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[Drama 2012] Shut Up: Flower Boy Band 닥치고 꽃미남 밴드

Guest robori

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did anyone reply to this ._.

anyway yeah; the main character reminds me of sulli and han yeseul combined

:D so pretty!

thanks for all the shares on this thread guys! :)

more than Sulli, she reminded me a lot of Go Ara, but that's maybe because I don't watch much of Sulli.

I can't wait for Hyunsoo's love line.

I have a project waiting... :D

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omg, i started watching this because of minki, i didn't know he was only a cameo and was really depressed about what happened to him in ep 2, I just finished watching 3 & 4 and... OMG sorry minki, i'm in love with ji hyuk now!! ahahahahha I totally didn't expect to like this drama as much as i do now. I'm so excited that they're going to kisss in the next episode!!! I lovee the main couple, despite su-ah being a newbie, her acting doesnt make me cringe like alot of new actresses do, I actually like her acting. Can't wait til next episode.

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I'm so in love with Ji Hyuk's voice.It's so manly.

Is it too much for me to wish that the kiss between our main couple in this series will be as long and passionate as the kiss between Jung Il Woo and Lee Chung Ah in FBRS?

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Thank you everyone for all the updates and links, you guys are life savers.  :D

My take on the kiss is that is JH and SA, it has to be, I don't see SH pulling that stunt.

I'm really enjoying this drama 200% the acting is just right on point, is crazy to think that many of them don't have acting experience, but they sure are nailing their characters. I love how real and raw the story feels. Hopefully, it doesn't get to be very angst once we hit the 1/2 way mark and we get a real solid conclusion to the story.

Also, I like to mention that SA character has been very solid till this point. Here we have a girl who comes from money, who had led up till this point a very pamper life; however, she is very aware that money doesn't make the person. I love how she went and got a job, instead of relying on friends. I like the fact that she is not crying a river at every corner for her misfortune; instead she takes it one day at a time. Yes, she is aware that she is not in a great situation but she is trying to lead a normal life as possible. But what I like best about her is that she doesn't judge people based on their social status. I hope we see a great character development for SA.

I also am liking SA better and better. I don't know if she would have become more likeable had it not been for her father's financial circumstances, but since she is in the situation she finds herself in now, she is noticing so many things of her fellow classmates. For example, when her friend Doemi was talking about when JH kneeled in front of SH she said something like, "Our side won," or something to that effect, and SA was like, we have sides now? Another example: when SH tried to give SA a bunch of gift certificates for clothes, and she says she can't accept it because it bothers her that he gave away something that is worth a lot so easily -- like SH was taking his money for granted. I like how she's learning about perception vs. reality when it comes to people. She probably thought that Byung-hee and JH and company were all bad news, but of course we know now that JH is not a bad guy at all. I hope she continues to grow and get to know the other guys in the band, etc. I'm so looking forward to next week already!

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Guest MikanNoKimi

This show is defnitely rocking the drama boats with its epic awesomeness!  I love how none of the characters shown thus far are picture-perfect.  The snippets of each character's flaws are displayed so earnestly from each character that I easily connect with the show, going through the roller coaster rides as if I've been embodied in each of the character.  I can't wait to see more growth from our protagonists and the goody-two-shoes as well.  I'm sure that, just like JH and his crew, SH and his crew also have depths to their characters, simmering below those calm facades, just ready to break free.  Bring on the epic!  Love this show.  Thanks, all, for sharing all the goodies.

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Guest pixiepuff101

Loving the drama so far. Can't wait for the next episodes >.< I love how everyone has their own back story that we'll hopefully get to find out about.

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what codecs do you need to play arigaTo and staple files ? I can't even get them to play with the vlc player.

get K-Lite codec http://www.codecguide.com/download_k-lite_codec_pack_mega.htm

they can play any kind of video files.

sigh monday just seems so far away-.-

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Guest howeiwei

Yerim and Hyunsoo... ;)  Hyunsoo is always missing from time to time, I think he needs to run errands for the family, like taking care of the cute little sister... It would be interesting to see Hyunsoo's background. Like when they were having discussions about choosing the leader, Kyungjong said that Hyunsoo always says what he wants to - he should be a very straightforward and stubborn guy. I like it when he said "Is that a given thing?" about Jihyuk automatically would be the leader, and said things are different now. Jihyuk asked how is it different? Ah... curious...

And then he agreed with them, was surprised when he said "Agreed!" just like that. I guess he just wants to stir things up abit. Hehe...

I'm thinking maybe Seunghoon's sister would definitely be interested in Jihyuk, in some ways, not necessarily romantically... hehe...  And hopefully Jihyuk's family business would have nothing to do with Suah's father's company going bankrupt... or maybe Seunghoon's father... I think I watched too much KDrama...:D

Oh, and I'll bet Yerim is from Seunghoon's sister's company. Hah!

3 more days to kill...<_<

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Guest aminta25

Yerim and Hyunsoo... ;)  Hyunsoo is always missing from time to time, I think he needs to run errands for the family, like taking care of the cute little sister... It would be interesting to see Hyunsoo's background. Like when they were having discussions about choosing the leader, Kyungjong said that Hyunsoo always says what he wants to - he should be a very straightforward and stubborn guy. I like it when he said "Is that a given thing?" about Jihyuk automatically would be the leader, and said things are different now. Jihyuk asked how is it different? Ah... curious...

And then he agreed with them, was surprised when he said "Agreed!" just like that. I guess he just wants to stir things up abit. Hehe...

I'm thinking maybe Seunghoon's sister would definitely be interested in Jihyuk, in some ways, not necessarily romantically... hehe...  And hopefully Jihyuk's family business would have nothing to do with Suah's father's company going bankrupt... or maybe Seunghoon's father... I think I watched too much KDrama...:D

Oh, and I'll bet Yerim is from Seunghoon's sister's company. Hah!

3 more days to kill...<_<

Hi Howeiwei,

Great observation on HS. I'm getting the feeling HS is just taging along for the ride, but if he gets a better offer money wise he will take it.

I hope we get to see each of the boys family background and have some one on one moments with them, I think that will add more substance to the story. The story of Shu Up to me is center around this 5 misft boys and their struggles, friendships and dreams.

Can't wait for Monday!!! do we know if they are going to be releasing any more OST songs?

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