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Thank you @hayuinblue @LuvMinHo !! =D

@icesiren : Thank you SO much for the translation!

Can't beleive Daejang was this mesmerised and attracted to ES already. I'm going to read those excerpts again and again 8->

There's so much to say, but... I think I'm swooning right now!

Btw, vol 1 only covers ep 1 to 3 ? I thought it would cover till ep 6 at least.

@mattie2012 : Thanks to you too. When I saw you were going to translate them, I was releived lol. Hope yotu didn't "scratch your head" too much though.

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Yuuni said: Thank you @hayuinblue @LuvMinHo !! =D

@icesiren : Thank you SO much for the translation!
Can't beleive Daejang was this mesmerised and attracted to ES already. I'm going to read those excerpts again and again 8->
There's so much to say, but... I think I'm swooning right now!
Btw, vol 1 only covers ep 1 to 3 ? I thought it would cover till ep 6 at least.

@mattie2012 : Thanks to you too. When I saw you were going to translate them, I was releived lol. Hope yotu didn't "scratch your head" too much though.

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@icesiren.... thank you thank you thank you.... Wow, the effect that ES had on Daejang. I loved the part about how going through the portal was filled with memories of her. Heck.. I love it all. Thank you again!
And @mattie2012, a BIG >:DThank you for attempting, where we all surrendered from the beginning. LOL

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Guest _Misty_

Wow, vol.1 just covers ep.1-3? I wonder how she will split the other volumes then.From what I read our dear Daejang was already smitten by ES from the very start... I wonder if the author is going to give us ES point of view as well. In that case I think I must refrain reading the books until I'm done writing what I'm writing, or I'll just end up copying her... lol, but I want to read! I so need to hurry up with my lazy writing grrrrrr.Misty wants the book badly.... [-O<

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@icesiren translated:
When (he) passed through heaven's gate, it was the same. Contrary to his worries that CY would lose the woman because of her struggling, in fact she burrowed into his chest. His left arm remembers that feeling. Upon tipping (his) head down, the woman's soft hair brushed (his) lips, and her scent surrounded them more strongly. The return through heaven's gate was filled solely with memories of her. 

Looks like CY was already getting attracted to our Heavenly Doctor as he was carrying her through the portal.  I am really going to love this book:x

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@icesiren thank you so much for the translation.

Did that mean his hair fetish start so early? ES was not struggling when they entered the portal  and even glued herself to him? ;))
I can't help myself from swooning 8->
thank you so much @icesiren,

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Wouah ! I still can't believe it. I'm trying hard not to giggle.

The book brings so much more insights to the drama, than I expected. 

The misgivings that (CY) had about the Great Doctor being a woman disappeared in an instant. The man is weeping in fear while the woman clearly knows what she has to do and administering treatment while issuing orders. Taking a peek at the wound, the woman is sewing up a thin vein. If JangBin had seen this, he would've been captivated.

Remember when we were impressed that CY didn't have any doubts in ES' skills despite being a woman. We were wrong. He did! And thats why he was even more 'captivated'. But he didn't show it all at, since she was supposed to be the best doctor per Heaven's words. And as a earthling, he was ignorant and couldn't deny the Heaven for something he didn't know about. But still I wonder, if the Heaven Doctor wasn't a woman but a man, would CY have checked her skills (cutting the guard's throat and forcing her to practice surgery) before going back to Goryeo with her?

When (he) passed through heaven's gate, it was the same. Contrary to his worries that CY would lose the woman because of her struggling, in fact she burrowed into his chest. His left arm remembers that feeling. Upon tipping (his) head down, the woman's soft hair brushed (his) lips, and her scent surrounded them more strongly. The return through heaven's gate was filled solely with memories of her.

'filled with memories of her' ? After meeting her just a few hours ago ? Daejang.. Can you fall deeper ? :)) I wonder why did she have such an effect on him already. Was it because he was not used to women's presence or because even if he fulfilled his mission on taking the heaven doctor with him without blinking an eye, his short trip to heaven didn't left him indifferent. As much as the trauma ES lived, it must have been quite an experience for CY too.

Crouching down, (he) rubbed the end of what was on the floor with his fingertips. Its blood. The woman spilled blood. Even when surrounded by more than 10 times the enemy, even when a cold sword is head at his throat, CY was able to regain his composure. But that heart is now trembling. 

CY brandishes his sword. Startled, the man digs the dagger more deeply into heaven's woman's throat. A line of blood drips down that white and thin throat. CY's consciousness settles coldly. That bastard is dead.

It proves that CY wasn't filled with anger because of his promise to protect her, duty or honor, but because he couldn't bear the thought of ES being in danger and hurt.

After the dagger works at her waist, it releases the gag that was tied behind ES's head. It must've been tightly bond because it takes some time. ES takes a breath and feels his breathing beside her face. Somehow, she narrowly manages to swallow down her tears.

All the excerpts are from CY's point of view, but here we have a quick view on ES's mind. It's like CY's presence and closeness comforted her and helped on collecting herself.

