of a stuntman convincingly for the viewers. ^^”

That moment, the cameraman felt quite embarrassed.  (9.50 am)

© wellmadestar's me2day & translation of text from oyatamin (:

Awww HJW <333 How could you NOT love her? (:

And thanks everyone for the lovely pictures of HJW! HJW looks GORGEOUS at the Prada Fashion Show!

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Guest bashful

So.... is this kind of clothing her favourite? :) She has worn the same style for yearss~~...

*quoted image*

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*quoted image*

*quoted image*

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*quoted image*

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*quoted image*

*quoted image*

*quoted image*

credit: Ha Ji Won Baidu

thank you for the pic.....yea her style has always been similar over the year. You could see she's a very ordinary woman even though she is a celebrity.

Aziraphale thank you for the pics.......I like her in short hair too it makes her look very sexy,sweet,cute,and refreshing. Long hair is good too but it makes her look more mature and beautiful......I'm glad she cut it, this is a different look for her and plus she look great in action movies and leather when she has this hair cut. Extra sexy :wub: :wub:


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on baidu, I read some fan accounts from HJW's fans who went to the airport to see her off. They said that she was basically holding a small fan-sign event there because she gave out autographs for everyone who wanted one. They said she's so down-to-earth,friendly,and polite..she even spoke a little to fans (using a mix of Korean and English) and she thanked them in Chinese!

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Guest lovehbhjw

Awww......HJW is just so lovely, irresistable and super sweet and COOL!!!   If there is no special love in her life now....hopefully she feels loved by her fans when she reads the messages on internet every day while doing her foot bath in her study.... :w00t::D :D :D

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Guest jklee13

Hi All!

Once again, I'm a Korean fan of Secret Garden and I'm here to let you know about Secret Garden's DVD pre-order.

We are still in the process of finalizing the content of DVD, including the matter of 'Director's cut' DVD.

The DVD will have all episodes, and have additional content such as behind the scenes, NG cuts, commentary and interview from actors, director and writer and more.

If the DVD ends up becoming 'Director's cut', it will also have re-edited episodes. Regardless, the DVD will have all contents mentioned above.

To get more information or pre-order the DVD, please visit http://secretdvd.wordpress.com


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i'm a fan! i'm a fan! just finished watching golden fishery and Ha ji Won is so funny. She really seems like a simple person, kind hearted and down to earth. I re-watched Daddy Long Legs last night and it brought me to tears again. Her acting is superb.

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Guest niknokdagu425

thanks for the info and pics.i really love hajiwon, i wish she and jo insung will have a team up again. ilove secret garden but i will always be a fan of hajiwon and jo ing sung tandem.

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HJW left Beijing to fly back to Korea on 23rd Jan 2011.

A side view of HJW at the show, she looks hot and elegant

*quoted image*

This one was probably taken after the Prada show

*quoted image*

At the airport

*quoted image**quoted image**quoted image**quoted image**quoted image**quoted image*

Credit: Pschey @ Baidu

I always love her airport pics. she's so down to earth, she always smiles and doesnt hide from the press/photographers, unlike others celebrities.

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Another one I've taken from Secret Garden thread...

Long Post Incoming!

하지원 "키스 못해요" 망언★ 합류

Ha Ji Won: I don't know how to kiss.

(인터뷰①) "라임으로 현빈아닌 김주원 진짜 좋아했다"

(Interview 1) "As Gil Ra Im, I really like the man Kim Ju Won, not Hyun Bin."


"도대체 하지원씨는 못하는 게 뭐에요?"

SBS 주말드라마 '시크릿가든'에서 주인공 길라임 역을 맡아 멜로면 멜로, 액션이면 액션, 모든 것을 해낸 배우 하지원에게 물었다. 그 질문에 하지원은 '길라임처럼' 깔깔깔 웃는다. 그리고서는 전혀 엉뚱한 대답을 한다.

"키스를 못한다고 하던데요."

지난 16일 방송된 '시크릿가든' 마지막 회에서 주연배우 현빈과의 길고 잦은 리얼 키스신은 방송통신심의위원회(이하 방송심의위)로부터 경고까지 받았는데, 이게 웬 말?

그런데 하지원은 "팬들이 저한테 키스를 못한다고 하더라고요. 사실 전 제가 잘 하는 줄 알았거든요"라며 또 한 번 까르륵 웃는다.

"그래서 다시 봤어요. 열심히 했다고 생각했는데, 그렇게 보일 수도 있겠다는 생각이 들더라고요. 다음부터는 키스신도 잘 해야겠다고 생각했죠."

