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IM so proud of our buys and the surprise in their faces are precious. This is the power of the love that we,the fans who loves them so much,have. Sisters,our boys made it again! Their hard work paid off. Lets remember Kris and Luhan,specially Luhan who work so hard even when he was so sick. SARANHJA EXO!   Im so proud.


They won in 4 categories...Im so happy I wish I could dance my way to where they are right now.


tumblr_ng0g8gIf2l1qhmxnlo1_1280.jpgCelebration time! WooHoo



 EXO - 141204 Mnet’s twitter update: “[#2014MAMA] EXO Best Male Group_EXO! Congrats on winning the award!                                tumblr_ng0pzwHVxk1riav2to1_1280.jpg tumblr_ng0q01ddm91riav2to1_1280.jpgYO D.O.image

tumblr_ng0fra3xsC1twsoffo1_500.gifWONDER WHAT HE SAID,but whatever it was I say YES,YES,YES.!tumblr_ng0pm5cVA91riav2to1_1280.jpg



kyungsoo tearing up after winning ‘album of the year’

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Sis @Exora   thank you for posting that photo of Xiumin and Tao...he is so adorable and funny!






s“This is our third time receiving an award at mama. This is possible because we have you guys, really. I want to thank our SM family who supports us from the backs and our EXO-L. Because of you guys, we were able to get this award. To repay this love that you guys have given to us, we’ll become the greatest artist. Thank you!” — Suho

“Being able to get this award as a member of EXO, as a Chinese, I feel extremely proud. I want to share this award with everyone who loves us, and share this to 2014. Many people say that 2014 is a black year, but from this moment onwards, I believe that we will have a great year as 2015” — Lay (translation credit: exoverflow)


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Oooooooh god !!! I'm watching the news ! Waouh ! What an amazing evening !
It's good to see them winning awards after such a difficult year. As Lay said, I'm sure 2015 will be their year !

Their performance was amazing...
Tell me what is love,sooooooooo great...!!! Kai, as intense as usual... :x

I wonder when they will really come back... If they announce it during the MAMA awards, it may mean they will come back soon :D

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I must first declare that I am neutral to EXO, I am not a fan.
I was watching the mama show live on my tv and I was shocked when Lay started to speak with so much anger. I am Chinese, so I understood what he said.
I am well aware of the departure of some members because it is widely reported. Granted he is just saying what he has in mind, but this is an award ceremony with many other artiste and millions of audience, I dont have an issue with what he said, but I think he should have moderated his tone. An acceptance speech is not an avenue to vent anger.

I am just writing this to give feedback as a neutral audience. No hard feelings, yeah. 

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141203 Mavis Leung's (梁尔纹) update with Chinese singer Eason Chen 陈奕迅 and Exo at 2014 MAMA

TAO Meipai Update: "So happy because I have you guys" 

qwenli said: I must first declare that I am neutral to EXO, I am not a fan.I was watching the mama show live on my tv and I was shocked when Lay started to speak with so much anger. I am Chinese, so I understood what he said. 
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sis     @Exora I agree with you on why Lay vent his anger. Their hardwork and the love of the fans(US) is what motivated them to continue even though they were sick and tired. I was proud of him(Lay) and did not understand what he said at the moment but I have read a few posts about what he said and Im very,very proud of him. Now they have to work even harder to prove themselves, not to us, their fans, but to those who think someone else should have won.


@qwenli   no hard feelings...Im just a very happy EXO fan right now


I also think he is one proud Chinese member right now. And our Luhan is very proud too,Im sure.

Now the war of words begin.

  1. Anyone saying that exo only won because of their 'rabid' fan base, take a good hard look at who won other awards. Not many of them actually were ranked first for fan votes. Therefore other things must have been factored in before the awards are announced. That means exo won even after looking at album sales and downloads and after the experts has their say. So yes, exo is helped along by having a fanatic fan base but even with a shitty year they managed to impress a lot more people than just us
  2. avatar_ba6db29c7be1_96.png
  3. Right. It was like that for FT Island. They were in the lead for a category due to the fan votes but they did not win. The music sales is pretty much what sealed the deal for EXO. Yeah, their fans helped with voting for them…like what is so wrong with that? lol I swear if it was someone in YG, this whole fiasco of hate wouldn’t be happening lol. 

  4. image

  5. Ask kmexoplanet a question#telecommunikate#ask#admin cat
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  “‘I crave you in the most innocent form. I crave to say good night, and give you forehead kisses, and to say that I adore you when you feel at your worst. I crave you in ways where I just want to be next to you; nothing more or less.’









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                                                                                             EXO reveal they're 'coming soon'!

Someone posted this as a YouTube comment, which I thought was really insightful.

"The last part with the balls and the maze was really meaningful, it represents that EXO is now moving on, they're out of the maze and looking forward, and the two balls still trapped in the maze are Kris and Luhan, they are left behind,  trapped in the maze because there is were their cycle with EXO ends. Now it's the new age of EXO as 10 and I feel they're gonna be better than ever."


any comments? It sounds interesting, as far as Im concerned Luhan and Kris are not in the maze but outside also. I wonder what would happen if they are ordered by the court to finish their contracts with SM?

