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Guest KoreanA

What I love about Yixing that he is not what I expetcted at all when I started to follow EXO, I really thought that he is somekind tough macho man..., cold and arrogant :))

I know it sounds wierd, but when I watched EXO MV he gave that kind of vibe..., but it turns out...he is the sweetes human being on this planet.., so innocent and kind that sometimes I wonder is he really human LOL :))

He is way too kind and it worries me... he lives in brutal world of kpop and I need him to be strong... :x


sis @PaulaL I need to ask once again... what made you choose Lay out of the 12 boys... although I can imagine..., but tell us anyway :x
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oh, sis @KoreanA, I'm so glad you began to figure Lay out!It's funny but I never thought of Lay as a macho-man. When I first met the boys and thought of the dancers, I thought Kai was the wild and sexy one immediately, but not Lay. For me he is THE Artist of the group, sorry if I offend anyone, 'cause I like them all, but I just think Lay has so many talents: singing, dancing, playing instruments, composing...
I have said it before that it was so easy for me to pick Lay. I noticed him in Mama, in the beginning of the MV, but it was the sweetness in his eyes in "What is love" mv that did it for me. I just knew he was a pure and gentle soul and as soon as I started to see him so humble in the interviews, and those faces he does, genuinely looking surprised or confused and not caring if he was going to make a fool of himself just did the rest.I really think this boy is an old soul in a young man (fabulous) body :x :x :xBesides, he is so so talented and he was underestimated for so long in EXO that I'm very glad he started to be in the spotlight more and became a bias for more people.I just love this person and wish him happiness. All of us deserve it, but I really feel he should be happy because he has a pure heart and still has a long way ahead of him, hopefully.

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Guest KoreanA

Beautiful words sis @PaulaL now I understand better :x

YiXing with his beautiful and pure heart deserves all happines in this world and God knows I wish him that but above all I pray for his health..., and that for all our boys, because they give us themselves uncoditionally... :x

They love us and we love them... simple as that, right?


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Guest KoreanA

oppa @redhill .. I'll give you my answer.... :)

I started to follow EXO during "Growl" era..., but it took me long time to pick my bias... mostly because there are and were 12 beautiful and talented guys :x

I think I picked Sehun during the Showtime..., why him.. I don't really know LOL... it is like when you fall in love.. you don't need a reason to love a person... you just do... :x

After a while a started to see how great he is.. how he is precious to his hyungs, very mature for his age..., I like how he doesn't act like the maknae in the group... but other members don't find that insulting but cute...., I think very few can pull that off in korean culture...., it is great that they can rely on him.., he is a loyal and trustful friend to them :x
I love his deep manly voice...., I was soo happy when in Overdose they gave him slighter bigger part in rap..., although I love Chanyeol's rap.. I would like to hear Sehun rap more...., :x






Sorry for this spam of Sehun's photos :P


this is funny :)) =))

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@redhill, I loved your idea of explaining why we chose our bias!ok, me, sis @korean and sis @danielle already explained.so, come on people, tell us why did you choose your bias, especially other bias besides Lay, Sehun and Tao.
:)>- =D>

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Guest HildaP




Why is he my favorite EXO member. Well,when I first saw him I found him to be very "nice" looking. He was shy,he was nervous,he was not as masculine looking as the rest. He also had the face of an angel.

As he continue to improve,as I continue to watch him on fan cam videos...one thing was clear...he had spunk,he had charisma,he was working very hard to become the Xiumin we see now. Now he has confidence in his look,he is still shy,still doesn't call too much attention to himself but he is a charmer! I love what I see in his eyes. I love  his simple manners,his quiet presence. But don't let that fool you,he is indeed someone to reckon with.

He went from one of the members less liked to one of the members most liked in EXO. He worked hard...I know they all worked hard...but he had to reinvent himself(in a way) in order to survive. Now when we see him dancing,those sexual moves of his...that beautiful face that leaves you just wanting more of him. How can he be so beautiful? How can he be so innocent looking and so sensual...how,how,how. So many questions.

When I see him...its like I go into "protection" mode. I want to protect him,I don't want him to be hurt by mean comments,I don't want him to get a broken heart. But,the pain comes knowing there is nothing I can do for him,except love him from afar. He will,one day have a wife,children(I hope) he will live the life he wants and  I wish the best for him.

I will love to see him in person...but it might be best if I don't. Im like one of the many stars in the galaxy,just another one...he is like the stars that shine and everyone looks at them with admiration. I better stop here.

He is my number one because of the feelings he brings out in me,pure and simple. I love him. I loved him when he was training and he looked so out of place...his "singing" his everything. He brings joy to my life.

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Guest dhebbie2t

So the topic here right now is "how did you choose your bias?"
and I believe some of the sisters gave their reasons already
OK I'll give mine
From the previous page I already explained why I stan KyungSoo
But it's fine I'll say it again

At first I started watching their videos
specially the dance practice ones

and he was the first boy that I know by the name since he was the only who's name was written in English whenever they do dance practice
Then I am starting to recognize him more and more because of his cuteness, good in singing also in dancing
his talent in acting is only a plus and I am proud of that

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Guest dhebbie2t

I like this page
because I am seeing Yixing cuteness
he is so cute on that GIF
I can't help it
I only see  that reaction today that is why I am very happy

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Guest dhebbie2t

After a logged out
the peeps that I saw that logged in while I am out are

sis @KoreanA :-h
sis @danielle92 :-h
oppa @redhill :-h
sis @PaulaL :-h
and welcome back sis @HildaP :-h

hello guys
anyone here?

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Guest dhebbie2t

guys I am lazy to watch boys videos right now
too lazy to access my laptop at home
what I am doing is that spazzing in twitter using my phone
and it's tiny to watch videos there if I will
I haven't seen the 90:2014 yet

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Guest dhebbie2t

So Yixing went to somewhere alone from the venue of the concert to do a solo activity and he just arrived from China yesterday

he looked tired though
seems like he didn't get enough sleep

and as per the fans
he typed "go home early" on his cellphone and shoed it to the fans
sweet right?
perfect boyfriend indeed

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Guest dhebbie2t

Oh Jeez
our Kai indeed is very good in dancing
this angst he have whenever he dance and the way he project this makes him different compare to other dancers
Kai jjang



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Guest hajiwonsarang

To answer the question oppa @redhill asked, what I can say is I honestly don't know how and why I liked Lay oppa. All I know was, when I learned EXO and started watching their performances, Lay got my attention, as in he is the only one who caught my attention. From there i start stanning him, and more hooked up during Showtime.

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Guest dhebbie2t

thanks to Kai oppa for coming up of an idea so that each sisters here will take time to post and provide their comment and message
we should do this sometimes
just to share thoughts
because we are out of topic sometimes to talked about

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