수긍할 수 없다며, 너무너무 실감나는 키스신이었다고 말하자 현빈과의 리얼한 키스신이 나올 수밖에 없었던 배경을 들려줬다.

In  SBS weekend drama "Secret Garden," we interviewed Ha Ji Won (act as Gil  Ra Im), an exceptional performer no matter the genres, ranging from  emotional to intense action, nothing beats the "National Actress." When  we asked her questions, HJW certainly a 100% comparison to "Gil Ra Im"  when she laughs, showing that "cute" and "cool" expression.

"People said I can't kiss properly."

In  the last episode of Secret Garden, she and Hyun Bin was starred in a  couple kiss scene that even TV broadcast station has giving out warnings  to the audiences with a rated 18+. How can HJW said she cannot kiss  well? It does not make sense, right?

Ha Ji Won replied, "My fans  kept telling me that my kissing skills were poor. I thought I did  alright even in the past..." (HJW then laughed once again)

"I  rewatched that scene that I thought I was really serious in filming  that. But after I thought to myself, perhaps to the eyes of the viewers  that I could be lacking some area in there. So therefore, I think next  time I will have to improve it better."

The reporters seemed to  like the kiss scene, it was filmed with such passion. But HJW instead  told them the real story behind this passionate kiss scene.


"마지막 20부에서 윗몸일으키기하고 눈밭에서 키스하고, 이런 것들을 두 사람이 정말 연애하는 커플이 돼서 하는 키스잖아요. 그 이전에 거품키스나 파티장  에 서 하는 키스랑은 또 되게 달랐어요. 그때는 뭔가 더 따뜻하고 편안하고 재미있고 그랬던 것 같아요. 그 이전 키스신은,  아무래도  조금 더 힘들기도 하고 어렵고 긴장도 많이 됐지만. 후반에는 (현빈과도) 많이 친해지고 그러다 보니.(웃음) 특히 눈밭 신은 몽타주 신이라 카메라 앞에서 알아서 뛰어놀며 즐겁게 진행했어요."

그렇게 연애하는 커플의 가장 이상적인 순간이 포착됐다. '시가' 폐인들은 그래서 "나도 김주원과 길라임처럼, 이제는 연애 '좀' 하고 싶다"고 말한다. 16일 마지막 방송 당일에야 촬영이 끝나고 그 뒤로도 인터뷰 등 스케줄이 있었던 탓에 하지원은 시청자들의 반응을 이제야 조금씩 알게 된다고 말했다. "하하, 주변에서 남자에 관심도 없던 어린 딸이 이제 남자친구 사귀고 싶다고 말해서 놀란다고 하시더라고요. 모든 것이 주원과 라임 때문이라고."

그만큼 '시가' 속 주원과 라임은 시청자들의 마음을 들었다 놓았다 한참을 간질였었다. 그래서인지 시청자들 사이 공식 연인이 있는 현빈 임에도 불구하고 "두 사람이 정말로 사귀었으면 좋겠다!"라는 말도 터져 나왔다.

하 지원은 "어? 그런 말은 처음 들어봤어요"라면서도 "네. 작품 하는 동안에는 현빈씨가 제게 김주원이었잖아요. 김주원을  라임인  저는 진짜 많이 좋아하고 설레고 사랑했어요. 또 제가 상대배우들과 잘 지내요. 끝나고도 그렇고요"라고 답했다.

"혹시 현빈씨 와도 아직 연락하세요?"라는 질문에는 "네. 딱 한 번"이라며 "이제 해병대 가시잖아요. 잘할 것 같아요. 남자답고 운동을 되게 좋아한다고 하더라고요. 되게 잘할 것 같아요"라고 그를 응원했다.                     

"In  the finale of "Secret Garden," there was a scene when me and Hyun Bin  was kissing on the snowfield. This kind of kiss required two person true  passionate feeling towards each other like we are a true lover. The  feeling in this kiss scene compare to the party kiss and the cappuccino kiss are completely different. A feeling that is more of a warmth, comfortable, and a fun one. I felt like the kiss I did with Hyun Bin  from before was kind of tiring, difficult, and nervewrecking. But after we got closed and through many practices (laughed) especially the one on  the snowfield was a panoramic one. Me and Hyun Bin became so close that  we enetertain each other and had fun with each other in front of the  camera shooting, and gradually, both of us soon captured that beautiful  picture of that "ideal lovers” for the viewers to see."