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@qwenli : Thanks for posting your point of view here... It proves you trust us enough to speak openly !
But I guess we won't agree with you :D
I haven't watch Lay's speech... But, as Exo's stans, we may not be surprised because Lay is always the most honest one... And, because maybe, we understand what he says better than anybody... As fans, we're unfortunately used to live with bad comments about Exo everywhere. I don't count the number of times I've read bad comments about my bias, Baekhyun...
Maybe Lay's anger is not as choking for us because we can understand why he is angry, hurt, tired...  and proud to be winning an award after such a difficult year !

@HildaP : Lol !! In reality, I would say that Kris and Luhan are the balls that got out of the maze, actually !!! ;)

Airport pictures this morning : they all seemed tired but I hope, for once, it's because they had a party yesterday to celebrate their success !!


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sis @malamolly...my thoughts exactly but now here is another rumor about it.

December 04th, 2014 · 14 notes   
ask    tinylubbug    Admin Meg    

avatar_02060ef72353_30.pngtinylubbug SAID:
(in reference to the pic on Chanyeol's Instagram) Is it just me or is there 10 balls outside of the maze and 2 stuck in it? (0_____0)

Nope, it’s definitely not just you. It’s like that in the teaser as well, and there’s lots of theories floating around as to what it means. (Such as the obvious - that they represent Kris and Luhan, and also that it represents two possible new members being rumored to join the group next year). c:


  1. avatar_6073417176ed_16.pngsehunseyeliner reblogged this from kmexoplanet
  2. avatar_6073417176ed_16.pngsehunseyelinerwow imagine if they do have 2 new members.

    :\"> :\"> :x :x

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Anyway,before saying goodnight I just want to say that everyone is welcome here to post their opinions about our guys. As long as you are respectful of our feelings for them we welcome you. And so far,only one person has voice an opinion in a very respectful way,thank you. BUT be aware of the wrath of my hidden persona if anyone says anything that is not nice. Im sorry if this makes anyone angry but I feel if you post here knowing our feelings, then take the posts I will write. I always say my thoughts about our guys,specially my beloved. >:)

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Guest danielle92


I'm happy for them and Lay’s speech just confirmed that all that happened this year woke up the phoenix bird in them.

The future looks bright and colorful :)


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Good morning everyone!!!!!

Translation: “Hello. I am EXO’s guarding1 leader Suho.
The members and myself have just safely returned to Korea.
Yesterday, truly, for myself and everyone else, was an unforgettable day.
After last year’s win of a great award at MAMA, we underwent much hardship
In the space of that one year, I have really been thinking a lot.
And yesterday, right up until we received our final award, there were countless things on my mind
There were still countless thoughts in my head
However, upon shouting ‘Let’s love’ with our members, completing our stage and hearing everyone shouting our name, such thoughts disappeared
Yesterday, during that moment, I felt everyone’s faith and love for us
It feels that we are one.
Because of us, there is an EXO, and because of you all, there is an EXO.
And EXO exists because we are one.
We will remain one, no matter what happens
Going forward, eternally, EXO will as ever remain EXO.
And we will remain a united EXO
Everyone’s blessings and the handing of the award to us by the respected teacher Andy Lau
made this an even more honoured experience for us
EXO EXO-L WE ARE ONE Let’s love.”

Credit: Official EXO-L website.


We really have no idea of what they went through after our dear Luhan left. We saw and heard them cry when our Kris left but they knew Luhan was sick and had to leave. But,after that? What kind of treatment the group got? The Chinese members? We saw in videos and photos their hard work,their pain. We saw one group,EXO-K doing a lot of activities and hardly saw our beloved EXO-M group...but they were also working,in China and different venues.

I can see why our Lay exploded with such passion. What were they told? How did some netizens treat them? Did they told them they were not going to succeed this year? Did they put their hopes and dreams down? We don't know the truth behind the videos and photos. But one thing we do know and that's the love they have for their fans and the love we have for them. They are unique and it shows. Fans all over the world love them...I know all Kpop groups have fans that love them...but I find that our guys are the ones who stole the hearts of millions!!!!


                                                     chanyeol holding onto his heart while accepting awards [2014 MAMA]

And sisters...who,just who thought this hair do was ok????? aaarrrggghhhh


                                         EXO-L LETS LOVE!!!!


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                                                                  Lay's heartfelt emotions this year.


                                                               and now

tumblr_ng0qhhFo7w1qe7lq8o5_250.giftumblr_ng0qhhFo7w1qe7lq8o6_250.gifOH YEAH BABY!



                        OMG! HE IS ICE BUT HE MELTS MY HEART.

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Guest luehoney

Sisters!!! I'm so sorry for not visiting the thread for quite a while. My finals is just around the corner, and I really need to improve my grades this semester.
Did you guys watch MAMA awards yesterday??!!
I'm so damn proud, seriously. After all they've been through..
I cried. I'm not gonna lie. I'm so happy to see them smiling like that. Let's keep on supporting the boys!!!!!

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As a fan, I want to congratulate them for winning four awards at MAMA.  Our boys totally deserved it.  I am very proud of them. I am so happy that Sehun, Lay, Chen, Tao and Chanyeol gets to say their speech.  Hopefully 2015 will be better for them. 

EXO Let's LOVE!!!

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