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[Drama 2012] Wild Romance 난폭한 로맨스


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Guest incarnadine

Fellow WR lovers,

Forgive me in advance for the rant that I am about to give in 3... 2...1

I've been reading a lot of articles, discussions and blogs about WR and it just irks me to no end how LSY is being needlessly compared to Jessica in terms of acting. Acting. Something that LSY has been doing for 4 frickin' years and which Jessica is doing for the very first time. Worse, some of these people are actually saying how much better Jessica's acting is than LSY. Are you effin' kidding me?!? After 1 episode, they've already concluded that? Whereas LSY has been coming up with all sorts of facial expressions since the first second of episode 1, and has even shaved one of her eyebrows in the process? Do they even know what acting is??

Not that I have anything against Jessica; I don't even know the girl. It's just that the incredibly idiotic remarks some of her fans make really make my blood boil.

*blood pressure rising*

End of rant. There, I feel so much better now.

WR fighting :)

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Hi everyone :) hello there incarnadine user_popup.png

Hahahahhahahah cool down my friend. To be frank, since I am a great fan of SNSD/Girls Generation, its not Jessica's first time acting. Maybe first time in a drama but not first time in acting. Why do i say that? Its because Jessica has ever acted in a musical drama. That should be last year. As far as I know, people who have acted in a musical drama usually can express quite well in acting in a drama. I have not seen the episode with Jessica yet.....will share my opinions once I do that :)

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oh my stomach hurt so much from laughing hhahahhaa,....i am watching episode 8 again since I purposely did not watch the earlier scenes since I hate to see the stupid bear hug of Jh...oh boy EJ is so funny poor DA she was dead drunk and EJ can just slammed her to the door and ran in between MY and JH to call for taxi hohoho this girl is just damn violent...the drink off between EJ and the ex is just so EJ the way she handled her glass etc....and the way she urshered everyone into the taxi :lol: its just so crazy..... honestly dun like to see the ex face the way she acted cute and all I just wanna puke ...yesterday was bearable to watch because of EJ...cant stand MY over the top reaction to his ex comeback he acted like a drunken puppy <_<

EDIT : I think after episode 7 and with his over the top behaviour for his ex my liking for MY has gone down a few level....I hope in the next episode 9 EJ leave her bodyguard position especially after the confession....for now MY doesnt deserves EJ concern and help after the entrance of his ex he seems to forget what EJ has done for him...if not for EJ going the extra mile putting an effort looking for him and get DS and the gang help so that he can play baseball again...MY will be still in the mountain nursing his self inflicted depression..lol sorry for the rant...personally to me with the entrance of the ex I am not so into MY anymore...if not for EJ i will be dropping this halfway...oh gosh I luv wookie but yeah this is the first time I hate his character half way thru the drama... :(

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Guest shondrea2

<br /><br /><br />

hey dear how are u so sure that its dir kim who will fall for EJ. do we hv any convo like that in last epi?

I read it at Welcome To Happy's World! Under preview 8

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WoW I really enjoyed this forum! hahaha! I have a new names for the wild couple "Thug and Retard" hehehe! when I watched epi 2 I used to call them dumb and the dumber couple because of their foolish plan just to get EJ off the service, now gradually they call each other names, LOL! I don't know if its me but every time MY call her Retard I feel that he is calling his gf LOL! anyway I really enjoyed some of epi 8, I haven't watch it full yet because last night our internet connection sucks! its supposed to be fast because they said its optic fiber technology but still it made me frustrated because I can't download as well! hay!~

anyway I love the way EJ get excited when MY asked her out ( I don;'t understand what are they talking about, because when EJ came to his place and saw the ordered food I assumed that they will dine out) they reaction was like a silly girl that as if her crush as her out on a date! hehehe! oh boy! its really true that she has feeling for MY, and I'm trying to remember when did she start liking him?

another thing, I have to agree to everyone as well that they need a hot guy falling for EJ, to tell you frankly she is really beautiful even without make! its just her silly hair and her crazy expressions makes her look unattractive. But since the drama already flash back about her first love, I just oppa came back to the scene, like they met again after so many years and he wanted to start all over again and beg her forgiveness because they broke up. I want MY to feel this foreign feeling of jealousy; because all his life girls always chase him because his popular and an athlete. I want his to experience he will be unfamiliar with the feeling of jealousy and frustration. hehehehe!