That is  why many "Se-Ga fan-nerds" praised them saying 'I wish I can be in that  kind of love like Kim Ju Won and Gil Ra Im.' The filming for the finale  finished right on that final day of the 16th. As soon as the filming  ends, it was not over yet. There came after many interviews and talks, and at that moment did HJW really felt the audiences' positive feedback and support. "Haha, people all around have been complaining towards girls who doesn't have any care to the guys suddenly changed and whine about  wanting to have a boyfriend. They all blamed Ju Won and Ra Im for their  sudden change of mind."

In fact, the love of Ju Won and Ra Im in  "Secret Garden" was so engaging that it made the viewers' hearts filled  with butterflies. And perhaps because of this, even though Hyun Bin is dating someone else, people still say such things like "I hope both of them date each other for real."

"Oh? This is my first time  hearing such a thing," Ha Ji Won replied, "When I film with Hyun Bin, I  see him as Kim Ju Won. As Gil Ra Im, I really like to be in love with  Kim Ju Won. And even with other male leads I worked with in the past, we  are really suitable for each other, but we still manage to maintain our  friendship even when the filming ends."

"Well, have you contact with Hyun Bin yet?"

"Yes,  only once." Ha Ji Won answered, "Isn't he joining the army soon? I  think he will do his best there, he's a very masculine person that loves  to excercise. I think he will do his best while in the army."

Credit: [http://star.mt.co.kr...012109460729869]

I can never except that a  celebrity can be THIS considerate. She is so damn proper, lots to learn from her. I don't know what to say, I just don't know what else to  say...

She  sure knows how to redefine "professionism" I don't see any hollywood  celebrities that are as honest and down to earth as her. She does this  practically 24/7. You know what? HJW's airport fashion is one of the  trending topic today on nate. :)

I seriously died after reading that... her mindset is so morally defined.  Very considerate and dedicated just like an artist painting a picture.  Sorry, I died again...

I  heard that from my friend too. She told me every cafe was playing "Here I Am" and "That Woman" and it really bought up the sales. Everywhere  down the block, you can see people walking with couple tracksuit that make your eyes go blind. I am not surprised that cappuccino kiss are starting to get annoying for some people there...

I  can't believe a woman at age 33 can still be teen-ish while being  mature, is it possible? If I'm her kids, I would have such a cool mom  like her. But no, I want to be her... :vicx:

Some pics of HJW I like to share...





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Guest 4everlove

I seriously want to meet this woman! Sadly, I live in the States so the chances are slim. Sigh, wonder if she will ever come to the states for work. I would fly to any states that she will be at. haha if anyone know her next schedule post it up so we can all know. :)

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Guest faith65


thank you again for posting the article about HJW... really like her and no wonder why i'm a big fan of her since 100 Days with Mr Arrogant... now that kim jae won finished his military duties, i'm hoping they will do a movie or a drama. :)

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Guest laplaya204

I fell in a deep love with HJW though I'm a female. She's very cute. She not only has a beautiful look but also a beautiful soul. I like her acting and her personality very much. As now, HB confirming that he is dating now, ends my dream. Hope that she will meet a good person like HB. I'm at ease now coz as a fan I don't want to put my idol under pressure. (Though I'm really upset. I'm crying in vain wishing that they had filmed any dramas (or SG) as a couple with each other before HB met SHK. If that had happened, everything might have changed now.) . And anyone noticed that Lee Philip had expressed that he felt jealous when HJW and HB kissed. Lee Philip may also be a good candidate, right? (He is quite good looking. And one more plus of him is that he's a son of a chaebol in reality:lol:). If he's good to HJW, I think they can also be a good couple. In most dramas of HJW I know I see that she is always had chemistry with male leads but they are just dramas and nothing more arises. What if HJW and Lee Phillip together?

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Guest shera_xxx

하지원은 언제부터 그렇게 연기를 잘 했을까(인터뷰②)














Hyeon Bin bed scene with Ha Ji-won... turns out...


Hyeon Bin during the bed scene, turns out...

Ha Ji-won spilled the beans in the behind story episodes of "Secret Garden" on the 22nd. "Everyone lacked sleep in the serious shooting". However Ha Ji-won revealed the scene where Hyeon Bin fell asleep during the shoot. This scene was the one where the two main characters play around on the bed and hold each other close. Ha Ji-won was really acting but Hyeon Bin actually fell asleep.

"This is the scene where my heart flutters. Hyeon Bin slept while I was acting". She said.

Meanwhile the special episode of "Secret Garden" recorded 17.9% this day and ranked first.


Han Cinema


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thanks for always sharing wonderful articles about HJW. You're such an angel to all of us who are craving for more HJW goodies.

Also the documentary, how can i dl it? the one from youku.


She's so cool in those pictures. It would be fun to hang out with her.


love the pix, specially the ones taken from joynews.

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