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[Drama 2012] Wild Romance 난폭한 로맨스


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kekeke... even though there are pictures of JH in a wedding dress, MY and EJ shippers don't fret! It may just be another means of gaining more viewers to the drama. The drama is definitely mysterious. Not sure where the writer is leading the story but it is ENTERTAINING... kekke. ;D

Don't you agree that the mysteries in the drama make you yearn for more? kekeke. That's how I'm feeling. Even though I am a MY and EJ shipper... I can't wait to see how the scene of JH in a wedding dress is played out. I am yearning to see how EJ reacts (&what words will she mumble under her breath) and how or what MY will do to either JH or EJ. I guess I like to see how the characters handle the situations that they are in... in a way it's revealing their feelings towards each other. :D

After reading the written preview, I had so many various scenarios running through my head. hahah... I don't know where the plot is leading but it's exciting me!! How will EJ and MY love story unveil? And what will happen to JH? Who is the stalker??? LOL... And what's going to happen next to DA and manager Kim... kekke.

Maybe I'm too optimistic but I don't want to believe that MY and EJ are doomed as bro and sis. :D <3

Actually, this wedding dress picture makes me want to see the MY and EJ relationship resolved excl.gif even faster excl.gif than I wanted it to be. It'll probably be fast-ish anyway since there are only 6 episodes left, but damn, as if the bipolar ex wasn't enough, now we get this pic. I guess, really, what I am afraid of is that the MY/EJ relationship could be resolved in a sloppy way since they are introducing all this stuff in the latter half of the series. That being said, I don't want to stop watching now. I totally can't. Call me stubborn but I'm sticking with it until the bitter end.

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Watching Lee si young in this drama really reminds me of her WGM days with Junjin. it's really fits her character, specially the bickering parts, so cuuuteee <333

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JH in wedding dress ??? lol what was the writer thinking... I actually felt so pityful for WR writer/pd , they came out with lots of suprises using JH/Jesicca just to boost rating and viewers still they failed miserably, the rating has been nosedive to the lowest 3.9%.. and they still dont get it that WR viewers want and only interested in the progress of romance and love plot for the leading OTP not the 2nd lady....poor them the drama is getting messy and just made more viewers lose interest with it ...feel so bad for ldw and lsy :(

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@areu1510, @stekatta

Thanks for sharing the pic and the link to article.

Now m again so much confused abt JHs character as I was before....what she is doing here in this drama and why...????

Did writers think that putting a 3rd wheel between OTP forever will get them higher than the highest rating...but sadly they got lowest rating with Jesica's entry. and they are still so stubborn giving her plot more attention and screentime to her.

I am just so pissed pissed off have nothing more to say....*angry*

I am feeling so sad for LSY that she was doing all her best for this role and in return what she is getting is a partial behavoiur. Still she is a fighter and she will prove herself at the end.

I'll keep on watching WR till the very end ir-respective of whatever happens during all this time just for LSY and I  have to say thanks to WR production house for letting me know abt LSY as a good and  cute actress.

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@areu1510, @stekatta

Thanks for sharing the pic and the link to article.

Now m again so much confused abt JHs character as I was before....what she is doing here in this drama and why...????

Did writers think that putting a 3rd wheel between OTP forever will get them higher than the highest rating...but sadly they got lowest rating with Jesica's entry. and they are still so stubborn giving her plot more attention and screentime to her.

I am just so pissed pissed off have nothing more to say....*angry*

I am feeling so sad for LSY that she was doing all her best for this role and in return what she is getting is a partial behavoiur. Still she is a fighter and she will prove herself at the end.

I'll keep on watching WR till the very end ir-respective of whatever happens during all this time just for LSY and I  have to say thanks to WR production house for letting me know abt LSY as a good and  cute actress.

I don't think that it is a new script I think that JH was supposed to last as long as she has been on the show they can't go and change the last episodes because they have contracts with these actresses and they have to change locations and that is invest more money on a failing drama, I believe we didn't know that JH was going to be in there for this long, as I see it either JH is the stalker and just before the wedding she is going to reveal herself as the stalker or LSY role was always the second lead just like CSW in the drama bodyguard, he ends up with another assignment after capturing the guy, well I don't remember too clearly but I know he ends up by himself, so EJ will be by herself on a funny situation.