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I just saw episode 8 with subs and it is confirmed MY is the shortstop of the team, I thought that it was his position since they always translated it as an infielder but because of his strength I kinda knew... I am glad just one more reason to like him, not only he is LDW but now I know he plays my Derek Jeter's position too... Sorry the Yankee fan in me couldn't resist to share this ... :lol:

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..About the hot guy falling for Eun Jae, does anyone notice this guy?

*quoted image*

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He seems really nice to her. Could it be possible? LOL w00t.gifw00t.gifw00t.gif

LOLLLLLLLLLLl!  Thay guy is pretty hilarious! hehehehe!

but I remembered when MY and EJ had a face off in base ball all the players were rooting at her right? and their reactions to her wearing the salsa red dress!!! hahaha! with proper hair and make up, she is stunning! hehehehe!

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calling out sadhli...I rewatched ep8 HD version and realised that during the dream scene of EJ being gagged it was not Mgr Kim who gagged her, there were two men who restrained her and one of them wearing glasses hehhe I repeated that scenes many time and concluded it was not Mgr kim unless my eyesight getting from bad to worse lol...so I think the dream is some kind of hinting to us that EJ will be in danger later on....

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Guest incarnadine

Hi everyone :) hello there incarnadine *quoted image*

Hahahahhahahah cool down my friend. To be frank, since I am a great fan of SNSD/Girls Generation, its not Jessica's first time acting. Maybe first time in a drama but not first time in acting. Why do i say that? Its because Jessica has ever acted in a musical drama. That should be last year. As far as I know, people who have acted in a musical drama usually can express quite well in acting in a drama. I have not seen the episode with Jessica yet.....will share my opinions once I do that :)

no worries. I wasn't even ranting about Jessica's acting at all, bur rather the ill-advised comments by some of her fans (some of who, I suspect, didn't even watch the drama from the very start. How on earth can they even get the context of the story?). Granted that Jessica may have some acting chops due to prior acting gigs, that doesn't justify the comparison with LSY. Coz frankly, there is no comparison. ;)

Moving on... bwahahaha hitgirl, that's the Red Dreamer who drank from MY's jug by mistake :D Hmmm, he could be a possible candidate. But I want someone hotter for uri EJ :P

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Hi sorry. I come her and read stuff and usually keep quiet. However I do like this drama a lot. I think the lines are really well written and they have a snap and crackle to it.

Like today, the conversation between EJ and MY during the last scene. It was so emotionally laden and EJ was so convincing. Their conversation tugs at your heart. Even I was shocked when I discovered why Jong Hee broke up with him. No wonder there was no closure. They broke up because her bipolar disorder was unstable and that time and jeopardized his career. So even though I don't support the appearance of her character ( 2nd lead  and all) I do understand why he still felt it was fate that they met again.

Now the reason why I am writing. I know some people are watching WR via Dramafever subs. They refer to Eun Jae as a retard. Now I actually like LSY the actress and have seen 3 of her dramas and movies. Retard is actually a derogatory term used previously for someone with an IQ  < 70. Another older term is a moron. It is called intellectually disabled nowadays. Now it is only a minor point but every page I see retard and you all think it is so cute he is calling her that. Yeah yeah I know blame it on my job as well where we make sure we don't label people wrongly.

Viki is calling her Gull head ( wordplay for her being a seagull fan) or blockhead. However it is actually 꼴통 it  means someone who is a troublemaker... Someone who is clumsy and bad at everything what they do/dunce. Not that Eun Jae is one but you all know how MY viewed her in episode 1.

Also lupita the reason why Moo Yeol was subbed as an infielder was because that was what was written during the poisoned drink episode. On the lab results form. However in  this episode, episode 8 is where  we hear him use the word shortstop.

Sorry blame it on my for being the editor on the Wild Romance team okay? However in real life  I don't call people retard as well. It is just not PC nowadays. 

Sorry back to lurking. Ep 8 is ready for watching and since the main subber just told me that another 2 sites are streaming our videos directly off viki without permission ( again! ) guess you would see ep 8 subbed today online. She recognised her own translations.

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Guest flora47

Just saw the ep with subs thanks to viki. :)

When EJ asked DS why MY and JH broke up,he said that she has bipolar disorder.

