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Guest xopo17

its been a great night seeing ES healthy get recover and she realizes her feeling toward CY, i think thats good and more important thing that one bad guy is already finish (JIS whom i mean), so its left with DH and GC,

and please to pd-nim if you read soompi : do not and don't you dare to apply dr jin plot into faith drama. i am already trauma and feel angry with ending of dr jin and dr jin episode 10 to final episode. and hell no ! let faith be the faith, not same like dr jin :)

loves today episode , off to bed


i'll see you ES and CS on next monday, this episode made me smile on my sleep, :D i have faith in this drama :x

credit picture: dc daum

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Guest farstrep

@wisteria7: That sounds so cruel. Cut Deok Heung some slack; after all, he did bring our OTP closer together.

I was actually quite disappointed at Jo II Shin's death. I don't know what exactly I was expecting but it certainly ain't the one presented in the episode.

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i had to translate this part from the script because i found it so poignant: (the setup, so ES ends up back with JB in the palace --> she tells CY she is going to act the part of MataHari and get info for him; ES reads the letter to herself and has no idea who "that person" that the letter is talking about. frustrated, she has a drink with JB). 

ES: This sort of talk is supposed to happen before you get drunk, (she is already slightly drunk), but I don't have a "that person". (그 사람). Really. JB: Drink slowly. ES: Meeting men. Trying to like them. But always, my heart never opened to them. 
[CY is at the front door to the pharmacy and can hear something from within]  
ES: My heart goes closer, then stops. and stops again. And then grows cold. Its so annoying. Then I close the door, and hide once more. 
[CY walks closer and sees ES talking] 
ES: That feeling has always been first. This person isn't it. This isn't it. Even after meeting CY, it was like that. 
[CY startles when he hears his name, thinks to leave, but stays to listen].
ES: Always establishing boundaries. Don't come in. Don't come in. 
[CY can't help but feel hurt] 
ES: It wasn't because I knew I was going to leave someday. Jang Sung seng. JB: Yes. 
[CY turns to look at her]
ES: It was just that my heart wouldn't be like that [like how it used to be]. When we were together, at times it was so familiar. I yearned so much it was hard to bear. I felt those feelings, but that person- it just couldn't be this person (CY). 
[CY quietly leaves without a word. ES keeps talking] 
ES: But whenever I turned around, he was there. Looking at me. Even when I couldn't see him, if I asked if he was there, he always replied "i'm here". (ES wipes her tears).  I must be drunk. I better go to sleep. (She looks at the diary pages next to her). I don't know who you [the person who wrote them] are, why you wrote this letter to me, and i really don't know who "that person" is, you write of. 
I just wanna be like: yes, you do, you stupid girl! (which she figures out when she dreams her drunken sleep.). She puts all the clues in the letter together and figures it all out... FINALLY. 
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Guest wisteria7

@farstrep: Ahhh,but he put them through such hell first,caused so many innocent people to die and caused the King and Queen to flee from the Palace.
Just scraping the smile off his face might be sufficient,tho,to some.  :D

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icesiren said: its so odd. i don't know why they cut this out, or if they are planning to put this into the episode next week as a flashback, but according to the script, when ES is talking to JB about her heart, CY is actually standing outside, listening. Unfortunately he leaves before she talks and cries about her feelings for him - he only hears that she tried to push him out of her heart. 
which is why he says,  as he walks in the night with DaeMan, "she has no thoughts... that person has no heart [for me]". 
so sad. so so sad. 

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@Adnana: actually, that scene with CY and DM was in the correct order as its listed in the script. It is weird though. Sigh. 
I do give props to Writer Song for making things so interesting and convoluted. I can't wait till next week. or at least until the previews/spoilers for next week. 
on a lighter note: i love that ES tells CY he can't help but be a macho man after he puts his arm around her when she says its cold. hahaha. viewimage.php?id=greatdoctor&no=29bcc427

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said: @Adnana: actually, that scene with CY and DM was in the correct order as its listed in the script. It is weird though. Sigh. 

I do give props to Writer Song for making things so interesting and convoluted. I can't wait till next week. or at least until the previews/spoilers for next week. 

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bim2 said:
flo_oni said: I think "on that day" is about 
CY going out to meet with the teachers after he promised them that he'll protect them as they plan to make a new seal for the king, sadly though, at the same time, things that ES wrote to herself, the vase breaking, the flowers, etc, were happening. And according to the diary, this means "THE DAY" when she has to stop him because whatever it is "he" is doing, is a trap.

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Guest myphim

icesiren said: i had to translate this part from the script because i found it so poignant: (the setup, so ES ends up back with JB in the palace --> she tells CY she is going to act the part of MataHari and get info for him; ES reads the letter to herself and has no idea who "that person" that the letter is talking about. frustrated, she has a drink with JB). 

