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[Drama 2012] Love Rain / Love Rides the Rain 사랑비


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@sakki - thanks for the English subbed preview link! =D>

I had a feeling Hye Jung would try that "lets announce the wedding of Mi Ho and Joon" I don't know why but in some dramas, they seem to believe making that announcement will make the person change his/her mind. (maybe it has something to do with family honor or respect - I dunno) But she doesn't know her son very well if she thinks Joon gives a crap about stuff like that or that he will be FORCED to do anything! [-X Besides, didn't Sun Ho already tell his Dad that Joon doesn't like Mi Ho? The only person who will agree with making that announcement is Mi Ho! Everyone else will be against it. =)) Hye Jung is wasting her time, that definitely won't work.

Joon getting a job offer from the States doesn't mean he'll be moving there for good. It might only be a 6 month job or a 1 year job...in which case he'd be back very soon. (maybe this is what he's alluding to when he hugs Ha Na and tells her "don't worry"?

I can't believe I really have no idea what's going to happen! :-O

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Hi tessieroo! I like your insight. It never even crossed my mind that the offer to New York may be short term. This is why the previews are so eluding. They only show what they have to in order to keep the audience interested, captivated and in my case, somewhat annoyed with HJ and Tae Sung. ha-ha-ha ...

I rewatched the preview for ep 19 again. I couldn't read the look on SJ face when Tae Sung went to confront him.

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sakki - thank you for epi 19 preview with english sub. It made my heart and mind worry that it will be a sad episode again. If the drama ends on a sad note' date=' the PD of Fashion Jerks, err Fashion King will have company (who was bashed from head to foot) the PD of Love rain! X( [/quote']

~ hmmmm, i don't think the PD would make the same mistake like that (keeping my fingers crossed) . . . but why is that the PD is was blamed for this kind of thing, doesn't the writer contributed to this also?

~ i hope that LR PD and writer-nim won't succumb to the pressure of doing "over the top kind of ending" just to shock the viewers and i hope they won't get the story even more complicated than it is

~ WELCOME ;) wow you are able to use lots of smileys in your post . . . hmmm, about that kind of announcement must - as in our Joonie would give a hoot to that he he he . . . i am sure if he accepts the offer (which for me is going to be very good to his career - NY the center of fashion industry in the US), i doubt if he is just going there without making a sort of promise to Hana - like to wait for him or that she should come visit him there later

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I keep going over the endings in all this writers "Seasons" dramas in my mind. In "Summer Scent", I kinda didn't like the ending but the OTP did find each other again. It was just in the last 2 minutes of the show and it was left a bit open so we weren't 100% sure. In "Spring Waltz" the OTP married and bought the house on that island so they did end up together. (wonderful ending) In "Winter Sonata" again, the OTP didn't get together until the last few minutes (plus he ended up blind and couldn't even see her) which was extremely annoying. (LOL)

But I really don't have any idea this time where the writer is going or how he's going to end this one. I'm hoping our older couple stay together so In Ha can help take care of Yoon Hee once she goes blind. And I'm hoping Joon and Ha Na marry before then so her Mom can see her in her wedding dress & see her get married. (which is every mothers wish for her daughter)

ps - I'm experimenting with all the smileys. :D Not 100% used to the new forum yet. :-??

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Guest prettyoungthing

AMAZING, right?

The ending is just around the corner, but up until now, this thread is BUZZING with so many PRESUMPTIONS, ANALYSIS yet truth be told despite us racking :-? our brains so hard, we are still in quandary as to how this drama ends up.

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Guest Tarits

Sakki - I think while writers pens stories of kdramas, the PD has a greater influence on how the stories run, so much so that if pressed to finish dramas, or if they read that some fans are getting angry, he can change alter, delete or add to a story. In FKing, no one expected it to end that way. In LRain, there are lot of possibilities that we can only guess and guess or assume and assume but most everyone wants a happy ending for the young lovers. =D>

This must be the longest 2 days for me as tomorrow is Sunday in my location but it is already Monday in Asia which means LR is on in the evening there while it early early Monday morning for me. And then the next day, my "ordeal" is over! It is like anticipating if my lotto ticket won or if I lost. Lol! Will it be :D or will it be :((

Cheers to LR everyone!

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Either way, however this drama ends, I'm chilling a bottle of plum sake. It will taste really good no matter what. Hopefully we're in for a good ending and not one that leaves us with our jaw dropped open.

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I keep going over the endings in all this writers "Seasons" dramas in my mind. In "Summer Scent", I kinda didn't like the ending but the OTP did find each other again. It was just in the last 2 minutes of the show and it was left a bit open so we weren't 100% sure. In "Spring Waltz" the OTP married and bought the house on that island so they did end up together. (wonderful ending) In "Winter Sonata" again, the OTP didn't get together until the last few minutes (plus he ended up blind and couldn't even see her) which was extremely annoying. (LOL)

But I really don't have any idea this time where the writer is going or how he's going to end this one. I'm hoping our older couple stay together so In Ha can help take care of Yoon Hee once she goes blind. And I'm hoping Joon and Ha Na marry before then so her Mom can see her in her wedding dress & see her get married. (which is every mothers wish for her daughter)

ps - I'm experimenting with all the smileys. :D Not 100% used to the new forum yet. :-??