Ever since he carried that woman from heaven over his shoulder, his feelings were all over the place. If I send her back, they will return to normal. Once the woman goes through heaven's gate, she will forget all the hardship she experienced here. Since she is an energetic woman. So.. she should be able to forget?

Hehehe.. Even CY himself noticed his feelings and thoughts weren't the same as usual. He was so affected by ES. He must have been confronted to thoughts and reactions which never came to his mind since his fiancee's death.

The heart that had smashed to pieces upon hearing the royal decree, grabbed hold of the woman. As if grabbing hold of a lifeline. I've done wrong. I've done something very wrong. I upheld the royal decree but did not keep my promise with heaven's woman. To be honest, it wasn't to uphold the royal decree. When my heart began to falter and slip, without my knowledge, it grabbed hold of the woman next to me. So that my heart would not fall, without my knowledge, it did that, reflexively. In that moment, heaven's lady was left on this earth because of my blind actions.

That.. That's a HUGE news !!!

So.. More than to obey the royal decree, CY prevented ES to go through the portal because he didn't want her to go back ?! 

So maybe I didn't understand this passage very well, but what I understand is that CY was a bit affected that ES was leaving. Then the royal decree came, and it hurt his heart. And in order to feel better he grabbed her. Like she was his piece of solace?

Am I imaginating too much ?

The woman stares at CY as if stunned, her mouth wide open. When he saw her open mouth, CY gave up. I can't do anymore. This closely, within range of the woman's scent, I can't continue to show my anger. CY stands up and turns away. He walks a few steps to create a distance in which he can breathe.

Haha.. He can't even stay angry with her because she's too close. I thought he turned away because the intense discussion was ended. She had so much effects on him already!

One thing we know for sure now, Daejang isn't innocent at all. He's a real man ;))

Oh no.. I have to cook dinner. But how can I focus now ?! >w<

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Guest WutHmone

@icesiren : Thanks a million for the translation. ^:)^
I was afraid you won't visit this thread too often.Thank you! You never leave us.

@mattie2012 : Thank you so much for your attempt.Really appreciate it. :x
I know this translating thing could fry your brain cells.

So,  Young's heart has been fluttering over ES since the beginning!!! *squeal ;))

Wohoo!! I'm doing the Happy Dance in my mind! :bz \:D/

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@myphim : Yep, the site who sells the book put some short excerpts on the description, you know, to make the reader want more and buy the book. And you know what, their trick totally worked on me! Because I want to read this book so badly now! \m/

Oh and the translation is on page 1580.

Thanks again @icesiren! I would like to know your thoughts about it :) You always translate generously for us but we don't read you often though..

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mappyminho said:

Puppy - Deajang ..even i also want to have a girl in my life like High Doctor :D:)

Deajang - Not you too...!!


Question for faithlings..50 marks :P

When was this ? Y is deajang upset? Will he get kissed by ES? Will Deajang parade Naked?

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mappyminho said:

Puppy - Deajang ..even i also want to have a girl in my life like High Doctor :D:) Deajang - Not you too...!!  Question for faithlings..50 marks :P When was this ? Y is deajang upset? Will he get kissed by ES? Will Deajang parade Naked?  

@mappyminho   Are you giving us a guessing game too?

My answer:

When was this?

Episode 4

Why is Daejang upset?

He was feeling feverish and couldn't allow himself to collapse because he was afraid KC would attack GM.

Will he get kiss by ES?

Not yet! Only when he's near death.

Will Daejang parade around naked?

Nope! Blame PD for being stingy with us. :P

Oh.. It was a guessing game.

I thought you were joking :))

Sorry, post another one @mappyminho, I'll answer it next time :-bd

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_Misty_ said:

buuuhuuuu, so many guessing games when I was asleep... I'm so sad  :((

@_Misty_  Sorry you miss out on yesterday's guessing games. Once I finish backtracking through the thread and reading the book excerpts, I'll put up more games for you.

@Yuuni   Are you still online? Maybe you can post a line for Misty to guess. :D  Your lines tend to be hard to guess.

@sia3  You are probably cuddling with Daejang by now, but thank you for all those fan arts last night. I am falling in love with those vampire fan arts. I love Imja's vampire. Noguk also looks mighty dangerous as a vamp. :))

I was going to post a line earlier, but my connection lagged so much I couldn't talk freely. And in the mean time, I forgot what I wanted to say :)) Okay, so I'm gonna search for a new line. A hard one you ask ? Yep, it's true that Misty is too good at this game, I need to make it more difficult then :P

And yep! NG is scary in this fanart LOL

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sia3 said: Hello Faithlings,

As you all have read in several 10-20 pages ago that FilChiNy @filchiny left Joonni a message regarding Faith Novel...

She, through @azzurri has contacted me too; regarding starting up a petition to request the novel to be translated to English.
She loved the idea of the online petition and she will take on the role of creating this petition in the next few days.
She is a fellow Viki member in the Viki community - here is two of her posts --> CLICK ME and ME

I've asked her to come say hello to us, introduce herself a little and post the petition link up when she has set it up!
Please give her a warm welcome when she pops in, ok! ^ ^


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