I just wanna be like: yes, you do, you stupid girl! (which she figures out when she dreams her drunken sleep.). She puts all the clues in the letter together and figures it all out... FINALLY. 

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Adnana said:


said: @Adnana: actually, that scene with CY and DM was in the correct order as its listed in the script. It is weird though. Sigh. 

I do give props to Writer Song for making things so interesting and convoluted. I can't wait till next week. or at least until the previews/spoilers for next week. 

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Guest myphim

icesiren said: Adnana said: @icesirenI'm really confused.I checked again the raw video for the episode, and the order of events goes like this:-CY and Dae-man walking through the night; DM asks about ES, CY has a flashback to his conversation with ES, when she decided to stay in the palace; CY says that 'ES has no heart'-CY is with the scholars-ES is in the medical ward with JB and she reveals her feelings
So if this succession of events in the aired episode is the same as in the script, CY's words "ES has no heart" make no sense, since they're before ES's discussion with JB. 
Or am I misunderstanding? :-/

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Well. I am disappointed + unsatisfied on how JIS died. This is a very bad writing. And this is the second time I am so disappointed for how an extended cast died in a drama. First was Iris. Kill off TOP so easily by beaten up a bit. Now JIS. Just so too easy for how JIS died. I can see the writer lost the idea to kill off JIS. She can't find better way to kill him from Faith. I don't mind JIS didn't died on CY's hand as it supposed to be. 
I should said this too - serve you right JIS. You choose the wrong side. You die. I will surely miss your nosy voice. I hope I can see you in Nice Guy again :))
The moment I saw how JIS died, I feel to do this but then I remember my laptop is a gift from someone I love.
Enough of rant. I am going to be happy with Gongmin's smile and Gongmin endless falling in love with Noguk :x

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Notice SBS recap previous episode so we'll probably get that scene in next week's episode.

this plot set up just screams for some sort of REAL declaration from each party in episode 17/18; I'm thinking an obligated kiss in SBS drama is on its way!

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anne said: Notice SBS recap previous episode so we'll probably get that scene in next week's episode.

this plot set up just screams for some sort of REAL declaration from each party in episode 17/18; I'm thinking an obligated kiss in SBS drama is on its way!

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What if it is default that ES is going to travel to Goryeo, no matter of what might happen. And this default ES is the 'master' ES (the creator of the diary). 2012 is the default time or time 0. 

The master ES traveled back time and of course, got to meet and fell in love with CY, however, CY would be murdered by whoever bastards (that could be revealed in E17).  So the master ES was determined to change this by going back to time 0 so that when she 'must' travel back to Goryeo (by default) she would be able to save CY. Now, all the correlations master ES jotted down were trials-and-errors so that she could go back to time 0, with the highlighted ones being correct.  Worst scenario, if she couldn't go back to time 0 from Goryeo, she could just live and die in the past (the pre time 0) and wait for another ES in 2012 to go back by default. 

Because there are so many correlations/trials-and-errors written down, we can assume that the master ES have failed many times (equal to CY was died many times :((). The more she failed, the more determined she was to change CY's fate (the painful image/memory of CY died on her arms :((). Thus the more travelling back to time 0 she did. After committed to too many time loops, she started to lose her own memories and forgot the real purpose of she-being-in-Goryeo. 

So if.. my theory were to be correct, then it could explain the narration of the drama being about a love that transcends space and times because our 'master' ES would have to sacrifice many of her lives to keep on time travelling to be able to save CY. And that would bring ES back to be the core of the whole series. 

THAT means for E17, ES must stop CY from stepping into the trap so that she could finally fulfill her purpose of life. 

Or that is what I hope :D

PS: apologize for any grammatical mistakes gals!

Wow you totally wrote out what I was thinking!

That aside, I'm also thinking that there are still 8 episodes left, which is a lot of time left for a drama. For sure the scriptwriter is not going to give them a happy ending so easily.

I suspect ES will go back to modern times, but will miss CY so much that she keeps trying to go back into history to change it, but like you speculated, I also think she failed many times. Sad... :(

So far I still cant think of how she can save CY in a way that would fit historical facts. But at least I think the relationship between CY and ES has more room to be a happy ending compared to GM and NK. Simply because GM and NK in history... Well you know what happened. As much as I love this couple, in history NK did die in childbirth. Plus, the GM and NK couple did get together earlier than CY and ES... From the perspective of a scriptwriter, I dont think GM and NK can continue to have a happy ending (just because we need some plot twist).

So I don't mind if CY and ES continue to be angsty - because that only means the ending will be happy. Plus with GM and NK having a tragic ending, there should be another couple that has a happy ending to balance it out!

But still really sad for GM and NK though. I really love them, but everytime I watch them I keep thinking abt the historical facts... Sigh

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