It was serious ,she could be angry easily and could not eat.

MY was with his team outside when she disappeared .MY's coach blamed him and he had bad during that year.

JH decided to break up since it was hard for him.

In the scene where they broke up,she just said that it's hard for him because of her and he will start to hate her ,that's her reason

EJ was sad after listening these news because she can't blame JH for her disease ,it's not like cheating or something else.

MY didn't call JH for Christmas Eve ,he said that the problem that the problem they had is still here .It's not because he doesn't want to see JH but he can't resolve their problem right now

I'm perplexed about EJ's mother.Will the writer make her father and her mother be reconcilied and start again?

she had an affair and left her when EJ was nine and didn't contact them .

Life is not predictable but it will be hard for EJ to forgive a mother who gave up her family for a man that she left after all

What would be the point if in the end if her parents are not together?

Ok,it could mean that everybody need to move on and EJ could have a new start with her mother .

But i think they will be a couple in the end.

Even if the ep was funny but it was a big change compared to the beginning.It is more serious now ,i am not used to it .

hope next week MY or EJ will (or begin to)resolve their problems

Hi ck1Oz :just wanted to thank you ,you and the others do a great job in viki.

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I finally finished watching the raw of ep 8, and I contain myself not to laugh out loud because my roommates are still sleeping! hehehe!

I applauded the writer how she balance comedy and drama, plus the wonderful acting of the actors. Honestly speaking I still have no suspect of the stalker.....because there tons of possibility of who is it , but still your gonna think twice if he/she is the hidden villain :crazy:

But still EJ character is  the best in here, and I can't think any other actress playing as EJ the way LSY portrays her character. She is just simply adorable and funny as hell at the same time. Did you notice when she was trying to groom herself in the morning? it looks like she is shooting a CF skin care product! hehehehe! but in a comical way but still she still manage to look pretty, and when MY and EJ saw their make over appearance, I just fall on my bed laughing like crazy! hahaha! they suppose to be stunned with each others look, but they look like rooster circling ready for a richard simmons fight! LOL!!!

Before I wanted EJ to have a complete drop dead gorgeous outfit just like DA for once, but the way I see it, she shine just the way she is, there is not need to a complete make over because she has a hidden beauty that MY can only discover, so I will wait till next week of what will happen after EJ confess her feelings to MJ.

By the way I still feel that somethings bad going to happen in EJ because of the stalker. It seems like the stalker will get rid f her first so he/she have a chance to attack MJ ......:angry: 

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((( Episodes 01-06 )))

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Guest hitgirl

Thanks ck1Oz for the info, I actually don't know anything about baseball but I have to catch up to understand this drama blush.gif

what flora47 mentioned, about EJ's mother, though EJ said she left because she had an affair but when I saw the face of his father at the end of ep 8, I think she also had some kind of disease, like JH. If her mother was sick, left then came back to her father and EJ knew about it, it would be extra hard for her dealing with JH's case.. Anyway it's just my thoughts and I don't find it very clearly expressed so.. blush.gifblush.gif

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Guest flora47

Thanks ck1Oz for the info, I actually don't know anything about baseball but I have to catch up to understand this drama blush.gif

what flora47 mentioned, about EJ's mother, though EJ said she left because she had an affair but when I saw the face of his father at the end of ep 8, I think she also had some kind of disease, like JH. If her mother was sick, left then came back to her father and EJ knew about it, it would be extra hard for her dealing with JH's case.. Anyway it's just my thoughts and I don't find it very clearly expressed so.. blush.gifblush.gif

i didn't noticed that.

She didn't seem sick for me.I have to rewatch ^_^

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Guest hitgirl

In fact she didn't appear to be sick to me too LOL just thinking maybe EJ has to overcome something difficult (or wild :lol: ) because I love how she's capable and she's got to show it :wub:

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Guest flora47

In fact she didn't appear to be sick to me too LOL just thinking maybe EJ has to overcome something difficult (or wild :lol: ) because I love how she's capable and she's got to show it :wub:


Yesterday,i looked at her face twice .Wanted to be sure if it was really EJ's mother

EJ's dad is in love with her,that's sure with the way he talked to her on the phone.I also wanted to know if she was happy too.

I think she is ,but also she was very nervous.She smiles in the end

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