~ yeah, in all seasons drama - Autumn was the saddest not only for the drama's couple but also all the characters as well, while Winter and Summer have short view of the OTPs coming and meeting together again but not conclusive enough for forever love, Spring is OK for me but i haven't been really into that one though. But do you think the writer would stick to what they had planned before the drama started or was the survey of how the fans want the drama to end is the one they are going to follow? . . . there are a lot of things in the plot that have to be addressed to before the drama ends . . . this REALLY makes me so UNEASY, this makes me FIDGETY as to what will happen . . . and looking at the preview, they added another twist of Joon going to NY

~ as for your version of ending: i LOVE it - a wedding would make us all happy

Sakki - I think while writers pens stories of kdramas, the PD has a greater influence on how the stories run, so much so that if pressed to finish dramas, or if they read that some fans are getting angry, he can change alter, delete or add to a story. In FKing, no one expected it to end that way. In LRain, there are lot of possibilities that we can only guess and guess or assume and assume but most everyone wants a happy ending for the young lovers. =D>

This must be the longest 2 days for me as tomorrow is Sunday in my location but it is already Monday in Asia which means LR is on in the evening there while it early early Monday morning for me. And then the next day, my "ordeal" is over! It is like anticipating if my lotto ticket won or if I lost. Lol! Will it be :D or will it be :((

Cheers to LR everyone!

~ yeah, the longest . . . its already Sunday afternoon here in Asia now . . . and i HOPE that all us, RAINERS, gets to win that ticket of a happy ending for LR

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@sakki - URRGGG, don't remind me of the Autumn one. I hated the ending! That one is at the bottom of my list of this writers dramas. (I even put "Spring Waltz" ahead of it) I hated most of that whole story. The only thing I liked was Moon Geun Young. :D

They did a survey of how the fans want it to end? HUH? Where was I? (LOL) I missed that! Do you have a link? I'm shocked! I figured this writer had his story laid out from beginning to end and wouldn't change anything. I wonder if it's because of the ratings? (which I don't care about - I love this drama) Thanks for that bit of news! :)>-

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Guest Khai

HJ just want to create another HJ so she wont be so lonely... she want daughter in law who share same feeling that not been loved by their husband... They want to share same story and talk about their husband who hurt their feeling... SH's dad must be crazy if he agree with the wedding after witnessing HJ and IH marriage...

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Guest getoba

i don't agree with everyone who seems to think a sad ending is a bad ending and a mistake of the PD; the most beautiful drama, who stay in the memory of viewers is dramas with sad ending. I don't want to spoil and give name of drama. in movie Titanic, braveheart, love story,romeo and juliet and others are great ending because they are sad. I found a end with marriage and baby a little boring and without imagination.

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Hey everyone! I want to say hi because I'm new in this thread... :) Hope I can follow all the rules and all. After a few months off from Soompi due to final exam, Love Rain convinced me to join the forum again :')

Gahhhh so nervous about episode 19. My prediction is that the second to last episode will always be the intense one and will kept me awake at night so I've decided to just wait for the final episode to come out first :) Looking at hye jung's personality, I'm afraid things will get dirty.

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Guest Tarits

getoba - no offense meant to you but we all have different emotional levels in watching dramas. Personally, an ending with marriage and a baby won't ever be boring to me. On the other hand, it gives my heart peace and joy. After all, I watch dramas not to be sad but to be happy. I don't need imaginations, I want my imagination right before my eyes with the young lovers hugging and kissing and ending the scene with the brightest smiles on their faces! =D>

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Guest Tarits

kee_ling - if the ending is good, I will share you plum sake! If sad, I will lock myself in my room and cry and cry. :(( Whew!

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It's sad that this drama is ending in 2 days... A drama I came to love, actors that surprised me and made me like them. I just hope there's no tragic ending... The love of In Ha & Yoon Hee was beautiful and filled with loving memories, let's just make it stay like that...Memories that stays forever in their hearts... But I would love Joon and Hana to fulfill their love and make better memories than their parents... A future for Joon and Hana would make me feel at ease.

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@Khia - Good point. I don't understand why HJ would want to force some poor girl to marry her son when she knows he's in love with Ha Na. Does she not remember that forcing In Ha didn't work? or how miserable she's been? (maybe she believes being miserable is part of love?)

I still think a marriage would be nice but my reasoning is because Yoon Hee is going blind. And every single mother that I know of dreams of seeing her daughter in a wedding dress, walking down the aisle. :)) ALL mothers dream of this. (LOL) So in that respect, it would be perfect.

Some writers and PD's deliberately make sad endings just to shock the viewers so that the drama will be talked about afterwards. (Fashion King anyone?) That way, their drama remains on peoples minds.

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Guest getoba

getoba - no offense meant to you but we all have different emotional levels in watching dramas. Personally' date=' an ending with marriage and a baby won't ever be boring to me. On the other hand, it gives my heart peace and joy. After all, I watch dramas not to be sad but to be happy. I don't need imaginations, I want my imagination right before my eyes with the young lovers hugging and kissing and ending the scene with the brightest smiles on their faces! =D> [/quote']

Don't worry... no offense... in my opinion a sad ending may be full of poetry and full of grace and sentiments. It's like the ending of episode 4 of love rain... it's beautiful, inha in a train with the letter... Yoon hee who walk in the wind with is grandmother. The music, the look in their eyes. It touch my soul and my heart. I like that in drama. I don't watch drama just to laugh or be happy, i watch it to life all the sentiments. It's the reason that i love japanese and korean drama. They use all the viewer's emotions.

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Thank you to everyone who also feels the way I do, that epi 19 will be sad again. I was with some group of friends over lunch today and one friend tells me she will only watch it when it ends as she wants to know if it will have a happy ending. She said sad endings affect her so much. Same here.

Kat_t, I will celebrate with you and everyone here when its ends happily. We can all celebrate in cyberspace!

YESYES! we will definitely celebrate after ep20's done! and *fingers crossed* happy happy ending please, unless they wanna make part 2? HAHAHHA! kidddingg! :):) Looking at the preview with subs, I see that Joon will decide to go to NY? WAHHH!! lets see what the twist will be :):)

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