I feel bad for LDW though, after the success of Scent of a Woman he ends up in this messed up drama, but acting is like gambling you don't know how people is going to receive your work till you finish it.

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I don't think that it is a new script I think that JH was supposed to last as long as she has been on the show they can't go and change the last episodes because they have contracts with these actresses and they have to change locations and that is invest more money on a failing drama, I believe we didn't know that JH was going to be in there for this long, as I see it either JH is the stalker and just before the wedding she is going to reveal herself as the stalker or LSY role was always the second lead just like CSW in the drama bodyguard, he ends up with another assignment after capturing the guy, well I don't remember too clearly but I know he ends up by himself, so EJ will be by herself on a funny situation.

I feel bad for LDW though, after the success of Scent of a Woman he ends up in this messed up drama, but acting is like gambling you don't know how people is going to receive your work till you finish it.

hmmm...yeah thats true that it was all predecided to keep Jessica till the very last moment....no idea Why ? but we were not expecting it as show was doing pretty well w/o her just with LDW n LSY....and thats the reason we all are baffled here and there is no way out for us.....

LDW has  already an established actor and m sure he will get good projects in  future also as WR is not his mistake but Production House made it what  it is today....

LSY second lead *alas* m not too happy with that...i loved the show coz of her only and now all this is just annoying me....and may be u are right and she will be by herself....and she will have to prove her again to get Lead role in good drama coz her first show with Female Lead role turned out to be a mess for her.....fingers crossed for her future roles....

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Guest fluffy88

Screen writer of WR - I QUIT ok?! If you are so stupid to not see how amazing was the first few episodes between LDW and LSY they do not earn my rating!!!!

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?? JH in a wedding dress on WR?  Please, no way, you gotta be kidding, what the hey?

Okay.  In my ideal world, this is what happens...

JH is imagining herself (during one of her bipolar episodes) in a wedding dress because in her ideal world, she is painting again and lives happily ever after with MY.  Then, reality hits and she snaps out of it because she senses that EJ means more to MY just a bodyguard and friend.  Whatever remaining hopes she had of their tying the knot are dashed when she accidentally witnesses a near kiss by MY to EJ.  She gets on the next plane to Alaska England. Mysteriously (but maybe not so mysteriously), no further stalker incidences occur.  MY proposes to EJ in a very non-conventional but romantic way, she gets into her own wedding dress, they marry, and they live happily ever after.  Oh, and during Seagulls vs. Red Dreamers games, EJ spends the first half rooting for the Seagulls but the last half rooting for her honey's team.

The End.

Schmultzy, I know, but fun conjuring up.

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I just came back and I'm surprised, why is Jessica wearing a wedding dress crazy.gif ? (I like the dress though phew.gif ) What is PD nim trying to do with this? This will make EJ sadder and more hurt.

I was away for 3 days, did I miss something ? What is this bipolar thing ?

I'm sorry for asking like this :sweatingbullets:

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It looks like the writer will take same path as AIL, where the male lead married his first love, tried to make her happy, all while the female lead was left alone and miserable. In AIL, it's her sister who did the trick to wake up the male lead, I guess in WR, it's either DA or EJ's father or brother who would go and break some sense into MY. And it'd only happen during last moment of ep16... sigh. Even though I still loved AIL can't help but feel disappointed now.

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It looks like the writer will take same path as AIL, where the lead male marries his first love, tries to make her happy, all while the female lead will be left alone and miserable. In AIL, it's her sister who did the trick to wake up the male lead, I guess in WR, it's either DA or EJ's father or brother who would go and break some sense into MY. And it'd only happen during last moment of ep16... sigh. Even though I still love AIL but can't help but feel disappointed now.

I sure don't like the sound of that. :(

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Guest shelbyrafitri

Preview of Ep 11 has out & I'm going to make screencaps..

Only thing I want to tell you here that Eun Jae watched MY hugs JH again...tears.gif

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