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[Variety] Shinhwa Broadcast

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I just finished watching Ep 18. The horse fight something is really funny. Especially with the ones they were riding. I feel bad for Eric since he's really having a hard time riding the horse. But it was also funny at the same time. I also laughed a lot when Junjin hit Hyesung's arm so hard. It must've hurt him a lot. Junjin just made my night. Even though his actions were not so gentlemanly, I somehow understands his situation. I think if it were really real, some guys can't help it but act like that. He was so funny at the end. I guess I'll just wait for the next episodes subs. Shinhwa Broadcast is really the best show ever! :)

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My jaws and stomach hurt so much from laughing at tonight's ep!!! It's one of the wackiest I have seen from these guys. And next week's is Shinhwa (family) Outing!! They even used the same logo design from the original show (JTBC sure have alot of connections to keep borrowing from the 3 big TV stations haha).Can't wait!!

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Guest sorcy79au

Aww! I missed tonight's episode cause I had to go to a party... :((
Seems I'll have to wait until the torrent comes out...sigh...
@axerine_1 your comments make me want to watch the show NOOOOW!!! lol

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Guest margaux

i just woke up and read that next episode will be Family Outing rip off.. Family Outing was from SBS.. so there is hope for Shinhwa in Running Man! or they can just do a Running Man rip off. :D

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Guest leimye

My jaws and stomach hurt so much from laughing at tonight's ep!!! It's one of the wackiest I have seen from these guys. And next week's is Shinhwa (family) Outing!! They even used the same logo design from the original show (JTBC sure have alot of connections to keep borrowing from the 3 big TV stations haha).Can't wait!!

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Guest margaux

done watching it.. they were so funny. i find it so sweet when the white team helped minwoo finish the spicy jjampong because he can't handle spicy food. dongwan even told him not to drink it. and next week!! Family Outing rip off! it's gonna be foreign (ricsyungdy) versus local (woodongjin)! i can't wait for next saturday! and am i the only one who thinks eric and andy look so hot when they dried up after the escort game with the untucked shirts?

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My friend and I laughed really out loud today! I'd totally recommend anyone to watch it on the bigger screen because it's really really really funny! Poor Minbong. He had to eat/drink a really spicy sea urchin noodle soup but everyone is being supportive for him, lol. Then my friend declared on me that every Saturdays will be our ritual hang-out at my place for a swim during day & ShinBang at night, haha. :D

Can't wait to see the next episode of Shinhwa Outing!

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These days, when I need a good laugh, I tend to watch the various appearances of Shinhwa and MBLAQ. They never fail to bring a huge grin on my face and a "stomachache" :D . I find their interactions so endearing, sweet and hilarious. They are definitely the kind of friends I wish I could be around.

Thus thank you for the gif and the various links, especially with English subs. :x

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You've forgot this kiss attempt. :D tumblr_m7ke39MzL51r75fw5o2_400.giftumblr_m7ke39MzL51r75fw5o3_400.giftumblr_m7ke39MzL51r75fw5o4_400.gif
Because of @Axerine_1 ' s sub, i just found out why White team also ate the spicy noodle. At first, i got little confused, cause it should be Black team who got the punishment. It turned out that, Minwoo could not stand spicy at all. They even said it could kill him. :D 

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@sorcy79au yes it's Minwoo. That fall, I find it real because you know how he does with the fake falls in the past episodes. :D

@OrangeSHCJ I know there's more like how Eric's suave looks became such a mess that Hyesungie pointed out, Tickled Wannie and Eric, Hyesungie coughed/cried out after drinking a spicy soup, the crew threw the water balloons right at Minbong's eyes, Hyesungie got nose hit by hammer, Minbong spat out on the food and everyone complained, Andy's pain expression walking on the rough mat, Eric and Andy are bad at times table, so many scenes to list it all! :P

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Guest B0B0*

Ahh, I've been watching Shinhwa Broadcast for the past week and I've fallen in love all over again with these six!! I still can't believe they're back and they're still silly as usual. I love it so much  :x Hehehehe! There's going to be Shinhwa Outing?! Omgosh, I'm definitely looking forward to that!!
I just absolutely adore all these guys together and I think I've become more and more of an Eric fan.... Oops, I'm sorry, Hyesung LOL Thank you so much for the subs and gifs and links and wonderful things :) WHEEWHEE SHINHWA FOREVER<3

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