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hisgilly said: Just before an episode and the thread is so quiet. There used to be so much fun in here. I still can't help smiling at the word dumplings: And swordplay.
HotChoi carries it supposedly everywhere now.

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it's awesome ..
i just look at k-dramas & movies thread on soompi
and guess what.. it's almost 15,8 K reply only in Faith and it almost 800 pages long
i'm sure we're gonna past those 800 pages tonight when Faith air
and reach 1000 pages at the end of Faith ..
guess there's a lot thing to talk and imagine in this thread.. great job everyone
\m/ :-bd

too bad i can't join all of you tonight and tomorrow night on live streaming
got work to do. but i'll keep an eye for all the recap tonight & tomorrow night

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Guest Tinkiebell

hisgilly said: @jerboa83 I teach archery:) What do you practice with-any particular custom weapon or a good standard model./ :D What type of shaft do you like to use? =)) Not sure about archery but anything long and straight would do =)) 

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Guest wisteria7

sia3 said: @awesomeduck
Errrr....I much prefer writer Song lurks in here rather than LMH. I'm too embarrassed to let him know about all the heavens we have visited because of him *blush*

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hisgilly said:

@kappy-What's this Positive Thinking Brigade? Sounds like something my grade school teacher would made us do. =)) BTW, I changed my id from @wisteria7.

Hey! Welcome back.  Yeah, the PTB was formed several hundred pages ago (talk about time travel, we can reckon time according to the number of pages in this forum) by I-forget-who (sorry! myphim? tinkiebell? anomalous?) to dispel negative thoughts of sad endings and other stuff that can bring us down and to propel forward positive thoughts of what might happen in our various ideal situations for our beloved Faith.  You know... If we build it, they will come!  You're right...it does sound like something in grade school.  Seems like we should have a march associated with it, or something. Ha!And since the inception of this brigade, the Ajumma Brigade has been added, of which I proudly join (since I have all the symptoms, rather glaringly, I might add).There seems to be a Gutter Brigade also, though not officially mentioned.  To join this, you simply need to be a part of this forum, it seems.All brigades are alive and well.


Welcome back @hisgilly ! It's good to see you again :)

I think it was @icesiren who created the PTB. There's also the chicken and panda dances, not used so often but sometimes it helps to bring us some good scenes.

And a lot of heavens was made : kiss heaven, swooning heaven, hug heaven, and more... You have a lot of choices and it's free !! :D

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Guest Tinkiebell

hisgilly said: awesomeduck said: @hisgilly - I'm hoping for that! remember PTB - if we think positive it will happen! they may give us everything mentioned in the thread in tonight's episode hehehe who knows right? As someone mentioned before LMH may be lurking on this thread using his Ipad :) he seems excited to give us a good show  Min would be lurking ? Then he could show us the different shafts and their lengths used in Goryeo.After all,he is a General
B-) Pray tell, did he make sure to inspect them all himself? =))

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hisgilly said:

@jerboa83 I teach archery:) What do you practice with-any particular custom weapon or a good standard model./ :D What type of shaft do you like to use? =))

I can use both the classic, wooden long bow and the compound bow... My father taught me the basics and how to use the former, while my bodyguards in Iraq used to practice with me with the latter i(there was I bow range within the air base perimeter).

You people, never stop to amaze me ^:)^

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Guest wisteria7

xopo17 said: hisgilly said: Just before an episode and the thread is so quiet. There used to be so much fun in here. I still can't help smiling at the word dumplings: And swordplay.
HotChoi carries it supposedly everywhere now.

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Guest јагодафилмоловац

I read about your thinking that "Faith" pros and cons of a happy ending. All of us want a happy ending, but we expect a sad ending. I wanted to share my thoughts with you all, but do not throw stones at me  :\"> First, if this series belongs to the genre of fantasy/historical, does not have to  blindly follow the history. Allowed is a loose interpretation of the script writer.Secondly, the plot is related over several time travel Eun Soo. She endlessly trying to protect and realize her love, whether it works consciously or unconsciously.If the series had to be a sad ending, then all her time travel and all her attempts to correct, in vain?No matter how many victims to submit it, it can not change? Partial success is not a success, and her journey through time have become meaningless.Each series has some message to viewers. In this case,  which would be a message for us?"Do not make an effort because the effort was in vain" ?"Do not to correct mistakes because you will not succeed" ?After a such reasoning, I feel bad. :-&In a series of RP, Prince is back in his time, was unable to save his love, was left alone and sad, trapped in his own time. His later reincarnation does not diminish his unhappiness.In a series Dr.Jin, the girl was left alone in her time, also sad and unfortunate.Do I want to watch again?  Not at all ! Why ??? Because I would not be able to watch again in the same way. Poignant and beautiful scenes between the main characters become a tragic and bitter...Do I want to watch again QIHM? YES !!! Why ??? Because every time I find out something nice that I had not seen before. I'm just one viewer who wants to watch something that a lot of fun. The sad thing not provide satisfaction.So far I've enjoyed watching "Faith". I'd like to have a happy ending so that I could watch it again.  If at the end of Choi Yang and Eun Soo are in any way separate, then it kills all my pleasure.  I was feeling empty and sad. I do not want sadness for my favorite characters.Please script writer, if you're reading this, please, allow us to again wish to watch "Faith".Please do not destroy our pleasure in the remaining 4 episodes !!!

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Guest wisteria7

Ayu-kun said:




hisgilly said:


I teach archery:) What do you practice with-any particular custom weapon or a good standard model./


What type of shaft do you like to use?


I can use both the classic, wooden long bow and the compound bow... My father taught me the basics and how to use the former, while my bodyguards in Iraq used to practice with me with the latter i(there was I bow range within the air base perimeter).

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My 3 of my most beloved characters in Faith.. sorry Fire woman, U R not included., Maybe next time. u'r body temperature is so hot for me to take a picture, hehehe :))

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